

Write a composition entitled Natural Gas Output in China.Yous hould write at least 120 words according to the outline giv enbelow in Chiness.

1. 描写下图并用数字说明;

2. 分析其原因及未来的趋势; 3.










Natural Gas Output in China

As can be seen from the above graph, there have been a st eady increase in the output of naturalgas since 1991. In 1991, there was only 15.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas produced in China.After that, almost every year witnessed a steady increase by 0.5 billion cubic meters. By1995,the output had increased to 17.5 billion cubic meters, an i ncrease by about 13% over thatof 1991.


亿立方米。1995年,其产量达到了175亿立方米,比1991年增长了大约13% 。

There are many factors leading to this sharp increase in it s output. To name only a few, the firstone is the convenie nce and cleanness in itself which meet the demands of house wives for daily useand thus stimulate its output increase. T he second one is that there has been an increasingly greatd emand for fuel resources from industries and factories becaus e of the rapid economic growth inChina.


In conclusion, we can safely predict the output will continu e to increase in the foreseeable futurebecause of the greate r demands for it. (164 words)



To name only a few, the first one is the convenience and cleanness in itself which meet thedemands of housewives for daily use and thus stimulate its output increase. 举几个例子,第一,天然气本身是便洁能源,符合家庭主妇的日常使用要求,从而剌激了其产量的增长。

点评:这是由which 引导的定语从句,which 指代的是前文内容,此外,这个句子中还需注意一个词组,to name only a few 意思是“仅举几个例子”。


steady ['stedi] adj. 稳定的

output ['autput] n. 输出,生产量

stimulate ['stimjuleit] v. 刺激,鼓舞

the rapid economic growth 经济的快速增长

predict [pri'dikt] v. 预测,预计

foreseeable [fɔ:r'si:əbl] adj. 可预见到的


Write a composition entitled Changes in College Graduates'Taking Their Jobs.You should write at least 120 words accordingto the outline given below in Chiness.

1. 下图所示为1977年和2007年大学毕业生就业方向的变化,请描述其变化;

2. 分析其中的原因; 3.










Changes in College Graduates' Taking Their Jobs

The two charts reveal the striking changes in college students' taking their jobs. As is shown in thecharts, the number of graduates who continue to study is growing steadily; the number ofgraduates who take jobs irrelevant to their majors rises from 7% in 1997 to 30% in 2007, whilethe number of graduates who hold jobs in their majors decreases dramatically from 89% in 1997to 58% in 2007.

两幅图显示的是大学生在就业方面的惊人变化。正如图中所显示的那样,选择继续学习的毕业生的数量稳步增长;参加与他们专业不相关的工作的毕业生数由1997年的7%上涨到2007年的30% ,而保持在他们的专业就业的大学生数目从1997年的89%大幅降低到2007年的58% 。

This obvious change is chiefly due to the following reasons. To start with, more and more collegegraduates find it necessary to further study before entering the tough job market. Besides, toomany college students study hot majors, but society cannot ofier so many jobs related to theirmajors. Furthermore, some colleges and universities fail to gear their curricula to the developmentof economy, so some courses are outdated,

irrelevant and impractical.



Based on the above analysis, we can conclude that college students should try to meet the needsof the job market if they want to find a suitable job. They should be careful in choosing majors;and meanwhile, colleges and universities authorities need reform their course system to satify thedemands of job market. (197 words)



Based on the above analysis, we can conclude that college students should try to meet the needsof the job market if they want to find a suitable job.根据以上分析,我们能得出结论:如果大学生想要找到合适的工作,他们应该尝试去适应就业市场的需要。

点评:这是一个宾语从句,that 引导的从句作conclude 的宾语。此外,在这个句子中还需掌握一个短语,meet the needs of 意思是“满足……的需要”。


reveal [ri'vi:l] v.显示

striking ['straikiŋ] adj.显著的,突出的

irrelevant to 与.... ..不相关

dramatically [drə'mætikli] adj.戏剧性地

gear [gir] v.以使适应,使适合

curricula [kə'rikj əl ə] n.课程

impractical [im'præktikl] adj.不切实际的

satisfy the demand 满足需求


Write a composition entitled Is It Necessary to Attend TrainingClasses? You should write at least 120 words according to theoutline given below in Chiness.

1. 以下是某城市各类培训班的数目图,请简要描述图表;

2. 给出可能的原因;

3. 你的观点。









Is It Necessary to Attend Training Classes

According to the graph, great changes have taken place in the number of training classes in thepast twenty years. On the one hand, in the last century, the increase of the training classes wasnot so great. On the other hand, there has been a sharp increase in the training classes after 2000.

根据该图表,在过去的二十多年里,培训班的数量发生了很大的变化。一方面,在上世纪,培训班的增长没有那么大。另一方面, 2000年以后培训班一直在急剧增长。

There are three reasons for the change. Firstly, with the development of the society, more andmore people pay much attention to the improvement of their ability, and they hope to improvethrough special training classes. Secondly, to most people, training plays a direct part in he1pingthem to attain their goal quickly and efficiently. Thirdly, with the improvement of the people's livingstandards, more and more people regard it as a preferable

way to spend their spare time.


As for me, I think it is necessary to attend training classes. For one thing,

they can play a veryimportant role in help you to attain your goal quickly and efficiently. For another, you can learn notonly what you need quickly but also a new way to broaden your horizon.(185 words)



According to the graph, great changes have taken place in the number of training classes in thepast twenty years.根据该图表,在过去的二十多年里,培训班的数量发生了很大的变化。

点评:这是一个现在完成时态的句子,great changes taken place表示这些巨大的变化是在过去的二十多年里已经发生的事实。


attain [ə'tein] v.达到,到达

preferable ['prefrəbl] adj.较好的,较合宜的

the people's living standards 人民的生活水平

broaden your horizon 开拓你的视野


Write a composition entitled How to Study Efficiently. Youshould write at least 120 words according to the outline givenbelow in Chiness.










How to Study Efficiently

As students, we have to study almost every day. However, not everybody knows how to studyefficiently .The above graph helps us know better about it.


This graph shows the relationship between the study efficiency and the hours spent in studying ina day. From it, we can see that more hours of study do not necessarily result in better or higherstudy efficiency. In the graph, the optimum of efficiency comes when one studies about 5 hoursand the efficiency begins to drop as he studies longer than it. By the time when one studies 11hours per day, his efficiency of study becomes very poor. 该图显示了学习效率和一天中在学习上所花费的时间之间的关系。从图表中我们可以看到更多的学习时间不一定会产生更好或更高的学习效率。在图表中,当一个人学习差不多5个小时的时候,将产生效率的最佳值,当学习超过这个时间的时候,效率开始下降。当一个人每天学习达到11个小时,他的学习效率会变得非常低。

In conclusion, there is always a maximum of efficiency and an appropriate amount of time forstudy in a day. More time spent in study doesn't always mean greater efficiency.(137 worrds)



In the graph, the optimum of efficiency comes when one studies about 5 hours and the efficiencybegins to drop as he studies longer than it.在图表中,当一个人学习差不多5个小时的时候,将产生效率的最佳值,当学习超过这个时间的时候,效率开始下降。

点评:这是一个时间状语从句,前半句中由when 引导,后半句中由as 引导。 【作文加分词】

efficiently [i'fiʃ

ntli] adv.效率高地,有效地

optimum ['a:ptiməm] n.最佳效果

maximum ['mæksim əm] n.最大量

appropriate [ə'proupri ət] adj.适当的


Write a composition entitled Talent Show. You should write atleast 120 words according to the outline given below in Chiness.

1. 下图为X 市抽样调查市民对选秀节目态度的结果,请简述该图;

2. 请简述双方持各自观点的原因;

3. 你对选秀节目的看法,是支持、反对,还是不置可否,总结全文。









Talent Show

Nowadays, talent shows have occupied a good proportion of screen time. Participants compete invarious fields, such as singing, acting and cat walking, etc. The winners not only get grand prix butalso gain promising career prospects in the entertainment industry. People hold diversified opinionabout talent shows. According to a survey conducted in X city,

59% of the interviewees believedthat they did more good than harm, whereas 41% opposed it.

现在,选秀节目占据了电视播出时间的很大一部分。参与者在各个领域竞争,比如唱歌、表演、走猫步等等。获胜者不仅能得到大奖,而且能在娱乐界获得很有前途的职业前景。人们对选秀有各种各样的看法。根据在X 市所做的调查,59%的受访者相信选秀是利大于弊,然而有41%的人表示反对。

The people in favor of the shows believe that they have given participants an equal chance tobring forth their talents. Talent shows in general provide a platform for people who want to stand inthe spotlight. Besides, such programs are usually interactive with audience who vote out thewinners. Despite the economic gains, many people dislike such contests, holding that the vulgarcompetition encourages an unhealthy thinking among the young people of becoming famousovemight.


In my opinion, talent shows are no doubt a commercial success and an entertainment feast. And itis all too easy to label them as "vulgar" or "biased". Though I do have some reservation towardsthem, I believe that the programs themselves are not harmful, as long as run properly andviewed with a light heart of enjoyment. (206 words)



The winners not only get grand prix but also gain promising career prospects in the entertainmentindustry. 获胜者不仅能得到大奖,而且能在娱乐界获得很有前途的职业前景。

点评:这句话中活用了grand prix这个词,grand prix是一个法语词,起初是指国际汽车大奖赛,在本句中指大奖。


grand prix [,gra: 'pri:] n.大奖

hold diversified opinion 持有各种观点

interactive [,intər'æktiv] adj.相互的 vote out 选出

vulgar ['vʌlg ər] adj.粗俗的,庸俗的

reservation [,rezər'vei ʃn] n.保留(意见) ,异议


Write a composition entitled TV Dating. You should write at least120 words according to the outline given below in Chi ness.

1. 近来电视相亲节目很流行;

2. 有人反对,有人支持;

3. 你的观点。








TV Dating

Recently, TV dating shows produced by some of China's provin cial satellite TV stations havebecome very popular. With the success of Jiangsu Satellite TV's "If You Are the One", s

ome otherTV stations have been making their own dating progr ams. These programs have generated debateamong the viewers. 最近,中国一些省卫星电视台制作的电视相亲节目已变得非常流行了。随着江苏卫视的“非诚勿扰”的成功,其他一些电视台已在制作他们自己的相亲节目。这些节目在观众中引起了一些争论。

Some audiences think that these programs may have a bad eff ect on young people. They areworried about the money worship showed by a few female participants. Watched by millions, onefemale participant from Beijing once rejected a suitor by saying that she would rather cry in a BMWthan smile on a bicycle. Some other audiences support these programs. They hold that no TVshows can fully reflect social reality and t hat the money worship of a few participants does notrepresen t mainstrearn Chinese society. People daring to express their love values in public shouldbe considered as social progres s.

一些观众认为,这些节目可能对年轻人造成坏的影响。他们对有些女性参加者的拜金现象有所担忧。在上百万人的观看下, 一位来自北京的女性参加者曾经拒绝了一个追求者,她说宁在宝马车里哭,也不愿在自行车上笑。其他一些观众支持这些节目。他们认为没有电视节目能完全反映社会现实,几个参者的拜金现象不代表中国社会主流。人们敢于在公众面前表达他们自己的爱情观, 应该被视为社会的进步。

In my opinion, the popularity of the TV dating programs can be employed as an opportunity toadvocate positive values of love and marriage. After all, most peopledisapprove ofthe i dea ofmoney worship. (184 words)



Watched by millions, one female participant from Beijing once rejected a suitor by saying that shewould rather cry in a BMW than smile on a bicycle. 在上百万人的观看下, 一位来自北京的女性参加者曾经拒绝了一个追求者,她说宁在宝马车里哭,也不愿在自行车上笑。

点评:这个句话中用了一句时下的流行语"she would rather cry in a BMW than smile on a bicyle" 意思是“宁在宝马里哭,也不愿在自行车上笑”。在四级写作中,能恰当地运用类似的流行语,使文章更加生动活泼。


provincial [prə'vin ʃl] adj. 省的

generate ['dʒen əreit] v. 以产生, 发生

have a bad effect on 对„„ 有坏的影响

participant [pa:r'tisipənt] n. 参与者

reject [ri'dʒekt] v. 拒绝,抵制

advocate ['ædvəkeit] v. 倡导,提倡


Write a composition entitled Blindly Worshipping Stars. Yousho uld write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chiness.

1. 很多人日益迷恋名人;

2. 盲目追星存在的危险;

3. 提出你的观点。









Blindly Worshipping Stars

With the ever-growing popularity of the Intemet, it is becom ing much easier to keep track of yourfavorite celebrities. B ecause of the vast amounts of information about these celebr ities that exists,it is easy to become mesmerized by them. 随着互联网的使用越来越普遍,我们能够更方便地了解到自己喜欢的明星们的动态。因为网上有大量关于这些名人的信息,所以很容易对他们痴迷。

But blindly worshipping these stars can be dangerous. First of all, celebrities tend to live by differentrules to everyo ne else. If you were to adapt their unhealthy lifestyle, yo u would most certainlyhave to pay for the consequences. Seco ndly, celebrities are often seen in expensive clothing, cars, and homes that most people cannot afford. In addition, photo graphs that you see of celebritiesare often touched up to m ake them look more perfect than they really are.



If there are celebrities that you like, it is best to reme mber that their lives are very different frommost people's l ives and that though may seem glamorous, they have their ow n imperfections likeeveryone else.(152 words)



„it is best to remember that their lives are very differen t from most people's lives and that thoughmay seem glamorous , they have their own imperfections like everyone else.„„最好要记住这一点:他们的生活不同于大多数人,即使看起来非常风光,他们也像其他人一样存在着缺点和不足。

点评:这是一个宾语从句,两个由that 引导的从句作remember 的宾语,其中第二个that 宾语从句中又包括一个由though 引导的让步状语从句,四级写作中能准确运用一些类似的复杂句型,也是写作中的一大亮点。


keep track of 了解

celebrity [sə'lebr əti] n. 名人

mesmerize ['mezməraiz] v. 迷惑,迷住

worship ['wə:rʃip] v. 崇拜,尊敬

touch up 润色,修改

glamorous ['glæmər əs] adj. 富有魅力的

imperfection [,impər'fek ʃn] n. 瑕疵,缺点

八.Write a composition entitled How Do People Spend Their L eisureTime. You should write at least 120 words according to theoutline given below in Chiness.

1. 休闲活动越来越受到人们的欢迎,不同的人喜欢不同的休闲活动;

2. 不同季节的休闲活动;

3. 不同性格的人的休闲活动。








How Do People Spend Their Leisure Time

Nowadays leisure activities are very popular among people. Di fferent people prefer different typesof entertainment depending on the season, their personality and income. Some people l ike tospend their leisure time relaxing indoors, pursuing the ir hobbies. Others look for outdoor relaxation.


In the spring when it is warm, nature becomes more and mor e beautiful with trees and grassturning green and all the f lowers blossoming. It is a good time for people to go sigh tseeing,boating, and picnicking. In summer, it is too hot ou tdoors, so they like to stay at home , enjoyingcold watertne lon or ice cream.


People who like reading will go to the library instead of visiting scenic spots. For them, books areeverything. They'd like to bury their heads in books, ignoring everything else. Contrary to thesepeople, there are always individuals who r equire more exciting activities like rock c1imbing, bungeejump ing, ballooning and so on. These attractions appeal to the sense of adventure that is typical ofpeople.(163 words)



It is a good time for people to go sightseeing, boating, a nd picnicking. 这是人们旅游、划船和野餐的大好时光。。

点评:这个句话中要注意一个句型,"It is a good time for sb. to do sth." 意思是“对某人来说,做某事是一个好时光”,此外,sightseeing, boating, and picnicking 都是

动名词形式作go 的宾语。

They'd like to bury their heads in books, ignoring everythin g else. 他们喜欢埋头读书,全然不顾周边所有的事物。

点评:这句话中用了"bury their heads in books" 这一词组,使得那些“两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书”的人的形象跃然纸上。


leisure ['li:ʒər] n. 闲暇,空暇时间

entertainment [,entər'teinm ənt] n. 娱乐

relaxation [,ri:læk'seiʃn] n. 消遣,娱乐

scenic spots 景点

appeal to 吸引

typical ['tipikl] adj. 典型的;特有的


Write a composition entitled Is Television a Blessing or a Curse.You should write at least 120 words according to the outlinegiven below in Chiness.

1. 有人认为电视给人们带来很多好处;

2. 有人认为电视有很多弊端;

3. 你的看法。









Is Television a Blessing or a Curse

Now, it is generally accepted that television plays an impor tant part in people's lives. But, there is anongoing heated discussion as to whether television is a blessing or a cu rse.


As is often pointed out by some people, television keeps on e better informed about currentevents, allows one to follow

the latest developments in politics and science, and offers an endlessseries of programs which are both instructive and stimulating. The most distant countries ,thestrangest customs and the most attractive scenes of nature are brought right into one's room.


However, other people insist that television is a curse rath er than a blessing. They argue that it hasbrought about man y serious problems. The major one is its effects on young people. They arenow used to getting their information, educat ion and entertainment from television that theirliteracy as w ell as physical ability has been greatly weakened. Even wors e than that, vulgarcommercials and indecent programs may cult ivate their bad tastes, distort their viewpointstowards human life to such a degree that their minds might be corrupted. 然而,一些人坚持认为电视是祸不是福。他们认为电视带来许多严峻的问题。最主要的是它带给年轻人的影响。年轻人现在都习惯于通过电视获得信息、教育和娱乐,以至于他们的阅读能力和体能大大削弱了。比这更糟糕的是,恶俗的广告和粗鄙的节目可能会使他们养成坏的品味,将他们的人生观扭曲到心智可能被 腐蚀的程度。

In summary, television has both advantages and disadvantages. Whatever effects it has, one thingis certain, television in itself is neither good nor bad. It is the uses to which it is put that determioesits value to society. (218 words) 总而言之,电视既有好处也有坏处。不管它有什么影响,有一件事是确定的,电视自身无好坏,是使用方式决定它对社会的价值。


television keeps one better informed about current events, al lows one to follow the latestdevelopments in politics and sc ience, and offers an endless series of programs which are b othinstructive and stimulating. 电视能使人们很好地掌握时事信息,使人们追踪政治和科学最新的发展,给人们提供无穷无尽的既有启发性又引人入胜的节目。

点评:这个句子中有三个并列的谓语动词,即keeps,allows,offers, 其共同的评语是television 。


ongoing heated disussion 正在进行激烈的讨论

curse [kə:rs] n. 诅咒;祸根

instructive [in'strʌktiv] adj. 有教育意义的

vulgar ['vʌlg ər] adj. 粗俗的

indecent [in'di:snt] adj. 下流的,不妥当的

distort [di'stɔ:rt] v. 歪曲,扭曲


Write a composition entitled If There Were No Advertisements. You should write at least 120 words according to the outlin egiven below in Chiness.

1. 有人认为广告完全没有必要;

2. 有人认为我们社会离不开广告;

3. 你的观点。








If There Were No Advertisements

Nowadays, advertisements can be found everywhere in a big ci ty such as Shanghai. They shout atus from the television sc reen and radio loudspeakers, wave to us from every page of thenewspaper, signal to us from the roadside bi llboards a ll day and flash messages to us in coloredlights all night. 现如今,在诸如上海等大城市,广告随处可见。它们通过电视屏幕和广播的扬声器向我们叫喊,在报纸的每一页冲我们招手,从路边广告牌上整天向我们发送信号,还有整夜的彩灯闪动的信息。

Faced with a flood of advertisement, some people wonder whet her it is necessary to have suchhuge sums spent on advertis ing. They often cite in illustration of it the attractive, but false anddeceptive advertisements to which many consumers fall victim. They suggest that sinceadvertising is an entir ely unproductive industry and may even harm the customers' i nterests, whydon't we stop advertising and use the money to reduce the price of goods? It sounds like a goodidea, but they fail to notice the contribution advertising makes to

our society. Because theproduction of a better product to co mpete for customers' money is the goal of advertisers, custo mers are thus given a chance to compare their products and get the best and cheapest one.Besides, as the advertisement can provide people with a lot of immediate and detailed i nformationas to the availability of a certain product, or a service or a job, it makes life much more convenient.And anotber thing we mustn't forget: the fact that we pay so l ittle for our daily newspapers and TVprograms is due entirel y to the money spent by advertisers.

面对广告大潮,有些人想知道,我们是否有必要在广告上花费如此之多。他们常引用那些吸引人、但虚假和欺骗的广告做例子,许多消费者成为这些广告的受害者。他们表示,既然广告是个完全非生产性的行业,而且甚至会危害到消费者的利益,我们为何不停止做广告,用这些钱来降低商品价格呢? 这听起来是个好主意,但是他们没有注意到广告对我们的社会所做的贡献。由于生产好的产品来争夺消费者的钱是刊登广告者的目标,所以消费者有机会去对比他们的产品,并选择最物美价廉的。另外,由于广告能给人们提供许多关于某种产品、服务或工作的可利用性的快速而具体的信息,它使生活更加便捷。另一件我们不应该忘记的事情是:我们在每天的报纸和电视节目上花费的很少,这完全是因为刊登广告的人花了很多钱。

Advertising performs such a useful service to our society th at we can't imagine what would happenifthere were no adverti sements. (262 words)



Besides, as the advertisement can provide people with a lot of immediate and detailed informationas to the availability of a certain product, or a service or a job, it makes l ife much more convenient. 另外,由于广告能给人们提供许多关于某种产品、服务或工作的可利用性的快速而具体的信息,它使生活更加便捷。。

点评:这个句子比较长,结构成分也比较复杂。句子的主句是it makes life much morecomvenient ,其中,it 是形式主语,真正的主语是it 前面的整个内容。


roadside billboards 路边广告牌

illustration [,ilə'strei ʃn] n. 说明,图解

deceptive [di'septiv] adj. 骗人的,欺诈的

fall victim 受害

unproductive [ʌnpr ə'd ʌktiv] adj. 非生产性的

detailed information 详细信息

availability [ə,veil ə'bil əti] n. 有效,有益


Write a composition entitled Natural Gas Output in China.Yous hould write at least 120 words according to the outline giv enbelow in Chiness.

1. 描写下图并用数字说明;

2. 分析其原因及未来的趋势; 3.










Natural Gas Output in China

As can be seen from the above graph, there have been a st eady increase in the output of naturalgas since 1991. In 1991, there was only 15.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas produced in China.After that, almost every year witnessed a steady increase by 0.5 billion cubic meters. By1995,the output had increased to 17.5 billion cubic meters, an i ncrease by about 13% over thatof 1991.


亿立方米。1995年,其产量达到了175亿立方米,比1991年增长了大约13% 。

There are many factors leading to this sharp increase in it s output. To name only a few, the firstone is the convenie nce and cleanness in itself which meet the demands of house wives for daily useand thus stimulate its output increase. T he second one is that there has been an increasingly greatd emand for fuel resources from industries and factories becaus e of the rapid economic growth inChina.


In conclusion, we can safely predict the output will continu e to increase in the foreseeable futurebecause of the greate r demands for it. (164 words)



To name only a few, the first one is the convenience and cleanness in itself which meet thedemands of housewives for daily use and thus stimulate its output increase. 举几个例子,第一,天然气本身是便洁能源,符合家庭主妇的日常使用要求,从而剌激了其产量的增长。

点评:这是由which 引导的定语从句,which 指代的是前文内容,此外,这个句子中还需注意一个词组,to name only a few 意思是“仅举几个例子”。


steady ['stedi] adj. 稳定的

output ['autput] n. 输出,生产量

stimulate ['stimjuleit] v. 刺激,鼓舞

the rapid economic growth 经济的快速增长

predict [pri'dikt] v. 预测,预计

foreseeable [fɔ:r'si:əbl] adj. 可预见到的


Write a composition entitled Changes in College Graduates'Taking Their Jobs.You should write at least 120 words accordingto the outline given below in Chiness.

1. 下图所示为1977年和2007年大学毕业生就业方向的变化,请描述其变化;

2. 分析其中的原因; 3.










Changes in College Graduates' Taking Their Jobs

The two charts reveal the striking changes in college students' taking their jobs. As is shown in thecharts, the number of graduates who continue to study is growing steadily; the number ofgraduates who take jobs irrelevant to their majors rises from 7% in 1997 to 30% in 2007, whilethe number of graduates who hold jobs in their majors decreases dramatically from 89% in 1997to 58% in 2007.

两幅图显示的是大学生在就业方面的惊人变化。正如图中所显示的那样,选择继续学习的毕业生的数量稳步增长;参加与他们专业不相关的工作的毕业生数由1997年的7%上涨到2007年的30% ,而保持在他们的专业就业的大学生数目从1997年的89%大幅降低到2007年的58% 。

This obvious change is chiefly due to the following reasons. To start with, more and more collegegraduates find it necessary to further study before entering the tough job market. Besides, toomany college students study hot majors, but society cannot ofier so many jobs related to theirmajors. Furthermore, some colleges and universities fail to gear their curricula to the developmentof economy, so some courses are outdated,

irrelevant and impractical.



Based on the above analysis, we can conclude that college students should try to meet the needsof the job market if they want to find a suitable job. They should be careful in choosing majors;and meanwhile, colleges and universities authorities need reform their course system to satify thedemands of job market. (197 words)



Based on the above analysis, we can conclude that college students should try to meet the needsof the job market if they want to find a suitable job.根据以上分析,我们能得出结论:如果大学生想要找到合适的工作,他们应该尝试去适应就业市场的需要。

点评:这是一个宾语从句,that 引导的从句作conclude 的宾语。此外,在这个句子中还需掌握一个短语,meet the needs of 意思是“满足……的需要”。


reveal [ri'vi:l] v.显示

striking ['straikiŋ] adj.显著的,突出的

irrelevant to 与.... ..不相关

dramatically [drə'mætikli] adj.戏剧性地

gear [gir] v.以使适应,使适合

curricula [kə'rikj əl ə] n.课程

impractical [im'præktikl] adj.不切实际的

satisfy the demand 满足需求


Write a composition entitled Is It Necessary to Attend TrainingClasses? You should write at least 120 words according to theoutline given below in Chiness.

1. 以下是某城市各类培训班的数目图,请简要描述图表;

2. 给出可能的原因;

3. 你的观点。









Is It Necessary to Attend Training Classes

According to the graph, great changes have taken place in the number of training classes in thepast twenty years. On the one hand, in the last century, the increase of the training classes wasnot so great. On the other hand, there has been a sharp increase in the training classes after 2000.

根据该图表,在过去的二十多年里,培训班的数量发生了很大的变化。一方面,在上世纪,培训班的增长没有那么大。另一方面, 2000年以后培训班一直在急剧增长。

There are three reasons for the change. Firstly, with the development of the society, more andmore people pay much attention to the improvement of their ability, and they hope to improvethrough special training classes. Secondly, to most people, training plays a direct part in he1pingthem to attain their goal quickly and efficiently. Thirdly, with the improvement of the people's livingstandards, more and more people regard it as a preferable

way to spend their spare time.


As for me, I think it is necessary to attend training classes. For one thing,

they can play a veryimportant role in help you to attain your goal quickly and efficiently. For another, you can learn notonly what you need quickly but also a new way to broaden your horizon.(185 words)



According to the graph, great changes have taken place in the number of training classes in thepast twenty years.根据该图表,在过去的二十多年里,培训班的数量发生了很大的变化。

点评:这是一个现在完成时态的句子,great changes taken place表示这些巨大的变化是在过去的二十多年里已经发生的事实。


attain [ə'tein] v.达到,到达

preferable ['prefrəbl] adj.较好的,较合宜的

the people's living standards 人民的生活水平

broaden your horizon 开拓你的视野


Write a composition entitled How to Study Efficiently. Youshould write at least 120 words according to the outline givenbelow in Chiness.










How to Study Efficiently

As students, we have to study almost every day. However, not everybody knows how to studyefficiently .The above graph helps us know better about it.


This graph shows the relationship between the study efficiency and the hours spent in studying ina day. From it, we can see that more hours of study do not necessarily result in better or higherstudy efficiency. In the graph, the optimum of efficiency comes when one studies about 5 hoursand the efficiency begins to drop as he studies longer than it. By the time when one studies 11hours per day, his efficiency of study becomes very poor. 该图显示了学习效率和一天中在学习上所花费的时间之间的关系。从图表中我们可以看到更多的学习时间不一定会产生更好或更高的学习效率。在图表中,当一个人学习差不多5个小时的时候,将产生效率的最佳值,当学习超过这个时间的时候,效率开始下降。当一个人每天学习达到11个小时,他的学习效率会变得非常低。

In conclusion, there is always a maximum of efficiency and an appropriate amount of time forstudy in a day. More time spent in study doesn't always mean greater efficiency.(137 worrds)



In the graph, the optimum of efficiency comes when one studies about 5 hours and the efficiencybegins to drop as he studies longer than it.在图表中,当一个人学习差不多5个小时的时候,将产生效率的最佳值,当学习超过这个时间的时候,效率开始下降。

点评:这是一个时间状语从句,前半句中由when 引导,后半句中由as 引导。 【作文加分词】

efficiently [i'fiʃ

ntli] adv.效率高地,有效地

optimum ['a:ptiməm] n.最佳效果

maximum ['mæksim əm] n.最大量

appropriate [ə'proupri ət] adj.适当的


Write a composition entitled Talent Show. You should write atleast 120 words according to the outline given below in Chiness.

1. 下图为X 市抽样调查市民对选秀节目态度的结果,请简述该图;

2. 请简述双方持各自观点的原因;

3. 你对选秀节目的看法,是支持、反对,还是不置可否,总结全文。









Talent Show

Nowadays, talent shows have occupied a good proportion of screen time. Participants compete invarious fields, such as singing, acting and cat walking, etc. The winners not only get grand prix butalso gain promising career prospects in the entertainment industry. People hold diversified opinionabout talent shows. According to a survey conducted in X city,

59% of the interviewees believedthat they did more good than harm, whereas 41% opposed it.

现在,选秀节目占据了电视播出时间的很大一部分。参与者在各个领域竞争,比如唱歌、表演、走猫步等等。获胜者不仅能得到大奖,而且能在娱乐界获得很有前途的职业前景。人们对选秀有各种各样的看法。根据在X 市所做的调查,59%的受访者相信选秀是利大于弊,然而有41%的人表示反对。

The people in favor of the shows believe that they have given participants an equal chance tobring forth their talents. Talent shows in general provide a platform for people who want to stand inthe spotlight. Besides, such programs are usually interactive with audience who vote out thewinners. Despite the economic gains, many people dislike such contests, holding that the vulgarcompetition encourages an unhealthy thinking among the young people of becoming famousovemight.


In my opinion, talent shows are no doubt a commercial success and an entertainment feast. And itis all too easy to label them as "vulgar" or "biased". Though I do have some reservation towardsthem, I believe that the programs themselves are not harmful, as long as run properly andviewed with a light heart of enjoyment. (206 words)



The winners not only get grand prix but also gain promising career prospects in the entertainmentindustry. 获胜者不仅能得到大奖,而且能在娱乐界获得很有前途的职业前景。

点评:这句话中活用了grand prix这个词,grand prix是一个法语词,起初是指国际汽车大奖赛,在本句中指大奖。


grand prix [,gra: 'pri:] n.大奖

hold diversified opinion 持有各种观点

interactive [,intər'æktiv] adj.相互的 vote out 选出

vulgar ['vʌlg ər] adj.粗俗的,庸俗的

reservation [,rezər'vei ʃn] n.保留(意见) ,异议


Write a composition entitled TV Dating. You should write at least120 words according to the outline given below in Chi ness.

1. 近来电视相亲节目很流行;

2. 有人反对,有人支持;

3. 你的观点。








TV Dating

Recently, TV dating shows produced by some of China's provin cial satellite TV stations havebecome very popular. With the success of Jiangsu Satellite TV's "If You Are the One", s

ome otherTV stations have been making their own dating progr ams. These programs have generated debateamong the viewers. 最近,中国一些省卫星电视台制作的电视相亲节目已变得非常流行了。随着江苏卫视的“非诚勿扰”的成功,其他一些电视台已在制作他们自己的相亲节目。这些节目在观众中引起了一些争论。

Some audiences think that these programs may have a bad eff ect on young people. They areworried about the money worship showed by a few female participants. Watched by millions, onefemale participant from Beijing once rejected a suitor by saying that she would rather cry in a BMWthan smile on a bicycle. Some other audiences support these programs. They hold that no TVshows can fully reflect social reality and t hat the money worship of a few participants does notrepresen t mainstrearn Chinese society. People daring to express their love values in public shouldbe considered as social progres s.

一些观众认为,这些节目可能对年轻人造成坏的影响。他们对有些女性参加者的拜金现象有所担忧。在上百万人的观看下, 一位来自北京的女性参加者曾经拒绝了一个追求者,她说宁在宝马车里哭,也不愿在自行车上笑。其他一些观众支持这些节目。他们认为没有电视节目能完全反映社会现实,几个参者的拜金现象不代表中国社会主流。人们敢于在公众面前表达他们自己的爱情观, 应该被视为社会的进步。

In my opinion, the popularity of the TV dating programs can be employed as an opportunity toadvocate positive values of love and marriage. After all, most peopledisapprove ofthe i dea ofmoney worship. (184 words)



Watched by millions, one female participant from Beijing once rejected a suitor by saying that shewould rather cry in a BMW than smile on a bicycle. 在上百万人的观看下, 一位来自北京的女性参加者曾经拒绝了一个追求者,她说宁在宝马车里哭,也不愿在自行车上笑。

点评:这个句话中用了一句时下的流行语"she would rather cry in a BMW than smile on a bicyle" 意思是“宁在宝马里哭,也不愿在自行车上笑”。在四级写作中,能恰当地运用类似的流行语,使文章更加生动活泼。


provincial [prə'vin ʃl] adj. 省的

generate ['dʒen əreit] v. 以产生, 发生

have a bad effect on 对„„ 有坏的影响

participant [pa:r'tisipənt] n. 参与者

reject [ri'dʒekt] v. 拒绝,抵制

advocate ['ædvəkeit] v. 倡导,提倡


Write a composition entitled Blindly Worshipping Stars. Yousho uld write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chiness.

1. 很多人日益迷恋名人;

2. 盲目追星存在的危险;

3. 提出你的观点。









Blindly Worshipping Stars

With the ever-growing popularity of the Intemet, it is becom ing much easier to keep track of yourfavorite celebrities. B ecause of the vast amounts of information about these celebr ities that exists,it is easy to become mesmerized by them. 随着互联网的使用越来越普遍,我们能够更方便地了解到自己喜欢的明星们的动态。因为网上有大量关于这些名人的信息,所以很容易对他们痴迷。

But blindly worshipping these stars can be dangerous. First of all, celebrities tend to live by differentrules to everyo ne else. If you were to adapt their unhealthy lifestyle, yo u would most certainlyhave to pay for the consequences. Seco ndly, celebrities are often seen in expensive clothing, cars, and homes that most people cannot afford. In addition, photo graphs that you see of celebritiesare often touched up to m ake them look more perfect than they really are.



If there are celebrities that you like, it is best to reme mber that their lives are very different frommost people's l ives and that though may seem glamorous, they have their ow n imperfections likeeveryone else.(152 words)



„it is best to remember that their lives are very differen t from most people's lives and that thoughmay seem glamorous , they have their own imperfections like everyone else.„„最好要记住这一点:他们的生活不同于大多数人,即使看起来非常风光,他们也像其他人一样存在着缺点和不足。

点评:这是一个宾语从句,两个由that 引导的从句作remember 的宾语,其中第二个that 宾语从句中又包括一个由though 引导的让步状语从句,四级写作中能准确运用一些类似的复杂句型,也是写作中的一大亮点。


keep track of 了解

celebrity [sə'lebr əti] n. 名人

mesmerize ['mezməraiz] v. 迷惑,迷住

worship ['wə:rʃip] v. 崇拜,尊敬

touch up 润色,修改

glamorous ['glæmər əs] adj. 富有魅力的

imperfection [,impər'fek ʃn] n. 瑕疵,缺点

八.Write a composition entitled How Do People Spend Their L eisureTime. You should write at least 120 words according to theoutline given below in Chiness.

1. 休闲活动越来越受到人们的欢迎,不同的人喜欢不同的休闲活动;

2. 不同季节的休闲活动;

3. 不同性格的人的休闲活动。








How Do People Spend Their Leisure Time

Nowadays leisure activities are very popular among people. Di fferent people prefer different typesof entertainment depending on the season, their personality and income. Some people l ike tospend their leisure time relaxing indoors, pursuing the ir hobbies. Others look for outdoor relaxation.


In the spring when it is warm, nature becomes more and mor e beautiful with trees and grassturning green and all the f lowers blossoming. It is a good time for people to go sigh tseeing,boating, and picnicking. In summer, it is too hot ou tdoors, so they like to stay at home , enjoyingcold watertne lon or ice cream.


People who like reading will go to the library instead of visiting scenic spots. For them, books areeverything. They'd like to bury their heads in books, ignoring everything else. Contrary to thesepeople, there are always individuals who r equire more exciting activities like rock c1imbing, bungeejump ing, ballooning and so on. These attractions appeal to the sense of adventure that is typical ofpeople.(163 words)



It is a good time for people to go sightseeing, boating, a nd picnicking. 这是人们旅游、划船和野餐的大好时光。。

点评:这个句话中要注意一个句型,"It is a good time for sb. to do sth." 意思是“对某人来说,做某事是一个好时光”,此外,sightseeing, boating, and picnicking 都是

动名词形式作go 的宾语。

They'd like to bury their heads in books, ignoring everythin g else. 他们喜欢埋头读书,全然不顾周边所有的事物。

点评:这句话中用了"bury their heads in books" 这一词组,使得那些“两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书”的人的形象跃然纸上。


leisure ['li:ʒər] n. 闲暇,空暇时间

entertainment [,entər'teinm ənt] n. 娱乐

relaxation [,ri:læk'seiʃn] n. 消遣,娱乐

scenic spots 景点

appeal to 吸引

typical ['tipikl] adj. 典型的;特有的


Write a composition entitled Is Television a Blessing or a Curse.You should write at least 120 words according to the outlinegiven below in Chiness.

1. 有人认为电视给人们带来很多好处;

2. 有人认为电视有很多弊端;

3. 你的看法。









Is Television a Blessing or a Curse

Now, it is generally accepted that television plays an impor tant part in people's lives. But, there is anongoing heated discussion as to whether television is a blessing or a cu rse.


As is often pointed out by some people, television keeps on e better informed about currentevents, allows one to follow

the latest developments in politics and science, and offers an endlessseries of programs which are both instructive and stimulating. The most distant countries ,thestrangest customs and the most attractive scenes of nature are brought right into one's room.


However, other people insist that television is a curse rath er than a blessing. They argue that it hasbrought about man y serious problems. The major one is its effects on young people. They arenow used to getting their information, educat ion and entertainment from television that theirliteracy as w ell as physical ability has been greatly weakened. Even wors e than that, vulgarcommercials and indecent programs may cult ivate their bad tastes, distort their viewpointstowards human life to such a degree that their minds might be corrupted. 然而,一些人坚持认为电视是祸不是福。他们认为电视带来许多严峻的问题。最主要的是它带给年轻人的影响。年轻人现在都习惯于通过电视获得信息、教育和娱乐,以至于他们的阅读能力和体能大大削弱了。比这更糟糕的是,恶俗的广告和粗鄙的节目可能会使他们养成坏的品味,将他们的人生观扭曲到心智可能被 腐蚀的程度。

In summary, television has both advantages and disadvantages. Whatever effects it has, one thingis certain, television in itself is neither good nor bad. It is the uses to which it is put that determioesits value to society. (218 words) 总而言之,电视既有好处也有坏处。不管它有什么影响,有一件事是确定的,电视自身无好坏,是使用方式决定它对社会的价值。


television keeps one better informed about current events, al lows one to follow the latestdevelopments in politics and sc ience, and offers an endless series of programs which are b othinstructive and stimulating. 电视能使人们很好地掌握时事信息,使人们追踪政治和科学最新的发展,给人们提供无穷无尽的既有启发性又引人入胜的节目。

点评:这个句子中有三个并列的谓语动词,即keeps,allows,offers, 其共同的评语是television 。


ongoing heated disussion 正在进行激烈的讨论

curse [kə:rs] n. 诅咒;祸根

instructive [in'strʌktiv] adj. 有教育意义的

vulgar ['vʌlg ər] adj. 粗俗的

indecent [in'di:snt] adj. 下流的,不妥当的

distort [di'stɔ:rt] v. 歪曲,扭曲


Write a composition entitled If There Were No Advertisements. You should write at least 120 words according to the outlin egiven below in Chiness.

1. 有人认为广告完全没有必要;

2. 有人认为我们社会离不开广告;

3. 你的观点。








If There Were No Advertisements

Nowadays, advertisements can be found everywhere in a big ci ty such as Shanghai. They shout atus from the television sc reen and radio loudspeakers, wave to us from every page of thenewspaper, signal to us from the roadside bi llboards a ll day and flash messages to us in coloredlights all night. 现如今,在诸如上海等大城市,广告随处可见。它们通过电视屏幕和广播的扬声器向我们叫喊,在报纸的每一页冲我们招手,从路边广告牌上整天向我们发送信号,还有整夜的彩灯闪动的信息。

Faced with a flood of advertisement, some people wonder whet her it is necessary to have suchhuge sums spent on advertis ing. They often cite in illustration of it the attractive, but false anddeceptive advertisements to which many consumers fall victim. They suggest that sinceadvertising is an entir ely unproductive industry and may even harm the customers' i nterests, whydon't we stop advertising and use the money to reduce the price of goods? It sounds like a goodidea, but they fail to notice the contribution advertising makes to

our society. Because theproduction of a better product to co mpete for customers' money is the goal of advertisers, custo mers are thus given a chance to compare their products and get the best and cheapest one.Besides, as the advertisement can provide people with a lot of immediate and detailed i nformationas to the availability of a certain product, or a service or a job, it makes life much more convenient.And anotber thing we mustn't forget: the fact that we pay so l ittle for our daily newspapers and TVprograms is due entirel y to the money spent by advertisers.

面对广告大潮,有些人想知道,我们是否有必要在广告上花费如此之多。他们常引用那些吸引人、但虚假和欺骗的广告做例子,许多消费者成为这些广告的受害者。他们表示,既然广告是个完全非生产性的行业,而且甚至会危害到消费者的利益,我们为何不停止做广告,用这些钱来降低商品价格呢? 这听起来是个好主意,但是他们没有注意到广告对我们的社会所做的贡献。由于生产好的产品来争夺消费者的钱是刊登广告者的目标,所以消费者有机会去对比他们的产品,并选择最物美价廉的。另外,由于广告能给人们提供许多关于某种产品、服务或工作的可利用性的快速而具体的信息,它使生活更加便捷。另一件我们不应该忘记的事情是:我们在每天的报纸和电视节目上花费的很少,这完全是因为刊登广告的人花了很多钱。

Advertising performs such a useful service to our society th at we can't imagine what would happenifthere were no adverti sements. (262 words)



Besides, as the advertisement can provide people with a lot of immediate and detailed informationas to the availability of a certain product, or a service or a job, it makes l ife much more convenient. 另外,由于广告能给人们提供许多关于某种产品、服务或工作的可利用性的快速而具体的信息,它使生活更加便捷。。

点评:这个句子比较长,结构成分也比较复杂。句子的主句是it makes life much morecomvenient ,其中,it 是形式主语,真正的主语是it 前面的整个内容。


roadside billboards 路边广告牌

illustration [,ilə'strei ʃn] n. 说明,图解

deceptive [di'septiv] adj. 骗人的,欺诈的

fall victim 受害

unproductive [ʌnpr ə'd ʌktiv] adj. 非生产性的

detailed information 详细信息

availability [ə,veil ə'bil əti] n. 有效,有益


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