

1. Focus on the activities and people that make you happy。


Sometimes we make things complicated when they are really quite simple: Find what it is that makes you happy and spend more time doing it. Find who it is that makes you smile and spend more time with them. Living your dream is really just a state of mind. It‟s feeling comfortable in your own skin, and realizing that where you are at any given moment is exactly where you want to be. Thus, happiness and success in life is simply the gratifying combination liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking who you do it with。


2. Trust your instincts on new opportunities。


Life is too short to wait. Every new day is another chance to change your life. Every great accomplishment starts with the decision to try. Trust that little voice inside your head that says, “What if…” and then GO DO IT. You would be surprised how often “what if” works. And no, you‟re not obligated to win every time. You‟re obligated to keep trying – to do the best you can do every day – to be better than you were yesterday。


3. Build the courage to face your fears。


Everything you want is on the other side of fear. Don‟t ever hesitate to give yourself a chance to be everything you are capable of being. It‟s better to cross the line and suffer the consequences of a lesson learned, than to just stare at that line for the rest of your life and always wonder. And remem ber, courage doesn‟t mean you don‟t get afraid; courage means you don‟t let your fear stop you 。


4. Focus on the resources you do have access to。 重视那些你实在拥有的东西。

It all begins and ends in your mind. Too many of us are hung up on what we don‟t have, can‟t have, or won‟t ever have. We spend too much energy being down, when we could use that same energy – if not less of it – doing, or at least trying to do, some of the things we really want to do. So focus on the opportunities you DO have, and exploit the resources you DO have access to。 万事皆出于心。我们中的太多人都被那些得不到东西掌控住,浪费了太多精力。而这些精力本可以运用到那些我们更应该去做的事情上的。所以,请珍惜自己真正拥有的机会,开拓那些真正属于你的领域吧。

5. Be less busy, and more productive。花更少的时间,做更高效的人。

Incessant busyness is often a sign of ineffectiveness and laziness. Because it‟s easy to be busy – just partake in a bunch of random activities that drains all your time. Doing so justifies never having enough time to clean, cook for yourself, go out with friends, meet new people, etc. Right? Wrong. Don‟t just get things done; get the right things done. Results are always more important than the time it takes to achieve them。


6. Make your goals a priority。你的目标最重要。

Never put off or give up on a goal that‟s important to you. Not because you still have

tomorrow to start or try again, but because you may not have tomorrow at all. Life is shorter than it sometimes seems. Make today count。


7. Accept your humanness。接受你的本性。

You can stop pretending. It feels good to own up to stuff… to admit that you‟re human – a work in progress – a beautiful mess. You‟re fine. Having a little anxiety is fine. Being a little fearful is fine. Your secrets are fine. You‟re a good person. You‟re intelligent. You‟re blowing things out of proportion. You‟re fine just the way you are。


8. Seek less approval from others。 不要过分追求他人的赞同。

Your ideas and choices don‟t have to be on everyone‟s „approved‟ list. Regardless of the opinions of others, at the end of the day the only reflection staring back at you in the mirror is your own. Make sure you‟re proud of who that person is. Approach others with the belief that you‟re a good person, whether they respond positively or not. It‟s normal to want the people around you to like you, but it becomes a self-imposed burden when too much of your behavior is explicitly designed to constantly reassure you of their approval。


9. Ignore society‟s comparisons。


C onstantly checking your life against one of society‟s prewritten stories of how things

„should‟ be is a phony way of living. It‟s sort of like renting your identity. Just be you. You are far more nuanced than anyone else‟s narrative you try to fit yourself into, and more complex than society‟s story of what „should‟ be happening。

不停地按照别人的生活路线来衡量自己的生活,这并不是真正的生活,而是“租借”的生活。做你自己。你和那些你想尽力融入的任何人不同;你的生活应该比那些所谓“正确的生活” 来得精彩复杂得多。

10. Believe in your ability to succeed。相信自己能够成功。

You control the ultimate result of where you will end up, what you may become, and how successful you can be. No matter what your current circumstances are, always maintain a strong belief in your ability to succeed, and then put your beliefs to work. Do so, and in time you will amaze yourself。 未来如何,你将成为什么样的人、你将能有多成功……这些因素都取决于你。无论现在身处何种环境,请始终保持必胜的信念,并把它带进工作中去。等你做到了这一切,你会让自己惊讶的!


1. Focus on the activities and people that make you happy。


Sometimes we make things complicated when they are really quite simple: Find what it is that makes you happy and spend more time doing it. Find who it is that makes you smile and spend more time with them. Living your dream is really just a state of mind. It‟s feeling comfortable in your own skin, and realizing that where you are at any given moment is exactly where you want to be. Thus, happiness and success in life is simply the gratifying combination liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking who you do it with。


2. Trust your instincts on new opportunities。


Life is too short to wait. Every new day is another chance to change your life. Every great accomplishment starts with the decision to try. Trust that little voice inside your head that says, “What if…” and then GO DO IT. You would be surprised how often “what if” works. And no, you‟re not obligated to win every time. You‟re obligated to keep trying – to do the best you can do every day – to be better than you were yesterday。


3. Build the courage to face your fears。


Everything you want is on the other side of fear. Don‟t ever hesitate to give yourself a chance to be everything you are capable of being. It‟s better to cross the line and suffer the consequences of a lesson learned, than to just stare at that line for the rest of your life and always wonder. And remem ber, courage doesn‟t mean you don‟t get afraid; courage means you don‟t let your fear stop you 。


4. Focus on the resources you do have access to。 重视那些你实在拥有的东西。

It all begins and ends in your mind. Too many of us are hung up on what we don‟t have, can‟t have, or won‟t ever have. We spend too much energy being down, when we could use that same energy – if not less of it – doing, or at least trying to do, some of the things we really want to do. So focus on the opportunities you DO have, and exploit the resources you DO have access to。 万事皆出于心。我们中的太多人都被那些得不到东西掌控住,浪费了太多精力。而这些精力本可以运用到那些我们更应该去做的事情上的。所以,请珍惜自己真正拥有的机会,开拓那些真正属于你的领域吧。

5. Be less busy, and more productive。花更少的时间,做更高效的人。

Incessant busyness is often a sign of ineffectiveness and laziness. Because it‟s easy to be busy – just partake in a bunch of random activities that drains all your time. Doing so justifies never having enough time to clean, cook for yourself, go out with friends, meet new people, etc. Right? Wrong. Don‟t just get things done; get the right things done. Results are always more important than the time it takes to achieve them。


6. Make your goals a priority。你的目标最重要。

Never put off or give up on a goal that‟s important to you. Not because you still have

tomorrow to start or try again, but because you may not have tomorrow at all. Life is shorter than it sometimes seems. Make today count。


7. Accept your humanness。接受你的本性。

You can stop pretending. It feels good to own up to stuff… to admit that you‟re human – a work in progress – a beautiful mess. You‟re fine. Having a little anxiety is fine. Being a little fearful is fine. Your secrets are fine. You‟re a good person. You‟re intelligent. You‟re blowing things out of proportion. You‟re fine just the way you are。


8. Seek less approval from others。 不要过分追求他人的赞同。

Your ideas and choices don‟t have to be on everyone‟s „approved‟ list. Regardless of the opinions of others, at the end of the day the only reflection staring back at you in the mirror is your own. Make sure you‟re proud of who that person is. Approach others with the belief that you‟re a good person, whether they respond positively or not. It‟s normal to want the people around you to like you, but it becomes a self-imposed burden when too much of your behavior is explicitly designed to constantly reassure you of their approval。


9. Ignore society‟s comparisons。


C onstantly checking your life against one of society‟s prewritten stories of how things

„should‟ be is a phony way of living. It‟s sort of like renting your identity. Just be you. You are far more nuanced than anyone else‟s narrative you try to fit yourself into, and more complex than society‟s story of what „should‟ be happening。

不停地按照别人的生活路线来衡量自己的生活,这并不是真正的生活,而是“租借”的生活。做你自己。你和那些你想尽力融入的任何人不同;你的生活应该比那些所谓“正确的生活” 来得精彩复杂得多。

10. Believe in your ability to succeed。相信自己能够成功。

You control the ultimate result of where you will end up, what you may become, and how successful you can be. No matter what your current circumstances are, always maintain a strong belief in your ability to succeed, and then put your beliefs to work. Do so, and in time you will amaze yourself。 未来如何,你将成为什么样的人、你将能有多成功……这些因素都取决于你。无论现在身处何种环境,请始终保持必胜的信念,并把它带进工作中去。等你做到了这一切,你会让自己惊讶的!


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