
代 词

1. 代词的分类:英语中代词分为:人称代词、物主代词.



1. name is Jim.

A.My B.I C. Me D. Mine 2. . Is Jack ?

A. she B.he C. You D.her

3. Nick is not my brother, my cousin. A. He B.He is C.She D.She’s

4. This is mother. And name is Mary. A.her, his B. My, her C.your, his D.my, she’s 5. This is my jacket, it isn’t A. you B.yours C.your D.yourself 6. He found notebook but is lost.

A.his, my B.his, mine C.he, my D. Him, mine

7. ----Are these his pens ? ----Yes, ’re A. They are, hers B.it is, hers C. he, my D. they are, his 8. ----Hi, Gina. Is this computer game ?

----No, it’s not mine. Ask Cindy, she is looking for . A.you, her B.you, hers C.your, hers D.your, her

9. ----Excuse me, are these books? ----No, they aren’t. Are over there. A. your, Mine B. my, Your C. her, Her D.mine, Yours 10. Let play basketball.

A.we B.us C.I D. Our

11. This is not my ball pen. is in my desk. A. I B. My C.Mine D. Me

12. schoolbag is new and is new, too. A.Our, he B.Ours, his C. My, his D.My, her 13. This rule isn’t mine. I think it’s A. he B.him C.his D. Her

14. new pencil bag is beautiful, I like very much. A.He. it B.My, them C.You, them D.Your, it 15. Can you help ? I need help. A.me, your B.me, you C.I, your D.my, you

16. name is Thomas, but we usually call Tom A.Her, he B.Hers, him C.His, him D.His, he

17. ----What’s name? ----- A.his, His B.my, My C. her, Her D.your, Your

18. are in the same class. classroom is very nice A. We, us B.We, our C.our, we D.Our, us

19. ---Is this your eraser? ----No, it isn’t. I think A.its hers B.its her C.it’s her D.it’s hers 20. Please call , phone number is 230-7859 A.I, My B.me, mine C.me, My D.I, me

21. name’s Amy. What’s name ?

A. You, your B.My, your C. Your, I D.I , you 22. name is Mary. Am fine.

A.I, My B.I, I C. My,I D.My, My 23. This is a boy. Name is Alan.

A.His B.My C. Your D.Her

24. ---What is name? name is Jenny. A.His, His B.my, My C.her, Her D.your, Your

25. My father is Jim Smith. Phone number is 787-6426. A.She B.Her C.His D.She’s 26. Look, this is English book.

A. My B.she C.you D. I

27. ----What color is jacket? is blue. A. You; It B.your; It C.you; My D. Your; My 28. ----Is Jack your friend? is A. Jack B.she C.he D.it

29. ----What’s name? is Mary. A.her,Hers B.she, She C.her, She D.she, Her 30. Helen isn’t his sister. his cousin A.She’s B.He’s C.She D.He

31. ----Is that eraser? ---No, is in the schoolbag. A. She, Hers B.her, Hers C. Her, Her D.hers, Her

32. ruler ? ---No, it’s not ’s .

A.your, my, Toms B.you, mine, Tom’s C.yours, mine, Tom D.your, mine, Tom’s 33. ----What’s name? A. her, Her B.she, She C.her, She D.she, Her 34. Helen isn’t his sister. his cousin. A.She’s B.He’s C.She D.He

35. ---Where Lucy and Lily ? in the bedroom. A. Is, She’s B.is They’s C.are, They’re D.are, They’s

36. ---Where are computer games? are on the sofa. A. /, They B.your, You C.my,They D.his, He 37. These are CDs

A. Mine B.yours C.our D.hers

38. ----Are Jack and Tony ? friend,Linda A.they, their B.they, they C.their, their D.their, they 39. ---Where’re are on the desks A.they, their B.their,Their C.they, They , D.their, They 40. Does A.your sisters B.you C.your brother D.they

作业: 默写人称代词和形容词性物主代词

代 词

1. 代词的分类:英语中代词分为:人称代词、物主代词.



1. name is Jim.

A.My B.I C. Me D. Mine 2. . Is Jack ?

A. she B.he C. You D.her

3. Nick is not my brother, my cousin. A. He B.He is C.She D.She’s

4. This is mother. And name is Mary. A.her, his B. My, her C.your, his D.my, she’s 5. This is my jacket, it isn’t A. you B.yours C.your D.yourself 6. He found notebook but is lost.

A.his, my B.his, mine C.he, my D. Him, mine

7. ----Are these his pens ? ----Yes, ’re A. They are, hers B.it is, hers C. he, my D. they are, his 8. ----Hi, Gina. Is this computer game ?

----No, it’s not mine. Ask Cindy, she is looking for . A.you, her B.you, hers C.your, hers D.your, her

9. ----Excuse me, are these books? ----No, they aren’t. Are over there. A. your, Mine B. my, Your C. her, Her D.mine, Yours 10. Let play basketball.

A.we B.us C.I D. Our

11. This is not my ball pen. is in my desk. A. I B. My C.Mine D. Me

12. schoolbag is new and is new, too. A.Our, he B.Ours, his C. My, his D.My, her 13. This rule isn’t mine. I think it’s A. he B.him C.his D. Her

14. new pencil bag is beautiful, I like very much. A.He. it B.My, them C.You, them D.Your, it 15. Can you help ? I need help. A.me, your B.me, you C.I, your D.my, you

16. name is Thomas, but we usually call Tom A.Her, he B.Hers, him C.His, him D.His, he

17. ----What’s name? ----- A.his, His B.my, My C. her, Her D.your, Your

18. are in the same class. classroom is very nice A. We, us B.We, our C.our, we D.Our, us

19. ---Is this your eraser? ----No, it isn’t. I think A.its hers B.its her C.it’s her D.it’s hers 20. Please call , phone number is 230-7859 A.I, My B.me, mine C.me, My D.I, me

21. name’s Amy. What’s name ?

A. You, your B.My, your C. Your, I D.I , you 22. name is Mary. Am fine.

A.I, My B.I, I C. My,I D.My, My 23. This is a boy. Name is Alan.

A.His B.My C. Your D.Her

24. ---What is name? name is Jenny. A.His, His B.my, My C.her, Her D.your, Your

25. My father is Jim Smith. Phone number is 787-6426. A.She B.Her C.His D.She’s 26. Look, this is English book.

A. My B.she C.you D. I

27. ----What color is jacket? is blue. A. You; It B.your; It C.you; My D. Your; My 28. ----Is Jack your friend? is A. Jack B.she C.he D.it

29. ----What’s name? is Mary. A.her,Hers B.she, She C.her, She D.she, Her 30. Helen isn’t his sister. his cousin A.She’s B.He’s C.She D.He

31. ----Is that eraser? ---No, is in the schoolbag. A. She, Hers B.her, Hers C. Her, Her D.hers, Her

32. ruler ? ---No, it’s not ’s .

A.your, my, Toms B.you, mine, Tom’s C.yours, mine, Tom D.your, mine, Tom’s 33. ----What’s name? A. her, Her B.she, She C.her, She D.she, Her 34. Helen isn’t his sister. his cousin. A.She’s B.He’s C.She D.He

35. ---Where Lucy and Lily ? in the bedroom. A. Is, She’s B.is They’s C.are, They’re D.are, They’s

36. ---Where are computer games? are on the sofa. A. /, They B.your, You C.my,They D.his, He 37. These are CDs

A. Mine B.yours C.our D.hers

38. ----Are Jack and Tony ? friend,Linda A.they, their B.they, they C.their, their D.their, they 39. ---Where’re are on the desks A.they, their B.their,Their C.they, They , D.their, They 40. Does A.your sisters B.you C.your brother D.they

作业: 默写人称代词和形容词性物主代词


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