



A :上午好。请问我能为您做点什么?

A: Can I help you, madam?

B :我想存钱,你能给我介绍一下当前的活期利率吗?

B: Yes. I’d like to deposit some money. Would you tell me the interest for a current deposit at present?

A :现在的活期利率是年息0.72%。

A: It’s zero point seven two percent.

B :那么一年期的定期利率是多少?

B: How about the interest for a year term fixed deposit ?

A :现在的一年期定期利率是年息1.98%。

A: We now offer a year term account at one point nine eight percent interest.

B :我知道了。请帮我存6000元的活期。这是我的一卡通。

B: I see. Please arrange a six thousand yuan current savings account for me. Here is my all-in-one card.

A :好的。活期存款十分方便,您随时可以办理存款、取款。

A: OK. It’s very convenient with a current account. You can deposit or withdraw any time you want.

B :非常感谢。

B: Thank you very much.

A :不客气,再见。欢迎您下次光临。

A: You are welcome. Good-bye. We are looking forward to you again.


A: 请您再和我谈谈定期储蓄存款的有关情况好吗? 您上次告诉我定期存款的利


A: Would you please tell me something more about term deposits? You told me the interest rate is much higher for term deposits than for current accounts last time.

B :对,您说得很对。我们的定期存款是要给储户带来比活期存款高得多的利息。 B: Yes, you are quite right. Our term deposits bear a higher rate of interest than current accounts do.

A :那请问我至少要把钱存到银行多长时间呢?

A: How long do I at least have to keep the money in the bank?

B :这就不一定了,你可以选择一种,三个月、半年、一年、两年,甚至更长的


B: It depends. You may choose one from three-, six-, twelve-month, two-year or even longer maturities.

A :利率的高低是依据存钱时间的长短而变化的吧?

A: Does the interest rate vary with the time the money is kept in the bank?

B :对,非常正确。存期越长,利率就越高。不过您在存钱的时候就得确定存哪


B: Yes, that’s perfectly right. The longer the maturities are, the higher the interest rates

are. But you’ll have to determine which maturity you want when you deposit.

A :人们最喜欢哪一种?可能大多数的人都选半年期或一年期的吧?

A: What maturity do people like best? Most people might choose six-month or

one-year maturity.

B :是的,人们最爱选择这两种。选择较长的定期,就可获较高的利率,但是同



B: Yes, people like these two kinds best. Actually all the maturities are the same.

When you choose longer maturities, you can get higher interest rates. But in the

meantime you can not withdraw your deposits for a longer time. So you’d better take

the decision seriously.

A :是的,谢谢您的提醒,我想存10000元,一年定期。

A: Yes. Thank you for you reminding me. I want to deposit 10000 yuan on one-year maturity.


A :早上好,女士。我能为您效劳吗?

A: Good morning, madam. What can I do for you?

B :早上好。我想存钱。

B: Good morning. I want to deposit some money in your bank.

A :好的。

A: OK.

B :哪些外币可以在此办理?

B: What kind of foreign currency do you handle here?

A :我们办理四种外币:美元、港币、日元和欧元。您的外币是哪种?

A: Four kinds of foreign currency can be handled here. They are US Dollar, Hong

Kong dollar, Japanese Yen and Euro. So what kind of currency is it?

B :美元。

B: It’s US dollar.

A :可以。您要什么账户,活期还是定期?

A: All right. What kind of account would you like, demand or fixed?

B :能告诉我活期和一年期定期的利率吗?

B: Can you tell me the interest rates for a demand and fixed account?

A :没问题。活期年利率为0.1%,而定期年利率为1.25%。

A: No problem. For a demand account, the rate is zero point one percent, but for a

fixed account, it is one point two five percent for one year.

B :我明白了。我想存一年定期的。

B: I see. I’d like to have a fixed account for one-year term.


A :上午好。我能为您做点什么?

A: Good morning. What can I do for you?

B :上午好。我想从我的账户上取500美元?

B: Good morning. I’d like to withdraw five hundred US dollars from my account.

A :好的。请给我您的一卡通。

A: OK. Please give me your all-in-one card.

B :给您。

B: Here you are.

A :请输入您的密码。

A: Please enter your password.

B :好的。

B: OK.

A :想要什么面值的货币?

A: How would you like your money?

B :不好意思,请再说一遍。

B: Sorry, please repeat it.

A :我是说您要什么面值的货币?

A: I mean, in what kind of denomination do you want your money?

B :我要百元钞票。

B: One hundred notes, please.

A :这是您的钱和一卡通。请核对。

A: Here is the money, your all-in-one card.

B :谢谢。

B: Thanks.

A :不客气。

B: With pleasure.


A :请问有什么可以帮到您的,先生?

A: Can I help you, sir?

B :谢谢。我可以从这张定期存单上取款吗?

B: Yes. Can I get some money out of this time certificate?

A :让我看看。嗯,先生,它还没到期了。

A: Let me see. Well, it has not come due yet, sir?

B :我知道的,可我急需用这笔钱。我现在可以取这笔钱吗?

B: I know, but I need the money badly. Can I get it out now?

A :可以,不过您就得不到原定的利息了。

A: Yes, but you would not receive the stated interest.

B :你意思是说我要失去全部利息吗?

B: You mean I would lose all my interest?

A :不,并不是全部。会按普通活期利息付给您的。

A: No, not all. The interest shall be paid at the rate of the current savings account. B :那我将失去大部分原定的利息了,对吗?

B: So I will lose most of the stated interest, right?

A :很遗憾,先生。但是……

A: I’m sorry, sir. But ……

B :但是这是银行的一条规定,对吗?

B: But it’s a banking regulation, right?

A :是的,先生。不过,如果你不支取全部存款的话,剩下的钱还是会享有原有利率的。

A: Yes, sir. However, if you do not withdraw all the sum you deposited, the remaining amount shall continue to bear the original rate.

B :唔,如果是这样的话,我就提一半吧。

B: Well, in that case, I’ll draw half or my money.

A :好的,先生。

A: All right, sir..

B :好的。

B: OK.


A :早上好,先生。我能帮您吗?

A: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

B :我想开一个账户。您能给我提供一些信息吗?

B: I’d like to open an account. Could you give me some information?

A :很愿意为您效劳。您想开哪种账户呢?

A: My pleasure. What kind of account do you want to open?

B :活期账户。

B: Current account, please.

A :好吧。请您填一下这个表格,并请签字。

A: Oh. Just fill in this form, and sign your name, please.

B :好的,(填完后)给您。

B: Sure. (After finishing it.) Here you are.

A :请问您带身份证明了吗?

A: By the way, do you have any means of identification?

B :我的护照可以吗?

A: Will my passport do?

A :可以。

A: Certainly.

B :非常感谢。

B: Thank you very much.

A :不用客气,再见。

A: Not at all. Good-bye.


A: 我可以帮助您吗?

A: May I help you?

B: 是的,我希望得到您的帮助。恐怕我丢失了我的存折,我能想到的地方都找过了,看来我是找不到了。

B: Yes, I hope so. I’m afraid that I’ve lost my savings passbook. I’ve looked everywhere I can think of, but I can’t seem to locate it.

A :先生,请问截止到什么时候您还持有这个存折?

A: When did you have the book last, sir?

B :几天以前,当我到银行存入我的工资时。我记不清确切的日子了,因为我领到工资几天以后才到银行来。

B: Several days ago when I deposited my paycheck. I don’t remember the exact day because I didn’t come to the bank until a few days after I got paid.

A :您能告诉我,当时您存了多少钱吗?

A: Can you tell me how much you deposited at that time?

B :可以,我当时存了3000元钱。

B: Yes, I deposited 3000 yuan.

A :好的,请告诉我您的姓名、住址、公司、您的账号和账户余额,如果您还记得的话。

A: Well, please let me have your name, address, company, your savings account number and account balance if you remember it.

B :我的姓名是……不过,我想不起来我的账号了,一定要知道账号吗?

B: My name is….. But I can’t remember my account number. Do I need to know that? A :不,不必,请稍等一下。好的,先生,这是您的账号。请您填写这张挂失申请表。

A: No, not necessarily. One moment please. Yes, sir, I have your account number here. Please fill in the lost account application form.

B :这样填可以吗?

B: Is this all right?

A :对,是这样的。先生,挂失需要收取10元手续费。

A: Yes, that’s right. Sir, we need to charge 10 yuan fee.

B :好的,这是10元钱。

B: Here is 10 yuan.



A :早上好,先生。请问我能为您做点什么吗?

A: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

B :早上好。我要开户。

B: Good morning. I want to open an account.

A :好的,先生。我给您刷卡取个号,请到等候区稍等。

A: Yes, sir. Let me swipe your card to take the ticket. Please go to the waiting area to wait for calling your ticket number.

B :好的。

B: OK.

A: 等候区请往这边走。

A :The waiting area is in this way, please.


A :早上好,先生。请问我能为您做点什么吗?

A: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

B :我要兑换港币。

B :I want exchange some HK dollars.

A :先生,我们这里有英语服务专员,我请她过来为您服务,好吗? A: Sir, I ask English service clerk to serve for you. Is that ok?

B :好的。

B: OK.

A :我马上请她过来,请稍等。

A: I’ll ask her to come here right now. Please wait for a few minutes.



A: 早上好,先生。请问我能为您效劳吗?

A: Good morning, sir. May I help you?

B :你能带我到贷款部吗?

B: Could you direct me to the Loans Department?

A :当然可以,先生,请往这边走。

A: Certainly, sir. This way, please.

B :在哪儿可以把美元兑换成人民币呢?

B: Where to exchange some US dollars into RMB then?

A :请到8号柜台办理。

A: Please go to counter number eight.

B :谢谢。

B: Thank you.

A :不用谢。

A: It’s a pleasure.


A :您好,先生。请问您办理什么业务?您很着急吗?

A: Hello, sir. What can I do for you? What are you worrying about?

B :是的。我必须在10分钟之内办好取款手续,否则就赶不上飞机了。 B: Well, I have to withdraw my money in ten minutes, or I can’t catch my plane.

A :好吧,请别着急。我来帮您办好此事。很抱歉打搅你们各位。这位先生有急事,他要赶飞机。请不要介意我们提前给他办理业务,好吗?

A: OK, please don’t worry. Let me help you with your business. I’m sorry to bother you now. But this gentleman is in a hurry. He’s going to catch the plane. Would you mind if we do his business before your turn?

C :没问题,请尽管办理吧。

C: No problem, please go ahead.

A :非常感谢大家的合作。您请吧。

A: Thank you very much for your cooperation. Please.




A :上午好。请问我能为您做点什么?

A: Can I help you, madam?

B :我想存钱,你能给我介绍一下当前的活期利率吗?

B: Yes. I’d like to deposit some money. Would you tell me the interest for a current deposit at present?

A :现在的活期利率是年息0.72%。

A: It’s zero point seven two percent.

B :那么一年期的定期利率是多少?

B: How about the interest for a year term fixed deposit ?

A :现在的一年期定期利率是年息1.98%。

A: We now offer a year term account at one point nine eight percent interest.

B :我知道了。请帮我存6000元的活期。这是我的一卡通。

B: I see. Please arrange a six thousand yuan current savings account for me. Here is my all-in-one card.

A :好的。活期存款十分方便,您随时可以办理存款、取款。

A: OK. It’s very convenient with a current account. You can deposit or withdraw any time you want.

B :非常感谢。

B: Thank you very much.

A :不客气,再见。欢迎您下次光临。

A: You are welcome. Good-bye. We are looking forward to you again.


A: 请您再和我谈谈定期储蓄存款的有关情况好吗? 您上次告诉我定期存款的利


A: Would you please tell me something more about term deposits? You told me the interest rate is much higher for term deposits than for current accounts last time.

B :对,您说得很对。我们的定期存款是要给储户带来比活期存款高得多的利息。 B: Yes, you are quite right. Our term deposits bear a higher rate of interest than current accounts do.

A :那请问我至少要把钱存到银行多长时间呢?

A: How long do I at least have to keep the money in the bank?

B :这就不一定了,你可以选择一种,三个月、半年、一年、两年,甚至更长的


B: It depends. You may choose one from three-, six-, twelve-month, two-year or even longer maturities.

A :利率的高低是依据存钱时间的长短而变化的吧?

A: Does the interest rate vary with the time the money is kept in the bank?

B :对,非常正确。存期越长,利率就越高。不过您在存钱的时候就得确定存哪


B: Yes, that’s perfectly right. The longer the maturities are, the higher the interest rates

are. But you’ll have to determine which maturity you want when you deposit.

A :人们最喜欢哪一种?可能大多数的人都选半年期或一年期的吧?

A: What maturity do people like best? Most people might choose six-month or

one-year maturity.

B :是的,人们最爱选择这两种。选择较长的定期,就可获较高的利率,但是同



B: Yes, people like these two kinds best. Actually all the maturities are the same.

When you choose longer maturities, you can get higher interest rates. But in the

meantime you can not withdraw your deposits for a longer time. So you’d better take

the decision seriously.

A :是的,谢谢您的提醒,我想存10000元,一年定期。

A: Yes. Thank you for you reminding me. I want to deposit 10000 yuan on one-year maturity.


A :早上好,女士。我能为您效劳吗?

A: Good morning, madam. What can I do for you?

B :早上好。我想存钱。

B: Good morning. I want to deposit some money in your bank.

A :好的。

A: OK.

B :哪些外币可以在此办理?

B: What kind of foreign currency do you handle here?

A :我们办理四种外币:美元、港币、日元和欧元。您的外币是哪种?

A: Four kinds of foreign currency can be handled here. They are US Dollar, Hong

Kong dollar, Japanese Yen and Euro. So what kind of currency is it?

B :美元。

B: It’s US dollar.

A :可以。您要什么账户,活期还是定期?

A: All right. What kind of account would you like, demand or fixed?

B :能告诉我活期和一年期定期的利率吗?

B: Can you tell me the interest rates for a demand and fixed account?

A :没问题。活期年利率为0.1%,而定期年利率为1.25%。

A: No problem. For a demand account, the rate is zero point one percent, but for a

fixed account, it is one point two five percent for one year.

B :我明白了。我想存一年定期的。

B: I see. I’d like to have a fixed account for one-year term.


A :上午好。我能为您做点什么?

A: Good morning. What can I do for you?

B :上午好。我想从我的账户上取500美元?

B: Good morning. I’d like to withdraw five hundred US dollars from my account.

A :好的。请给我您的一卡通。

A: OK. Please give me your all-in-one card.

B :给您。

B: Here you are.

A :请输入您的密码。

A: Please enter your password.

B :好的。

B: OK.

A :想要什么面值的货币?

A: How would you like your money?

B :不好意思,请再说一遍。

B: Sorry, please repeat it.

A :我是说您要什么面值的货币?

A: I mean, in what kind of denomination do you want your money?

B :我要百元钞票。

B: One hundred notes, please.

A :这是您的钱和一卡通。请核对。

A: Here is the money, your all-in-one card.

B :谢谢。

B: Thanks.

A :不客气。

B: With pleasure.


A :请问有什么可以帮到您的,先生?

A: Can I help you, sir?

B :谢谢。我可以从这张定期存单上取款吗?

B: Yes. Can I get some money out of this time certificate?

A :让我看看。嗯,先生,它还没到期了。

A: Let me see. Well, it has not come due yet, sir?

B :我知道的,可我急需用这笔钱。我现在可以取这笔钱吗?

B: I know, but I need the money badly. Can I get it out now?

A :可以,不过您就得不到原定的利息了。

A: Yes, but you would not receive the stated interest.

B :你意思是说我要失去全部利息吗?

B: You mean I would lose all my interest?

A :不,并不是全部。会按普通活期利息付给您的。

A: No, not all. The interest shall be paid at the rate of the current savings account. B :那我将失去大部分原定的利息了,对吗?

B: So I will lose most of the stated interest, right?

A :很遗憾,先生。但是……

A: I’m sorry, sir. But ……

B :但是这是银行的一条规定,对吗?

B: But it’s a banking regulation, right?

A :是的,先生。不过,如果你不支取全部存款的话,剩下的钱还是会享有原有利率的。

A: Yes, sir. However, if you do not withdraw all the sum you deposited, the remaining amount shall continue to bear the original rate.

B :唔,如果是这样的话,我就提一半吧。

B: Well, in that case, I’ll draw half or my money.

A :好的,先生。

A: All right, sir..

B :好的。

B: OK.


A :早上好,先生。我能帮您吗?

A: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

B :我想开一个账户。您能给我提供一些信息吗?

B: I’d like to open an account. Could you give me some information?

A :很愿意为您效劳。您想开哪种账户呢?

A: My pleasure. What kind of account do you want to open?

B :活期账户。

B: Current account, please.

A :好吧。请您填一下这个表格,并请签字。

A: Oh. Just fill in this form, and sign your name, please.

B :好的,(填完后)给您。

B: Sure. (After finishing it.) Here you are.

A :请问您带身份证明了吗?

A: By the way, do you have any means of identification?

B :我的护照可以吗?

A: Will my passport do?

A :可以。

A: Certainly.

B :非常感谢。

B: Thank you very much.

A :不用客气,再见。

A: Not at all. Good-bye.


A: 我可以帮助您吗?

A: May I help you?

B: 是的,我希望得到您的帮助。恐怕我丢失了我的存折,我能想到的地方都找过了,看来我是找不到了。

B: Yes, I hope so. I’m afraid that I’ve lost my savings passbook. I’ve looked everywhere I can think of, but I can’t seem to locate it.

A :先生,请问截止到什么时候您还持有这个存折?

A: When did you have the book last, sir?

B :几天以前,当我到银行存入我的工资时。我记不清确切的日子了,因为我领到工资几天以后才到银行来。

B: Several days ago when I deposited my paycheck. I don’t remember the exact day because I didn’t come to the bank until a few days after I got paid.

A :您能告诉我,当时您存了多少钱吗?

A: Can you tell me how much you deposited at that time?

B :可以,我当时存了3000元钱。

B: Yes, I deposited 3000 yuan.

A :好的,请告诉我您的姓名、住址、公司、您的账号和账户余额,如果您还记得的话。

A: Well, please let me have your name, address, company, your savings account number and account balance if you remember it.

B :我的姓名是……不过,我想不起来我的账号了,一定要知道账号吗?

B: My name is….. But I can’t remember my account number. Do I need to know that? A :不,不必,请稍等一下。好的,先生,这是您的账号。请您填写这张挂失申请表。

A: No, not necessarily. One moment please. Yes, sir, I have your account number here. Please fill in the lost account application form.

B :这样填可以吗?

B: Is this all right?

A :对,是这样的。先生,挂失需要收取10元手续费。

A: Yes, that’s right. Sir, we need to charge 10 yuan fee.

B :好的,这是10元钱。

B: Here is 10 yuan.



A :早上好,先生。请问我能为您做点什么吗?

A: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

B :早上好。我要开户。

B: Good morning. I want to open an account.

A :好的,先生。我给您刷卡取个号,请到等候区稍等。

A: Yes, sir. Let me swipe your card to take the ticket. Please go to the waiting area to wait for calling your ticket number.

B :好的。

B: OK.

A: 等候区请往这边走。

A :The waiting area is in this way, please.


A :早上好,先生。请问我能为您做点什么吗?

A: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

B :我要兑换港币。

B :I want exchange some HK dollars.

A :先生,我们这里有英语服务专员,我请她过来为您服务,好吗? A: Sir, I ask English service clerk to serve for you. Is that ok?

B :好的。

B: OK.

A :我马上请她过来,请稍等。

A: I’ll ask her to come here right now. Please wait for a few minutes.



A: 早上好,先生。请问我能为您效劳吗?

A: Good morning, sir. May I help you?

B :你能带我到贷款部吗?

B: Could you direct me to the Loans Department?

A :当然可以,先生,请往这边走。

A: Certainly, sir. This way, please.

B :在哪儿可以把美元兑换成人民币呢?

B: Where to exchange some US dollars into RMB then?

A :请到8号柜台办理。

A: Please go to counter number eight.

B :谢谢。

B: Thank you.

A :不用谢。

A: It’s a pleasure.


A :您好,先生。请问您办理什么业务?您很着急吗?

A: Hello, sir. What can I do for you? What are you worrying about?

B :是的。我必须在10分钟之内办好取款手续,否则就赶不上飞机了。 B: Well, I have to withdraw my money in ten minutes, or I can’t catch my plane.

A :好吧,请别着急。我来帮您办好此事。很抱歉打搅你们各位。这位先生有急事,他要赶飞机。请不要介意我们提前给他办理业务,好吗?

A: OK, please don’t worry. Let me help you with your business. I’m sorry to bother you now. But this gentleman is in a hurry. He’s going to catch the plane. Would you mind if we do his business before your turn?

C :没问题,请尽管办理吧。

C: No problem, please go ahead.

A :非常感谢大家的合作。您请吧。

A: Thank you very much for your cooperation. Please.


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