

验证报告名称: 验证报告编号: 验证完成日期: 有 效 期:

验证报告申请人: 签字日期: 年

验证报告审批人: 签字日期: 年 日

月 月

验 证 方 案 审 批 表




1. 20 m3环氧乙烷灭菌器灭菌工艺的验证(首次验证),按照规定的程序评价灭菌周期所采用的

工艺技术参数是否达到要求 二、验证小组人员组成:

1.组长:(结果批准) 2.组员:(操作员)、(生产安排)、 (设备管理)、厂家工程师、(确认实施)、微生物试验) 三、验证依据

GB18279-2000 医疗器械 环氧乙烷灭菌确认与常规控制 GB18282-2000 医疗保健产品灭菌 化学指示物 GB18281.1-2000 环氧乙烷灭菌用生物指示物 GB/T19633-2005 最终灭菌医疗器械的包装

GB15980-1995 一次性使用医疗用品卫生标准

ISO11135-1 :2007 医疗器械灭菌过程开发、确认和常规控制要求 ISO11135-2:2008 ISO11135-1应用指南


详见附录1产品信息(包装/体积/密度) 五、验证过程 (一) 验证对象

对我公司新购置的20 m3环氧乙烷灭菌器进行首次确认。其中包括灭菌柜的安装确认IQ、灭菌柜的操作鉴定OQ、环氧乙烷灭菌工艺确认PQ


1. 基准被灭菌物品的选择与确定 2. 验证前的准备工作 3. 菌柜的安装确认IQ 4. 灭菌柜的操作鉴定OQ 5. 环氧乙烷灭菌工艺确认PQ 6. 验证过程中的审核;

7. 验证报告、作业文件的批准; 8. 验证方案及验证数据



规定的被灭菌物品,接近于可代表最难达到灭菌的产品组合。(GB18279-2000-3.20) 二、选择基准:

选取一种产品作为基准灭菌物品,以此种产品满载模式作为验证时的装载模式。 本次验证选取麻醉包满载的模式做为验证时的装载模式。理由有以下几点:

1、产品构造复杂,配件中有医用高分子类产品、玻璃制品以及织物类产品等 2、麻醉包为双层塑盒包装


因此麻醉包满载可视为最难达到灭菌的产品组合,选取其作为基准被灭菌物品。 (制作IPCD时把菌片放入最难灭菌的玻璃注射器内) 三、产品分析:详见附录1产品信息(包装/体积/密度) 按主要原材料分: 1、按包装形式分: 外包装: 单包装:

2、残留量分析: 四、对比结果:

1、包装型式、材料对灭菌剂的阻隔性: 2、医疗器械风险分析分类: 3、解析困难程度:




1. 环氧乙烷灭菌验证人员资格确认


Installation Qualification of Sterilization


According to ISO11135-1:2007 and the standard of GB18279-2000 (Medical devices –Validation and routine control of ethylene oxide sterilization) requirements, did the effective IQ of sterilization chamber, to demonstrate that the sterilization chamber had been finished the effective installation process, and can run normally, meet the requirements of ISO11135-1:2007.


There are three qualification items of IQ of sterilization chamber:

1. 系统安装的检查:检查设备是否安装正确、是否符合设计的要求,是否能正常工作。

System installation check: check the correctness of the equipment and the design of equipment is right or wrong and can run or not.

2.资料收集:安装测试前,要保证所有设备资料和仪表校正证书都应具有,并收集起来、妥善保管。(见附1 仪器校准确认)

Information collect: make sure we have all documents and calibration certificates, collect and appropriate storage before doing the installation test.


Installation test: test the equipment detail function can use normally or not, and whether fits the regulate requirement.

3.1系统安装的检查System installation check: 3.1.1安装的正确性The correctness of installation

Performed by:

Verified by:

1.2安装的完整、准确性The integrality and veracity of installation

Performed by:

Verified by:

1.3电器控制系统安装Electric controlling system installation

Performed by: Verified by:

1.4计算机系统安装Computer system installation

Performed by:

Verified by:

2.资料收集Information collect:

2.1设备相关文件资料收集Collect all interrelated documents:

2.2仪表证书收集Collect all calibration certificates

Performed by:

Verified by:

3.安装测试Installation test:

3.1辅助设备的运行测试A.ssistant equipment r..................u.n test.....

Performed by:

Verified by:

3.2计算机系统的运行测试Computer system run test

Performed by:

Verified by:


Conclusion:After finishing the installation qualification, the sterilization chamber and each assistant part’s (vacuum system, cycle system, heating system, compress air system, electric controlling system, steam system) documents are complete and install correctly, system position nicety, the blueprint of equipment, technique documents and interrelated documents also are collected, and it meets the requirements of 5.2 of ISO11135-1994, the calibration certificates as follows attachment 1.

Prepared By: __________________________________________ Date: ___________

ETO Sterilization Process Engineer

Accepted By: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________

ETO Sterilization Assurance Engineer

Accepted By: ____________________________________________Date: ___________

Sterilization Manager3



Operational Qualification of Sterilization


According to ISO11135-1:2007 and the standard of GB18279-2000 (Medical devices –Validation and routine control of ethylene oxide sterilization) requirements, did the effective OQ of sterilization chamber, to demonstrate that installation process of the sterilization chamber is effective, the equipment can run normally, and meet the requirements of ISO11135-1:2007.


There are five qualification items of OQ of sterilization chamber:

1. 真空速率测试:通过抽真空,设定参数来计算真空速率大小。

Vacuum speed test: to calculate the vacuum speed by setting vacuum parameter during the vacuum process.

2. 压力泄露测试:通过在负压和正压下进行保压,来观察和计算柜体的泄露速率。

Pressure leak test: to observe and calculate the leak speed of chamber by keeping pressure during the subatmospheric and superatmospheric process.

3. 温度均匀性测试:确定整个灭菌区域内的温度监测分布点数,来测试灭菌柜的温度均匀性。

Temperature uniformity test: to determine the temperature in a number of locations distributed throughout the sterilization area to test the temperature uniformity of sterilization chamber.

4. 湿度测试:通过给灭菌柜加湿来证明加湿系统工作的有效性和计算湿度与压力的变化关系。

Humidity test: to determine the validity of humidity injection system and calculate the variety relation between humidity and pressure by injecting humidity into the sterilization chamber.


Particular content as follows:

1真空速率测试Vacuum speed test


Set the vacuum parameter -50KP, record the time that reach to the setting parameters, and calculate the vacuum speed.

1.2 物理参数运行结果The run results of physical parameters

1.3 数据记录见附件1

The data record as follows attachment 1.

Performed by:

Verified by

2压力泄露测试Pressure leakage test 2.1根据ISO11135-1:2007,.做柜体负压和正压的泄露测试;设定负压为-50KP,保压60分钟;正压50KP,保压60分钟,观察并计算在保压阶段内的泄露速率。

Accords with the requirements of ISO11135-1:2007, do the leak test of the chamber during the subatmospheric and superatmospheric process; subatmospheric: -50KP, keep pressure 60mins; superatmospheric: 50KP, keep pressure 60mins, observe and calculate the leak speed of the sterilization chamber of the keeping pressure process.

2.2物理参数运行结果The run results of physical parameters

The data record as follows attachment 7.

Performed by:

Verified by

3温度均匀性测试Temperature uniformity test

3.1内壁温度均匀性Inner wall temperature uniformity

3.1..1根据ISO11135-1:2007,在空载的条件下小于和等于1 m3的灭菌柜,需要3个温度传感器来监测灭菌柜的温度,大于3m3的灭菌柜,每增加1 m3,增加1个温度传感器; 1 m3至少需要使用3个温度传感器来监测灭菌柜的温度(实际上使用20个温度传感器),温度传感器的放置图见附件3。

Accords with the requirements of ISO11135-1:2007, the volume of sterilization chamber is no more than 1 m3, should use 3ea temperature sensors to monitor the sterilization chamber temperature, add a minimum of one temperature sensor for adding 3m3 of sterilization chamber if the chamber volume is more than 1 m3 during the empty loading condition; and it need 3ea temperature sensors at least to

monitor the sterilization chamber temperature of 1 m3 sterilization chamber (in fact, we used 20ea temperature sensors), the temperature sensor placement diagram, please see the attachment 4.


Set the sterilization temperature 50℃, record and analyze data. 3.1.3 物理参数运行结果 The run results of physical parameters 3.1.4 数据记录及温度趋势图,灭菌数据及趋势图见附件2

Data and temperature trend, sterilization data and trend as follows attachment 2 2.2.5 通过操作鉴定,灭菌柜内壁温度均匀性较好。

The inner wall temperature uniformity of sterilization chamber is good by the operational qualification.

Performed by:

Verified by





3.2空间温度均匀性Space temperature uniformity

3.2.1根据ISO11135-1:2007,.在空载的条件下小于和等于3 m3的灭菌柜,需要3个温度传感器来监测灭菌柜的温度,大于3m3的灭菌柜,每增加1 m3,增加1个温度传感器; 20m3至少需要使用20个温度传感器来监测灭菌柜的温度(实际上使用20个温度传感器),温度传感器的放置图见附件5。

Accords with the requirements of ISO11135-1:2007, the volume of sterilization chamber is no more than 3 m3, should use 3 ea temperature sensors to monitor the sterilization chamber temperature, add a minimum of one temperature sensor for adding 20m3 of sterilization chamber if the chamber volume is more than 5 m3 during the empty loading condition; and it need 20ea temperature sensors at least to monitor the sterilization chamber temperature of 1m3 sterilization chamber (in fact, we used 20ea temperature sensors), the temperature sensor placement diagram, please see the attachment 5.


Set the sterilization temperature 50℃, record and analyze data.

3.2.3 物理参数运行结果 The run results of physical parameters

3.2.4 数据记录及温度趋势图,灭菌数据及趋势图见附件4。

Data and temperature trend, sterilization data and trend as follows attachment 4.


The space temperature uniformity of sterilization chamber is good by the operational qualification.

Performed by:

Verified by




4.湿度测试Humidity uniformity:

4.1 在温度为的条件下,给灭菌柜加湿,记录湿度从30%RH升到80%RH的压力变化。并保持一段时间,检测湿度均匀性,温度传感器的放置图见附件6

Inject humidity into the sterilization chamber when the temperature of chamber is and pressure is , record the pressure variety when the humidity rises from 30%RH to 80%RH.. record and analyze data,the Humidity sensor placement diagram, please see the attachment 6. 4.2 物理参数运行结果The run results of physical parameters 年 月 日



Performed by:

Verified by


PQ of Sterilization Chamber Of ETO Department


According to ISO11135-1:2007 and the standard of GB18279-2000 (Medical devices –Validation and routine control of ethylene oxide sterilization) requirements, did the effectivePQ of sterilization chamber, the equipment can run normally, and meet the requirements of ISO11135-1:2007.


Project in allusion to new Sterilization as follows


BI test met the Sterilization requirements


Temperature/Humidity uniformity test 实施1次test 1

● 产品装载状态下的温度分布测定,最高温度与最低温度差在10℃以内

The run results temperature

1.2微生物性能的确认BI test

验证方法:Validation method

⑴ 半时循环法half cycle test:


This method is that keeping all parameters in same condition except time; ensure that after the shortest EO sterilization time, no bacteria survive, and repeat once same test to certify thisshortest sterilization time. 2 times test should show that there are no bacteria in BI. Accordingto regulation the normal sterilization time should be at least 2 times of the shortest sterilization time.


Follow above sterilization techniques to do the validation, BI are negative. Repeat twice. ⑶ 亚致死周期试验sub lethal cycle test :按前面得到的验证参数,其中灭菌时间缩短为60/120分 钟(A/B)进行亚致死周期试验,当生物指示剂部分为阴性,试验完成。

According to above validationparameters, reduce the sterilization time to be 60/120 mins for sub lethal cycle test, when some of BI showed negative, test is finished. ⑷ 全周期试验Full cycle test:按前面得到的验证参数进行全周期试验。 Follow above validation parameters to do full cycle test.

验证和结论Validation and result

2、负载温度/湿度均匀性确认Temperature/Humidity validation when products is in chamber

2.1.1根据ISO11135-2007,.在负载的条件下小于和等于3 m3的灭菌柜,需要3个温度传感器来监测灭菌柜的温度,大于3 m3的灭菌柜,每增加1 m3,增加1个温度传感器;20m3的灭菌柜至少需要使用20个温度传感器8个湿度传感器来监测灭菌柜的温度(实际上使用20个温度传感器8个湿度传感器),温度传感器的放置图见附件1。

Accords with the requirements of ISO11135-2007, the volume of sterilization chamber is no more than 3 m3, should use 3ea temperature sensors to monitor the sterilization chamber temperature, add a minimum of one temperature sensor for adding 1m3 of sterilization chamber if the chamber volume is more than 3 m3 during the empty loading condition; and it need 3ea temperature sensors at least to monitor the sterilization chamber temperature of 20 m3 sterilization chamber (in fact, we used 20ea temperature sensors), the temperature sensor placement diagram, please see the attachment1.

2.1.2设定灭菌温度 ℃,并记录分析数据。

Set the sterilization temperature ℃, record and analyze data.

2.1.3 物理参数运行结果 The run results of physical parameters(A) 1st


2.1.4 数据记录及温度/湿度趋势图,灭菌数据及趋势图见附件2。

Data and temperature trend, sterilization data and trend as follows attachment 2

2.1.5 通过操作鉴定,灭菌柜负载温度均匀性较好。

The space temperature uniformity of sterilization chamber is good by the operational qualification. Performed by:

Verified by:


Drawing about distribution of temperature sensors for

temperature uniformity validation in autoclave


3微生物性能确认BI Validation


Validation of biological performance is the validation of validity of sterilization process with autoclave in sterilization cycle.

3.1 根据IS011135-1:2007标准,在进行微生物性能确认时,采用对环氧乙烷具有较强耐药性的枯草杆菌作为灭菌指示剂,其原始微生物含量为 cfu;在预热阶段开始前,按均匀分布原则,将40片灭菌指示剂安放在灭菌负载中,其分布方式如附件2所示。

According to ISO11135-1:2007, Atcc7372, which is strong against ETO gas, is used as our biological indicator during the validation of biological performance. The original biological organism content is cfu. Before preheated process, according to uniformity distribution rule, we put 40pc BI into the chamber, the distribution drawing is in attached document 2.

根据灭菌负载的产品构造、包装形式及其在灭菌器内的分布方式,确定微生物性能确认时的相关灭菌工艺如下:According to products structure, package form and distribution in the

chamber, we decide the relative sterilization techniques as following:

产品 Product

灭菌工序的灭菌Sterilization process condition

Performed by:

Verified by

3.2.1 为证明灭菌过程的有效性,采用半周期法,在保持上述灭菌工艺不变的条件下,

将灭菌作用时间进行变化,并将不同灭菌作用时间的灭菌指示剂在无菌环境下进行培养,按培养后灭菌指示剂有无细菌生长的结果作为对灭菌过程及灭菌工艺有效性的评判。详细数据如表一所示:To certify the validity of sterilization process, we use half cycle method; keep

above sterilization techniques, change sterilization time, and culture BI which is used in different sterilization time in sterile environment, after that evaluating the validity of

sterilization techniques according to the result if BI has bacteria or not after cultivation. For details please see table 1.

表一Table 1


(BI bacteria appearance record see attached document 3)


及负载分布形式保持不变的条件下,灭菌过程是有效的;灭菌作用的临界时间(最短有效灭菌时间)为 min。

From the result of table 1, in these sterilization parameters, if the product structure, package form and load distribution keep in the same conditions, the sterilization process is validity. The sterilization critical time for this product (shortest effective sterilization time)

is 180mins.





To summarized, after validating this autoclave (20m3) about installation,

operation and performance validation, this autoclave validation process and result are accordance with ISO11135-1:2007.

另:采用表一微生物性能确认取得的数据,按照半时循环法,由此推荐产品灭菌作用时间为 min,以确保灭菌有效性。

Additionally, this result is got from half cycle method; we recommend for product A, the sterilization time is mins for total cycle to guarantee the validity sterilization.


To certify the validity of sterilization process, we use half cycle method; keep above

sterilization techniques, change sterilization time, and culture BI which is used in different sterilization time in sterile environment, after that evaluating the validity of sterilization techniques according to the result if BI has bacteria or not after cultivation. For details please see table 2.



附件3 Attachment 3


BI record


XXXX医疗器械有限公司 特殊工序验证资料——环氧乙烷灭菌验证

记录号:HS/CQ1202-2 格式批准: 批准日期:2010.01.03 保存年限:5年



验证报告名称: 验证报告编号: 验证完成日期: 有 效 期:

验证报告申请人: 签字日期: 年

验证报告审批人: 签字日期: 年 日

月 月

验 证 方 案 审 批 表




1. 20 m3环氧乙烷灭菌器灭菌工艺的验证(首次验证),按照规定的程序评价灭菌周期所采用的

工艺技术参数是否达到要求 二、验证小组人员组成:

1.组长:(结果批准) 2.组员:(操作员)、(生产安排)、 (设备管理)、厂家工程师、(确认实施)、微生物试验) 三、验证依据

GB18279-2000 医疗器械 环氧乙烷灭菌确认与常规控制 GB18282-2000 医疗保健产品灭菌 化学指示物 GB18281.1-2000 环氧乙烷灭菌用生物指示物 GB/T19633-2005 最终灭菌医疗器械的包装

GB15980-1995 一次性使用医疗用品卫生标准

ISO11135-1 :2007 医疗器械灭菌过程开发、确认和常规控制要求 ISO11135-2:2008 ISO11135-1应用指南


详见附录1产品信息(包装/体积/密度) 五、验证过程 (一) 验证对象

对我公司新购置的20 m3环氧乙烷灭菌器进行首次确认。其中包括灭菌柜的安装确认IQ、灭菌柜的操作鉴定OQ、环氧乙烷灭菌工艺确认PQ


1. 基准被灭菌物品的选择与确定 2. 验证前的准备工作 3. 菌柜的安装确认IQ 4. 灭菌柜的操作鉴定OQ 5. 环氧乙烷灭菌工艺确认PQ 6. 验证过程中的审核;

7. 验证报告、作业文件的批准; 8. 验证方案及验证数据



规定的被灭菌物品,接近于可代表最难达到灭菌的产品组合。(GB18279-2000-3.20) 二、选择基准:

选取一种产品作为基准灭菌物品,以此种产品满载模式作为验证时的装载模式。 本次验证选取麻醉包满载的模式做为验证时的装载模式。理由有以下几点:

1、产品构造复杂,配件中有医用高分子类产品、玻璃制品以及织物类产品等 2、麻醉包为双层塑盒包装


因此麻醉包满载可视为最难达到灭菌的产品组合,选取其作为基准被灭菌物品。 (制作IPCD时把菌片放入最难灭菌的玻璃注射器内) 三、产品分析:详见附录1产品信息(包装/体积/密度) 按主要原材料分: 1、按包装形式分: 外包装: 单包装:

2、残留量分析: 四、对比结果:

1、包装型式、材料对灭菌剂的阻隔性: 2、医疗器械风险分析分类: 3、解析困难程度:




1. 环氧乙烷灭菌验证人员资格确认


Installation Qualification of Sterilization


According to ISO11135-1:2007 and the standard of GB18279-2000 (Medical devices –Validation and routine control of ethylene oxide sterilization) requirements, did the effective IQ of sterilization chamber, to demonstrate that the sterilization chamber had been finished the effective installation process, and can run normally, meet the requirements of ISO11135-1:2007.


There are three qualification items of IQ of sterilization chamber:

1. 系统安装的检查:检查设备是否安装正确、是否符合设计的要求,是否能正常工作。

System installation check: check the correctness of the equipment and the design of equipment is right or wrong and can run or not.

2.资料收集:安装测试前,要保证所有设备资料和仪表校正证书都应具有,并收集起来、妥善保管。(见附1 仪器校准确认)

Information collect: make sure we have all documents and calibration certificates, collect and appropriate storage before doing the installation test.


Installation test: test the equipment detail function can use normally or not, and whether fits the regulate requirement.

3.1系统安装的检查System installation check: 3.1.1安装的正确性The correctness of installation

Performed by:

Verified by:

1.2安装的完整、准确性The integrality and veracity of installation

Performed by:

Verified by:

1.3电器控制系统安装Electric controlling system installation

Performed by: Verified by:

1.4计算机系统安装Computer system installation

Performed by:

Verified by:

2.资料收集Information collect:

2.1设备相关文件资料收集Collect all interrelated documents:

2.2仪表证书收集Collect all calibration certificates

Performed by:

Verified by:

3.安装测试Installation test:

3.1辅助设备的运行测试A.ssistant equipment r..................u.n test.....

Performed by:

Verified by:

3.2计算机系统的运行测试Computer system run test

Performed by:

Verified by:


Conclusion:After finishing the installation qualification, the sterilization chamber and each assistant part’s (vacuum system, cycle system, heating system, compress air system, electric controlling system, steam system) documents are complete and install correctly, system position nicety, the blueprint of equipment, technique documents and interrelated documents also are collected, and it meets the requirements of 5.2 of ISO11135-1994, the calibration certificates as follows attachment 1.

Prepared By: __________________________________________ Date: ___________

ETO Sterilization Process Engineer

Accepted By: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________

ETO Sterilization Assurance Engineer

Accepted By: ____________________________________________Date: ___________

Sterilization Manager3



Operational Qualification of Sterilization


According to ISO11135-1:2007 and the standard of GB18279-2000 (Medical devices –Validation and routine control of ethylene oxide sterilization) requirements, did the effective OQ of sterilization chamber, to demonstrate that installation process of the sterilization chamber is effective, the equipment can run normally, and meet the requirements of ISO11135-1:2007.


There are five qualification items of OQ of sterilization chamber:

1. 真空速率测试:通过抽真空,设定参数来计算真空速率大小。

Vacuum speed test: to calculate the vacuum speed by setting vacuum parameter during the vacuum process.

2. 压力泄露测试:通过在负压和正压下进行保压,来观察和计算柜体的泄露速率。

Pressure leak test: to observe and calculate the leak speed of chamber by keeping pressure during the subatmospheric and superatmospheric process.

3. 温度均匀性测试:确定整个灭菌区域内的温度监测分布点数,来测试灭菌柜的温度均匀性。

Temperature uniformity test: to determine the temperature in a number of locations distributed throughout the sterilization area to test the temperature uniformity of sterilization chamber.

4. 湿度测试:通过给灭菌柜加湿来证明加湿系统工作的有效性和计算湿度与压力的变化关系。

Humidity test: to determine the validity of humidity injection system and calculate the variety relation between humidity and pressure by injecting humidity into the sterilization chamber.


Particular content as follows:

1真空速率测试Vacuum speed test


Set the vacuum parameter -50KP, record the time that reach to the setting parameters, and calculate the vacuum speed.

1.2 物理参数运行结果The run results of physical parameters

1.3 数据记录见附件1

The data record as follows attachment 1.

Performed by:

Verified by

2压力泄露测试Pressure leakage test 2.1根据ISO11135-1:2007,.做柜体负压和正压的泄露测试;设定负压为-50KP,保压60分钟;正压50KP,保压60分钟,观察并计算在保压阶段内的泄露速率。

Accords with the requirements of ISO11135-1:2007, do the leak test of the chamber during the subatmospheric and superatmospheric process; subatmospheric: -50KP, keep pressure 60mins; superatmospheric: 50KP, keep pressure 60mins, observe and calculate the leak speed of the sterilization chamber of the keeping pressure process.

2.2物理参数运行结果The run results of physical parameters

The data record as follows attachment 7.

Performed by:

Verified by

3温度均匀性测试Temperature uniformity test

3.1内壁温度均匀性Inner wall temperature uniformity

3.1..1根据ISO11135-1:2007,在空载的条件下小于和等于1 m3的灭菌柜,需要3个温度传感器来监测灭菌柜的温度,大于3m3的灭菌柜,每增加1 m3,增加1个温度传感器; 1 m3至少需要使用3个温度传感器来监测灭菌柜的温度(实际上使用20个温度传感器),温度传感器的放置图见附件3。

Accords with the requirements of ISO11135-1:2007, the volume of sterilization chamber is no more than 1 m3, should use 3ea temperature sensors to monitor the sterilization chamber temperature, add a minimum of one temperature sensor for adding 3m3 of sterilization chamber if the chamber volume is more than 1 m3 during the empty loading condition; and it need 3ea temperature sensors at least to

monitor the sterilization chamber temperature of 1 m3 sterilization chamber (in fact, we used 20ea temperature sensors), the temperature sensor placement diagram, please see the attachment 4.


Set the sterilization temperature 50℃, record and analyze data. 3.1.3 物理参数运行结果 The run results of physical parameters 3.1.4 数据记录及温度趋势图,灭菌数据及趋势图见附件2

Data and temperature trend, sterilization data and trend as follows attachment 2 2.2.5 通过操作鉴定,灭菌柜内壁温度均匀性较好。

The inner wall temperature uniformity of sterilization chamber is good by the operational qualification.

Performed by:

Verified by





3.2空间温度均匀性Space temperature uniformity

3.2.1根据ISO11135-1:2007,.在空载的条件下小于和等于3 m3的灭菌柜,需要3个温度传感器来监测灭菌柜的温度,大于3m3的灭菌柜,每增加1 m3,增加1个温度传感器; 20m3至少需要使用20个温度传感器来监测灭菌柜的温度(实际上使用20个温度传感器),温度传感器的放置图见附件5。

Accords with the requirements of ISO11135-1:2007, the volume of sterilization chamber is no more than 3 m3, should use 3 ea temperature sensors to monitor the sterilization chamber temperature, add a minimum of one temperature sensor for adding 20m3 of sterilization chamber if the chamber volume is more than 5 m3 during the empty loading condition; and it need 20ea temperature sensors at least to monitor the sterilization chamber temperature of 1m3 sterilization chamber (in fact, we used 20ea temperature sensors), the temperature sensor placement diagram, please see the attachment 5.


Set the sterilization temperature 50℃, record and analyze data.

3.2.3 物理参数运行结果 The run results of physical parameters

3.2.4 数据记录及温度趋势图,灭菌数据及趋势图见附件4。

Data and temperature trend, sterilization data and trend as follows attachment 4.


The space temperature uniformity of sterilization chamber is good by the operational qualification.

Performed by:

Verified by




4.湿度测试Humidity uniformity:

4.1 在温度为的条件下,给灭菌柜加湿,记录湿度从30%RH升到80%RH的压力变化。并保持一段时间,检测湿度均匀性,温度传感器的放置图见附件6

Inject humidity into the sterilization chamber when the temperature of chamber is and pressure is , record the pressure variety when the humidity rises from 30%RH to 80%RH.. record and analyze data,the Humidity sensor placement diagram, please see the attachment 6. 4.2 物理参数运行结果The run results of physical parameters 年 月 日



Performed by:

Verified by


PQ of Sterilization Chamber Of ETO Department


According to ISO11135-1:2007 and the standard of GB18279-2000 (Medical devices –Validation and routine control of ethylene oxide sterilization) requirements, did the effectivePQ of sterilization chamber, the equipment can run normally, and meet the requirements of ISO11135-1:2007.


Project in allusion to new Sterilization as follows


BI test met the Sterilization requirements


Temperature/Humidity uniformity test 实施1次test 1

● 产品装载状态下的温度分布测定,最高温度与最低温度差在10℃以内

The run results temperature

1.2微生物性能的确认BI test

验证方法:Validation method

⑴ 半时循环法half cycle test:


This method is that keeping all parameters in same condition except time; ensure that after the shortest EO sterilization time, no bacteria survive, and repeat once same test to certify thisshortest sterilization time. 2 times test should show that there are no bacteria in BI. Accordingto regulation the normal sterilization time should be at least 2 times of the shortest sterilization time.


Follow above sterilization techniques to do the validation, BI are negative. Repeat twice. ⑶ 亚致死周期试验sub lethal cycle test :按前面得到的验证参数,其中灭菌时间缩短为60/120分 钟(A/B)进行亚致死周期试验,当生物指示剂部分为阴性,试验完成。

According to above validationparameters, reduce the sterilization time to be 60/120 mins for sub lethal cycle test, when some of BI showed negative, test is finished. ⑷ 全周期试验Full cycle test:按前面得到的验证参数进行全周期试验。 Follow above validation parameters to do full cycle test.

验证和结论Validation and result

2、负载温度/湿度均匀性确认Temperature/Humidity validation when products is in chamber

2.1.1根据ISO11135-2007,.在负载的条件下小于和等于3 m3的灭菌柜,需要3个温度传感器来监测灭菌柜的温度,大于3 m3的灭菌柜,每增加1 m3,增加1个温度传感器;20m3的灭菌柜至少需要使用20个温度传感器8个湿度传感器来监测灭菌柜的温度(实际上使用20个温度传感器8个湿度传感器),温度传感器的放置图见附件1。

Accords with the requirements of ISO11135-2007, the volume of sterilization chamber is no more than 3 m3, should use 3ea temperature sensors to monitor the sterilization chamber temperature, add a minimum of one temperature sensor for adding 1m3 of sterilization chamber if the chamber volume is more than 3 m3 during the empty loading condition; and it need 3ea temperature sensors at least to monitor the sterilization chamber temperature of 20 m3 sterilization chamber (in fact, we used 20ea temperature sensors), the temperature sensor placement diagram, please see the attachment1.

2.1.2设定灭菌温度 ℃,并记录分析数据。

Set the sterilization temperature ℃, record and analyze data.

2.1.3 物理参数运行结果 The run results of physical parameters(A) 1st


2.1.4 数据记录及温度/湿度趋势图,灭菌数据及趋势图见附件2。

Data and temperature trend, sterilization data and trend as follows attachment 2

2.1.5 通过操作鉴定,灭菌柜负载温度均匀性较好。

The space temperature uniformity of sterilization chamber is good by the operational qualification. Performed by:

Verified by:


Drawing about distribution of temperature sensors for

temperature uniformity validation in autoclave


3微生物性能确认BI Validation


Validation of biological performance is the validation of validity of sterilization process with autoclave in sterilization cycle.

3.1 根据IS011135-1:2007标准,在进行微生物性能确认时,采用对环氧乙烷具有较强耐药性的枯草杆菌作为灭菌指示剂,其原始微生物含量为 cfu;在预热阶段开始前,按均匀分布原则,将40片灭菌指示剂安放在灭菌负载中,其分布方式如附件2所示。

According to ISO11135-1:2007, Atcc7372, which is strong against ETO gas, is used as our biological indicator during the validation of biological performance. The original biological organism content is cfu. Before preheated process, according to uniformity distribution rule, we put 40pc BI into the chamber, the distribution drawing is in attached document 2.

根据灭菌负载的产品构造、包装形式及其在灭菌器内的分布方式,确定微生物性能确认时的相关灭菌工艺如下:According to products structure, package form and distribution in the

chamber, we decide the relative sterilization techniques as following:

产品 Product

灭菌工序的灭菌Sterilization process condition

Performed by:

Verified by

3.2.1 为证明灭菌过程的有效性,采用半周期法,在保持上述灭菌工艺不变的条件下,

将灭菌作用时间进行变化,并将不同灭菌作用时间的灭菌指示剂在无菌环境下进行培养,按培养后灭菌指示剂有无细菌生长的结果作为对灭菌过程及灭菌工艺有效性的评判。详细数据如表一所示:To certify the validity of sterilization process, we use half cycle method; keep

above sterilization techniques, change sterilization time, and culture BI which is used in different sterilization time in sterile environment, after that evaluating the validity of

sterilization techniques according to the result if BI has bacteria or not after cultivation. For details please see table 1.

表一Table 1


(BI bacteria appearance record see attached document 3)


及负载分布形式保持不变的条件下,灭菌过程是有效的;灭菌作用的临界时间(最短有效灭菌时间)为 min。

From the result of table 1, in these sterilization parameters, if the product structure, package form and load distribution keep in the same conditions, the sterilization process is validity. The sterilization critical time for this product (shortest effective sterilization time)

is 180mins.





To summarized, after validating this autoclave (20m3) about installation,

operation and performance validation, this autoclave validation process and result are accordance with ISO11135-1:2007.

另:采用表一微生物性能确认取得的数据,按照半时循环法,由此推荐产品灭菌作用时间为 min,以确保灭菌有效性。

Additionally, this result is got from half cycle method; we recommend for product A, the sterilization time is mins for total cycle to guarantee the validity sterilization.


To certify the validity of sterilization process, we use half cycle method; keep above

sterilization techniques, change sterilization time, and culture BI which is used in different sterilization time in sterile environment, after that evaluating the validity of sterilization techniques according to the result if BI has bacteria or not after cultivation. For details please see table 2.



附件3 Attachment 3


BI record


XXXX医疗器械有限公司 特殊工序验证资料——环氧乙烷灭菌验证

记录号:HS/CQ1202-2 格式批准: 批准日期:2010.01.03 保存年限:5年



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