

原标题:A face for radio 其貌不扬

  a face for radio

The script of this programme 本节目台词

Yang Li: 大家好,欢迎收听《地道英语》,我是杨莉。我的搭档是Neil。 Neil,嘿,怎么又晚了!他是个很出色的主持人,就是经常迟到!Oh, here he comes!

Neil: Sorry Li, I'm a bit late. I'm here now.

Yang Li: Wow Neil, you look so different today, a suit and tie, what's happening? 西装革履的,准备去哪里?

Neil: Well, I have to present the video 'The Perfect English Gentleman'.

Yang Li: 《完美的英国绅士》That sounds fun, don't you want to do it?

Neil: No, not really.

Yang Li: Why not? You are a great presenter, everyone likes your voice.

Neil: Well, it's not my voice that's the problem. Look at this massive, broken nose, my spotty skin, missing teeth, long greasy hair… I'm pretty ugly, Li. I kept saying to my boss that I have a face for radio, but he insisted I present the video. What can I do?

Yang Li: Neil 总是那么幽默,说自己长得不好看,鼻子庞大又不直,痘痘皮肤,牙齿脱落,头发长而且油腻。Did you say you have a face for radio? But you don't need to show your face as a radio presenter, do you?

Neil: That's exactly the point, Li. If you say someone's got a good face for radio, it's an indirect way of saying they are not very good looking!

Yang Li: I see. 我喜欢这个短语, 'a face for radio' 就是婉转地说一个人长相不好看。请听例句:


Man: Jane looked beautiful at her wedding.

Woman: Really? She must have had a good make-up artist because, to be honest, she's got a face for radio.

Man: No one's going to choose me at this speed-dating event.

Woman: Why on earth not? You're such a warm-hearted guy.

Man: Thanks. But you have to admit, I've got a face for radio.

Yang Li: 这就是今天我们要学的地道英语“A face for radio ”。英国人太幽默了,不直接说一个人其貌不扬,而是婉转地他长了个适合做广播的脸!Hey Neil, I think I have a solution for your video presenting problem… How about this for a good opening line? Do you want to hear it?

Neil: Go on then.

Yang Li: (clearing her throat) 'This modern English gentleman has got a face for radio. Just shut your eyes, relax and listen…'

Neil: Now you're making fun of me, Li!

Yang Li: Ok. Seriously, I think you will be just as good on video as you are in front of a microphone. You have a unique way of saying things which is clear, funny and engaging. 你讲话清楚,幽默,有一种独特的魅力。What face can beat that!

Neil: Thanks Li. I feel a lot more confident now! Just pass me that mirror…

Yang Li: Ok, here you go.

Neil: Actually I'm not that bad looking, am I?

Yang Li: No, you're not. You've got a face for TV and a voice for radio!

Neil: Hey, thanks Li, you've made my day!

Both: Bye!


原标题:A face for radio 其貌不扬

  a face for radio

The script of this programme 本节目台词

Yang Li: 大家好,欢迎收听《地道英语》,我是杨莉。我的搭档是Neil。 Neil,嘿,怎么又晚了!他是个很出色的主持人,就是经常迟到!Oh, here he comes!

Neil: Sorry Li, I'm a bit late. I'm here now.

Yang Li: Wow Neil, you look so different today, a suit and tie, what's happening? 西装革履的,准备去哪里?

Neil: Well, I have to present the video 'The Perfect English Gentleman'.

Yang Li: 《完美的英国绅士》That sounds fun, don't you want to do it?

Neil: No, not really.

Yang Li: Why not? You are a great presenter, everyone likes your voice.

Neil: Well, it's not my voice that's the problem. Look at this massive, broken nose, my spotty skin, missing teeth, long greasy hair… I'm pretty ugly, Li. I kept saying to my boss that I have a face for radio, but he insisted I present the video. What can I do?

Yang Li: Neil 总是那么幽默,说自己长得不好看,鼻子庞大又不直,痘痘皮肤,牙齿脱落,头发长而且油腻。Did you say you have a face for radio? But you don't need to show your face as a radio presenter, do you?

Neil: That's exactly the point, Li. If you say someone's got a good face for radio, it's an indirect way of saying they are not very good looking!

Yang Li: I see. 我喜欢这个短语, 'a face for radio' 就是婉转地说一个人长相不好看。请听例句:


Man: Jane looked beautiful at her wedding.

Woman: Really? She must have had a good make-up artist because, to be honest, she's got a face for radio.

Man: No one's going to choose me at this speed-dating event.

Woman: Why on earth not? You're such a warm-hearted guy.

Man: Thanks. But you have to admit, I've got a face for radio.

Yang Li: 这就是今天我们要学的地道英语“A face for radio ”。英国人太幽默了,不直接说一个人其貌不扬,而是婉转地他长了个适合做广播的脸!Hey Neil, I think I have a solution for your video presenting problem… How about this for a good opening line? Do you want to hear it?

Neil: Go on then.

Yang Li: (clearing her throat) 'This modern English gentleman has got a face for radio. Just shut your eyes, relax and listen…'

Neil: Now you're making fun of me, Li!

Yang Li: Ok. Seriously, I think you will be just as good on video as you are in front of a microphone. You have a unique way of saying things which is clear, funny and engaging. 你讲话清楚,幽默,有一种独特的魅力。What face can beat that!

Neil: Thanks Li. I feel a lot more confident now! Just pass me that mirror…

Yang Li: Ok, here you go.

Neil: Actually I'm not that bad looking, am I?

Yang Li: No, you're not. You've got a face for TV and a voice for radio!

Neil: Hey, thanks Li, you've made my day!

Both: Bye!


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