




【英文摘要】Children are the future of an nation and the hope for a country. How to protect them to grow up healthily and happily while maintian a pure and beautiful soul is what

all mankind has been striven to achieve. Due to the

underdeveloped psychological and physical condition of

children, they can not protect themselves very well in the face of the hurt from the outside world and thus are reduced to a comparatively weak position. How to help those children eager to get care has always been the main focus of the work of Hague Conference on Private International Law. To better the protection of the rights of children in practice, the

conference passed and concluded a series of related conventions which finally formed a system. The performance of the

conventions is closely related to the real protection of the immediate interests of children, and on the basis of

conclusion,a research over the convention implementing mechanism can help to prompote the implementation of the protection conventions of the rights of children.It is

essential to establish the Hague implementing mechanism of protecting the rights of children. The aim of the protection conventions helps to promote the establishment of the

convention implementing mechanism, while at the same time,the system plays an important role in the effective implementation of the conventions. The convention implementing mechanism

decides the implementation of the conventions to a large extent,

for its establishment has a supervisory role over the

implementation of conventions and offers direction for the implementation of conventions. On the other hand, it is the implementation of conventions that helps to realize the aim of establishing the convention implementing mechanism.The Hague Convention on the protection of Children is honored by three systems, judicial and administrative co-operation, review and guide to good practice mechanism. Judicial and administrative co-operation is a new and effective pattern that finds

increasingly wide application, including central authories cooperation, competent authorities cooperation and so

on.Central authories cooperation, which is interactive and multi-functional, is the most important method in judicial and administrative co-operation. Contracting states choose

corresponding central authority according to actual situations for international collaboration. Review mechanism means that the Hague Conference on Private International Law hold routine conferences to assess how the Convention on the protection of Children is honored in contracting countries, locate problems and then seek efficient solutions. It has successfully applied to the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of

International Child Abduction, the 1993 Hague Convention on

Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of

Intercountry Adoption and the 1996 on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children. Guide to good practice for convention is a summary based on actual circumstances of contracting states and leads to the extensive inforcement of the convention in the future. Guides to good practice under The 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention and the 1993 Hague Convention on inter-country adoption have proved to play a significant role honoring the conventions.Currently the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction only applies to Hong Kong and Macao. In November 2000, China signed the 1993 Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in

Respect of Intercountry Adoption and the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress ratified it in April 2005. It entered into force in January 2006 in Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao. China now still has many problems in honoring the

conventions, such as an incomplete inter-country adoption law system, failure in implementation to the best interests of the child principle, lack of good supporting systems. Therefore, China has much to do to perfect the honoring systems of The Hague

Convention on the protection of Children.

【关键词】履约机制 司法与行政合作机制 审议机制 实践报告机制

【英文关键词】implementing mechanism judicial and administrative co-operation review mechanism guide to good practice




义11(一) 国际公约履约机制的含(二) 建立海牙儿童权利保护公约履约机制的必要性


(一) 司法与行政合作机制

(三) 实践报告机制

39-4515-20(二) 审议机三、中国与海牙儿11-1515-39制20-2626-39童权利保护公约的履约机制


46-49(一) 中国在履约中存在的41-45结论45-46参(二) 解决对策考文献






【英文摘要】Children are the future of an nation and the hope for a country. How to protect them to grow up healthily and happily while maintian a pure and beautiful soul is what

all mankind has been striven to achieve. Due to the

underdeveloped psychological and physical condition of

children, they can not protect themselves very well in the face of the hurt from the outside world and thus are reduced to a comparatively weak position. How to help those children eager to get care has always been the main focus of the work of Hague Conference on Private International Law. To better the protection of the rights of children in practice, the

conference passed and concluded a series of related conventions which finally formed a system. The performance of the

conventions is closely related to the real protection of the immediate interests of children, and on the basis of

conclusion,a research over the convention implementing mechanism can help to prompote the implementation of the protection conventions of the rights of children.It is

essential to establish the Hague implementing mechanism of protecting the rights of children. The aim of the protection conventions helps to promote the establishment of the

convention implementing mechanism, while at the same time,the system plays an important role in the effective implementation of the conventions. The convention implementing mechanism

decides the implementation of the conventions to a large extent,

for its establishment has a supervisory role over the

implementation of conventions and offers direction for the implementation of conventions. On the other hand, it is the implementation of conventions that helps to realize the aim of establishing the convention implementing mechanism.The Hague Convention on the protection of Children is honored by three systems, judicial and administrative co-operation, review and guide to good practice mechanism. Judicial and administrative co-operation is a new and effective pattern that finds

increasingly wide application, including central authories cooperation, competent authorities cooperation and so

on.Central authories cooperation, which is interactive and multi-functional, is the most important method in judicial and administrative co-operation. Contracting states choose

corresponding central authority according to actual situations for international collaboration. Review mechanism means that the Hague Conference on Private International Law hold routine conferences to assess how the Convention on the protection of Children is honored in contracting countries, locate problems and then seek efficient solutions. It has successfully applied to the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of

International Child Abduction, the 1993 Hague Convention on

Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of

Intercountry Adoption and the 1996 on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children. Guide to good practice for convention is a summary based on actual circumstances of contracting states and leads to the extensive inforcement of the convention in the future. Guides to good practice under The 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention and the 1993 Hague Convention on inter-country adoption have proved to play a significant role honoring the conventions.Currently the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction only applies to Hong Kong and Macao. In November 2000, China signed the 1993 Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in

Respect of Intercountry Adoption and the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress ratified it in April 2005. It entered into force in January 2006 in Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao. China now still has many problems in honoring the

conventions, such as an incomplete inter-country adoption law system, failure in implementation to the best interests of the child principle, lack of good supporting systems. Therefore, China has much to do to perfect the honoring systems of The Hague

Convention on the protection of Children.

【关键词】履约机制 司法与行政合作机制 审议机制 实践报告机制

【英文关键词】implementing mechanism judicial and administrative co-operation review mechanism guide to good practice




义11(一) 国际公约履约机制的含(二) 建立海牙儿童权利保护公约履约机制的必要性


(一) 司法与行政合作机制

(三) 实践报告机制

39-4515-20(二) 审议机三、中国与海牙儿11-1515-39制20-2626-39童权利保护公约的履约机制


46-49(一) 中国在履约中存在的41-45结论45-46参(二) 解决对策考文献



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