




Ted Ning worked as a salesman in that insurance company for a year because he simply didn’t know what else to do, but felt his happiness and health suffer as a result. He eventually quit and stumbled upon a new company in a help-wanted advertisement for a data analyst.“I didn’t know what the company was,” he says, “but I want to have a try”. It turned out to be a better job than he could have ever imagined.

In contrast with his disastrous attempt into the insurance business, Ning’s new job felt like coming home. From his ground-level job, Ning moved quickly up the ranks in the new company, becoming its executive director in 2006. Today, the company is booming, the organization is expandingand the market is evolving. Ning has more than grown into the position hestumbled on in the want ads. “I don’t consider this a job. It is really more ofa calling."



Ted Ning worked as a salesman in thatinsurance company for a year because he simply didn’t know what else to do, butfelt his happiness and health suffer as a result. 泰德宁在那个保险公司做了一年销售,因为他根本不知道有哪些其他事情可做,但是他觉得自己的健康和快乐却为此付出了代价。

He eventually quit and stumbled upon a newcompany in a help-wanted advertisement for a data analyst. 他最终放弃了那份工作,偶然碰到一个新公司在招聘广告上招数据分析员。

“Ididn’t know what the company was,” he says, “but I want to have a try”. “我都不知道那是个啥公司,”他说,“但是,我想试试”。

It turned out to be a better job than hecould have ever imagined. 结果表明这份工作远比他想象的要好很多。

In contrast with his disastrous attemptinto the insurance business, Ning’s new job felt like coming home. 与他试图进入保险业的悲剧结果不同,宁对新工作感觉如鱼得水。

From his ground-level job, Ning movedquickly up the ranks in the new company, becoming its executive director in2006. 他从最底层工作干起,宁在新公司升迁迅速,在2006年成为了执行经理。

Today, the company is booming, theorganization is expanding and the market is evolving. 现在,公司发展迅猛,组织逐渐壮大,市场发展兴旺。

Ning has more than grown into the positionhe stumbled on in the want ads. 宁自己的发展,也不只是得到了他在招聘广告上偶然碰到的那个职位。

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Ted Ning worked as a salesman in that insurance company for a year because he simply didn’t know what else to do, but felt his happiness and health suffer as a result. He eventually quit and stumbled upon a new company in a help-wanted advertisement for a data analyst.“I didn’t know what the company was,” he says, “but I want to have a try”. It turned out to be a better job than he could have ever imagined.

In contrast with his disastrous attempt into the insurance business, Ning’s new job felt like coming home. From his ground-level job, Ning moved quickly up the ranks in the new company, becoming its executive director in 2006. Today, the company is booming, the organization is expandingand the market is evolving. Ning has more than grown into the position hestumbled on in the want ads. “I don’t consider this a job. It is really more ofa calling."



Ted Ning worked as a salesman in thatinsurance company for a year because he simply didn’t know what else to do, butfelt his happiness and health suffer as a result. 泰德宁在那个保险公司做了一年销售,因为他根本不知道有哪些其他事情可做,但是他觉得自己的健康和快乐却为此付出了代价。

He eventually quit and stumbled upon a newcompany in a help-wanted advertisement for a data analyst. 他最终放弃了那份工作,偶然碰到一个新公司在招聘广告上招数据分析员。

“Ididn’t know what the company was,” he says, “but I want to have a try”. “我都不知道那是个啥公司,”他说,“但是,我想试试”。

It turned out to be a better job than hecould have ever imagined. 结果表明这份工作远比他想象的要好很多。

In contrast with his disastrous attemptinto the insurance business, Ning’s new job felt like coming home. 与他试图进入保险业的悲剧结果不同,宁对新工作感觉如鱼得水。

From his ground-level job, Ning movedquickly up the ranks in the new company, becoming its executive director in2006. 他从最底层工作干起,宁在新公司升迁迅速,在2006年成为了执行经理。

Today, the company is booming, theorganization is expanding and the market is evolving. 现在,公司发展迅猛,组织逐渐壮大,市场发展兴旺。

Ning has more than grown into the positionhe stumbled on in the want ads. 宁自己的发展,也不只是得到了他在招聘广告上偶然碰到的那个职位。

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