
Unit1 Women of achievement


1 achievement n. 成就,功绩make great achievements

→achieve v. 达到,完成,实现 achieve one‘s dream

2. specialist n. 专家,专业工作者 a specialist in …

3. connection n. 连接,关系→connect v. 连接 be connected with

have no connection with

4 campaign n. 运动,战役 v. 作战,参加运动( start a campaign for / against …)

5.organization -n 组织,机构,团体 organize —vt. 组织; 筹备, 成立; 使加入工会,使有条理

6.behave v. 举止,表现 →behavior n.行为,举止

behave well / badly to / towards behave oneself

7. shade n. 阴凉处 v. 遮住光线 in the shade of …

8 .move off 离开,启程,出发

9. worthwhile adj.值得的,值得做的

(1) It is worthwhile to do / doing sth.

(2)sth. be (well) worth + n. / 钱数/ doing sth.

(3) be worthy of + being done

to be done

10. observe v.观察,观测,遵守→observation n.观察,观测

(1) n./pron. 发现...

sb. doing 发现某人正在做某事

observe + sb. do sth 发现某人做了某事

that-从句 发现...

(2)观测,观察The scientist has observed the stars all his life.

(3) obey :遵守,顺从(规则,法律等) observe the school rules

(4) hold or celebrate: 举行(仪式等);庆祝(节日等)

11.outspoken adj. 直言的,坦诚的

12. respect v./n.尊敬,尊重,敬意

(1)respect sb. as 尊敬某人为......

(2) respect sb for sth. 因...... 而尊敬某人

(3)show/have respect for sb. 尊重某人

(4)out of respect 出于尊重

13. argue .v.争论,辩论→argument n.争论,辩论

argur with sb. (about/over sth.)(就某事)与某人争论

argue for/against 为反对……而辩论;据理赞成、反对

argue that 力争。。。

14.entertainment -n 款待,娱乐 entertain- v 款待;招待,娱乐,抱有,怀着(想法、疑问)

15. lead / live / have a…life 过。。。的生活

16. crowd n. 人群,观众 v. 挤满,使拥挤→crowded adj.拥挤的 be crowded with 挤满。。。

crowd in (on sb ) (想法、问题等)涌上心头;涌入脑海

17. inspire v.鼓舞,激发 →inspired adj.受到鼓舞的,有灵感的

→inspiring adj.鼓舞人的 →inspiration n.鼓舞,灵感

inspire sb. to do sth. 激励某人做某事

inspire sth. in sb. inspire sb. with sth. 激起/引起某人的

18 support v.支持,拥护→supporter n.支持者,拥护者

support vt./n.1) 支持; 拥护 2)承受;支撑 3) 养活;资助

(1)support sb. in sth. 在某方面支持某人support oneself 自食其力

(2)in surpport of 支持某人

(3) support a family 养家糊口

19. look down upon / on 蔑视 look up to 尊重

19.refer - vi refer to 谈到,查阅,参考 referred --referring

refer to / consult the dictionary

look up a word in the dictionary

20. audience 观众

21. by chance = by accident 碰巧

on purpose = by design 故意

22. come across = meet with = run into 偶遇

Come about 发生come up with 提出 come on 加油

23.intend v. 计划,打算

intend to do / doing

be intended / meant / designed for

24 .emergency n. 突发事件;紧急情况

25. generation n. 一代;一辈

26 . determination n. 决心;果断

27 ..considerate adj.考虑周到的→consider v.考虑,认为→consideration n考虑,体谅

28. deliver v.递送,生(小孩),接生,发表(演讲等)

29. carry on 继续 carry out 实施

30..modest –adj 谦虚的,谦让的,适度的


1 devote…to 把……奉献给 devote one‘s life to 把生命献给…

2.dress in 穿着… dress as 打扮成…

3.fight for 为….而战

4.put to death判死刑

5. concern oneself with…关注… 注意…

6.gain doctor‘s degree 获得博士学位

7. be considered as 被看做….

8. do research on… 做…方面的研究

9.Be placed second to 位于次要位置,仅次于…

10. by now 直到现在


1. only 引起的半倒装

2.once 一旦 主将从现

3. seem 的句型

it seems/ seemed that ….= sb / sth seems / seemed + 不定时

it seems + adj./ n + to do sth

it seems as if / as though …

there seems to be …

4. it hit sb / it strikes sb that … it occurs to sb …

5. 强调句



Units 2 Working the land


1. sunburnt adj. 晒黑的

2. struggle (v. / n.) 斗争,拼搏,努力

struggle for… 为…而斗争 struggle with / against… 与…做斗争

struggle to do sth 努力做某事 struggle to one‘s feet 挣扎着站起来

3 .decade n. 十年;十年期 in the past decade

4. hunger (n. / v.) 饥饿;欲望 die of hunger 死于饥饿 go hunger 挨饿

hunger for sth 渴望得到某物 hunger to do sth 渴望做某事

5. disturbing adj. 引起烦恼的;令人不安的

6. expand (v.) 使变大,伸展 expand one‘s business 扩展业务

7. circulate vt. & vi. 循环;流传

8. thanks to 介词短语,―多亏,由于‖,位于句首或句末

Thanks to your help, I managed to finish the work on time.

归纳:―因为,由于‖As a result of… Because of… Due to… Owing to…

9. rid A of B 将B 从A 中/上摆脱掉 get / be rid of… 摆脱/除掉…

10. be satisfied / content / pleased with… 对…感到满意

be satisfied to do sth 对做…感到满意 to one‘s satisfaction 令某人满意的是

(v.) satisfy 使…满意 satisfy one‘s curiosity

11 .would rather do sth 宁愿做某事

12 .therefore adj. 因为;所以;因而

13. equip vt. & vi. 配备;装备 equip …with === be equipped with

14. export vt. & vi. 输出;出口

15. confuse vt. 使迷惑;使为难 be confused about … confused confusing

16. regret (n. / v.) 遗憾,惋惜 regret doing sth 后悔做过某事 regret to do sth 很遗憾将要… to one‘s regret 令人遗憾的是

17. build up 逐渐增强,建立,开发

18.. lead to + n. / v-ing 导致;造成…后果 = result in…= cause

19. focus on + n. / v-ing 集中注意力于 the focus of attention

focus one‘s attention on… 注意。。。

20. reduce vt. 减少;减缩 ( to / by )

21. keep … free from / of 使…免受…;使…不含…

回忆:protect… from… 保护…不受…(的伤害) keep / stop / prevent … from…阻止…做…

22.underline vt. 画底线标出;强调

23 .summary n. 总结;摘要;概要

24 .comment n. 评论;议论vi. & vt. 表达意见;作出评论

No comment ! comment on…. / make a comment on / about …


1. main food 主食 every four years

2…be considered as… …be regarded as… …be recognized as… …be known as… …被认为是… 3 do research on / into… 做关于…的研究

4 .make it possible to do sth使做某事成为可能

5 .graduate from… 毕业于…

6 .be in need of.. 需要…

7 .search for… be in search of… seek (for)… 寻找…

8 .mean doing sth mean that… 意味着… mean to do 打算做

9 .feed→fed→fed 喂养,向…提供

10 .circulate knowledge 传播知识

11 .less developed countries 欠发达国家

12 .rid the world of hunger 让世界摆脱饥饿

13 .twice as large as before 是以前的两倍大

14 .care about sth / doing sth 关心,在乎

15 .give sb freedom to do sth 给某人做某事的自由

16 .would rather do sth 宁愿做某事

17 .keep time for… 为…留出时间

18 .lead a comfortable life 过着舒适的生活

19 .with the hope of… 带着…的梦想

20 .care for… 关心; 喜欢

21 .as a way to do sth 作为…的方式

22 .cause damage to… 对…造成损害

23 .be caused by… 由…引起

24 .wash sth off 冲走…

25 .food supply 食品供应

26 .in addition,… 另外 / 除此以外,…. = Besides,… = What‘s more

27 .turn to (sb for help) 转向…;(向某人) 求助

28 .prefer A to B 喜欢A 胜过B prefer doing A to doing B 喜欢做A 胜过B

prefer to do rather than do 宁愿做…而不愿做

29 .make sth ready for… 为…准备好sth

30 .prevent…from doing sth 阻止…做某事

31 .avoid doing sth 避免…

32 .long-term 长期的 short-term 短期的

33 .keep … in mind 记住…

In order to keep the new words in mind, I have to read them every morning.

34. consider oneself as / to be sth 自认为是…

35. since then 从那时起


1. if so / not / necessary / possible / any

2 . to do

feel / consider / think it + adj / n + doing … 6123 句型

that 从句

3. 倍数的表达方式

4. what 引导的名词性从句

5. It‘s a great pity that… 很遗憾的是….

6.have / has been doing

7. make + o + 宾补

8. v-ing 作结果状语

Unit 3 A taste of English humour


1. humour (n.) 幽默

a sense of humor 幽默感

He is in a good humor today. 他今天心情很好

(n.) humorous 幽默的

2. up to now = until now 直到现在,与完成时连用

Up to now I have never been to Hong Kong.

3. feel / be content with… 对…满足

She doesn‘t feel content with her life.

4. astonish (v.) 使惊诧

sth astonish sb

sb be astonished by sth

The new astonishes everybody in the room.

5. badly off 穷的;缺少的

(比较级) worse off (最高级) worst off

be badly off for sth 缺少sth

John built up a big business so he is not badly off.

Our school is badly off for computers.

6. bored (adj.) 厌烦的

be / feel bored with sth

be / feel bored with doing sth 对…感到厌烦

I am bored with staying at home every weekend.


be tired of doing sth 厌倦做…

7. entertain (v.) 使快乐,款待

He entertained us with his jokes.

It‘s impolite to entertain guests with a cold face.

(adj.) entertaining 愉快的,有趣的

(n.) entertainment 娱乐

8. overcome (v.) 战胜,克服 (overcame, overcome)

He managed to overcome all the difficulties in his work.

9. pick out 挑出,辨别出

It took me a long time to pick out a new dress at the shopping center.

Jack wears a black coat, so it‘s not easily to pick him out in the darkness.

10. cut off 切断;断绝

Our water supply has been cut off.

His legs were cut off in an accident.

a mouthful of… 满口/一口…

Lily likes to talk with others with a mouthful of food.

12. convince (v.) 使信服;使相信

convince sb of sth 使某人相信某事

convince sb to do sth 劝说某人做某事

convince sb that… 使某人相信…

He tries to convince her of his words.

I can‘t convince myself that he is right.

Lily failed to convince her husband to see a doctor.

13. confidence (n.) 自信

have confidence in… 在…方面有自信

They all have confidence in their team leader.

lose confidence 失去信心

confident (adj.) 自信的

be / feel confident about… 对…有信心

I feel confident about winning the game.

14. particular (adj.) 特殊的,特别的

a particular type of food 一种特殊的食物

pay particular attention to…. 特别注意…

take particular care of sb 特别照顾…

be particular about… 对…挑剔

She is particular about the color.

in particular: 特别地,尤其

Mary likes the red color in particular.

particularly (adv.) 特殊地,特别地

15. occasion (n.) 时刻,场合

on this / that occasion 这次 / 那次

on one occasion 有一次

on occasion(s) 有时,偶尔

I have met him in the airport on several occasions.

On one occasion, he lost his balance and fell down the bike.

The old lady comes here to sell eggs on occasions.

16. amuse (v.) 使发笑;使愉快

sth amuse sb 某事使某人发笑

His humorous behavior amuses me.

(adj.) amusing 令人发笑的

amused 感到好笑的

be amused at / by… 被…逗乐

an amusing story

We were amused at / by his funny jokes.

17. whisper v./n.耳语,低声说

talk to sb in a whisper

whisper to sb 向某人窃窃私语

18. react v.做出反应,回应→reaction n.反应,回应

react to sth 对~~做出回应


1.break into 闯入,进入

2.up to now 直到现在

3.brighten the lives of 照亮某人的生活道路

4.feel/be content with 对……满足

5.badly off 穷的,缺少的

6.In search of 寻找….

7.pick out 挑选出,辨认出

8.on the edge of 在…边沿

9.cut off 切断,断绝

be cut off from the world 与世隔绝

10.try a third time 再一次,又一次

11. make use of 使用

12. be angry about 对…很生气

13. star in 担任主角,主演

14. in between 在二者之间

15. not that… 并不是说…

16. find it astonishing that… 发现…很令人惊诧

17. as time goes / went by 随着时间的推移

18. throughout the world 遍及全世界

19. be loved / respected for…因为…而被爱戴 / 尊敬

20. determination to overcome all difficulties


21. be unkind to… 对…不友好

22. be loved and remembered as…


23. on the edge of… 在…的边缘

24. inspire sb with… 使某人产生(某种感觉或情感)

inspire people with confidence



1 He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so they could feel more content with their lives. 在人们感到沮丧的时候,卓别林使他们开怀大笑,于是人们对自己的生活感到比较满足。

2 No one was ever bored (while he was)watching him—---his subtle acting made everything entertaining. 看他的表演没有人会感到无聊——他巧妙的表演使得一切都那么滑稽可笑。

3 Instead they are hiding in a small hut on the edge of a mountain during a snowstorm with nothing to eat. 相反,他们被暴风雪困在山边的一个小木屋中,没有任何东西可吃。

4 he first picks out the laces and eats them as if they were spaghetti. 他首先挑出鞋带,然后就像吃意大利面一样吃他们。

Unit4 Body language


1. represent (v) 代表,象征

The redbud(紫荆花)represents Hong Kong.

2. curious adj. 好奇的

curiosity n.

be curious about sth: 对。。。好奇

= show curiosity about sth

be curious to do sth. 很想做某事


out of curiosity 出于好奇心

satisfy one‘s curiosity 满足某人的好奇心

3. approach (n/v) 接近;方法,途径

All the approaches to the palace were guarded by troops. 通往宫殿的所有道路都有部队把守。

We will work out different approaches to collect money.

4. defend…against…保卫…以免受…

= protect…from…

We must defend our country against enemies.


5. be likely to do…

be likely that… 很可能…

It is likely to rain tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

It is likely that the weather will be fine.

6. in general 总的来说;通常

In general, people don't like to be made fun of.

How do people in general look on her?

7. function (n/v) 起作用,运转;功能

His brain seems to be functioning well.


The machine won't function properly if you don't oil it well.



This type of cell-phone has the function of automatic translation.

8. at ease (adj) 舒适,快活,自由自在

With our exams done, we felt much at ease.


She was ill at ease for she was a stranger there.

她在那人生地不熟, 因此感到不安。

He is quite at ease in public.


9. lose face 丢脸

John's careless work made him lose face with his employer.



If Tom cannot keep his promise, he‗ll lose face.


lose heart 失去信心

lose temper 发脾气

10. turn one‘s back to/on 背对,背弃

When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.


How can I turn my back on my best friend at the difficult time?



turn back to 返回


1. defend against保卫…以免受

2.intruduce sb to sb 向某人介绍某人

3.kiss sb on some part亲吻某人的某个部位

4.in defence 防御,保障

5.together with 与某人一起

6.be likely to 很可能…;有希望…

7.reach one‘s hand out to sth 把手伸出来取某物

8.on the contrary 相反

9.nod at sb 向某人点头

10.greet sb with/by 通过…向某人问候

11.express one‘s feelings表达某人的感情

12. in general 总的来说;通常

13.at a job fair 在求职会上

14.be nervous about 对… 感到紧张

15. at ease 舒适;快活;自由自在

16. lose face 丢脸

17.turn one‘s back to 背对;背弃

18.turn one‘s head away 把头转过去

19.be willing to 渴望…. , 愿意….

20. look upset about sth 对.. 感到沮丧


1. I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously.


2. The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain. 第一个到达的是从哥伦比亚来的托尼•加西亚,随后紧跟着的是英国的茱莉亚•史密斯。

3. She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defense.


4. Not all cultures greet each other the same way, Nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.


5. We can often be wrong about each other, so it is an amazing thing that we understand each other as well as we do.


Unit 5 Theme parks


1. various (adj.) 各种各样的

variety (n.) 多样性

a variety of… 各种各样的…

vary (v.) 不同,变化

There are various ways to answer your question.

This restaurant offers a wide variety of sandwiches.

Customs vary from country to country.

2. attraction (n.) 吸引力

attractive (adj.) 吸引人的

attract (v.) 吸引

attract one‘s attention 吸引某人的注意

be attracted by… 被…所吸引

3. preserve (v. / n.) 保存,保留; 保护区

preserve the endangered animals

natural preserve 自然保护区

preserve…from… 保护…不受…(伤害)

(n.) preservation

4. settler (n.) 移民者

settle (v.) 安排;定居

settle down 安定下来;定居

settlement (n.) 居留地;解决

5. admission (n.) 允许进入;入场费;承认

admit (v.) 承认

admit doing sth 承认做了某事

He admitted stealing the old man‘s money.


1. be famous for 以…而闻名

2. no wonder (that )难怪;不足为奇

3. be modeled after 根据…模仿;仿造

4. in advance 提前

5. get close to 接近

6. come to life 活跃起来

7.be familiar with 熟悉,熟知

8. make available for 使….可供…之用。


1. Whichever and whatever you like, there is a theme park for you!


2. With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.


3. To enter a world of fantasy about ancient England, come to Camelot Park!


4. Futuroscope is not onlyfor individuals, but is also the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings. ―观测未来‖不仅仅适合个人(旅游),也适合学生全班出游,因为它是娱乐和学习完美的结合。

5. If driving, Futuroscope is within easy reach of the freeway.如果开车,―观测未来‖就在高速公路附近。

Unit1 Women of achievement


1 achievement n. 成就,功绩make great achievements

→achieve v. 达到,完成,实现 achieve one‘s dream

2. specialist n. 专家,专业工作者 a specialist in …

3. connection n. 连接,关系→connect v. 连接 be connected with

have no connection with

4 campaign n. 运动,战役 v. 作战,参加运动( start a campaign for / against …)

5.organization -n 组织,机构,团体 organize —vt. 组织; 筹备, 成立; 使加入工会,使有条理

6.behave v. 举止,表现 →behavior n.行为,举止

behave well / badly to / towards behave oneself

7. shade n. 阴凉处 v. 遮住光线 in the shade of …

8 .move off 离开,启程,出发

9. worthwhile adj.值得的,值得做的

(1) It is worthwhile to do / doing sth.

(2)sth. be (well) worth + n. / 钱数/ doing sth.

(3) be worthy of + being done

to be done

10. observe v.观察,观测,遵守→observation n.观察,观测

(1) n./pron. 发现...

sb. doing 发现某人正在做某事

observe + sb. do sth 发现某人做了某事

that-从句 发现...

(2)观测,观察The scientist has observed the stars all his life.

(3) obey :遵守,顺从(规则,法律等) observe the school rules

(4) hold or celebrate: 举行(仪式等);庆祝(节日等)

11.outspoken adj. 直言的,坦诚的

12. respect v./n.尊敬,尊重,敬意

(1)respect sb. as 尊敬某人为......

(2) respect sb for sth. 因...... 而尊敬某人

(3)show/have respect for sb. 尊重某人

(4)out of respect 出于尊重

13. argue .v.争论,辩论→argument n.争论,辩论

argur with sb. (about/over sth.)(就某事)与某人争论

argue for/against 为反对……而辩论;据理赞成、反对

argue that 力争。。。

14.entertainment -n 款待,娱乐 entertain- v 款待;招待,娱乐,抱有,怀着(想法、疑问)

15. lead / live / have a…life 过。。。的生活

16. crowd n. 人群,观众 v. 挤满,使拥挤→crowded adj.拥挤的 be crowded with 挤满。。。

crowd in (on sb ) (想法、问题等)涌上心头;涌入脑海

17. inspire v.鼓舞,激发 →inspired adj.受到鼓舞的,有灵感的

→inspiring adj.鼓舞人的 →inspiration n.鼓舞,灵感

inspire sb. to do sth. 激励某人做某事

inspire sth. in sb. inspire sb. with sth. 激起/引起某人的

18 support v.支持,拥护→supporter n.支持者,拥护者

support vt./n.1) 支持; 拥护 2)承受;支撑 3) 养活;资助

(1)support sb. in sth. 在某方面支持某人support oneself 自食其力

(2)in surpport of 支持某人

(3) support a family 养家糊口

19. look down upon / on 蔑视 look up to 尊重

19.refer - vi refer to 谈到,查阅,参考 referred --referring

refer to / consult the dictionary

look up a word in the dictionary

20. audience 观众

21. by chance = by accident 碰巧

on purpose = by design 故意

22. come across = meet with = run into 偶遇

Come about 发生come up with 提出 come on 加油

23.intend v. 计划,打算

intend to do / doing

be intended / meant / designed for

24 .emergency n. 突发事件;紧急情况

25. generation n. 一代;一辈

26 . determination n. 决心;果断

27 ..considerate adj.考虑周到的→consider v.考虑,认为→consideration n考虑,体谅

28. deliver v.递送,生(小孩),接生,发表(演讲等)

29. carry on 继续 carry out 实施

30..modest –adj 谦虚的,谦让的,适度的


1 devote…to 把……奉献给 devote one‘s life to 把生命献给…

2.dress in 穿着… dress as 打扮成…

3.fight for 为….而战

4.put to death判死刑

5. concern oneself with…关注… 注意…

6.gain doctor‘s degree 获得博士学位

7. be considered as 被看做….

8. do research on… 做…方面的研究

9.Be placed second to 位于次要位置,仅次于…

10. by now 直到现在


1. only 引起的半倒装

2.once 一旦 主将从现

3. seem 的句型

it seems/ seemed that ….= sb / sth seems / seemed + 不定时

it seems + adj./ n + to do sth

it seems as if / as though …

there seems to be …

4. it hit sb / it strikes sb that … it occurs to sb …

5. 强调句



Units 2 Working the land


1. sunburnt adj. 晒黑的

2. struggle (v. / n.) 斗争,拼搏,努力

struggle for… 为…而斗争 struggle with / against… 与…做斗争

struggle to do sth 努力做某事 struggle to one‘s feet 挣扎着站起来

3 .decade n. 十年;十年期 in the past decade

4. hunger (n. / v.) 饥饿;欲望 die of hunger 死于饥饿 go hunger 挨饿

hunger for sth 渴望得到某物 hunger to do sth 渴望做某事

5. disturbing adj. 引起烦恼的;令人不安的

6. expand (v.) 使变大,伸展 expand one‘s business 扩展业务

7. circulate vt. & vi. 循环;流传

8. thanks to 介词短语,―多亏,由于‖,位于句首或句末

Thanks to your help, I managed to finish the work on time.

归纳:―因为,由于‖As a result of… Because of… Due to… Owing to…

9. rid A of B 将B 从A 中/上摆脱掉 get / be rid of… 摆脱/除掉…

10. be satisfied / content / pleased with… 对…感到满意

be satisfied to do sth 对做…感到满意 to one‘s satisfaction 令某人满意的是

(v.) satisfy 使…满意 satisfy one‘s curiosity

11 .would rather do sth 宁愿做某事

12 .therefore adj. 因为;所以;因而

13. equip vt. & vi. 配备;装备 equip …with === be equipped with

14. export vt. & vi. 输出;出口

15. confuse vt. 使迷惑;使为难 be confused about … confused confusing

16. regret (n. / v.) 遗憾,惋惜 regret doing sth 后悔做过某事 regret to do sth 很遗憾将要… to one‘s regret 令人遗憾的是

17. build up 逐渐增强,建立,开发

18.. lead to + n. / v-ing 导致;造成…后果 = result in…= cause

19. focus on + n. / v-ing 集中注意力于 the focus of attention

focus one‘s attention on… 注意。。。

20. reduce vt. 减少;减缩 ( to / by )

21. keep … free from / of 使…免受…;使…不含…

回忆:protect… from… 保护…不受…(的伤害) keep / stop / prevent … from…阻止…做…

22.underline vt. 画底线标出;强调

23 .summary n. 总结;摘要;概要

24 .comment n. 评论;议论vi. & vt. 表达意见;作出评论

No comment ! comment on…. / make a comment on / about …


1. main food 主食 every four years

2…be considered as… …be regarded as… …be recognized as… …be known as… …被认为是… 3 do research on / into… 做关于…的研究

4 .make it possible to do sth使做某事成为可能

5 .graduate from… 毕业于…

6 .be in need of.. 需要…

7 .search for… be in search of… seek (for)… 寻找…

8 .mean doing sth mean that… 意味着… mean to do 打算做

9 .feed→fed→fed 喂养,向…提供

10 .circulate knowledge 传播知识

11 .less developed countries 欠发达国家

12 .rid the world of hunger 让世界摆脱饥饿

13 .twice as large as before 是以前的两倍大

14 .care about sth / doing sth 关心,在乎

15 .give sb freedom to do sth 给某人做某事的自由

16 .would rather do sth 宁愿做某事

17 .keep time for… 为…留出时间

18 .lead a comfortable life 过着舒适的生活

19 .with the hope of… 带着…的梦想

20 .care for… 关心; 喜欢

21 .as a way to do sth 作为…的方式

22 .cause damage to… 对…造成损害

23 .be caused by… 由…引起

24 .wash sth off 冲走…

25 .food supply 食品供应

26 .in addition,… 另外 / 除此以外,…. = Besides,… = What‘s more

27 .turn to (sb for help) 转向…;(向某人) 求助

28 .prefer A to B 喜欢A 胜过B prefer doing A to doing B 喜欢做A 胜过B

prefer to do rather than do 宁愿做…而不愿做

29 .make sth ready for… 为…准备好sth

30 .prevent…from doing sth 阻止…做某事

31 .avoid doing sth 避免…

32 .long-term 长期的 short-term 短期的

33 .keep … in mind 记住…

In order to keep the new words in mind, I have to read them every morning.

34. consider oneself as / to be sth 自认为是…

35. since then 从那时起


1. if so / not / necessary / possible / any

2 . to do

feel / consider / think it + adj / n + doing … 6123 句型

that 从句

3. 倍数的表达方式

4. what 引导的名词性从句

5. It‘s a great pity that… 很遗憾的是….

6.have / has been doing

7. make + o + 宾补

8. v-ing 作结果状语

Unit 3 A taste of English humour


1. humour (n.) 幽默

a sense of humor 幽默感

He is in a good humor today. 他今天心情很好

(n.) humorous 幽默的

2. up to now = until now 直到现在,与完成时连用

Up to now I have never been to Hong Kong.

3. feel / be content with… 对…满足

She doesn‘t feel content with her life.

4. astonish (v.) 使惊诧

sth astonish sb

sb be astonished by sth

The new astonishes everybody in the room.

5. badly off 穷的;缺少的

(比较级) worse off (最高级) worst off

be badly off for sth 缺少sth

John built up a big business so he is not badly off.

Our school is badly off for computers.

6. bored (adj.) 厌烦的

be / feel bored with sth

be / feel bored with doing sth 对…感到厌烦

I am bored with staying at home every weekend.


be tired of doing sth 厌倦做…

7. entertain (v.) 使快乐,款待

He entertained us with his jokes.

It‘s impolite to entertain guests with a cold face.

(adj.) entertaining 愉快的,有趣的

(n.) entertainment 娱乐

8. overcome (v.) 战胜,克服 (overcame, overcome)

He managed to overcome all the difficulties in his work.

9. pick out 挑出,辨别出

It took me a long time to pick out a new dress at the shopping center.

Jack wears a black coat, so it‘s not easily to pick him out in the darkness.

10. cut off 切断;断绝

Our water supply has been cut off.

His legs were cut off in an accident.

a mouthful of… 满口/一口…

Lily likes to talk with others with a mouthful of food.

12. convince (v.) 使信服;使相信

convince sb of sth 使某人相信某事

convince sb to do sth 劝说某人做某事

convince sb that… 使某人相信…

He tries to convince her of his words.

I can‘t convince myself that he is right.

Lily failed to convince her husband to see a doctor.

13. confidence (n.) 自信

have confidence in… 在…方面有自信

They all have confidence in their team leader.

lose confidence 失去信心

confident (adj.) 自信的

be / feel confident about… 对…有信心

I feel confident about winning the game.

14. particular (adj.) 特殊的,特别的

a particular type of food 一种特殊的食物

pay particular attention to…. 特别注意…

take particular care of sb 特别照顾…

be particular about… 对…挑剔

She is particular about the color.

in particular: 特别地,尤其

Mary likes the red color in particular.

particularly (adv.) 特殊地,特别地

15. occasion (n.) 时刻,场合

on this / that occasion 这次 / 那次

on one occasion 有一次

on occasion(s) 有时,偶尔

I have met him in the airport on several occasions.

On one occasion, he lost his balance and fell down the bike.

The old lady comes here to sell eggs on occasions.

16. amuse (v.) 使发笑;使愉快

sth amuse sb 某事使某人发笑

His humorous behavior amuses me.

(adj.) amusing 令人发笑的

amused 感到好笑的

be amused at / by… 被…逗乐

an amusing story

We were amused at / by his funny jokes.

17. whisper v./n.耳语,低声说

talk to sb in a whisper

whisper to sb 向某人窃窃私语

18. react v.做出反应,回应→reaction n.反应,回应

react to sth 对~~做出回应


1.break into 闯入,进入

2.up to now 直到现在

3.brighten the lives of 照亮某人的生活道路

4.feel/be content with 对……满足

5.badly off 穷的,缺少的

6.In search of 寻找….

7.pick out 挑选出,辨认出

8.on the edge of 在…边沿

9.cut off 切断,断绝

be cut off from the world 与世隔绝

10.try a third time 再一次,又一次

11. make use of 使用

12. be angry about 对…很生气

13. star in 担任主角,主演

14. in between 在二者之间

15. not that… 并不是说…

16. find it astonishing that… 发现…很令人惊诧

17. as time goes / went by 随着时间的推移

18. throughout the world 遍及全世界

19. be loved / respected for…因为…而被爱戴 / 尊敬

20. determination to overcome all difficulties


21. be unkind to… 对…不友好

22. be loved and remembered as…


23. on the edge of… 在…的边缘

24. inspire sb with… 使某人产生(某种感觉或情感)

inspire people with confidence



1 He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so they could feel more content with their lives. 在人们感到沮丧的时候,卓别林使他们开怀大笑,于是人们对自己的生活感到比较满足。

2 No one was ever bored (while he was)watching him—---his subtle acting made everything entertaining. 看他的表演没有人会感到无聊——他巧妙的表演使得一切都那么滑稽可笑。

3 Instead they are hiding in a small hut on the edge of a mountain during a snowstorm with nothing to eat. 相反,他们被暴风雪困在山边的一个小木屋中,没有任何东西可吃。

4 he first picks out the laces and eats them as if they were spaghetti. 他首先挑出鞋带,然后就像吃意大利面一样吃他们。

Unit4 Body language


1. represent (v) 代表,象征

The redbud(紫荆花)represents Hong Kong.

2. curious adj. 好奇的

curiosity n.

be curious about sth: 对。。。好奇

= show curiosity about sth

be curious to do sth. 很想做某事


out of curiosity 出于好奇心

satisfy one‘s curiosity 满足某人的好奇心

3. approach (n/v) 接近;方法,途径

All the approaches to the palace were guarded by troops. 通往宫殿的所有道路都有部队把守。

We will work out different approaches to collect money.

4. defend…against…保卫…以免受…

= protect…from…

We must defend our country against enemies.


5. be likely to do…

be likely that… 很可能…

It is likely to rain tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

It is likely that the weather will be fine.

6. in general 总的来说;通常

In general, people don't like to be made fun of.

How do people in general look on her?

7. function (n/v) 起作用,运转;功能

His brain seems to be functioning well.


The machine won't function properly if you don't oil it well.



This type of cell-phone has the function of automatic translation.

8. at ease (adj) 舒适,快活,自由自在

With our exams done, we felt much at ease.


She was ill at ease for she was a stranger there.

她在那人生地不熟, 因此感到不安。

He is quite at ease in public.


9. lose face 丢脸

John's careless work made him lose face with his employer.



If Tom cannot keep his promise, he‗ll lose face.


lose heart 失去信心

lose temper 发脾气

10. turn one‘s back to/on 背对,背弃

When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.


How can I turn my back on my best friend at the difficult time?



turn back to 返回


1. defend against保卫…以免受

2.intruduce sb to sb 向某人介绍某人

3.kiss sb on some part亲吻某人的某个部位

4.in defence 防御,保障

5.together with 与某人一起

6.be likely to 很可能…;有希望…

7.reach one‘s hand out to sth 把手伸出来取某物

8.on the contrary 相反

9.nod at sb 向某人点头

10.greet sb with/by 通过…向某人问候

11.express one‘s feelings表达某人的感情

12. in general 总的来说;通常

13.at a job fair 在求职会上

14.be nervous about 对… 感到紧张

15. at ease 舒适;快活;自由自在

16. lose face 丢脸

17.turn one‘s back to 背对;背弃

18.turn one‘s head away 把头转过去

19.be willing to 渴望…. , 愿意….

20. look upset about sth 对.. 感到沮丧


1. I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously.


2. The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain. 第一个到达的是从哥伦比亚来的托尼•加西亚,随后紧跟着的是英国的茱莉亚•史密斯。

3. She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defense.


4. Not all cultures greet each other the same way, Nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.


5. We can often be wrong about each other, so it is an amazing thing that we understand each other as well as we do.


Unit 5 Theme parks


1. various (adj.) 各种各样的

variety (n.) 多样性

a variety of… 各种各样的…

vary (v.) 不同,变化

There are various ways to answer your question.

This restaurant offers a wide variety of sandwiches.

Customs vary from country to country.

2. attraction (n.) 吸引力

attractive (adj.) 吸引人的

attract (v.) 吸引

attract one‘s attention 吸引某人的注意

be attracted by… 被…所吸引

3. preserve (v. / n.) 保存,保留; 保护区

preserve the endangered animals

natural preserve 自然保护区

preserve…from… 保护…不受…(伤害)

(n.) preservation

4. settler (n.) 移民者

settle (v.) 安排;定居

settle down 安定下来;定居

settlement (n.) 居留地;解决

5. admission (n.) 允许进入;入场费;承认

admit (v.) 承认

admit doing sth 承认做了某事

He admitted stealing the old man‘s money.


1. be famous for 以…而闻名

2. no wonder (that )难怪;不足为奇

3. be modeled after 根据…模仿;仿造

4. in advance 提前

5. get close to 接近

6. come to life 活跃起来

7.be familiar with 熟悉,熟知

8. make available for 使….可供…之用。


1. Whichever and whatever you like, there is a theme park for you!


2. With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.


3. To enter a world of fantasy about ancient England, come to Camelot Park!


4. Futuroscope is not onlyfor individuals, but is also the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings. ―观测未来‖不仅仅适合个人(旅游),也适合学生全班出游,因为它是娱乐和学习完美的结合。

5. If driving, Futuroscope is within easy reach of the freeway.如果开车,―观测未来‖就在高速公路附近。


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