*All prices are in SGD and include GST 以上货品以新加坡币渍值计算,并已包含消费税
rev 10/04/12
Is this a c One-time order or c Autoship Order (recurs every 4 weeks)If Autoship, is this a c new Autoship or c Change an existing Autoship
Autoship Agreement:
Method of Payment c VISA c MasterCard c Cash c NetsCard Number Card Holder Name
Card Expiry Date
I authorise USANA Health Sciences to withdraw payment for my Autoship orders from my Credit Card or Bank Account identified in this agreement. USANA is authorised to withdraw payment
equal only to the amount of the products that I order, plus shipping, or for the amount of the SignatureAutoshjp order I have established (plus additional amounts for substitute products if my regular products are unavailable) and shipping. Prices and fees are subject to change without prior notice. In the event a charge is dishonoured, I agree to pay a $5 service fee. I certify that I have sold at least 70% of USANA products previously purchased by me. Further, I understand and acknowledge that products previously certified as sold, including such product from Autoship orders, cannot be returned to the company upon termination or resignation.
Please Note: Distributors may return products purchased within 6 months for a refund of 90% of the purchase price or in exchange for products of equal or higher value. 9see section 7.3 of our policies and procedures).
*All prices are in SGD and include GST 以上货品以新加坡币渍值计算,并已包含消费税
rev 10/04/12
*All prices are in SGD and include GST 以上货品以新加坡币渍值计算,并已包含消费税
rev 10/04/12
Is this a c One-time order or c Autoship Order (recurs every 4 weeks)If Autoship, is this a c new Autoship or c Change an existing Autoship
Autoship Agreement:
Method of Payment c VISA c MasterCard c Cash c NetsCard Number Card Holder Name
Card Expiry Date
I authorise USANA Health Sciences to withdraw payment for my Autoship orders from my Credit Card or Bank Account identified in this agreement. USANA is authorised to withdraw payment
equal only to the amount of the products that I order, plus shipping, or for the amount of the SignatureAutoshjp order I have established (plus additional amounts for substitute products if my regular products are unavailable) and shipping. Prices and fees are subject to change without prior notice. In the event a charge is dishonoured, I agree to pay a $5 service fee. I certify that I have sold at least 70% of USANA products previously purchased by me. Further, I understand and acknowledge that products previously certified as sold, including such product from Autoship orders, cannot be returned to the company upon termination or resignation.
Please Note: Distributors may return products purchased within 6 months for a refund of 90% of the purchase price or in exchange for products of equal or higher value. 9see section 7.3 of our policies and procedures).
*All prices are in SGD and include GST 以上货品以新加坡币渍值计算,并已包含消费税
rev 10/04/12