

38 3. stay out late留在户外很晚;晚归

【讲解】stay out 留在户外,不在家 【举例】— I will not stay out late . 【拓展】与stay有关的短语 ① stay away (from sb/ sth ) (与某人或某事)保持距离,不打扰。

— Tell him to stay away from my sister . ② stay behind 在某处留下不走。— The teacher told himto stay behind after class . 4. get a ride 意思是―搭车‖。 【讲解】get 的常见用法及短语

⑪ 获得;得到;赢得 -He gets first prize in the listening contest. 他得到听力比赛第一名。 ⑫ 挣到;买到 -I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。 ⑬ 收到,接到 -I didn’t get any answer from him. 我没有收到他的回信。 ⑭ 使得到;为...弄到;为...买 –I’ll get you something to eat. 我将给你弄点吃的。 ⑮ 使成为或处于(某种状态 -The climb got all of us tired. 爬山使我们都累了。 ⑯ 赶上;乘到(车等) -We must get the ten o'clock plane. 我们一定要赶上十点的飞机。 ⑰ 感染上;患Everyone in our room got a cold . 我们房间里的所有人都患了感冒。

⑱ 变成;成为 –It’s getting cold. 天气变冷。 ⑲ 到达 -When do you get to Hong Kong? 你什么时候到香港?

【常见短语】get up 起床,安排;get everything ready 把一切都准备好;get ready for (=be ready for) 为……作好准备;get on(= get along)进行某事;get on with(=get along with)与……相处;get back 返回; get in 进入,收集;get on/off 上/下车;get to 到达;get over克服困难,从恢复过来;get out取出,离开; get away 逃脱,离开 。

5. agree

【讲解】agree 的常见用法 ① agree to +sth (提议、办法、计划) suggestion,advice,plan等。 — My father agreed to this plan . ② agree with sb或 agree with what sb said.

— I quite agree with what he says . ③ agree to do sth 同意做某事 — We agree to go swimming . ④ agree on 一般接 point,price,date,address 等双方协定的内容。 6. borrow , lend , keep 的区别 【讲解】① borrow是借进来,借过来。

【举例】—I borrowed a book from library yesterday . 昨天我从图书馆借了本书。

② lend是借出去。 【举例】— Can you lend me 5000$? I will pay you back tomorrow? 你可以借给我5000美元吗?我明天还你。

③ keep是持有、保持。

【举例】— You can keep tht book I lend you,I don't want it back.

我借给你的那本书你可以留下,不用还我。 【拓展】keep 可以与一段时间连用,而borrow和lend 则不能。 【练一练】 How long may I borrow your book ? (改错) 7. feed 【讲解】①喂养,饲养

【举例】— Feed the food to the baby in small pieces .


②(牛马)吃食 The horses are feeding in the field .

【常见短语】feed on ①以…为食-Sheep feed mostly on grass .②用…喂养- What do you feed the chickens

on ? feed …with sth 用 …喂 -Feed the cat with small fish . 【练一练】单项选择

( )1. — Could you please sweep the floor ? —_____ . I have to do my homework . A. Yes, sure B. Why not C. Sorry , you can’t D. Sorry , I can’t ( )

2. — May I park my car here , Sir ? — _____ . You may park it over there .

A. Yes , you may B. Yes , you can C. No, you needn’t D. No, you mustn’t ( )

3. — May I try on the jeans ? — yes , you _____ . A. should B. can C. must D. need ( )4. — Look at the boy running on the ground . Is it David ?

— It ______ be him . I saw him go to the teacher’s office just now . A. must B. can’t C. could D. might ( )5. — Could you please pass the salt to me ? — ______ .

A. Yes , sure B. No , thanks C. That’s right D. Here you are ( )

6. Could you please _____ these things every day ?

A. not do B. not to do C. doing D. does

( )7. Tha man is strong . He doesn’t _____ my help . A. can B. must C. need D. may ( )

8. — May I watch TV , Mum ? — No, you ____ . You _____ do your homework first . A. don’t must B. don’t can’t C. can’t must D. can’t can’t ( )

9. You _____ worry about your son . He will get well soon . A. needn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. need

( )

10. — Mr Johnson , Must we hand in our homework today ? — No, you ______ . But you must bring it to school tomorrow . A. must B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. can’t ( )

11. — Need we come here ? — ______ .

A. Yes, you needn’t B. No , you mustn’t C. Yes , you can D. No, you needn’t ( )

12. Every one of us _____ a simple life .

A. needs live B. need to live C. needs to live D. needs living ( )

13. — Could you please do the dishes ? — _______ .

A. Yes , I could B. No , I can’t C. Certainly D. Sorry , I couldn’t ( )

14. — Could you give me a hand ? — ______ .

A. No, thanks B. You’re welcome C. Sure , what’s it D. Yes , I could ( )

15. I _______ doing the diahes because it’s boring . A. like B. want C. would like D. hate ( )

16. — Excuse me , can you help me to move it ? — _____ .

A. Yes , I would B. It doesn’t matter C. With pleasure D. Don’t mention it ( )

17. — Could you help me find my books ? — ______ . A. Sorry , you couldn’t B. Yes , you could C. Please ask your mother D. Certainly

( )18. Please be _______ to take ______ of the goldish .

A. care; careful B. careful care C. care care D. careful careful ( )

19. He ______ some books ______ me , and never gave them back . A. lent to B. lent; fro

m C. borrowed to D. borrowed from

40 ( )20. He ________ go now . He _____ clean the classroom first .

A. needn’t need B. can’t has C. can’t have to D. can’t; has to 二、用could, can, may, must,need等词及其相关形式填空 1. A: _______ you answer this question in English ?

B: Sorry , I _______ . _______ I answer it in English ? A: No, you ______ . You _______ answer it in Chinese . 2. A: _______ I ask a question ?

B. Yes , you ______ . But you ______ wait a minute . 3. A: _______ I use your eraser , Bill ?

B. Sorry , I don’t have one . Ask Mary . She ____ have one . 4. A: _____ you help me do the shopping ? B. OK, sure

5. A: ______ you sweep the floor , please ?

B : OK , but I _____ finish my homework first .

Unit 12

本单元重要词汇 1. close

【讲解】形容词。表示―近的,接近的‖;― (关系)密切的,亲密的‖;―不透气的,闷热的,沉闷的‖ 【举例】—His house is close to the factory. 他家靠近该厂。

—She is a close friend of theirs. 她是他们的挚友。

—It’s very close in this room. 这房内十分闷热。

【拓展】①动词―关闭;盖上;合上‖;― (商店等)关门,打烊‖;― 使靠拢‖; 【举例】—She closed the door softly. 她轻轻地关上门。

— The post office closes at 6. 邮局六点关门。 ② 名词 ,意思是―结束‖。

【举例】—The meeting came to a close . 会议结束了。

③副词 ,意思是―接近,靠近地‖


【举例】—They live close to the museum. 他们住在靠近博物馆的地方。

【拓展】closed 与 close . 这两个词都可以作形容词,但是 closed 意思是―关闭的‖;close意思是―近的,亲近的‖。

【举例】— Please keep the door closed , it’s cold outside . — His office is close to his house . 2. seat

【举例】— Please book seats in the cinema .请在电影院里订座位。 【常见短语】take /have a seat 都为坐下,和 sit down 意思相同。 【拓展】动词。意思是―使就座‖。

【举例】— He seated himself in a chair. 他在椅子上坐下。 3. last

【讲解】形容词。 ①最后的—He was the last person to leave. 他是最后离去的人。

②仅剩的—I've spent my last dollar. 我把我的钱全部花光了。 ③最后过去的;紧接前面的 —We had dinner together last Sunday. 我们上个星期日一起吃饭。 ④最近的,最新的—According to the last news I heard, he will enter our summer camp .

据我听到的最新消息,他将参加我们夏令营 。

副词①最后地 —He left last. 他最后离开。 ②上次,最近 —I saw him last in New York. 我上次见到他是在纽约 名词①最后的人(或东西) —He was the last to leave the ship. 他是最后一个下船的乘客。

② 最后;末尾—They had been friends to the last. 他们始终是好朋友。 动词① 持续 —How long will the meeting last? 会议要开多久?

②持久;保持良好状态 —These shoes will last. 这些鞋经久耐穿。

【常见短语】 at last终于,最后 ;at first / last起先,开始的时候/ 最后,终于 ; take a look (a last look) at看一看(最后看一眼) ;last year去年; at the last moment在最后关头 ;first or last迟早,早晚 。 4. enough

【讲解】形容词 。意思是―足够的,充足的‖。

【举例】—We have enough chairs for everyone. 我们有足够的椅子让大家坐。 【讲解】名词 。意思是―足够,充分‖

【举例】—I’ve had enough, thank you . 我够了,谢谢。 【讲解】副词 。 ―足够地;充分地‖, ―很,十分‖

【举例】—They cannot walk fast enough. 他们走得不够快。

—I’m old enough to do with my own affairs. 我已经长大了,可以处理我自己的事情。 5. without

【讲解】介词 。意思是―无,没有,不‖。

【举例】— He entered without knocking at the door. 他没敲门就进来了。 — He left us without a word. 他一句话也没说就离开了我们。 6. 有关表范围的介词:in、 to 、on .

【讲解】 in 表示范围以内。—Japan lies in the east of Asia .

to 表示范围以外,边界不相接。Japan lies to the east of China . on 表示边界相接。—Korea is on the east of China . 7. success

【讲解】名词。 意思是―成功‖。

42 【举例】— I wish you success . 祝你成功。

8. together

【举例】—They went to the theater together. 他们一起去看戏。 9. loud

【辨析】aloud , loud 和 loudly 都可以表示―大声地‖,但在用法上有区别。

aloud , loud 副词。意思是―大声地,响亮‖,有时可以通用。但aloud与read,think连用时,表示―出声‖,而loud用于talk,speak,shout,laugh等动词之后,在口语中代替loudly ① aloud 强调发出的声音能被听见,意思为―出声地或大声地‖,常用 read ,call 等动词连用。 【举例】— Please read the text aloud. 请朗读一下课文。

② loud 意思为―响亮地,大声或高声地‖,侧重发出的音量大,传得远,一般多用来修饰 speak ,talk , laugh 等动词。 loud 还可用作形容词。—Please say it in a loud voice .

【举例】—Speak louder, please, or no one will hear you. 请大声些,否则没人能听见。

③ loudly 意为―响亮地‖,其基本意义与 loud 相同,还常与 ring , knock 等动词连用。 loudly 放在动词前后均可,含有―喧闹‖或―嘈杂‖的意味。

【举例】—Suddenly the bell on the wall rang loudly. 突然,墙上的铃大声地响起来。 10. not at all 与 not… at all

【辨析】① not at all 用于回答感谢,意为―不用谢;不客气‖。如:

【举例】—A:Thank you very much.多谢你了。—B:Not at a11.不客气。

—A:Thanks for helping me.谢谢你帮助我。—B:Not at a11.I enjoyed it.别客气,很高兴能帮你。【 拓展】用来表示否定(是No的加强说法),意为―一点也不:完全不‖。如:【 举例】—A:Are you busy? 你忙吗? —B:Not at a11.一点不忙。 ② not…at all ― 一点也不…… ‖,常用在否定句中,加强语气。

【举例】—We don't speak English at all after class. 在课下我们根本不讲英语

11. lie

非常记忆: lay(下蛋);lie(撒谎) 和lie (躺)。

原形 过去式 现在分词 ① lay下蛋;放置 –laid –laying . ② lie 躺 – lay –lying . ③ lie 撒谎 –lied –lying .


38 3. stay out late留在户外很晚;晚归

【讲解】stay out 留在户外,不在家 【举例】— I will not stay out late . 【拓展】与stay有关的短语 ① stay away (from sb/ sth ) (与某人或某事)保持距离,不打扰。

— Tell him to stay away from my sister . ② stay behind 在某处留下不走。— The teacher told himto stay behind after class . 4. get a ride 意思是―搭车‖。 【讲解】get 的常见用法及短语

⑪ 获得;得到;赢得 -He gets first prize in the listening contest. 他得到听力比赛第一名。 ⑫ 挣到;买到 -I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。 ⑬ 收到,接到 -I didn’t get any answer from him. 我没有收到他的回信。 ⑭ 使得到;为...弄到;为...买 –I’ll get you something to eat. 我将给你弄点吃的。 ⑮ 使成为或处于(某种状态 -The climb got all of us tired. 爬山使我们都累了。 ⑯ 赶上;乘到(车等) -We must get the ten o'clock plane. 我们一定要赶上十点的飞机。 ⑰ 感染上;患Everyone in our room got a cold . 我们房间里的所有人都患了感冒。

⑱ 变成;成为 –It’s getting cold. 天气变冷。 ⑲ 到达 -When do you get to Hong Kong? 你什么时候到香港?

【常见短语】get up 起床,安排;get everything ready 把一切都准备好;get ready for (=be ready for) 为……作好准备;get on(= get along)进行某事;get on with(=get along with)与……相处;get back 返回; get in 进入,收集;get on/off 上/下车;get to 到达;get over克服困难,从恢复过来;get out取出,离开; get away 逃脱,离开 。

5. agree

【讲解】agree 的常见用法 ① agree to +sth (提议、办法、计划) suggestion,advice,plan等。 — My father agreed to this plan . ② agree with sb或 agree with what sb said.

— I quite agree with what he says . ③ agree to do sth 同意做某事 — We agree to go swimming . ④ agree on 一般接 point,price,date,address 等双方协定的内容。 6. borrow , lend , keep 的区别 【讲解】① borrow是借进来,借过来。

【举例】—I borrowed a book from library yesterday . 昨天我从图书馆借了本书。

② lend是借出去。 【举例】— Can you lend me 5000$? I will pay you back tomorrow? 你可以借给我5000美元吗?我明天还你。

③ keep是持有、保持。

【举例】— You can keep tht book I lend you,I don't want it back.

我借给你的那本书你可以留下,不用还我。 【拓展】keep 可以与一段时间连用,而borrow和lend 则不能。 【练一练】 How long may I borrow your book ? (改错) 7. feed 【讲解】①喂养,饲养

【举例】— Feed the food to the baby in small pieces .


②(牛马)吃食 The horses are feeding in the field .

【常见短语】feed on ①以…为食-Sheep feed mostly on grass .②用…喂养- What do you feed the chickens

on ? feed …with sth 用 …喂 -Feed the cat with small fish . 【练一练】单项选择

( )1. — Could you please sweep the floor ? —_____ . I have to do my homework . A. Yes, sure B. Why not C. Sorry , you can’t D. Sorry , I can’t ( )

2. — May I park my car here , Sir ? — _____ . You may park it over there .

A. Yes , you may B. Yes , you can C. No, you needn’t D. No, you mustn’t ( )

3. — May I try on the jeans ? — yes , you _____ . A. should B. can C. must D. need ( )4. — Look at the boy running on the ground . Is it David ?

— It ______ be him . I saw him go to the teacher’s office just now . A. must B. can’t C. could D. might ( )5. — Could you please pass the salt to me ? — ______ .

A. Yes , sure B. No , thanks C. That’s right D. Here you are ( )

6. Could you please _____ these things every day ?

A. not do B. not to do C. doing D. does

( )7. Tha man is strong . He doesn’t _____ my help . A. can B. must C. need D. may ( )

8. — May I watch TV , Mum ? — No, you ____ . You _____ do your homework first . A. don’t must B. don’t can’t C. can’t must D. can’t can’t ( )

9. You _____ worry about your son . He will get well soon . A. needn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. need

( )

10. — Mr Johnson , Must we hand in our homework today ? — No, you ______ . But you must bring it to school tomorrow . A. must B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. can’t ( )

11. — Need we come here ? — ______ .

A. Yes, you needn’t B. No , you mustn’t C. Yes , you can D. No, you needn’t ( )

12. Every one of us _____ a simple life .

A. needs live B. need to live C. needs to live D. needs living ( )

13. — Could you please do the dishes ? — _______ .

A. Yes , I could B. No , I can’t C. Certainly D. Sorry , I couldn’t ( )

14. — Could you give me a hand ? — ______ .

A. No, thanks B. You’re welcome C. Sure , what’s it D. Yes , I could ( )

15. I _______ doing the diahes because it’s boring . A. like B. want C. would like D. hate ( )

16. — Excuse me , can you help me to move it ? — _____ .

A. Yes , I would B. It doesn’t matter C. With pleasure D. Don’t mention it ( )

17. — Could you help me find my books ? — ______ . A. Sorry , you couldn’t B. Yes , you could C. Please ask your mother D. Certainly

( )18. Please be _______ to take ______ of the goldish .

A. care; careful B. careful care C. care care D. careful careful ( )

19. He ______ some books ______ me , and never gave them back . A. lent to B. lent; fro

m C. borrowed to D. borrowed from

40 ( )20. He ________ go now . He _____ clean the classroom first .

A. needn’t need B. can’t has C. can’t have to D. can’t; has to 二、用could, can, may, must,need等词及其相关形式填空 1. A: _______ you answer this question in English ?

B: Sorry , I _______ . _______ I answer it in English ? A: No, you ______ . You _______ answer it in Chinese . 2. A: _______ I ask a question ?

B. Yes , you ______ . But you ______ wait a minute . 3. A: _______ I use your eraser , Bill ?

B. Sorry , I don’t have one . Ask Mary . She ____ have one . 4. A: _____ you help me do the shopping ? B. OK, sure

5. A: ______ you sweep the floor , please ?

B : OK , but I _____ finish my homework first .

Unit 12

本单元重要词汇 1. close

【讲解】形容词。表示―近的,接近的‖;― (关系)密切的,亲密的‖;―不透气的,闷热的,沉闷的‖ 【举例】—His house is close to the factory. 他家靠近该厂。

—She is a close friend of theirs. 她是他们的挚友。

—It’s very close in this room. 这房内十分闷热。

【拓展】①动词―关闭;盖上;合上‖;― (商店等)关门,打烊‖;― 使靠拢‖; 【举例】—She closed the door softly. 她轻轻地关上门。

— The post office closes at 6. 邮局六点关门。 ② 名词 ,意思是―结束‖。

【举例】—The meeting came to a close . 会议结束了。

③副词 ,意思是―接近,靠近地‖


【举例】—They live close to the museum. 他们住在靠近博物馆的地方。

【拓展】closed 与 close . 这两个词都可以作形容词,但是 closed 意思是―关闭的‖;close意思是―近的,亲近的‖。

【举例】— Please keep the door closed , it’s cold outside . — His office is close to his house . 2. seat

【举例】— Please book seats in the cinema .请在电影院里订座位。 【常见短语】take /have a seat 都为坐下,和 sit down 意思相同。 【拓展】动词。意思是―使就座‖。

【举例】— He seated himself in a chair. 他在椅子上坐下。 3. last

【讲解】形容词。 ①最后的—He was the last person to leave. 他是最后离去的人。

②仅剩的—I've spent my last dollar. 我把我的钱全部花光了。 ③最后过去的;紧接前面的 —We had dinner together last Sunday. 我们上个星期日一起吃饭。 ④最近的,最新的—According to the last news I heard, he will enter our summer camp .

据我听到的最新消息,他将参加我们夏令营 。

副词①最后地 —He left last. 他最后离开。 ②上次,最近 —I saw him last in New York. 我上次见到他是在纽约 名词①最后的人(或东西) —He was the last to leave the ship. 他是最后一个下船的乘客。

② 最后;末尾—They had been friends to the last. 他们始终是好朋友。 动词① 持续 —How long will the meeting last? 会议要开多久?

②持久;保持良好状态 —These shoes will last. 这些鞋经久耐穿。

【常见短语】 at last终于,最后 ;at first / last起先,开始的时候/ 最后,终于 ; take a look (a last look) at看一看(最后看一眼) ;last year去年; at the last moment在最后关头 ;first or last迟早,早晚 。 4. enough

【讲解】形容词 。意思是―足够的,充足的‖。

【举例】—We have enough chairs for everyone. 我们有足够的椅子让大家坐。 【讲解】名词 。意思是―足够,充分‖

【举例】—I’ve had enough, thank you . 我够了,谢谢。 【讲解】副词 。 ―足够地;充分地‖, ―很,十分‖

【举例】—They cannot walk fast enough. 他们走得不够快。

—I’m old enough to do with my own affairs. 我已经长大了,可以处理我自己的事情。 5. without

【讲解】介词 。意思是―无,没有,不‖。

【举例】— He entered without knocking at the door. 他没敲门就进来了。 — He left us without a word. 他一句话也没说就离开了我们。 6. 有关表范围的介词:in、 to 、on .

【讲解】 in 表示范围以内。—Japan lies in the east of Asia .

to 表示范围以外,边界不相接。Japan lies to the east of China . on 表示边界相接。—Korea is on the east of China . 7. success

【讲解】名词。 意思是―成功‖。

42 【举例】— I wish you success . 祝你成功。

8. together

【举例】—They went to the theater together. 他们一起去看戏。 9. loud

【辨析】aloud , loud 和 loudly 都可以表示―大声地‖,但在用法上有区别。

aloud , loud 副词。意思是―大声地,响亮‖,有时可以通用。但aloud与read,think连用时,表示―出声‖,而loud用于talk,speak,shout,laugh等动词之后,在口语中代替loudly ① aloud 强调发出的声音能被听见,意思为―出声地或大声地‖,常用 read ,call 等动词连用。 【举例】— Please read the text aloud. 请朗读一下课文。

② loud 意思为―响亮地,大声或高声地‖,侧重发出的音量大,传得远,一般多用来修饰 speak ,talk , laugh 等动词。 loud 还可用作形容词。—Please say it in a loud voice .

【举例】—Speak louder, please, or no one will hear you. 请大声些,否则没人能听见。

③ loudly 意为―响亮地‖,其基本意义与 loud 相同,还常与 ring , knock 等动词连用。 loudly 放在动词前后均可,含有―喧闹‖或―嘈杂‖的意味。

【举例】—Suddenly the bell on the wall rang loudly. 突然,墙上的铃大声地响起来。 10. not at all 与 not… at all

【辨析】① not at all 用于回答感谢,意为―不用谢;不客气‖。如:

【举例】—A:Thank you very much.多谢你了。—B:Not at a11.不客气。

—A:Thanks for helping me.谢谢你帮助我。—B:Not at a11.I enjoyed it.别客气,很高兴能帮你。【 拓展】用来表示否定(是No的加强说法),意为―一点也不:完全不‖。如:【 举例】—A:Are you busy? 你忙吗? —B:Not at a11.一点不忙。 ② not…at all ― 一点也不…… ‖,常用在否定句中,加强语气。

【举例】—We don't speak English at all after class. 在课下我们根本不讲英语

11. lie

非常记忆: lay(下蛋);lie(撒谎) 和lie (躺)。

原形 过去式 现在分词 ① lay下蛋;放置 –laid –laying . ② lie 躺 – lay –lying . ③ lie 撒谎 –lied –lying .


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