

(0210?北省湖宜市,2昌,6) _1_________ at errbleirainy ni htg ma,y farmern’sho ues swere estrodey. d

A. In

B For . C . On D. A t



00?浙1江杭州市省2,,1)Re4membe tros pnd seometim e_____ _yur lovoe dnes, obeause chtey’r eon gtong ti oe abornud ofreerv

.. Afor m . Bwth i C. in D. o n



01?0山东省滨州,2市3,1)3.2Y uod b’eter tntoa lwyas oolkup th en ew wrdo _s___________ th diecitoarnywh le ieraidg.n Somteime wes nee todg uses.

A.i n B on. C .at D .frmo


2100四?省川中市巴41,1,)____th_ efaternon oof prilA30t ,hmnyafo eigr vnsitior sarrvied__Shang_hia

A..nI;t a B. nO;ni C.On to;



0?广1省桂林市,西32,)1L iaY in msy bst efienr.dShe co esm _____ _asm al lvliale. g

. An oB w.ih t C . of D. from


2(001湖北?襄樊市,省281,)— e’reWa llhe e __r______L liy Wh.ee’rss e h

?— S

h’seg oe ton he tlbriay r.

A .ebsdi e B be.sids e . exceCp t . Dfo



10?北0京市,2,2)1oSm velunteeorsfr m Boeiijg anrrvidein haSgnah _i___ Ap_ri 2l9to wo krf or hetW olr dExo.p

A. n o .Bat .Cof D t.


A(0201?广省西定西市4,,)( 1 )Ch niali s e hte aetsof A si.a

A .ni B .o nC .o DT .o



(210福0三建2明1.1—)Howbeau iftu lth ehCirtsas mcrda si


es,iYts’ _________mycous n.Ii recivedei thtsim onirng.


omr B.to .forC




021.0江苏无省市锡2.1)If. oy gu ob yrati,ynouc anh va euiqe_t_____ocmofratbe lojeune,yut mbkaes uery u take_o___fa_ts on.

A.ae;a B .hte;a Ct.h;teh e D不填.a;



省宿市1迁.1) I’t sreortedp thta taeribre rlainsotr him t______ s_uth of ouroc unoryt .

A a . B. t he C. / D .na




020.湖南长沙 211.1M) ysisetrc a npaly_____v_oiiln evy rwlle.


het B. a C ./



(0102江苏省?扬市州,11),Lo—o kW!hta’ shat tmovig nhgi hupin ______ sk?y


It-mu s tbe______p_anel.

Aa;t.h e Bt.h;/ e Cth.e;a D./;



0120?四省卷,31川1,)( ) 13. r.MYa n’s gadghteu rs ipetty roodg ______d rwinag pictrues nad wo mann pryzes.

iA.wit h B .ofr . Cn i . Dta


2100?江省苏州市,苏21,)Te haetrqhaue khwic happened hn iYsuu_h______ _41th Apil 2r01 0was bia gidastser

.Ata B on . C.n i D .to


(2B001浙?省江阳东市,221,( ) 22) P.oepel_ _____t_hes othweus otfC hia wnreein great n ed of weaerta coupe oflmo nhts gao


.Ain B. a t C. ot D on.




年海上市IV 括号中用所单给词的适当形完式成列句子每下格空限 一填。词共 分)8


Joan.nare cived emnay


_____when _garuadintg fro mmidlde chool.sg(ift)


Aelx s i________y_easrold a dn sita enk godo car ofei n te khndireagret.n(furoht

3)Whose.s chol ouifnor imsth ta onth ehacriy,ours r__o_____?(_ym)

4.t waI s_________froh man buegin st preodcitwe athe ir nhtep sat(dif.fcuilty

).T5eheris a eautbfilu_ _______on t_hew all in ach eromoo myf huoes.(pant)


6Y.ou end teo eplxia nouryop nioni qsitue____________weh navinhg a edbte.a(clera

).7eL’sthop e tat ahllo r trouulbs ewlil_________soo.(anppea)


T.e holalc eoplp erea __________tha_tth ehowe nalito nre heapling hetmr beuidl he totnw(.hatn)


【答案1 】gftsi 2ouf r3 imn 4edffiicul 5t aiptinng 6 leaclr y d7siapeap r8 htnafkl





era sag, o faaremr woed nsome ald alnognt ehA talntci caots He. fotnead vreistdef r oasistansst,b ut e hotgn or epl as myostp opleefea rd tee hterrbleisto rms crasos he Atltatnci oastc.


allny,a s hot,rthin m nacame o thtefa rmre “Wel.l I ,cans eelp hewn htewi nd▲ 4 3 ”, sadi he ltitlte an.

mlthouAghp zulzedby t ihsanswer, hetfa rme, radly in nbee df oelp, hhierdhim .The ltilet an womrekdw le arloud nhe tarmf adn th efarmref et ▲l4 4itw hth men’a sowkr

T.hneo n enigt thhe wid nblewlo ulydin fom trh ehoser. uJmipn got ofu bd, eht fareer mcuagh tal anetr n提灯( a)nd ▲ 4 5 n ex doort o the tlitlet am. neHsho kot eh little ma nan shoudetd “Get,up !A sotm rsi omicg!n Te ihtings owdn▲ 46 t hey aerb lonwa wa!”y


e lihtte manlrolle dovrein bdea dn sidafi rmly, N“o S,i. I rold touy I ,ca sneelp hwnethe win db lows.

Th eframe ras wvre y 4▲ 7 nd ahrruei dutosid et opeparre fo rte shtor himmslef . ▲48 ,e hiscdoeverdever yhtingwas tid edwo.n Tehfa rme rhtn ▲e 94 w ht ahis iher dmnaha daids. hWen oyu’r perpaere,d oy haveu▲5 0to f ea.r Cnayo us elep hwneth wiednb lwso hrouth ygur life?o

4.3 . blAos w B. fiels C .f ols w D .m veos

4. 4A.ex itce d B. sat siifde C .mazead D wo.ried

r5.4 .Abro e k B. urhse d C fl.de D. k ocked


. A .efbreo B. atfe r C .s a D.when

47. A. ups

et B .nagyr C .alcm .D cofinendt


. AT ohs surirpis e B. T ohs siorrow C To h.i soy j .DT ohs diisppaiotment

n94.A .exlpaneid B. rmemeerbde C .aded d D. nudestrod


0.5A .omeshtig n B .nbooyd . Cnthinog .D anythnig




解201(0四川达 州读阅解 理 小题每2 )分B()


r ceen rteoprt rfm Daohou Dzila ysysaabo ut 18%o f azDoh tueneaersgca nh va preolebs wimhtt eirhm nids(心,内精). 神oSme tsdeutsn becmo ewrroied beausc theeyha veto s tudy vey hrra.dO hters hvae torule bgetintgo nw el lwih teopple lkiet ehri areptsn na dlacssatms.

eZang Qiahgn a,J uniro2 stud ent form azhDo,u cuol dot undnrstaed hinst achers ei nlacssand wa sdo in gadlb iy nhi l

sessos.n Hew sa afriadof xemsa W.en hh leokode a tth eexm appea,rhe oculd’n tthni ofkanyt inhg tow iret


Anohert tsudnet,a 15-yea -rlodgi rl calel dW Yuna fom rGanugan ’ofetn arugd eiwthh e cralsmsaeste envh erp reanst bceuas efos moed fferent iiedsa. Se bechaem soann oey abdou thte mhta ths staeretd ot cuth re ifgne riwht a knfe.i


woeve, manyr tsdunteswh ohve aprolebmsw on’ to gor afvdcie roh lp. eSmoethi nkt he ywill olko stpiu(愚d的)蠢if the go toy se aedoctor. Othes donr’t want tot akl abuo their tsercts.eIn o rde tor slvoe te theeanges’ prroblem,s her es iomsea vdice :

●Tlk taoy or purenas to rtaceersho tfn.e

T●akepa r int rguopac tivtiise nd plaa syoptsr

.●G toos eea dctoro f iyu feeloun ahpyp rou nelwl.

51. It i

sr eoprtd etath tsuedntsin D zhao cau hnva eroplbem sitw hteirh inmd.

As mo.st .B amn y C. osm e D . allthe

52F.or the pmassgae w enkwotee ngaes rahevpr oblesmw ih ttehr imins dbecaue sfo .

.At ehi rsudt y . Bettgnigon iwth tohe peoplr


C t.ehri hobies b D .Aan Bd.

5. 3u YWnas artetd to uc her tfigen writ ah nkif ebcaeuse


. sh ceuodn’t let ongw el wilt her hclassmtes anad evneh rep arntes

B sh.ec uold on undetstardn eh traehecs irn lassc


.sh e wasa frai dfoex mas

D.s e hha ndomo ey nor fa nw esirht


. hWy dn’to ht setudnte wsoh ahv preolbes wanm to tgof roh ep ?l

. AecaBuest he yhtik non oenwi l helpl thme.

B. Bcaues theey dont w’at not alk atbuotth ir escretesa ndth e yhitn ktis’ tuspdi tos eea dctoro.

C .Bcaesu teeyht ihk nhty cen aslveo ht eroplbes my bthmseevels.

D. Bceuas teeyhthi kn he tdoctorsco luddo otnihg nwih thetirp rboelm.s


5 .Howm ayn ipeces f adovcieare gi evnto hetteen aerg who havesp obrems lni hit passsaeg?

A. T

o.w B. Thre .e C. ourF . D. Five


答】案515- C5ABDB

(020广1南西七宁、读理阅解B1 0分

)atSudrayM,rcah 2,0011


ra omM nad aDd

T,eh timehas c oemI’m g:adrautin ,gnadI htnka yo bouh tof allr ouy rhelp druing hete 1s5 yaers. stiIll reembmr ehwneyou us e do tays “Y,uocan be w ahevte ryouw an” Itm’ os lgd you aar em yapenrts,seecipall whey I henarkid ssay het ydon’ get otn wel liwt thheris.Im ’gal dhtaty uosu port(p支持)me whneI edcied to do anyhtig.Ynu olawyas rt to hyelp,ad nhat’s itportmnt at om e.


da,I eremmer bwenh ou yfirstt okome f sihignI. lvedo goin egev tnoughh Ievenr auchtg aythnnigI.a lso emrmber weenh you wolu degt agrnywit hm eI.r elaie yzo uerweon y trylni gto shwo em tehrig ht wya.hen WwoIuldcry,you owld aulawy bs ehert etotry to hcer me eu.pThtas’wh taI cal lago d,oloivngc,raing dadS.oetimme yso aud Mon dom’tn aree gwti hem,bu yot areu htereby y smdi in eaytnhni gtha It do,ad tnaht’s wy h love Iyuob oht so mch.u

Mo,I enjmy going ooutwi h ytu onadh vinga uo happyrtim ee evry rFiay nigdh

t,nadI opeh hta tenvre canhgs.I elvo teelinl ygou evryteinhg;te hbes partta oubt oy us thita yo liutsne.’mIgla d e wo dal ot otgeteh .Yrou lvoeto hae vufn,nadD da deo,sot. oou Yawayslg vi mee oyruop iinon ndaI istlne

T.ahk nyo fou brrngiin me gp.u


voea lays,w




6.A5llion sritews het eltet to sroh ___w____to_ ehr preants.

A.iwhss B.suepoprt Ch.ep l D .thnksa


.nI Allsio’n spionio,ontherkid sof h rea e gam___y__hetripar ens.


.havAep orblms ewith B.etg o wenll ithw

.Clki et otlkato D. ikl te oilsent t


58F.ahetr mgih get tagrn ywth ihe rwen Ahliilsno_ _____._


idn’d taccpte him .Biddn’tdo thngi sint e rihhgt ay

Cw.idndt’c achta y nifs hD.did’t ngree witahhe raprenst

9.T5eh ndeulinrde aprt“ an daDd oeds,oo”it nParargpha3 m ans “_e_____”._


an.d aDdi sf uny nt,o o B. nads iso aDd


.andDa dhsa, too D .and Da adso lovelst ohave fn


hatW akme Alslison ad hnremo ter ghood frenis?


.CheAerng upieach other. B.Lsiteingn toeach other na hdvaignfun t geohet.r

CE.nouragcig eanh cohte.r D G.oig nou totegtehr






New r分lesu and ebavhiou srantadrd(行s为规) f范orm didel cshol stuodnest caem uot(布颁) i narcM. hMdidel chsolso rae oging otu e as en wayw o dectdei wh ote thpos udentsta e. rThe bse studentts wn’toon y lhav ehih gamksr.T e holfolwig are snoem fo he ntw reules.

Tle thle trut.hHa ev ou yveerc hatee(d作) in 弊n aeax? Don’m dot ita aing! Thta’ sont smotheni gohesn tstdeuts snhuodld o


Dom oera sthcoo.lG odost denust ovela imnls ana dacr foe rohter eoplpe Ap.rili s Bri dovinlgM otn hn Cihin.a s yoIr scuoho loindg nyathig no ctleebatreit? You sh olu doij!n n thaIt awy ,you an cearn mlre obaot anumialsa dn hwo ot potrec(保t护)t emh


e oBen pt new ideoa. saHev oyu ver tehought poelpe oculd lvi oe nhe tmono?Ma by yeuoll’ ifnd nathoe rartehi nsp acei thne fturu.e Eervoyen’ snw eieda sar imeprtoatn .

Protct eouysref.lH a s ahief tver etkea monny erofm neoo fyou cralsmastes? Dont ’etl i tappen ho ytuo If. yuoh veato go bac kh meol aet,y o usoulh ldt yeuorp aentr sknw.o

Us teeh ntIrnet ceraeulfyl T.e Interhen tancb ev eyru esuf flroy ou rtsuy.d Bu some ttinghson t heI tnerne atren’ ftorki d,s so rtyto olk at toh eoogd wbe pgae(s页). Yo网uc n aus thee web ages por ffn ur ohoemwor.

3k6 .Wah tsohul tde bhet stusedts dn inoan xaem ?

7. 3Whatsh uod lou do yi foy uave thog oback hmo eatle.?


.8Wh a cantt he cildher uns eteh oog wdeb paes fgor ?

93.W he ndd ith enw eruls coee out? m

4. 0Whchin w iede ao dyou tihknm y aomcet uer ?

【案】 答3.6hTe yshouldno tcehta/.T hye houls bd heonest .


7.Wes hulodl t our peaenrs tknwo.

3.8or fun Frohome orwk .


.I9 Mancrh.

0.4Popel ceuold ive ol thn moeoni the funture.


2(100上海市 年I 作X)


et a ltaets 06wo dsr aout the tbpico“I ’mp rou df myself”o(以“我自己为感到豪”为自题写一不篇少60于个的短 词,标文点号符不格占)


Us分 eht folelwiog nopinst a sa r eerenfe.c(下以容仅供内考参


t aknd if peroso nre yao?


ahtm akesyou pourdo fyo userfl?G(vie anex amlp/exaepmles

)hyW are yo upruo od yoursflfe



(择021?0海青省宁,,夏43,1) ( ) I dn’ot wan tto rad etis hobo. Thkere si__ _____in i.t


ometshni intergstieg n B n.tohign ntereisint

gC .niteertinsgsometh in g D. inetrestnig onhintg


2100?东省山泰市安,3,21)W—hch ifot hee sto wEnlgsih booskwil lyou b orowr?


l bolrow___r_____fot ehm.Beausect hy aer veery niteretisn.


.eiAher t .alB l C.nethire Dbot.h



2(001?山省东城市聊,3,01I )thik ntheb uels ihtr obosk_ _______ebttre n yoo tuhn the raedon .e

.Auitq e B mo.r e .mCuhc D.ery



100山?东省城聊市3,7,1We) al lowrek hard dnd a________we _funod utow aht ah rdella yappehnd.e

A.t airstf B. by tehwa C.yat aslt D .i nfct



(C200?1山东省菏泽市,2,14 I )_______ _rieda b iketo scohol B.tu hit msrningo tIoo ka atxi ecbuse a Igto up atel


.evnr e .B smoeimts Ce .esdlmo .D uusall



00?黑龙1江省哈尔市滨,521,)( )The FFIAWo ldr Cpu i ___s_________fa tasntcith ata l o of ptopelein ht eorldware c rzy a疯狂(的) boatu ti.

A. ucs h B. s o . vCrye




江?苏镇省市江,1,)1( We)d ’bttereg t eredy faor het dninr eonw ebaucs __e______ Gr_ene arse cmingoto ivis ut tonsghi.t


a . an B C .th e D.


(2】100?湖北省宁咸,市12,1)— Ho awoutb tal ent hosw?

I s huol sadyi tw s a graet uscces.


A./ ;t e hB . a;th e C. the ; a.D te; /h



10?0北湖省昌市宜,27,) 1---Wereh amyyo auvise md to etsrtamy b usiess?n

--I- my nopinin, Yichaogn s _i________o_n oe f_________ _bsetp alescf ro oyu

.A th.e ,ht e . B/ the , C. th , /e D ./, /



(200?1北省湖昌宜,市3,14-)-A-dy,ny uower eth oelny prseont ht awa lstea or tfe meehintg ,wy?h


-Sor-ry ,si. Bur I tearll yah ad_____ ____ ti_me fndinigt e hmetien h



A. e

noyjabel B. f uny n C. d iffculti D . lpesant




0210?湖北省咸市宁2,61, — )Haelt hism neyo.

— Btu thInik i it s m ney.o


.as ipmorantt s a.Bmo re ipormant thtna C s.o imortapn ttahn D. t h saem aes


B(201?江苏省镇江0市,1,21() M) rBornw alayws ames kish cals _s_______ _an dekpse ish tsudnts ____e_____ i nlcss.


A.a ile;v itnreetsng i B.li evly ;nteirseitgn

C. ailv;e ntireetse d D .ilevly;i tenrested




210.江0省苏盐城市根 句据和意示写出单词,提成句完。计10分)子

65.eWare p alnnnig ot o gn ao t_______t_o xpoE 010 2haSngai durhignt h ecmongihol days.i


7.hT h_____e___oy ulicbm,themo er beutifua live ywu woil lsee


S_.________,tii servy dififcltu fro igntap adans to usvriv ient ehwi l.


9.T5eh hrte-D feli mvAtaa rw________naO scr foarits mazinag potohrgphyaon M arch ,2801.0


0.— loIveE nglih ,bus Itm’not oog da it.

t--eallyR ?Don’ wotrry.ePhrpsayou need t op________psekangi t moir.e


1.Th eolsdirs ceoimngt o hlep peploei nYush u contyuar eals __o_____(英雄)_i mynm nd.


(既)__然______yo_u areeg iwht e,metl’sstart to gthere.


—.oY luooksl imem andrh eatlier thahnbe froe.

-Yes,-I________ (_喜更欢s)eewt snaksc otv geetablesbef reo.

46No o.ne anc cahivee aytninh gwthiuot___ _______(_努).力


.You mstn’ut utp teh edicimn _e________(在…_…以内)c hldreni’ seachr.

答】案65~~0 8tirpt[arve] lighehr s dayl won p acrtsi eher ose s nic epeffererd ef fot[r]s iwtin h


20(0.1川四省贡自 第市二节完 形空填A满,分 5分

Aprl 27 isia s pecai dlay inBri ain.It’ts calldeTa ke Or Duughters atoW rk oDy.Oa nhttaDa y houstadno fgilr stka ea adyo f fschoo alndgo w tihone o f teih prreatn stot heirwork p lcase.Byd iognt ih,sit can 4__g1rislm ore abuo tte sohciet wyere thhey ile.

Nvow he gitrs lca hnvaea c lseo loo kat -4_2tehi raprnet saerdo ingThi.s amyh le phte mo be ctamer lwenhth eyh vae t ocohse o joba.aMyrexp riencede a ady of owrka th er moterh’ sffico.eThsihe pedl er h_34her_ omhte’s wrrko beter.Sth esaidt at htis mhade erh fel emro cenofiden tbaout eh fruute.


Scoohsl ad namn coypamienssuppor tht aecivity,toto.Some csoohs _l4_4maek th deya neaecssrayp ra otf chsool lfi.

Expeets rthniktha t gilsr wit home sreflc-onfiendcea rem ore liklye tob e4_5_thancommon igrs.

4l1A.t.ak B.lkeep C. teca

h4.2A.whic B.hhaw t .that

C4.3A.thank .undeBrtsnda Cr.emember


.evAr eB .nveer Ce.vn


s.ucesscful B p.olit C.frieednly






n te earlyh1 909,sht worde”nIertentwa”ss ratgnet omos t epolpe.uB ttday,oInteren tha seboce mauseful too forlpe olepa l loverthe orlwdMaybe .Itenrentha bsen tehe rgaetes tnvintein inot ehfi el ofdco munimctainoin thehis

tor ofym nkain(d类人

)Comumncitingaw iht theroso nth eIternet in sucmh fatersWe. ca nhac tiwhta pers n ohow i ssittngiin he otter part hf oht weorld.eW ac n-meil oaru freidsnand hey tcn readat ehe-mails iwhitna mnite.

uGving illa ikdn osf ifnomrtian is oporbalbyt h beigest advgantgea o ftehInter en.tWeca nu ses areh ecginesnto fin thedi fonramton wi ened.eJstuty epi ankeywo r or dkyeowrd asndthe sarech egnie nill wigev us a ilts fos ituabl eewbsties t looo atk.


ac nnejyo a lo tnothe nternIt ey bdwolnoadngigame svisiti,gn cat hoomrs o surrfngi(浏 览)ewbitss.eheTe rrae ose gamesmfor ree.Wef an ceem tewnan d itnerestng peiolep n ithe hact ow.Wn cena las loitesn to msiuc adn ee fslim.s

Now ,th

reei salo to sfrevceio nhteI tnener stuch a snlino eabknngi jo,bfi nidg andntic ke butinygWe can .alo sd ohspoingp nad fndinea rlyall ikdsn fogo do.Ssomeitme wse cnaf ndi soemhtingtha is tqutie goodbu tv ey rchap.


26H.owma n yainmad avnategs o fhe Itntreet naertal ek dbaut oin the apssgae?

.AhrTe.e B.Four . C.Five . DS.ix.


at fhac doesntt t’he pssagaepro ivd?e

.WAec n afin admost laynhint gew antw o knotwo n te hIntrnete.

B.Soe mgaesm o tnheI nteretn re frae.e

.CWec a nby mout tshngsiw needeo nt h enItenre.t


oGos ond hte nIetnrt are eomere xepnsve thia nhtso ien rae lshpso


hiWhcti lte est bivge steh man iida ofe th paesasge

A.O?lnie nSoppingh

.BExhcngiagnInformation on ht Ienterent

CTh. edAantagve ofst e hnIetren

D.Strfuig tne Websiteshon ht Inteernt

答案e :DBC


10.四0川自省市 贡 第三部分 读阅解理B 分满10)分

Yu oant to knww obaou ty stamyng ini A emirca,rghi?Wetl,lotte lly uoth etr thuit i, srellyaan ee-opyenngie pxrieenc etsdyu eher.

I nChni,aIha Edngish lclsses faievt ims a eeewks icnef fthigr da.Hoewveer,Idi n’dtkn ow hw dofifeert nextbotok nglisEhc uoldb e fom rveryeday nglEsihu nitlI c mea o HotchktssiS hoco,Clonmctecitu.


hn I eifrs tstudiedE gnlsh,Ii as twlod t say, o“I maf nei.”henwpeo pelsa y“ Hw ore yoau ”?Btu i thn eS,U Iounfd hat tpoepe lsya, “ Imago od.o”r “Iml itedr.

On” day e,smeooengr eeetdm wieth“ Whats up’ ?I” ,tadm em conefueds. Ihouthtgfo r aommntean dthe snimledb caues Ie ddint ’nkow wht aot asy

.Since t

en,hIhav edi socervedm or eadn oremdiff reecns beeteew nCihesen and US ulturec.

To sm ysrprius,USe irlsgspe n ad lot of tie im nhet urbnigns u tonge ta t anH.oevwre in C,hina, grls tiyrev er poysislb wae to ygte teirhsk i nalpreo,r w“hteri.

Ia sol suprrseidby how ahr-dorking w.U studeSnt ars.enI Cinh,sacholwookr i asmoltseve rytihgn ,osw e tsud hyra adn dhat’ itt.utB hree, “aoodgstud”ne tgte gosdo gadrsedoes a ,lo tor tfhe uplicba d playsns optr sor muisc.


kid hesre re aso taenlted, Ima tsrtaig not be orrs thyta gaIe up plvayng ite hipao nat a neraylag end ahta t hIav neveer htoughta buots potr.s

16Ac.codirgn t ohetwri ter,tetbxokoEn gisl his _________veerdayyEng ilhs.

A.uqit ediffeern

t rof B.mthe sam as C.eorme dificflt uhtn


.Wh2atd oset h ewro dtan ”“in hetsi xh partgaarh meapn i Cninhse?e


B晒白 C能量

3.6Ago do U Stsudnetsp nedsh ish/er tiem ________


y inl odingh mewoor

kBo.ly nonsport sr omusic


stndies ,suorpsto r usmi andc uplbc wiok

r6.4Wihh cof te hfolowiln isg NT Orteu

?A.Te hrwitre i sonw i Un.S


mAerciangirls l oevto ahe whitve sik.n

C.US tudsets ane traelnedtand h rad-owrikg.

6n5W.hih csi te hesbtt tle firot h easpasg?e


My .wnO raTvlein te hUS

BMy S.tuydig in nhet US

.CM ypOnion iabot tuhe U



(A020江1苏南省市京 三阅、理读D解1,分)0


eopleof et sna thay the Engtlisham’ns omhe s ihsic astleTh.eymea nt ahtthe h omeis erv impoyratn atd nepsroal tnoh i.Most pemope ln irBitain ilv in heouses rathre htn alfts,aan manyd epope lwno htir eohems.Thsime nsa httath yec n maae them kndividuil(a体的);t个hyec a painntt he,mndac anhgeth m eniany wy taehylike .Mots huso heavea ga redn,eve nf iitis a vey smrallo en,nadth e gaderni susaluyllo ed.Thve hous eadn the graend ae trh priveat(e人的)s私apec f tohe nidiidualv.


epol euusalylli e tkom ar ktehri spaceA.re yu sitoingt nwoin your ho me oro a tnrinah?av eou ymakrd ethes pce aaounr dyuosrlf es yaur?of yIou re aon th etran youimay ut pour ycotaor s mallb gao nthe esa tesbdiey o.uIfy o suare ah fal ytou ma yhve onea corne or rhcir awichh s iour oynw.

nce I waO strvelailn gon a trani o Ltndoo.n wIa snia se tico nor fofurpe olepan dth reew s a tabal betweeenus .hTeman on te shape oc my nide ofs ht tebaleat all.I w sa ngay.rayMebh e htuoght tha he ownetd te whhleo atbl.I had eerad aoob kbout aon-nevbrl acomumniationc,os tIoo vkrioua spparse utoof ymbag nad utp thme onhis b rifeasce!Wehn diIdthi hs setffenied nadhi s ees nyearlypop ed(瞪出pou)tof hi sehdaI. ad ihnadve(d侵犯)ihs pacs!Aefe wimnteusl tar Ie otko y papmes ofr hisf csa en iroderto erd atemh.He imedimtely moaedvhis cas et oih sisd efo t ehta bl.Oe cfouser,it sipo ssbil ehatth jest wuatend o be thlepfulto me!


y ou aerv siting aionhterc uonrty ouy am feyl ethat oy udo’tnhave an y rivptea pscae.otHler omo looksm uh tcehs ma ien eevr yocnurt in yth eorwl.dAll ay dlng o,oy uharse pbuic slapes ciwh to hetrpo le.Ypuo ese th elcoa plople eni heit rprvaie tpscaesa n dyu feel loonly aen d“uosidet.”oLacl eoplp ceanc erteathei r pivaret sacpesby taking lbaut thongsiy u odn’to nko wbaut o.Adn oyue vn feel thatethe y ilek yu oo tb outsedeit hem s tohta het ywli lenjoybei n gniisdee vnem reoTh!isis o e ofn ht edffiiulctesi fo eingb taavreel!rButif youu dnrstanedi tthe in thlep ysou. Haevnt’ yuoe noyje debignpar to a gfrou pand“ owingna”bi tof sacp?


1.4Teh wriert was agry na hse aw starellivgnon a t arinto Lodnn boecuaes_____.


.heA hda nopl ca te sit o

Bso.meon eahd nivdea hids “pacse”

C.oo mant peyopl sehaedr aecstin withohi

D.momes ohterp eopl tealedka obt tuhigns e dhdni

’tk nw oabuo


42.“… yuo eflel oelyn nd a‘otsuied”i’ paragnaphr4 manse hat_t_____.

A.y_ou re alone oatusid ehetho ue


.oyufee llnelo yebcuse aoy utrvea ol noyu own


.ou yre alone anad theefrreoyo u o outgside oth va esmo eunf


yo.u eflel onel yandyo u do’t bnlenogto t at hpalec r thato rgup of oepple


43In.Par argpha ,th4e ponoun “trhmer’efrs et(所o指)“__ _________.

A”.ublpicspac e sB.p rivte sapcas e.Clcaolpe olpe Do.therc untrieo


Whih cofthe f ololinw gsiT UR Eaccoridngt ot e hapsase?g


Br.iist hpepoe dillisk emaking rhtei rsacep


.BoYua wlysa fele a home ti nanothre cuotrny .

.CoMtsBr itsihp opee lprefer ilinvg ni ouhes st oflast.


.oY canu’ mart kyuro ripavet spac ie anf reigno cuotrny.

4.Tha mai5 npruospeo thfep sasae gs ti telo reldaers o t_______.

A.onw rpvait epacess by ivilng inh osue


ve ane coorer onft ehr iowni npu blcip laes

cCr.elazi the iemprtaonc eo f“sapcei”nco mmuniacitno


c.erta eheti prrvitaes apces b talkyni gwih ltoal cepole



(C0120东山潍坊省市 四、读理解D阅满分8,)分


enI w sa aofeigrnt achee in rChia,nvereyda yI ta ghu Etglisn th myos udtent sad ntehytaugh tme abotu hCina.Oe nday thet oic putred tn osyaign“I ove loyu.”Iw s sahcoek dot lern that anot noe f my studoetsnh dasa i thisd t thoie rmtoehr,nso har dheti rmothrs eais itdto t ehm .D“oe yosrum mo ovl eyo?u ”“Ofc ouse r,”thy enswaerde

.“ow Hdo ou ykno w?”was my logcal iqesutionTh.ey rspeodendth t taeir hmonsc ookde adnal awy solt dhet mwahtthey were oing wdongr ot shw oheti rcarngi.Iw s stunane dS.o onm’sco koin agdnc itrizcnig redao utas “I l vo yoeu .” Then“ho dow yousay ‘ loIv yoeu’ tohe ?”Thre ygraee dtah gtteitn ggod orgawd,fsollwoe dbygod ojs wobul db ehow thy seohed whtierlove .


cmeo froma culuret werhe omstpeo le arp eepresxsveie oughn,o sI eprateedt eseh uerqie sin lacsse sovr timeeGr.aualdl,yIbeg a tno gt deifefrnt eresonsep.Smo ofethe mahd xcheaned tghse senotmeitnswi t hheit romms

O.e nof m fyvoartiesto ires f ochanegca m freom a gir.lheWn se hacemhome rfm unoivrseityh,er omter mht heerat th eodroa dn ugghed拥(抱her.)his Tah ndvee hrappneedb efor,beuthe mormsa id, “Now hat ytu ohva goneeI h ve aorm eitm etomy els.I foticedn hta ti snoe placem smthoes ran cdilhdernh ug aehc oterh an Id dceide dt iasw a goo diea dnad tha t Iowld bueginhugging y ou.


mynfa ilm wye alls a y“I ove lyo”aulot Whi.l eti si tre tuat he wfton sae yht eworsd iwhout havitn greagtdep ht f foeliensgat th t mamont,it ie slmoatsl ke i blassieg weng vei aceh oter.Thhos threee ittle lwrdo sarrc a worldy o mfanineg, een wven haisd asa rgeeitgnbut ,mso etspceailyl i fhte yaerthe la ts wodr wes sy atoor hear fromt osh we eolve.

25T.hef oeirn gteachr_e______.

.cAmeso rfomAme icra .iBs ay uon gwomna

C.siex rpsesvieen oghu D.kno swm ucha buo thCina

5.Ch3iesne popee lrpfee rt show looev y_b______._

.sAyang iI l“voe

yo”u B.co oking


.gtetign ogdo ragds eD d.ongi osemhingt heplfl;u

54.I parngraap 4h,hwt’s aht eera mealing nf the moo’smhug ing?g

ASh.e si emteng iehr dauhgterat t h doer.o

BSh.eloves he raudhgte rad missnes hr.e


heSi sladgth a ste has morheti me to hrselfe

.ShD fiensdit interestin gt houg hr edauhgert


5W.ah’tst eh mani ide of ahe tpssagae


aSy “ Iovely oumo”r et yoor fauiml.y


S.a “I lyve you oa” olt t Coinehsepeop e l

..Cay “S Iove lyo ”us a gareetnig o otterh. s


“ lIovey o u”wihtou tgera dtept ho ffeliensg





I thne ocmigns umem hrloidya,syu wilo plorbabl vysit ihteS anghahiE po.Bexfre yoo uhaed ff toheExp ,poleaesr aedthe fo lowlnigti sps otht yoa behaue pvoprery anlds owh ffo hiCa’ns best fac toe visiotr from sotherc untoier.


he wanitign nia l ni


aiWtpa ientlt ynsieta odfc ttinug tothe fort of t hne ilneIf.y uo avhet olaee yovursp ot i nlin aedn want toco me ack,betl lthe peploest anidng i nfortn f ando behin douyA.s khet to kimnldy ohl yourds ot,anpd thnk athem wen yhou eturrn.


e tnuoringth e xpo


on’tDto ch uo rcilb omn xhieibtsV.isiots arre laolwd eot ate pkctireus and idvoe asrunodthe E xpob,tuwhen acmeasr re noa telwcomed,o’t ntruny oruson .If suveoints ra haneedd otu, od’t pnus hadn crsae.Bem ploitean d aitwyou trru.


n atetendnig sows


fI youa e lraet,wiat ntiu lth breea ktoen te.rI tiwl dilstub rother uaidecne fi oy wuakli nlae.

Itts’very mipotarntt olavee nith eidmld eof aumscailo r satg epal,If ayn erayle itxi sne cssary,eouy acnleav eaf te ra csne es oier.v

Kee quipe dutingr perraorancme. Bfoere he petrorfamcen tastrs,etheri urtn ff youromobile hpon eo rset t isilentm doe.eNvrean swr eyur oponehwhi e lap reofmrncea is oiggn no


fAer at excenlenl tprforeamce,nclpayo r uahdns wamlr,yon’t lauDh gt tah peerorfmesrw hne het maky misetaesk


hen hvaing eals


on’Dttal koulld ayt mela sWi.t hmny ahunrg yisivtrs owiatni,godn’ tstyat o olongat yo ur tbal efaert yuo ave fhniised h.olPetiy lovmeo n t onothaer lapce


Sohinw off gCiha’ns ebt sace



场合)(Do ’ntsDos

W atiing ina li n  ●Don’te_56 t_ ote hronf tf tohe lie.n●W iatpa tietnly.

T●hnkathose f or holidngy our pso tafet yoru ae _57_r


ourin the Expo g Don●’ ttochu roc imbl o nexhbitsi

. Don●’ usteyour caemasr hen wthy aee _5r_.8

● Dn’t puos and screahmf r _59_oosvenuis.r ●eB opiletan d ait fow ryou trurn




owhs● onD’ tawl kn liae.t

● on’Dt lavee n ihe timdld ofe ausmcila ro tsgeapla y

.● N

veera nwse yorr phuone61_a p_reformane.

c●Do n’ laugt ahtt e phefrrmeosr_’6_ ● 2Enet druinr gteh 6_3_,f iouy arel te.

● Waiat ntuli ascene is oev ,ifryo u mkaea nerlya


. ●Trnu of foury mobiel pone hor se itt o siltne tmdoe


● Calpyour han sd_64_.


meali s●D not’ altkloudl ytameals.

●D not stay’ oo tlngoat ouy trblaea ftr meela. ●Polsteliy mvoeon o anttoehrpl aec


T: remoin pdople eo tehabe pvrpoely rbeorfe _5_vi6siotsrat he tExp.o

【案答】65.cu t5 7bac.k 8.5uwelncme o 59g.eting t6 .attendi0gn 6.duri1gn 2.m6isaktse 6.br3aek 6 4w.raly m56.foreign




rosC os


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题2(010黑龙?江鸡省西市2,,1)1 ( )- Ho wmnya____ __anc yo seu inethe pict uer?

-Onl oyne.


dog B.s eehp C .cildh


】(0201广?省西定市西2,1)(, ——W)aths yo’r u ?

—— Iilekswi mimng

.A j.ob B a.e Cg.obhy bD n.umbe r


(答200?广1省定西西市,61,1) ( )——Wahtwoul dy o luki,esi?

—— r .

A Two.p p 全品o中考 B网.T wo bttleo psop C .wT bootltseof pop D Tw.o obtte oflp po


C2010?(东省莱芜市,17山1), Ihvaea _.____ _fr oberkfasa tveeyday.r


h.t ood g .cBooiek .Cumdlipn g D.ha mbugerr



01?0东省山滨州市,341,)3. Be4iing,j thec patila of hinCa, s ine of _o________ _ciiest n ihetw rol.


. Atheb iggste B. igbegr C. mu hc biger g D.bi g


(2010四?省巴中市川33,1),e Hfnds wiactingh Enlgihs mvoie sfurtsatrin gebcuse taeh epopl epesa kot oqiukcyl.

A.obrng i B .idffcilu t C.d siappiotinn


2(100?江省苏州苏市15,1,J)uia isl ver ylcvee.rIn fac,Itdou t wbehhtre aynne ointhe clsa shsa_______ IQ.


.ahig h .a hBigehr C. he hightre D. ht eighesh



(2001四川达2州.3 1) Would —you ikl e t dorikn


—Yse I’,d lke ia cp ufocof ee.


some tihgnelse .Be se lsmeothnig .C aynthing eles . eDlse aythinn



A2010(川达州28.四 )1y fMtaher ah sa cmputeo,r ut heb oedsn’tkno w o tus ite .


.w ah t B. ohw .C wo h D. hwci



(200?1山省泰东安市,2,18—)iJ,Tommis looikg fnorh i Esgnlshib okoI.s tish_ _______?_


No.hat ti _s______.I_ dnot’ nko whwere hs is.i


h.ism,ien Bhe,m.nei C.h m,iime n.Dhs,mi



?东山省泰安市2,71,)Lu—c,yo ydo luiek _______?

_-esYM.ostof myclot es


ar e_________.全_中品网考


a. nornag an eoanreg .Boraneg ,ranoe


nage s,orngeas .orangeDan,o ragen



2(10?0青省海宁夏,2,,9)( 1) r.M iLr egrasdNi ngia xs hais sceno___d____ bceasu he eash een hbre eorf veort wentyy ersa.

A. f

maily B .hosue C .roo m D. hom e





210江苏省宿迁0市 ) A根句意及据给中文提示或英所文解,写释出句中所单词。每小缺1分题

46). My eingbhuosr ar very e ▲ ( 好的) 友tou .s


. 7o yDou ▲ 同() w意ih wtah tI as?y

48 .eWhad a very cold ▲ ( 冬) last 季eyra.

9. Ar4e oy u ▲ (有 的)空t hi seveinn? g品全中网

50考. cIan’ t ▲ 买(得起 t)ogo o the t200 W1rldoC up

51.. heTt urists oahd no c ▲ but o wattifo r th eext nus.

b52 T.omis a ▲ ( a ogd oensseof huomru )oy, bo everysne oliks eih.m

答案】46【fr.iednyl 47 .agree 48wi.ner t 4 .f9er

5e.0affro d 51.hcoic e 25hu.m(u)oorsu



Lnog olg ngaothe,e rwasa san(天鹅)witwh golden fetahres金(毛)羽.heS lvie dnia la e.A wokmanl iedvin a msla holse_26_theu laekw ih tehrtw doaghturseT.hy eerw eery poorv.The yworek hdrd aallyea rr unod_27_,tsil,tleh liyedv hard alfi enda smetomies hey tven eidd’tnhav enougeh2_8_to bu fooy.d

Teh swa wns a2__9to see tht.ahS seid aot heself,r“ I’l livg eoneo fym30_to_t hmee ac day,thhe theyn ca nilve ahppy ailfe wti hhe mtnoye esllni gy mfaehets.rThat”e envin,gsh e_3_to 1he tpoorwo anm’sh uosean dl efta go lde fentahreon ht etbal eithowut sayign32_.From the_n no,ht swem acame verye dy andagave th e ma feahtreTh.ew oanmwa s evr hyapp byecasu etheri ife lwa smuc_h33_hatn bfore.e


u tay daftr dea,ythe owan bmcaeme rgeed(贪婪)yShe s.ai dtoh e _3r4._”hTeswa nmya lf awyy aoe day.Ifn sowe w,lil b eoop rgaai.Wnes ouhd ltakeal _l5_3eaftehsr seh nhe scmeo senxtt ie.”m

“h,On,Moo!mcr”ie dht eduahgter,s“ Thsi will _36_ht esaw.Shnehe ps lsu alt !oB”utthe mot erhw uldnot ’litesnW.hen ht _e37c_ae as msuua,lhtem ther oacuhtg hreand took al lhre eatfhre.Bst suudenldyt,h egoled nfathees r_38ch_icke fentahrs.


en h,te Goldeh Swanns iad ,Po“orMot her, Iamc toe -93_yu,obu you twatne dtoki l le.NmowI a,m lavengi ad nwill _4com_ eabkcNe.vr eb greeedy!”Wiht htsee wodrs,he stan wlef wwaa.y


6A.ab.vo e B o.evr C n.er D.anuer


Aa.n d .bBt uC .so .oDr


A.mo.ne Bytime C.r.omo D .nereg


A..happ yB. suprirse dC .ads D.s crade


.Arespntes B.glodne cinso .featheCr D.socllcteonsi


1A..lefw B.r an C .limcbd e.Dwlkea


.Asom.teihg nB.evrethiygn Cn.thiong D. anyhtng


33A..dullr e Bb.tetr e .bCusir e D. hrdera

43A.bro.htes rB.istesr s C .osns D da.guhert

s5.A.hi3 s B.he r C.

ther iD.oru

36..Auhtr B s.aev .Cproectt D .efrsue

37A.w.mon aB.augdhtre .cChciken .Dswna


8A.he.ar ofd B .canhgde nio C.tlooekdfor D.cme afomr


9.At.robue B.lelp h C te.ch a .inDvite


..Asmeotmes iB a.lwya s.uCuaslly D. nvere品中全考 网





owHi mprtaotni ysuroapp eranca eAlthough ?eeryvne wontat beo godoloo-ink g,re aeabutfui ploepl elways’a shappir peoelpe?Froex mpal,ie tums teb ap orbem tolb ea raell yebuatiuflwo am,nbcaesu seomepeo pelma by eome intrrestee dn looikin gt ayout anht alkng tioy ou.heT yhitnk of yu ao aspi cutr raeter thah nape srno.hereT aer lsaos oem epopelw oh thinkthat owem whon re exceptainolayl(外格地)rpettya d men nwoha r peraticlualyrha nsdom must ee bsuptidTh.e yebleveit ah otny ulnttractiaev(无力的魅)pepoelc an b eitnlleieng.t


th e ohet rhnad,o onen wnts ato e rbaelyl ugly,nad haeva fac ethtaev ne oyur moteh roesndt ’wna tt oool at k;nad o one wnatsn tob epla n,eiihte-thart i ,so teb enthireat rtacvievn o ruatntartivce, na hdave a ace tfhtai seasi ly orfottegn.


eni attgrcatveii silk beine rgcih it cnahel p yuo fndiha ppnies,bstu ti desn’ot awalsymak e oy huppyaSo .ambe yht beet sthig in nst to woory tro omcuha obutho yow uloko,btus iplmytr to by eaint erseintg eprson .orF nietesrint peoglpe avhein treestig facnes,adn inetretsign afes creaal mstoalway s tatraticv.e



)18.Eveyron weantst bo aetrattivec

82.N.oon li esk t oalktt oa ver ypettr wymoa.n

3.8oSmepe ole pthnki tahth ansode mem aneru intelnilengt.

4.A 8lpaniface s eaisli yofgortten

8..N5t omny inateersting poelpe ra aleos tatrcaitve





tIs’no t asy to bee a antrsoaut’s son.nEevryobd expyect soyuto be pescali orp erefctI

ofen twondr eoh my wafter heevrha da son l ie mkeI .emanh e’ ss spoecial na dsogoo d at

veretyhig nhed eo.sEev in mniddl escooh he wlsaclass repidens tnadc apati noft e fhootabll


ae. m

eWllto,be onhet,s Ifoet dneamr bouta beng iome skid onf eroh ord iogns moehtnig

specil—ailek savng ia hclid fomra b rningub ildinugo drsiocevinrga new s traI was .dydaeraminga sthoco loe mornnig wnhenmy tacehe rasdi thre eowldu e ba Fathres’Day wri ing tomcpeittoi nfr thoe hwoe lshc00.“1Iho p we eaveha w inernri gthher einm ylascs”

hWe n Igo htom,e starIetdt ohtikn abou whattt woirteM.y ftahreis an satorauntN.,I0


dnt’s tra tikle tath.hTatw s ahetwa oyhtesrsa hwimH.o didwI s ee ymfath e?rH m.m

I sa whi msttiig niwt hm eint ehda r whkne I ha d aertrilb derameI. erembermd hewohe

huggd meef or ouhrs whe mn dyg Spottyo aswk iled lyb caarY.e,tshee were shtething Is


sgo nig t writoe.T mo,hee aswnt’ju s a torwldfa—omusa tsroaun.Hte was y dam.d

My paretsn

andl w et to nscoolh huTrsdya inht.gheTrewe e ros any mpeopelin th bieg


al!l M ydad looed aktme a,d n Ishuggerd耸肩().


e thhrd ipriz eaws naouncne dan id wtsanot me.1 was rlievede(释)然adn dsappionite at tdhe same ite.The smeondcp izerwas a nonnceud.It wsa me.

w1en tu po tte sthge aad rnead waht Ih adwritt en,“y fMtaeh’srso n.W”he n Iinfihsed,teh peoplestoo dp uad cneehrd.I easw m yfthar ebloiwn ghi snse.Tearoswe r eruningn odwn my omtehr' sfaecD.da clerae hdisth rat aon dpt uih hansd o nmy sohulerd“So.n,hist


htep oudesrtm meon tfo my ilf.e’

I’ wts ahte pruoest domemnto f my lfi,toeo.Maye Ibll n’eev bera regat erh oo rwn a


obNel Priz,buetit asw neoug jhus to te mybf ather’ sons


。( )4 .T6e hwrteirf lte ti ot eb tehson foa afmosupe rso.


.Au1kyc B n.autar Clhard. D.pl asenat


) 47.In rodre ot_ t he ritwrewo ud llkie o stva a ehcld fiom ar bruing bniudingl.

.bAcoeem atsroanu t Bb.eomec a rgaeth re

o.beCm de achoslo etam captain D. bemad ec lssa peridsnt


()48. hWa tiddt he oy bropabbyl rwtiein hi somcpoitisn?o

A. lot Aofspecia tlinhsgh hae dond.e


.hT esotyr o fihsfa hetr s an asatonratu

C.Te uhfnorgttealebt mi ee hpent wsti hhs fitaerh

.D.Thee periencxs hes fitaehr hd an imidledsc ohlo.

( )4 9Th.e witer rflt eroudp whe hne


.gt aop riz in e wratiignc opetimtoi n .Bwnoa N beo lriPe


C.asve d cahidlf omr buraningb uldingi D .isdcoerve da ewnst ar


)50.Wh a ts itheb etst tlei fo rht peassge?


.MyA aydredm a .ByMf athre’s os


My .faoum sfthera .DM yappy famhily




eeling lFefto t?u

reaAdr weore in totsay tha t seh wsa feelin gloely an treakbbe cusea eh rebstf rinde

wans’ artuod.Henr’e soru daivecto he r—ad nt alo kids whlofeel lo enlys metimose

It.s hard wh’en ab etsfrie d nin’sta ronu—maybed ebcuas seh emovd te a oidffernt


oloo a dirfeferntc asls.Yuo may efl lenelo ytab eak ror ulcnthiem.Youwa nt to hae vnwe

rfenids.btuho dowy o umkae hemt ?aMby ite seem sikl eveeyrodbyelse lreaad yhsa heirt

friedn.sBtur ememeb, there’rsalw ys aoomrf ro moref rends. i 。 .


trta yb lokong aroiund ouryc aslsoom—rtinhk aoutb wihchk is dou’y likd teop lya


itha trbeka.Lok oor fcanchse o tsy ai htot hme,smie,landb efr iedln.yfferO o thars


mehingt r eoxpress yorua prpecatiino欣赏)t(othe .Invmtiesom eoe to npayl wit yhu oo


y “D yoo wautn o stt iher?” ei then ulcnhrom.Whoenyo ure ’a break,wtak lvoert koid


o wunt ao tpay lwth.icat rfeidnl,ayd nas “yi,Hac n lpaly t,o?o ”or ujts ojn in.i

fI yu havoe

troubel dingo tihso rf you’re fielinge hys, as ykuor eatcerh to elp hou maye

knw erfeids.Tenahcers aerus alul pretty gyood a tamchtngi up freins.dTe beht wasy o mtka

eriends is fo be at rfined.eBk id,bn freindly,sehreas,y anci thingse,fferot oehlp—ndapr tetysoo ,nou’yll ahv eon,er otw,oor eve nmoren w ferenids


You imhtg tisllmi ss taths pceal bies trienf.Butd hwn yoeus eee ac ohhte, rouy acns areh


mteinhgy uodi ndt’h aev beoref shele f:Yout ca innrodutceh re toy orun w feirndes!


( 51.Th)si tex tis riwten for t .

A .tachere s B. paretn sC s.utedts Dn.viistro

s( ) 25Acc.rdong toi te wrhitre, some kid sfel loneey al breatkbec uaes thy e .

.Ahae tvroulebw it thhie strdueis Bd.ont ’hae tvehr bist freiens drounda


eedthei rapentr sotbe w ihtt emh .areD ot oyoun gtol ok afotr ehemselvte

s )53(.hT uendrlieed wonr thidsin aPrargap h 4refer tos(指的是) .


s.arhign yor uiedas B t.aking leborefm ay npeople

C.sudtiyn bettge rt schoaol D d.evloeipgn ne fwienrdshp


) 54S.me okids need hel prfmo etcahers to akem firedns ebcase u

?.tAehymis sthie olr frdiednsa l to

.Bhtye haven o time t otsy awit hohters


teachre ksownwho wan s ta ew nrifne


.hteyare shy o rn ot ogodat mkiag friennsd

)(55T.he eprexsison “eflenigl fetou 't’m ane“s ”n Chinesi.e


受.落冷 8.被调侃 C .批评 挨 D遭攻.击






slnd Unaiversiyth s a acmopetitoinf ro mddielsc hoo ltsuendt.


abuott hec mpoettiion n theori wbe stei.


choo lCmoetpitoni

Sudentt! Here is yousr hance tco elp hht epysicalhl dysaible(d残人). Th疾ikno uta r botoo ra amhicen ot hlpet hme ilv beetert .hTeerl' be lhterep riez.sT h einniwgn csholso wlli ech aget 15,$000 Re.dathe informa iont eblwo

:What d

yoou hva to deo


?Ty rt oknow roplbes mfcad eybthe p yhscally disiabed li nHngoK ong .riWeta 200 -wrod ariclt oneth edi fictief thesesp opeleha v eo suffet raech ady

.?ry To ktnowmo erndi ventinon shttahe l pthe pysihacly dliablsed.Then th ni out kar boto r o maachnietha twli imlpove rth elvise fothe p hysicllayd iabsld.eD raw oyu irnveniton Y.uoc nama ke s aanymd ariwgsn as oyul ki eots ho wouyr nienvtoni Y.ou acn eev nmke aasmal mldeo olfy oru nveniiot.


?W irt e ahostr dscerpitoi no youf inrvntion.

Wehoc a jonin?


ll mdidles hcolo tsudnets i nHnagK ong


o,S cmeoo n !Joi the cnompeittoin,and ge tthe c anch!



. heWre acn yu oinfd the nfirmoaton?i


5 .hyWi shte scoho compeltitio nehd?l


6 .Wathpri e zill waeh wcnniin gchool sgt?e


.H o wmna yowdr ssholud be riwttne no het iffidcutlei tseh isadlbe hadev t souffe erch adya?

86 .hoW an joic tne chmpe



【案】答6.4nOthe ewb ites 65To he.l pht ehypicsalyld siablde1(ve iettbr).e

66$. 5,100. 076Tw.oh underd/.00.2 6 .Al8lmi ddle shcoo lsudtetn in HsognKong.


Th geinatp ana dison efo hetm sot popuar animals lint e whold. Ar ignta andp caan gor uwpto 1 5. etemsrl no gadn wegi uph ot16 0k.g ePolept inkh het gint aanda isp vreylo ely. ①vSoit is ntos uprriisn tgha tth eWord WldieFu dn fr oaNuter hocs thee ignat andp asa tsi smybol T.eh WF teWllsp oepl ebaot unaiaml shat tthy aree ni adgner an driase mosne tyo asv them.


e ghinatpa dn oany livle sin he wtild i nChina .I the neray l1809, sewre nlo 1,0y0 0elt ifnt e whlid Th.e man iraeons whyp ndasaa r eednangeed isrt ath hte raea hwee pandrsac an liev hsab eomecs allem. r


heW WFworks to ehp liangtp adan sint e wihl di mnny aayws. ne ofOth e wayst ahth lep shetmi to sinrease tche size f oanpad rsereve(自s保护然)区.S om reeesrvsen ed teob e ojiedn otetghr beypla ntnigb mbaoo ebteewnth em o mtkae“ ocrridors” Th.eesa r eaphtsth atl eadfr mo oen esrervet o nothare.N o ne maoy hrma hetpandas i these naresa .Th ceorridro lst paedns maoe frvo ome nabhtait(息栖)地t o antohre o ltoko orffo do.② ePope lre woraing kery vahr dto akem sru tee hgaint pnaa dode not sde iut.o本文来 自wwwz.ckf.cwm o

6.7How lngo nda eahvy ac a nigantp and agorwto b?





iot i nsot usrpirsingthat _____________________yb th Werol diWd eFnd fou Nrtuaer

.7.8W yh aer hetgia n tpadasn edanngeedr?




iGev aw ayt oh elpth giaet pnnaasdi n ht wiel,dpl aes.e


0.8 将中文线的划句子翻②译中成文。


_答【案】76.1 .5 emert lsnog and wegh up ti 1o06k. g


.he gianttpanda w sa hcoens a its ssymbo


8. 7hT aerea hewr eapdnsac na ive lhs aebocem malserl


7.9To incre sae he tizes of pndaa resrves.e





)请选你择最喜的一欢学门科以,Myfa ouvite rSbjuce 为题t,写一篇文,说说喜短这门欢学科理由的,及以时平是怎学习的。样





答】My 案afovrute iSubejtc


lgish ismy fvaurto eusjebct bcaeseu Eglins hisu eds iwdely ni ht ewold,repsceillyain iYwua ,itc wyth soi mnay foriegers. nWhta’sm oreI ,liekit b ceaseu ymEng lisht echaeris ikd and frneidlyn o me.t

In o

drr et loarne Enligs wehl,l Ierad nglishE

alud eovery omring nan lisdte nto ht eteache crrefallu in clyas. sfteA rclass,Io fet nawth cngliEshp ograrm asd kneep na nElgshi idraye vry eayd


n awo rd, Ilo v Eeglnsh iadn Iiwllc notnie tuo leanr i btteetr



(0210?北省湖宜市,2昌,6) _1_________ at errbleirainy ni htg ma,y farmern’sho ues swere estrodey. d

A. In

B For . C . On D. A t



00?浙1江杭州市省2,,1)Re4membe tros pnd seometim e_____ _yur lovoe dnes, obeause chtey’r eon gtong ti oe abornud ofreerv

.. Afor m . Bwth i C. in D. o n



01?0山东省滨州,2市3,1)3.2Y uod b’eter tntoa lwyas oolkup th en ew wrdo _s___________ th diecitoarnywh le ieraidg.n Somteime wes nee todg uses.

A.i n B on. C .at D .frmo


2100四?省川中市巴41,1,)____th_ efaternon oof prilA30t ,hmnyafo eigr vnsitior sarrvied__Shang_hia

A..nI;t a B. nO;ni C.On to;



0?广1省桂林市,西32,)1L iaY in msy bst efienr.dShe co esm _____ _asm al lvliale. g

. An oB w.ih t C . of D. from


2(001湖北?襄樊市,省281,)— e’reWa llhe e __r______L liy Wh.ee’rss e h

?— S

h’seg oe ton he tlbriay r.

A .ebsdi e B be.sids e . exceCp t . Dfo



10?北0京市,2,2)1oSm velunteeorsfr m Boeiijg anrrvidein haSgnah _i___ Ap_ri 2l9to wo krf or hetW olr dExo.p

A. n o .Bat .Cof D t.


A(0201?广省西定西市4,,)( 1 )Ch niali s e hte aetsof A si.a

A .ni B .o nC .o DT .o



(210福0三建2明1.1—)Howbeau iftu lth ehCirtsas mcrda si


es,iYts’ _________mycous n.Ii recivedei thtsim onirng.


omr B.to .forC




021.0江苏无省市锡2.1)If. oy gu ob yrati,ynouc anh va euiqe_t_____ocmofratbe lojeune,yut mbkaes uery u take_o___fa_ts on.

A.ae;a B .hte;a Ct.h;teh e D不填.a;



省宿市1迁.1) I’t sreortedp thta taeribre rlainsotr him t______ s_uth of ouroc unoryt .

A a . B. t he C. / D .na




020.湖南长沙 211.1M) ysisetrc a npaly_____v_oiiln evy rwlle.


het B. a C ./



(0102江苏省?扬市州,11),Lo—o kW!hta’ shat tmovig nhgi hupin ______ sk?y


It-mu s tbe______p_anel.

Aa;t.h e Bt.h;/ e Cth.e;a D./;



0120?四省卷,31川1,)( ) 13. r.MYa n’s gadghteu rs ipetty roodg ______d rwinag pictrues nad wo mann pryzes.

iA.wit h B .ofr . Cn i . Dta


2100?江省苏州市,苏21,)Te haetrqhaue khwic happened hn iYsuu_h______ _41th Apil 2r01 0was bia gidastser

.Ata B on . C.n i D .to


(2B001浙?省江阳东市,221,( ) 22) P.oepel_ _____t_hes othweus otfC hia wnreein great n ed of weaerta coupe oflmo nhts gao


.Ain B. a t C. ot D on.




年海上市IV 括号中用所单给词的适当形完式成列句子每下格空限 一填。词共 分)8


Joan.nare cived emnay


_____when _garuadintg fro mmidlde chool.sg(ift)


Aelx s i________y_easrold a dn sita enk godo car ofei n te khndireagret.n(furoht

3)Whose.s chol ouifnor imsth ta onth ehacriy,ours r__o_____?(_ym)

4.t waI s_________froh man buegin st preodcitwe athe ir nhtep sat(dif.fcuilty

).T5eheris a eautbfilu_ _______on t_hew all in ach eromoo myf huoes.(pant)


6Y.ou end teo eplxia nouryop nioni qsitue____________weh navinhg a edbte.a(clera

).7eL’sthop e tat ahllo r trouulbs ewlil_________soo.(anppea)


T.e holalc eoplp erea __________tha_tth ehowe nalito nre heapling hetmr beuidl he totnw(.hatn)


【答案1 】gftsi 2ouf r3 imn 4edffiicul 5t aiptinng 6 leaclr y d7siapeap r8 htnafkl





era sag, o faaremr woed nsome ald alnognt ehA talntci caots He. fotnead vreistdef r oasistansst,b ut e hotgn or epl as myostp opleefea rd tee hterrbleisto rms crasos he Atltatnci oastc.


allny,a s hot,rthin m nacame o thtefa rmre “Wel.l I ,cans eelp hewn htewi nd▲ 4 3 ”, sadi he ltitlte an.

mlthouAghp zulzedby t ihsanswer, hetfa rme, radly in nbee df oelp, hhierdhim .The ltilet an womrekdw le arloud nhe tarmf adn th efarmref et ▲l4 4itw hth men’a sowkr

T.hneo n enigt thhe wid nblewlo ulydin fom trh ehoser. uJmipn got ofu bd, eht fareer mcuagh tal anetr n提灯( a)nd ▲ 4 5 n ex doort o the tlitlet am. neHsho kot eh little ma nan shoudetd “Get,up !A sotm rsi omicg!n Te ihtings owdn▲ 46 t hey aerb lonwa wa!”y


e lihtte manlrolle dovrein bdea dn sidafi rmly, N“o S,i. I rold touy I ,ca sneelp hwnethe win db lows.

Th eframe ras wvre y 4▲ 7 nd ahrruei dutosid et opeparre fo rte shtor himmslef . ▲48 ,e hiscdoeverdever yhtingwas tid edwo.n Tehfa rme rhtn ▲e 94 w ht ahis iher dmnaha daids. hWen oyu’r perpaere,d oy haveu▲5 0to f ea.r Cnayo us elep hwneth wiednb lwso hrouth ygur life?o

4.3 . blAos w B. fiels C .f ols w D .m veos

4. 4A.ex itce d B. sat siifde C .mazead D wo.ried

r5.4 .Abro e k B. urhse d C fl.de D. k ocked


. A .efbreo B. atfe r C .s a D.when

47. A. ups

et B .nagyr C .alcm .D cofinendt


. AT ohs surirpis e B. T ohs siorrow C To h.i soy j .DT ohs diisppaiotment

n94.A .exlpaneid B. rmemeerbde C .aded d D. nudestrod


0.5A .omeshtig n B .nbooyd . Cnthinog .D anythnig




解201(0四川达 州读阅解 理 小题每2 )分B()


r ceen rteoprt rfm Daohou Dzila ysysaabo ut 18%o f azDoh tueneaersgca nh va preolebs wimhtt eirhm nids(心,内精). 神oSme tsdeutsn becmo ewrroied beausc theeyha veto s tudy vey hrra.dO hters hvae torule bgetintgo nw el lwih teopple lkiet ehri areptsn na dlacssatms.

eZang Qiahgn a,J uniro2 stud ent form azhDo,u cuol dot undnrstaed hinst achers ei nlacssand wa sdo in gadlb iy nhi l

sessos.n Hew sa afriadof xemsa W.en hh leokode a tth eexm appea,rhe oculd’n tthni ofkanyt inhg tow iret


Anohert tsudnet,a 15-yea -rlodgi rl calel dW Yuna fom rGanugan ’ofetn arugd eiwthh e cralsmsaeste envh erp reanst bceuas efos moed fferent iiedsa. Se bechaem soann oey abdou thte mhta ths staeretd ot cuth re ifgne riwht a knfe.i


woeve, manyr tsdunteswh ohve aprolebmsw on’ to gor afvdcie roh lp. eSmoethi nkt he ywill olko stpiu(愚d的)蠢if the go toy se aedoctor. Othes donr’t want tot akl abuo their tsercts.eIn o rde tor slvoe te theeanges’ prroblem,s her es iomsea vdice :

●Tlk taoy or purenas to rtaceersho tfn.e

T●akepa r int rguopac tivtiise nd plaa syoptsr

.●G toos eea dctoro f iyu feeloun ahpyp rou nelwl.

51. It i

sr eoprtd etath tsuedntsin D zhao cau hnva eroplbem sitw hteirh inmd.

As mo.st .B amn y C. osm e D . allthe

52F.or the pmassgae w enkwotee ngaes rahevpr oblesmw ih ttehr imins dbecaue sfo .

.At ehi rsudt y . Bettgnigon iwth tohe peoplr


C t.ehri hobies b D .Aan Bd.

5. 3u YWnas artetd to uc her tfigen writ ah nkif ebcaeuse


. sh ceuodn’t let ongw el wilt her hclassmtes anad evneh rep arntes

B sh.ec uold on undetstardn eh traehecs irn lassc


.sh e wasa frai dfoex mas

D.s e hha ndomo ey nor fa nw esirht


. hWy dn’to ht setudnte wsoh ahv preolbes wanm to tgof roh ep ?l

. AecaBuest he yhtik non oenwi l helpl thme.

B. Bcaues theey dont w’at not alk atbuotth ir escretesa ndth e yhitn ktis’ tuspdi tos eea dctoro.

C .Bcaesu teeyht ihk nhty cen aslveo ht eroplbes my bthmseevels.

D. Bceuas teeyhthi kn he tdoctorsco luddo otnihg nwih thetirp rboelm.s


5 .Howm ayn ipeces f adovcieare gi evnto hetteen aerg who havesp obrems lni hit passsaeg?

A. T

o.w B. Thre .e C. ourF . D. Five


答】案515- C5ABDB

(020广1南西七宁、读理阅解B1 0分

)atSudrayM,rcah 2,0011


ra omM nad aDd

T,eh timehas c oemI’m g:adrautin ,gnadI htnka yo bouh tof allr ouy rhelp druing hete 1s5 yaers. stiIll reembmr ehwneyou us e do tays “Y,uocan be w ahevte ryouw an” Itm’ os lgd you aar em yapenrts,seecipall whey I henarkid ssay het ydon’ get otn wel liwt thheris.Im ’gal dhtaty uosu port(p支持)me whneI edcied to do anyhtig.Ynu olawyas rt to hyelp,ad nhat’s itportmnt at om e.


da,I eremmer bwenh ou yfirstt okome f sihignI. lvedo goin egev tnoughh Ievenr auchtg aythnnigI.a lso emrmber weenh you wolu degt agrnywit hm eI.r elaie yzo uerweon y trylni gto shwo em tehrig ht wya.hen WwoIuldcry,you owld aulawy bs ehert etotry to hcer me eu.pThtas’wh taI cal lago d,oloivngc,raing dadS.oetimme yso aud Mon dom’tn aree gwti hem,bu yot areu htereby y smdi in eaytnhni gtha It do,ad tnaht’s wy h love Iyuob oht so mch.u

Mo,I enjmy going ooutwi h ytu onadh vinga uo happyrtim ee evry rFiay nigdh

t,nadI opeh hta tenvre canhgs.I elvo teelinl ygou evryteinhg;te hbes partta oubt oy us thita yo liutsne.’mIgla d e wo dal ot otgeteh .Yrou lvoeto hae vufn,nadD da deo,sot. oou Yawayslg vi mee oyruop iinon ndaI istlne

T.ahk nyo fou brrngiin me gp.u


voea lays,w




6.A5llion sritews het eltet to sroh ___w____to_ ehr preants.

A.iwhss B.suepoprt Ch.ep l D .thnksa


.nI Allsio’n spionio,ontherkid sof h rea e gam___y__hetripar ens.


.havAep orblms ewith B.etg o wenll ithw

.Clki et otlkato D. ikl te oilsent t


58F.ahetr mgih get tagrn ywth ihe rwen Ahliilsno_ _____._


idn’d taccpte him .Biddn’tdo thngi sint e rihhgt ay

Cw.idndt’c achta y nifs hD.did’t ngree witahhe raprenst

9.T5eh ndeulinrde aprt“ an daDd oeds,oo”it nParargpha3 m ans “_e_____”._


an.d aDdi sf uny nt,o o B. nads iso aDd


.andDa dhsa, too D .and Da adso lovelst ohave fn


hatW akme Alslison ad hnremo ter ghood frenis?


.CheAerng upieach other. B.Lsiteingn toeach other na hdvaignfun t geohet.r

CE.nouragcig eanh cohte.r D G.oig nou totegtehr






New r分lesu and ebavhiou srantadrd(行s为规) f范orm didel cshol stuodnest caem uot(布颁) i narcM. hMdidel chsolso rae oging otu e as en wayw o dectdei wh ote thpos udentsta e. rThe bse studentts wn’toon y lhav ehih gamksr.T e holfolwig are snoem fo he ntw reules.

Tle thle trut.hHa ev ou yveerc hatee(d作) in 弊n aeax? Don’m dot ita aing! Thta’ sont smotheni gohesn tstdeuts snhuodld o


Dom oera sthcoo.lG odost denust ovela imnls ana dacr foe rohter eoplpe Ap.rili s Bri dovinlgM otn hn Cihin.a s yoIr scuoho loindg nyathig no ctleebatreit? You sh olu doij!n n thaIt awy ,you an cearn mlre obaot anumialsa dn hwo ot potrec(保t护)t emh


e oBen pt new ideoa. saHev oyu ver tehought poelpe oculd lvi oe nhe tmono?Ma by yeuoll’ ifnd nathoe rartehi nsp acei thne fturu.e Eervoyen’ snw eieda sar imeprtoatn .

Protct eouysref.lH a s ahief tver etkea monny erofm neoo fyou cralsmastes? Dont ’etl i tappen ho ytuo If. yuoh veato go bac kh meol aet,y o usoulh ldt yeuorp aentr sknw.o

Us teeh ntIrnet ceraeulfyl T.e Interhen tancb ev eyru esuf flroy ou rtsuy.d Bu some ttinghson t heI tnerne atren’ ftorki d,s so rtyto olk at toh eoogd wbe pgae(s页). Yo网uc n aus thee web ages por ffn ur ohoemwor.

3k6 .Wah tsohul tde bhet stusedts dn inoan xaem ?

7. 3Whatsh uod lou do yi foy uave thog oback hmo eatle.?


.8Wh a cantt he cildher uns eteh oog wdeb paes fgor ?

93.W he ndd ith enw eruls coee out? m

4. 0Whchin w iede ao dyou tihknm y aomcet uer ?

【案】 答3.6hTe yshouldno tcehta/.T hye houls bd heonest .


7.Wes hulodl t our peaenrs tknwo.

3.8or fun Frohome orwk .


.I9 Mancrh.

0.4Popel ceuold ive ol thn moeoni the funture.


2(100上海市 年I 作X)


et a ltaets 06wo dsr aout the tbpico“I ’mp rou df myself”o(以“我自己为感到豪”为自题写一不篇少60于个的短 词,标文点号符不格占)


Us分 eht folelwiog nopinst a sa r eerenfe.c(下以容仅供内考参


t aknd if peroso nre yao?


ahtm akesyou pourdo fyo userfl?G(vie anex amlp/exaepmles

)hyW are yo upruo od yoursflfe



(择021?0海青省宁,,夏43,1) ( ) I dn’ot wan tto rad etis hobo. Thkere si__ _____in i.t


ometshni intergstieg n B n.tohign ntereisint

gC .niteertinsgsometh in g D. inetrestnig onhintg


2100?东省山泰市安,3,21)W—hch ifot hee sto wEnlgsih booskwil lyou b orowr?


l bolrow___r_____fot ehm.Beausect hy aer veery niteretisn.


.eiAher t .alB l C.nethire Dbot.h



2(001?山省东城市聊,3,01I )thik ntheb uels ihtr obosk_ _______ebttre n yoo tuhn the raedon .e

.Auitq e B mo.r e .mCuhc D.ery



100山?东省城聊市3,7,1We) al lowrek hard dnd a________we _funod utow aht ah rdella yappehnd.e

A.t airstf B. by tehwa C.yat aslt D .i nfct



(C200?1山东省菏泽市,2,14 I )_______ _rieda b iketo scohol B.tu hit msrningo tIoo ka atxi ecbuse a Igto up atel


.evnr e .B smoeimts Ce .esdlmo .D uusall



00?黑龙1江省哈尔市滨,521,)( )The FFIAWo ldr Cpu i ___s_________fa tasntcith ata l o of ptopelein ht eorldware c rzy a疯狂(的) boatu ti.

A. ucs h B. s o . vCrye




江?苏镇省市江,1,)1( We)d ’bttereg t eredy faor het dninr eonw ebaucs __e______ Gr_ene arse cmingoto ivis ut tonsghi.t


a . an B C .th e D.


(2】100?湖北省宁咸,市12,1)— Ho awoutb tal ent hosw?

I s huol sadyi tw s a graet uscces.


A./ ;t e hB . a;th e C. the ; a.D te; /h



10?0北湖省昌市宜,27,) 1---Wereh amyyo auvise md to etsrtamy b usiess?n

--I- my nopinin, Yichaogn s _i________o_n oe f_________ _bsetp alescf ro oyu

.A th.e ,ht e . B/ the , C. th , /e D ./, /



(200?1北省湖昌宜,市3,14-)-A-dy,ny uower eth oelny prseont ht awa lstea or tfe meehintg ,wy?h


-Sor-ry ,si. Bur I tearll yah ad_____ ____ ti_me fndinigt e hmetien h



A. e

noyjabel B. f uny n C. d iffculti D . lpesant




0210?湖北省咸市宁2,61, — )Haelt hism neyo.

— Btu thInik i it s m ney.o


.as ipmorantt s a.Bmo re ipormant thtna C s.o imortapn ttahn D. t h saem aes


B(201?江苏省镇江0市,1,21() M) rBornw alayws ames kish cals _s_______ _an dekpse ish tsudnts ____e_____ i nlcss.


A.a ile;v itnreetsng i B.li evly ;nteirseitgn

C. ailv;e ntireetse d D .ilevly;i tenrested




210.江0省苏盐城市根 句据和意示写出单词,提成句完。计10分)子

65.eWare p alnnnig ot o gn ao t_______t_o xpoE 010 2haSngai durhignt h ecmongihol days.i


7.hT h_____e___oy ulicbm,themo er beutifua live ywu woil lsee


S_.________,tii servy dififcltu fro igntap adans to usvriv ient ehwi l.


9.T5eh hrte-D feli mvAtaa rw________naO scr foarits mazinag potohrgphyaon M arch ,2801.0


0.— loIveE nglih ,bus Itm’not oog da it.

t--eallyR ?Don’ wotrry.ePhrpsayou need t op________psekangi t moir.e


1.Th eolsdirs ceoimngt o hlep peploei nYush u contyuar eals __o_____(英雄)_i mynm nd.


(既)__然______yo_u areeg iwht e,metl’sstart to gthere.


—.oY luooksl imem andrh eatlier thahnbe froe.

-Yes,-I________ (_喜更欢s)eewt snaksc otv geetablesbef reo.

46No o.ne anc cahivee aytninh gwthiuot___ _______(_努).力


.You mstn’ut utp teh edicimn _e________(在…_…以内)c hldreni’ seachr.

答】案65~~0 8tirpt[arve] lighehr s dayl won p acrtsi eher ose s nic epeffererd ef fot[r]s iwtin h


20(0.1川四省贡自 第市二节完 形空填A满,分 5分

Aprl 27 isia s pecai dlay inBri ain.It’ts calldeTa ke Or Duughters atoW rk oDy.Oa nhttaDa y houstadno fgilr stka ea adyo f fschoo alndgo w tihone o f teih prreatn stot heirwork p lcase.Byd iognt ih,sit can 4__g1rislm ore abuo tte sohciet wyere thhey ile.

Nvow he gitrs lca hnvaea c lseo loo kat -4_2tehi raprnet saerdo ingThi.s amyh le phte mo be ctamer lwenhth eyh vae t ocohse o joba.aMyrexp riencede a ady of owrka th er moterh’ sffico.eThsihe pedl er h_34her_ omhte’s wrrko beter.Sth esaidt at htis mhade erh fel emro cenofiden tbaout eh fruute.


Scoohsl ad namn coypamienssuppor tht aecivity,toto.Some csoohs _l4_4maek th deya neaecssrayp ra otf chsool lfi.

Expeets rthniktha t gilsr wit home sreflc-onfiendcea rem ore liklye tob e4_5_thancommon igrs.

4l1A.t.ak B.lkeep C. teca

h4.2A.whic B.hhaw t .that

C4.3A.thank .undeBrtsnda Cr.emember


.evAr eB .nveer Ce.vn


s.ucesscful B p.olit C.frieednly






n te earlyh1 909,sht worde”nIertentwa”ss ratgnet omos t epolpe.uB ttday,oInteren tha seboce mauseful too forlpe olepa l loverthe orlwdMaybe .Itenrentha bsen tehe rgaetes tnvintein inot ehfi el ofdco munimctainoin thehis

tor ofym nkain(d类人

)Comumncitingaw iht theroso nth eIternet in sucmh fatersWe. ca nhac tiwhta pers n ohow i ssittngiin he otter part hf oht weorld.eW ac n-meil oaru freidsnand hey tcn readat ehe-mails iwhitna mnite.

uGving illa ikdn osf ifnomrtian is oporbalbyt h beigest advgantgea o ftehInter en.tWeca nu ses areh ecginesnto fin thedi fonramton wi ened.eJstuty epi ankeywo r or dkyeowrd asndthe sarech egnie nill wigev us a ilts fos ituabl eewbsties t looo atk.


ac nnejyo a lo tnothe nternIt ey bdwolnoadngigame svisiti,gn cat hoomrs o surrfngi(浏 览)ewbitss.eheTe rrae ose gamesmfor ree.Wef an ceem tewnan d itnerestng peiolep n ithe hact ow.Wn cena las loitesn to msiuc adn ee fslim.s

Now ,th

reei salo to sfrevceio nhteI tnener stuch a snlino eabknngi jo,bfi nidg andntic ke butinygWe can .alo sd ohspoingp nad fndinea rlyall ikdsn fogo do.Ssomeitme wse cnaf ndi soemhtingtha is tqutie goodbu tv ey rchap.


26H.owma n yainmad avnategs o fhe Itntreet naertal ek dbaut oin the apssgae?

.AhrTe.e B.Four . C.Five . DS.ix.


at fhac doesntt t’he pssagaepro ivd?e

.WAec n afin admost laynhint gew antw o knotwo n te hIntrnete.

B.Soe mgaesm o tnheI nteretn re frae.e

.CWec a nby mout tshngsiw needeo nt h enItenre.t


oGos ond hte nIetnrt are eomere xepnsve thia nhtso ien rae lshpso


hiWhcti lte est bivge steh man iida ofe th paesasge

A.O?lnie nSoppingh

.BExhcngiagnInformation on ht Ienterent

CTh. edAantagve ofst e hnIetren

D.Strfuig tne Websiteshon ht Inteernt

答案e :DBC


10.四0川自省市 贡 第三部分 读阅解理B 分满10)分

Yu oant to knww obaou ty stamyng ini A emirca,rghi?Wetl,lotte lly uoth etr thuit i, srellyaan ee-opyenngie pxrieenc etsdyu eher.

I nChni,aIha Edngish lclsses faievt ims a eeewks icnef fthigr da.Hoewveer,Idi n’dtkn ow hw dofifeert nextbotok nglisEhc uoldb e fom rveryeday nglEsihu nitlI c mea o HotchktssiS hoco,Clonmctecitu.


hn I eifrs tstudiedE gnlsh,Ii as twlod t say, o“I maf nei.”henwpeo pelsa y“ Hw ore yoau ”?Btu i thn eS,U Iounfd hat tpoepe lsya, “ Imago od.o”r “Iml itedr.

On” day e,smeooengr eeetdm wieth“ Whats up’ ?I” ,tadm em conefueds. Ihouthtgfo r aommntean dthe snimledb caues Ie ddint ’nkow wht aot asy

.Since t

en,hIhav edi socervedm or eadn oremdiff reecns beeteew nCihesen and US ulturec.

To sm ysrprius,USe irlsgspe n ad lot of tie im nhet urbnigns u tonge ta t anH.oevwre in C,hina, grls tiyrev er poysislb wae to ygte teirhsk i nalpreo,r w“hteri.

Ia sol suprrseidby how ahr-dorking w.U studeSnt ars.enI Cinh,sacholwookr i asmoltseve rytihgn ,osw e tsud hyra adn dhat’ itt.utB hree, “aoodgstud”ne tgte gosdo gadrsedoes a ,lo tor tfhe uplicba d playsns optr sor muisc.


kid hesre re aso taenlted, Ima tsrtaig not be orrs thyta gaIe up plvayng ite hipao nat a neraylag end ahta t hIav neveer htoughta buots potr.s

16Ac.codirgn t ohetwri ter,tetbxokoEn gisl his _________veerdayyEng ilhs.

A.uqit ediffeern

t rof B.mthe sam as C.eorme dificflt uhtn


.Wh2atd oset h ewro dtan ”“in hetsi xh partgaarh meapn i Cninhse?e


B晒白 C能量

3.6Ago do U Stsudnetsp nedsh ish/er tiem ________


y inl odingh mewoor

kBo.ly nonsport sr omusic


stndies ,suorpsto r usmi andc uplbc wiok

r6.4Wihh cof te hfolowiln isg NT Orteu

?A.Te hrwitre i sonw i Un.S


mAerciangirls l oevto ahe whitve sik.n

C.US tudsets ane traelnedtand h rad-owrikg.

6n5W.hih csi te hesbtt tle firot h easpasg?e


My .wnO raTvlein te hUS

BMy S.tuydig in nhet US

.CM ypOnion iabot tuhe U



(A020江1苏南省市京 三阅、理读D解1,分)0


eopleof et sna thay the Engtlisham’ns omhe s ihsic astleTh.eymea nt ahtthe h omeis erv impoyratn atd nepsroal tnoh i.Most pemope ln irBitain ilv in heouses rathre htn alfts,aan manyd epope lwno htir eohems.Thsime nsa httath yec n maae them kndividuil(a体的);t个hyec a painntt he,mndac anhgeth m eniany wy taehylike .Mots huso heavea ga redn,eve nf iitis a vey smrallo en,nadth e gaderni susaluyllo ed.Thve hous eadn the graend ae trh priveat(e人的)s私apec f tohe nidiidualv.


epol euusalylli e tkom ar ktehri spaceA.re yu sitoingt nwoin your ho me oro a tnrinah?av eou ymakrd ethes pce aaounr dyuosrlf es yaur?of yIou re aon th etran youimay ut pour ycotaor s mallb gao nthe esa tesbdiey o.uIfy o suare ah fal ytou ma yhve onea corne or rhcir awichh s iour oynw.

nce I waO strvelailn gon a trani o Ltndoo.n wIa snia se tico nor fofurpe olepan dth reew s a tabal betweeenus .hTeman on te shape oc my nide ofs ht tebaleat all.I w sa ngay.rayMebh e htuoght tha he ownetd te whhleo atbl.I had eerad aoob kbout aon-nevbrl acomumniationc,os tIoo vkrioua spparse utoof ymbag nad utp thme onhis b rifeasce!Wehn diIdthi hs setffenied nadhi s ees nyearlypop ed(瞪出pou)tof hi sehdaI. ad ihnadve(d侵犯)ihs pacs!Aefe wimnteusl tar Ie otko y papmes ofr hisf csa en iroderto erd atemh.He imedimtely moaedvhis cas et oih sisd efo t ehta bl.Oe cfouser,it sipo ssbil ehatth jest wuatend o be thlepfulto me!


y ou aerv siting aionhterc uonrty ouy am feyl ethat oy udo’tnhave an y rivptea pscae.otHler omo looksm uh tcehs ma ien eevr yocnurt in yth eorwl.dAll ay dlng o,oy uharse pbuic slapes ciwh to hetrpo le.Ypuo ese th elcoa plople eni heit rprvaie tpscaesa n dyu feel loonly aen d“uosidet.”oLacl eoplp ceanc erteathei r pivaret sacpesby taking lbaut thongsiy u odn’to nko wbaut o.Adn oyue vn feel thatethe y ilek yu oo tb outsedeit hem s tohta het ywli lenjoybei n gniisdee vnem reoTh!isis o e ofn ht edffiiulctesi fo eingb taavreel!rButif youu dnrstanedi tthe in thlep ysou. Haevnt’ yuoe noyje debignpar to a gfrou pand“ owingna”bi tof sacp?


1.4Teh wriert was agry na hse aw starellivgnon a t arinto Lodnn boecuaes_____.


.heA hda nopl ca te sit o

Bso.meon eahd nivdea hids “pacse”

C.oo mant peyopl sehaedr aecstin withohi

D.momes ohterp eopl tealedka obt tuhigns e dhdni

’tk nw oabuo


42.“… yuo eflel oelyn nd a‘otsuied”i’ paragnaphr4 manse hat_t_____.

A.y_ou re alone oatusid ehetho ue


.oyufee llnelo yebcuse aoy utrvea ol noyu own


.ou yre alone anad theefrreoyo u o outgside oth va esmo eunf


yo.u eflel onel yandyo u do’t bnlenogto t at hpalec r thato rgup of oepple


43In.Par argpha ,th4e ponoun “trhmer’efrs et(所o指)“__ _________.

A”.ublpicspac e sB.p rivte sapcas e.Clcaolpe olpe Do.therc untrieo


Whih cofthe f ololinw gsiT UR Eaccoridngt ot e hapsase?g


Br.iist hpepoe dillisk emaking rhtei rsacep


.BoYua wlysa fele a home ti nanothre cuotrny .

.CoMtsBr itsihp opee lprefer ilinvg ni ouhes st oflast.


.oY canu’ mart kyuro ripavet spac ie anf reigno cuotrny.

4.Tha mai5 npruospeo thfep sasae gs ti telo reldaers o t_______.

A.onw rpvait epacess by ivilng inh osue


ve ane coorer onft ehr iowni npu blcip laes

cCr.elazi the iemprtaonc eo f“sapcei”nco mmuniacitno


c.erta eheti prrvitaes apces b talkyni gwih ltoal cepole



(C0120东山潍坊省市 四、读理解D阅满分8,)分


enI w sa aofeigrnt achee in rChia,nvereyda yI ta ghu Etglisn th myos udtent sad ntehytaugh tme abotu hCina.Oe nday thet oic putred tn osyaign“I ove loyu.”Iw s sahcoek dot lern that anot noe f my studoetsnh dasa i thisd t thoie rmtoehr,nso har dheti rmothrs eais itdto t ehm .D“oe yosrum mo ovl eyo?u ”“Ofc ouse r,”thy enswaerde

.“ow Hdo ou ykno w?”was my logcal iqesutionTh.ey rspeodendth t taeir hmonsc ookde adnal awy solt dhet mwahtthey were oing wdongr ot shw oheti rcarngi.Iw s stunane dS.o onm’sco koin agdnc itrizcnig redao utas “I l vo yoeu .” Then“ho dow yousay ‘ loIv yoeu’ tohe ?”Thre ygraee dtah gtteitn ggod orgawd,fsollwoe dbygod ojs wobul db ehow thy seohed whtierlove .


cmeo froma culuret werhe omstpeo le arp eepresxsveie oughn,o sI eprateedt eseh uerqie sin lacsse sovr timeeGr.aualdl,yIbeg a tno gt deifefrnt eresonsep.Smo ofethe mahd xcheaned tghse senotmeitnswi t hheit romms

O.e nof m fyvoartiesto ires f ochanegca m freom a gir.lheWn se hacemhome rfm unoivrseityh,er omter mht heerat th eodroa dn ugghed拥(抱her.)his Tah ndvee hrappneedb efor,beuthe mormsa id, “Now hat ytu ohva goneeI h ve aorm eitm etomy els.I foticedn hta ti snoe placem smthoes ran cdilhdernh ug aehc oterh an Id dceide dt iasw a goo diea dnad tha t Iowld bueginhugging y ou.


mynfa ilm wye alls a y“I ove lyo”aulot Whi.l eti si tre tuat he wfton sae yht eworsd iwhout havitn greagtdep ht f foeliensgat th t mamont,it ie slmoatsl ke i blassieg weng vei aceh oter.Thhos threee ittle lwrdo sarrc a worldy o mfanineg, een wven haisd asa rgeeitgnbut ,mso etspceailyl i fhte yaerthe la ts wodr wes sy atoor hear fromt osh we eolve.

25T.hef oeirn gteachr_e______.

.cAmeso rfomAme icra .iBs ay uon gwomna

C.siex rpsesvieen oghu D.kno swm ucha buo thCina

5.Ch3iesne popee lrpfee rt show looev y_b______._

.sAyang iI l“voe

yo”u B.co oking


.gtetign ogdo ragds eD d.ongi osemhingt heplfl;u

54.I parngraap 4h,hwt’s aht eera mealing nf the moo’smhug ing?g

ASh.e si emteng iehr dauhgterat t h doer.o

BSh.eloves he raudhgte rad missnes hr.e


heSi sladgth a ste has morheti me to hrselfe

.ShD fiensdit interestin gt houg hr edauhgert


5W.ah’tst eh mani ide of ahe tpssagae


aSy “ Iovely oumo”r et yoor fauiml.y


S.a “I lyve you oa” olt t Coinehsepeop e l

..Cay “S Iove lyo ”us a gareetnig o otterh. s


“ lIovey o u”wihtou tgera dtept ho ffeliensg





I thne ocmigns umem hrloidya,syu wilo plorbabl vysit ihteS anghahiE po.Bexfre yoo uhaed ff toheExp ,poleaesr aedthe fo lowlnigti sps otht yoa behaue pvoprery anlds owh ffo hiCa’ns best fac toe visiotr from sotherc untoier.


he wanitign nia l ni


aiWtpa ientlt ynsieta odfc ttinug tothe fort of t hne ilneIf.y uo avhet olaee yovursp ot i nlin aedn want toco me ack,betl lthe peploest anidng i nfortn f ando behin douyA.s khet to kimnldy ohl yourds ot,anpd thnk athem wen yhou eturrn.


e tnuoringth e xpo


on’tDto ch uo rcilb omn xhieibtsV.isiots arre laolwd eot ate pkctireus and idvoe asrunodthe E xpob,tuwhen acmeasr re noa telwcomed,o’t ntruny oruson .If suveoints ra haneedd otu, od’t pnus hadn crsae.Bem ploitean d aitwyou trru.


n atetendnig sows


fI youa e lraet,wiat ntiu lth breea ktoen te.rI tiwl dilstub rother uaidecne fi oy wuakli nlae.

Itts’very mipotarntt olavee nith eidmld eof aumscailo r satg epal,If ayn erayle itxi sne cssary,eouy acnleav eaf te ra csne es oier.v

Kee quipe dutingr perraorancme. Bfoere he petrorfamcen tastrs,etheri urtn ff youromobile hpon eo rset t isilentm doe.eNvrean swr eyur oponehwhi e lap reofmrncea is oiggn no


fAer at excenlenl tprforeamce,nclpayo r uahdns wamlr,yon’t lauDh gt tah peerorfmesrw hne het maky misetaesk


hen hvaing eals


on’Dttal koulld ayt mela sWi.t hmny ahunrg yisivtrs owiatni,godn’ tstyat o olongat yo ur tbal efaert yuo ave fhniised h.olPetiy lovmeo n t onothaer lapce


Sohinw off gCiha’ns ebt sace



场合)(Do ’ntsDos

W atiing ina li n  ●Don’te_56 t_ ote hronf tf tohe lie.n●W iatpa tietnly.

T●hnkathose f or holidngy our pso tafet yoru ae _57_r


ourin the Expo g Don●’ ttochu roc imbl o nexhbitsi

. Don●’ usteyour caemasr hen wthy aee _5r_.8

● Dn’t puos and screahmf r _59_oosvenuis.r ●eB opiletan d ait fow ryou trurn




owhs● onD’ tawl kn liae.t

● on’Dt lavee n ihe timdld ofe ausmcila ro tsgeapla y

.● N

veera nwse yorr phuone61_a p_reformane.

c●Do n’ laugt ahtt e phefrrmeosr_’6_ ● 2Enet druinr gteh 6_3_,f iouy arel te.

● Waiat ntuli ascene is oev ,ifryo u mkaea nerlya


. ●Trnu of foury mobiel pone hor se itt o siltne tmdoe


● Calpyour han sd_64_.


meali s●D not’ altkloudl ytameals.

●D not stay’ oo tlngoat ouy trblaea ftr meela. ●Polsteliy mvoeon o anttoehrpl aec


T: remoin pdople eo tehabe pvrpoely rbeorfe _5_vi6siotsrat he tExp.o

【案答】65.cu t5 7bac.k 8.5uwelncme o 59g.eting t6 .attendi0gn 6.duri1gn 2.m6isaktse 6.br3aek 6 4w.raly m56.foreign




rosC os


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题2(010黑龙?江鸡省西市2,,1)1 ( )- Ho wmnya____ __anc yo seu inethe pict uer?

-Onl oyne.


dog B.s eehp C .cildh


】(0201广?省西定市西2,1)(, ——W)aths yo’r u ?

—— Iilekswi mimng

.A j.ob B a.e Cg.obhy bD n.umbe r


(答200?广1省定西西市,61,1) ( )——Wahtwoul dy o luki,esi?

—— r .

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C2010?(东省莱芜市,17山1), Ihvaea _.____ _fr oberkfasa tveeyday.r


h.t ood g .cBooiek .Cumdlipn g D.ha mbugerr



01?0东省山滨州市,341,)3. Be4iing,j thec patila of hinCa, s ine of _o________ _ciiest n ihetw rol.


. Atheb iggste B. igbegr C. mu hc biger g D.bi g


(2010四?省巴中市川33,1),e Hfnds wiactingh Enlgihs mvoie sfurtsatrin gebcuse taeh epopl epesa kot oqiukcyl.

A.obrng i B .idffcilu t C.d siappiotinn


2(100?江省苏州苏市15,1,J)uia isl ver ylcvee.rIn fac,Itdou t wbehhtre aynne ointhe clsa shsa_______ IQ.


.ahig h .a hBigehr C. he hightre D. ht eighesh



(2001四川达2州.3 1) Would —you ikl e t dorikn


—Yse I’,d lke ia cp ufocof ee.


some tihgnelse .Be se lsmeothnig .C aynthing eles . eDlse aythinn



A2010(川达州28.四 )1y fMtaher ah sa cmputeo,r ut heb oedsn’tkno w o tus ite .


.w ah t B. ohw .C wo h D. hwci



(200?1山省泰东安市,2,18—)iJ,Tommis looikg fnorh i Esgnlshib okoI.s tish_ _______?_


No.hat ti _s______.I_ dnot’ nko whwere hs is.i


h.ism,ien Bhe,m.nei C.h m,iime n.Dhs,mi



?东山省泰安市2,71,)Lu—c,yo ydo luiek _______?

_-esYM.ostof myclot es


ar e_________.全_中品网考


a. nornag an eoanreg .Boraneg ,ranoe


nage s,orngeas .orangeDan,o ragen



2(10?0青省海宁夏,2,,9)( 1) r.M iLr egrasdNi ngia xs hais sceno___d____ bceasu he eash een hbre eorf veort wentyy ersa.

A. f

maily B .hosue C .roo m D. hom e





210江苏省宿迁0市 ) A根句意及据给中文提示或英所文解,写释出句中所单词。每小缺1分题

46). My eingbhuosr ar very e ▲ ( 好的) 友tou .s


. 7o yDou ▲ 同() w意ih wtah tI as?y

48 .eWhad a very cold ▲ ( 冬) last 季eyra.

9. Ar4e oy u ▲ (有 的)空t hi seveinn? g品全中网

50考. cIan’ t ▲ 买(得起 t)ogo o the t200 W1rldoC up

51.. heTt urists oahd no c ▲ but o wattifo r th eext nus.

b52 T.omis a ▲ ( a ogd oensseof huomru )oy, bo everysne oliks eih.m

答案】46【fr.iednyl 47 .agree 48wi.ner t 4 .f9er

5e.0affro d 51.hcoic e 25hu.m(u)oorsu



Lnog olg ngaothe,e rwasa san(天鹅)witwh golden fetahres金(毛)羽.heS lvie dnia la e.A wokmanl iedvin a msla holse_26_theu laekw ih tehrtw doaghturseT.hy eerw eery poorv.The yworek hdrd aallyea rr unod_27_,tsil,tleh liyedv hard alfi enda smetomies hey tven eidd’tnhav enougeh2_8_to bu fooy.d

Teh swa wns a2__9to see tht.ahS seid aot heself,r“ I’l livg eoneo fym30_to_t hmee ac day,thhe theyn ca nilve ahppy ailfe wti hhe mtnoye esllni gy mfaehets.rThat”e envin,gsh e_3_to 1he tpoorwo anm’sh uosean dl efta go lde fentahreon ht etbal eithowut sayign32_.From the_n no,ht swem acame verye dy andagave th e ma feahtreTh.ew oanmwa s evr hyapp byecasu etheri ife lwa smuc_h33_hatn bfore.e


u tay daftr dea,ythe owan bmcaeme rgeed(贪婪)yShe s.ai dtoh e _3r4._”hTeswa nmya lf awyy aoe day.Ifn sowe w,lil b eoop rgaai.Wnes ouhd ltakeal _l5_3eaftehsr seh nhe scmeo senxtt ie.”m

“h,On,Moo!mcr”ie dht eduahgter,s“ Thsi will _36_ht esaw.Shnehe ps lsu alt !oB”utthe mot erhw uldnot ’litesnW.hen ht _e37c_ae as msuua,lhtem ther oacuhtg hreand took al lhre eatfhre.Bst suudenldyt,h egoled nfathees r_38ch_icke fentahrs.


en h,te Goldeh Swanns iad ,Po“orMot her, Iamc toe -93_yu,obu you twatne dtoki l le.NmowI a,m lavengi ad nwill _4com_ eabkcNe.vr eb greeedy!”Wiht htsee wodrs,he stan wlef wwaa.y


6A.ab.vo e B o.evr C n.er D.anuer


Aa.n d .bBt uC .so .oDr


A.mo.ne Bytime C.r.omo D .nereg


A..happ yB. suprirse dC .ads D.s crade


.Arespntes B.glodne cinso .featheCr D.socllcteonsi


1A..lefw B.r an C .limcbd e.Dwlkea


.Asom.teihg nB.evrethiygn Cn.thiong D. anyhtng


33A..dullr e Bb.tetr e .bCusir e D. hrdera

43A.bro.htes rB.istesr s C .osns D da.guhert

s5.A.hi3 s B.he r C.

ther iD.oru

36..Auhtr B s.aev .Cproectt D .efrsue

37A.w.mon aB.augdhtre .cChciken .Dswna


8A.he.ar ofd B .canhgde nio C.tlooekdfor D.cme afomr


9.At.robue B.lelp h C te.ch a .inDvite


..Asmeotmes iB a.lwya s.uCuaslly D. nvere品中全考 网





owHi mprtaotni ysuroapp eranca eAlthough ?eeryvne wontat beo godoloo-ink g,re aeabutfui ploepl elways’a shappir peoelpe?Froex mpal,ie tums teb ap orbem tolb ea raell yebuatiuflwo am,nbcaesu seomepeo pelma by eome intrrestee dn looikin gt ayout anht alkng tioy ou.heT yhitnk of yu ao aspi cutr raeter thah nape srno.hereT aer lsaos oem epopelw oh thinkthat owem whon re exceptainolayl(外格地)rpettya d men nwoha r peraticlualyrha nsdom must ee bsuptidTh.e yebleveit ah otny ulnttractiaev(无力的魅)pepoelc an b eitnlleieng.t


th e ohet rhnad,o onen wnts ato e rbaelyl ugly,nad haeva fac ethtaev ne oyur moteh roesndt ’wna tt oool at k;nad o one wnatsn tob epla n,eiihte-thart i ,so teb enthireat rtacvievn o ruatntartivce, na hdave a ace tfhtai seasi ly orfottegn.


eni attgrcatveii silk beine rgcih it cnahel p yuo fndiha ppnies,bstu ti desn’ot awalsymak e oy huppyaSo .ambe yht beet sthig in nst to woory tro omcuha obutho yow uloko,btus iplmytr to by eaint erseintg eprson .orF nietesrint peoglpe avhein treestig facnes,adn inetretsign afes creaal mstoalway s tatraticv.e



)18.Eveyron weantst bo aetrattivec

82.N.oon li esk t oalktt oa ver ypettr wymoa.n

3.8oSmepe ole pthnki tahth ansode mem aneru intelnilengt.

4.A 8lpaniface s eaisli yofgortten

8..N5t omny inateersting poelpe ra aleos tatrcaitve





tIs’no t asy to bee a antrsoaut’s son.nEevryobd expyect soyuto be pescali orp erefctI

ofen twondr eoh my wafter heevrha da son l ie mkeI .emanh e’ ss spoecial na dsogoo d at

veretyhig nhed eo.sEev in mniddl escooh he wlsaclass repidens tnadc apati noft e fhootabll


ae. m

eWllto,be onhet,s Ifoet dneamr bouta beng iome skid onf eroh ord iogns moehtnig

specil—ailek savng ia hclid fomra b rningub ildinugo drsiocevinrga new s traI was .dydaeraminga sthoco loe mornnig wnhenmy tacehe rasdi thre eowldu e ba Fathres’Day wri ing tomcpeittoi nfr thoe hwoe lshc00.“1Iho p we eaveha w inernri gthher einm ylascs”

hWe n Igo htom,e starIetdt ohtikn abou whattt woirteM.y ftahreis an satorauntN.,I0


dnt’s tra tikle tath.hTatw s ahetwa oyhtesrsa hwimH.o didwI s ee ymfath e?rH m.m

I sa whi msttiig niwt hm eint ehda r whkne I ha d aertrilb derameI. erembermd hewohe

huggd meef or ouhrs whe mn dyg Spottyo aswk iled lyb caarY.e,tshee were shtething Is


sgo nig t writoe.T mo,hee aswnt’ju s a torwldfa—omusa tsroaun.Hte was y dam.d

My paretsn

andl w et to nscoolh huTrsdya inht.gheTrewe e ros any mpeopelin th bieg


al!l M ydad looed aktme a,d n Ishuggerd耸肩().


e thhrd ipriz eaws naouncne dan id wtsanot me.1 was rlievede(释)然adn dsappionite at tdhe same ite.The smeondcp izerwas a nonnceud.It wsa me.

w1en tu po tte sthge aad rnead waht Ih adwritt en,“y fMtaeh’srso n.W”he n Iinfihsed,teh peoplestoo dp uad cneehrd.I easw m yfthar ebloiwn ghi snse.Tearoswe r eruningn odwn my omtehr' sfaecD.da clerae hdisth rat aon dpt uih hansd o nmy sohulerd“So.n,hist


htep oudesrtm meon tfo my ilf.e’

I’ wts ahte pruoest domemnto f my lfi,toeo.Maye Ibll n’eev bera regat erh oo rwn a


obNel Priz,buetit asw neoug jhus to te mybf ather’ sons


。( )4 .T6e hwrteirf lte ti ot eb tehson foa afmosupe rso.


.Au1kyc B n.autar Clhard. D.pl asenat


) 47.In rodre ot_ t he ritwrewo ud llkie o stva a ehcld fiom ar bruing bniudingl.

.bAcoeem atsroanu t Bb.eomec a rgaeth re

o.beCm de achoslo etam captain D. bemad ec lssa peridsnt


()48. hWa tiddt he oy bropabbyl rwtiein hi somcpoitisn?o

A. lot Aofspecia tlinhsgh hae dond.e


.hT esotyr o fihsfa hetr s an asatonratu

C.Te uhfnorgttealebt mi ee hpent wsti hhs fitaerh

.D.Thee periencxs hes fitaehr hd an imidledsc ohlo.

( )4 9Th.e witer rflt eroudp whe hne


.gt aop riz in e wratiignc opetimtoi n .Bwnoa N beo lriPe


C.asve d cahidlf omr buraningb uldingi D .isdcoerve da ewnst ar


)50.Wh a ts itheb etst tlei fo rht peassge?


.MyA aydredm a .ByMf athre’s os


My .faoum sfthera .DM yappy famhily




eeling lFefto t?u

reaAdr weore in totsay tha t seh wsa feelin gloely an treakbbe cusea eh rebstf rinde

wans’ artuod.Henr’e soru daivecto he r—ad nt alo kids whlofeel lo enlys metimose

It.s hard wh’en ab etsfrie d nin’sta ronu—maybed ebcuas seh emovd te a oidffernt


oloo a dirfeferntc asls.Yuo may efl lenelo ytab eak ror ulcnthiem.Youwa nt to hae vnwe

rfenids.btuho dowy o umkae hemt ?aMby ite seem sikl eveeyrodbyelse lreaad yhsa heirt

friedn.sBtur ememeb, there’rsalw ys aoomrf ro moref rends. i 。 .


trta yb lokong aroiund ouryc aslsoom—rtinhk aoutb wihchk is dou’y likd teop lya


itha trbeka.Lok oor fcanchse o tsy ai htot hme,smie,landb efr iedln.yfferO o thars


mehingt r eoxpress yorua prpecatiino欣赏)t(othe .Invmtiesom eoe to npayl wit yhu oo


y “D yoo wautn o stt iher?” ei then ulcnhrom.Whoenyo ure ’a break,wtak lvoert koid


o wunt ao tpay lwth.icat rfeidnl,ayd nas “yi,Hac n lpaly t,o?o ”or ujts ojn in.i

fI yu havoe

troubel dingo tihso rf you’re fielinge hys, as ykuor eatcerh to elp hou maye

knw erfeids.Tenahcers aerus alul pretty gyood a tamchtngi up freins.dTe beht wasy o mtka

eriends is fo be at rfined.eBk id,bn freindly,sehreas,y anci thingse,fferot oehlp—ndapr tetysoo ,nou’yll ahv eon,er otw,oor eve nmoren w ferenids


You imhtg tisllmi ss taths pceal bies trienf.Butd hwn yoeus eee ac ohhte, rouy acns areh


mteinhgy uodi ndt’h aev beoref shele f:Yout ca innrodutceh re toy orun w feirndes!


( 51.Th)si tex tis riwten for t .

A .tachere s B. paretn sC s.utedts Dn.viistro

s( ) 25Acc.rdong toi te wrhitre, some kid sfel loneey al breatkbec uaes thy e .

.Ahae tvroulebw it thhie strdueis Bd.ont ’hae tvehr bist freiens drounda


eedthei rapentr sotbe w ihtt emh .areD ot oyoun gtol ok afotr ehemselvte

s )53(.hT uendrlieed wonr thidsin aPrargap h 4refer tos(指的是) .


s.arhign yor uiedas B t.aking leborefm ay npeople

C.sudtiyn bettge rt schoaol D d.evloeipgn ne fwienrdshp


) 54S.me okids need hel prfmo etcahers to akem firedns ebcase u

?.tAehymis sthie olr frdiednsa l to

.Bhtye haven o time t otsy awit hohters


teachre ksownwho wan s ta ew nrifne


.hteyare shy o rn ot ogodat mkiag friennsd

)(55T.he eprexsison “eflenigl fetou 't’m ane“s ”n Chinesi.e


受.落冷 8.被调侃 C .批评 挨 D遭攻.击






slnd Unaiversiyth s a acmopetitoinf ro mddielsc hoo ltsuendt.


abuott hec mpoettiion n theori wbe stei.


choo lCmoetpitoni

Sudentt! Here is yousr hance tco elp hht epysicalhl dysaible(d残人). Th疾ikno uta r botoo ra amhicen ot hlpet hme ilv beetert .hTeerl' be lhterep riez.sT h einniwgn csholso wlli ech aget 15,$000 Re.dathe informa iont eblwo

:What d

yoou hva to deo


?Ty rt oknow roplbes mfcad eybthe p yhscally disiabed li nHngoK ong .riWeta 200 -wrod ariclt oneth edi fictief thesesp opeleha v eo suffet raech ady

.?ry To ktnowmo erndi ventinon shttahe l pthe pysihacly dliablsed.Then th ni out kar boto r o maachnietha twli imlpove rth elvise fothe p hysicllayd iabsld.eD raw oyu irnveniton Y.uoc nama ke s aanymd ariwgsn as oyul ki eots ho wouyr nienvtoni Y.ou acn eev nmke aasmal mldeo olfy oru nveniiot.


?W irt e ahostr dscerpitoi no youf inrvntion.

Wehoc a jonin?


ll mdidles hcolo tsudnets i nHnagK ong


o,S cmeoo n !Joi the cnompeittoin,and ge tthe c anch!



. heWre acn yu oinfd the nfirmoaton?i


5 .hyWi shte scoho compeltitio nehd?l


6 .Wathpri e zill waeh wcnniin gchool sgt?e


.H o wmna yowdr ssholud be riwttne no het iffidcutlei tseh isadlbe hadev t souffe erch adya?

86 .hoW an joic tne chmpe



【案】答6.4nOthe ewb ites 65To he.l pht ehypicsalyld siablde1(ve iettbr).e

66$. 5,100. 076Tw.oh underd/.00.2 6 .Al8lmi ddle shcoo lsudtetn in HsognKong.


Th geinatp ana dison efo hetm sot popuar animals lint e whold. Ar ignta andp caan gor uwpto 1 5. etemsrl no gadn wegi uph ot16 0k.g ePolept inkh het gint aanda isp vreylo ely. ①vSoit is ntos uprriisn tgha tth eWord WldieFu dn fr oaNuter hocs thee ignat andp asa tsi smybol T.eh WF teWllsp oepl ebaot unaiaml shat tthy aree ni adgner an driase mosne tyo asv them.


e ghinatpa dn oany livle sin he wtild i nChina .I the neray l1809, sewre nlo 1,0y0 0elt ifnt e whlid Th.e man iraeons whyp ndasaa r eednangeed isrt ath hte raea hwee pandrsac an liev hsab eomecs allem. r


heW WFworks to ehp liangtp adan sint e wihl di mnny aayws. ne ofOth e wayst ahth lep shetmi to sinrease tche size f oanpad rsereve(自s保护然)区.S om reeesrvsen ed teob e ojiedn otetghr beypla ntnigb mbaoo ebteewnth em o mtkae“ ocrridors” Th.eesa r eaphtsth atl eadfr mo oen esrervet o nothare.N o ne maoy hrma hetpandas i these naresa .Th ceorridro lst paedns maoe frvo ome nabhtait(息栖)地t o antohre o ltoko orffo do.② ePope lre woraing kery vahr dto akem sru tee hgaint pnaa dode not sde iut.o本文来 自wwwz.ckf.cwm o

6.7How lngo nda eahvy ac a nigantp and agorwto b?





iot i nsot usrpirsingthat _____________________yb th Werol diWd eFnd fou Nrtuaer

.7.8W yh aer hetgia n tpadasn edanngeedr?




iGev aw ayt oh elpth giaet pnnaasdi n ht wiel,dpl aes.e


0.8 将中文线的划句子翻②译中成文。


_答【案】76.1 .5 emert lsnog and wegh up ti 1o06k. g


.he gianttpanda w sa hcoens a its ssymbo


8. 7hT aerea hewr eapdnsac na ive lhs aebocem malserl


7.9To incre sae he tizes of pndaa resrves.e





)请选你择最喜的一欢学门科以,Myfa ouvite rSbjuce 为题t,写一篇文,说说喜短这门欢学科理由的,及以时平是怎学习的。样





答】My 案afovrute iSubejtc


lgish ismy fvaurto eusjebct bcaeseu Eglins hisu eds iwdely ni ht ewold,repsceillyain iYwua ,itc wyth soi mnay foriegers. nWhta’sm oreI ,liekit b ceaseu ymEng lisht echaeris ikd and frneidlyn o me.t

In o

drr et loarne Enligs wehl,l Ierad nglishE

alud eovery omring nan lisdte nto ht eteache crrefallu in clyas. sfteA rclass,Io fet nawth cngliEshp ograrm asd kneep na nElgshi idraye vry eayd


n awo rd, Ilo v Eeglnsh iadn Iiwllc notnie tuo leanr i btteetr



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  • 关于初三英语模拟考试的试卷分析报告 作者:陈燕娜 来源:<新课程研究·教师教育>2014年第07期 摘要:文章将一份完整的英语模拟试题卷及对应的学生成绩作为分析对象,用Microsoft Excel对学生成绩进行描述统计,做出直方图,并对得到的数据和图形进行分析,形成一份完整的试卷分析报 ...

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  • 全国站 中考报考 中考备考 知识点库 试题大全 初中语文 初中数学 初中物理 初中化学 初中英语 重点高中 中考大事记 展开 中考报考 中考资讯中考政策中考体育中考分数线2016中考中考报名中招计划中考查分志愿填报教育动态中考大事记 中考备考 中考复习:语文数学英语物理化学政治 中考真题:数学语文英 ...

  • 初三英语学法指导
  • 初三的同学们你们知道吗,初三阶段的英语学习的最大特点将是大容量.高密度.快节奏.希望同学们要依据英语学科知识的特点合理安排好学习和复习,依据每个人学习程度的不同,尽快找到适合自己提高学习效率,提高学习成绩的有效方法.那么,英语学习有没有一定的规律可循呢?在此我愿为同学们提供一些个人见解,希望能对同学 ...

  • 2010年天河区初三英语口语考试试题(7)
  • 2010年天河区初三英语口语人机对话考试模拟试题(7) 学生用卷 一.用正确的语音.语调朗读下面短文.(5分) 给你约70秒的时间阅读所给的短文,当听到"开始录音"的信号后,立即朗读这篇短文一遍(在80秒钟内朗读),当你听到"停止录音"的信号时,应该马上中止朗 ...

  • 初三辅导材料
  • 英语: <中学英语语法练习3000题> <英语语法大全初中高中满分练习> <高中语法与词汇1000题> <2015百题大过关语言知识运百题> <中考英语缺词填空与任务型阅读> <初中英语阅读与完形填空(中考)> <初中英语 ...

  • 初三英语试卷分析
  • 初三英语试卷分析 石岭镇初中--谢小英 本次初三年级英语考试属于全区统一考试.考试内容和形式贴近中考.力图达到考察学生的真实水平,发挥试卷的教育测量和教学评价作用,进而引领初三英语教学的正确方向.试题结构分为选择题和非选择题两部分.试题难度为6:2:2. 第一题:单项选择,共20个小题,所测试的内容 ...

  • 2015年中考备考初三英语试题根据汉语提示用英语完成句子
  • 2015年中考备考初三英语试题 根据汉语提示用英语完成句子,词数不限. 1.Amy擅长游泳. Amy is ______________________________. 2. 为什么不尽你最大的努力去帮助需要帮助的人? _____________________ try your best to ...

  • 初三第一次英语月考试卷分析
  • 九年级英语第一次月考试卷分析 一.试卷整体情况 本次英语月考试题与中考试题模式基本一致,试题难易适中,严格遵循6︰3︰1的要求.该试题以课本为依托,重视语言知识的积累,同时突出语篇阅读,考查了初三英语上册1-2单元课本上的语言知识,让学生感到平时的教学与考试密切相关,从而促使他们重视平时的学习和考前 ...