






Peer Pressure

When it comes to peers, especially peers among children, things have

changed over the decades. Harmony has been replaced by struggles just as kindness has been replaced by competition.Admittedly, [1] 暗喻), and what’s worse,a lot of us are in favor of such pressure and take it for granted without self-consciousness. For my part, I firmly against peer pressureand I think the reasons I maintained my position can be best understood by examining the arguments that are most frequently heard in opposition.

1. The so-called “strawberry generation” needs to grow up.It is widely

accepted that the offspring of Chinese is growing weaker and weaker, 明喻连词叠用) So thosewho think that peer pressure is good for children’s growth must consider it one of the most effective ways to enhance children’s competition. To some extent, it is true, but not completely. Children should grow mature through their own experiences instead of being forced to grow mature by such pressure,just as one sentence from the composition of my sister’scommitted to my memory, [5]矛盾形容法,逆喻)[]and it seems that I am spending all my time learning. (Hyperbole夸张)[6] I am sorry, I am so sorry, I am so extremely sorry(Climax层进法 anti-climax), but I really do not like study. I am tired of going to school every day [7] 軛式搭配法,用一个动词或形容词勉强修饰两个形容词,其中所修饰或支配的只有一个是合乎逻辑的) ”And

parents are not qualified enough if they failed to bring happiness to their children’s childhood, because that is extremely unhealthy for their children’s psychological development.

2. Peer pressure is good to strengthen the average level of teenagers.

Admittedly, to some extent, this statement is reasonable, however, (Hypophora设问拟人).In order to live up to their parents’ and teachers’ expectations, they can’t be capricious and follow their hearts todo the things they really want. For example, a six- year-old boy is weak at studying but does well in playing the piano, however, in Chinese history, whether in ancient or current times, studying is always the first choice for a child, (Polysyndeton), [9]she would say, in fact,anything that has nothing to do with study is considered nonsense in our culture. It is a common practice for the boy’s mother to advise him spare more time studying instead of playing the piano. Maybe even, she would owe her son’s weakness in study to the piano. In this way, without self-consciousness, the mother may destroy the next Mozart.

3. Peer pressure can expose children to our society earlier. Yes, that is

true, but when our society has become a battlefield, our children being exposed to it too early won’t get them anywhere. Because under peer pressure, they had no choice but to compete against each other, we can imagine that during students’ growing periods, certain defects in psychological and physical would arise sooner or later. In this respect, they are not fully developed. So as teachers and parents, if you want to toughen them, it is better to ask your children to accomplish things alone, like to be volunteers or to go travelling on their own. All in all, it is the last choice for you to compare them with the other children because their opinions and values can be easily twisted through comparing. Please do not allow peer pressure to be the cause of children’s miseries in their childhood.

are in possession of so many deep thoughts are losing our humanity and changing ourselves into completely fierce animals at certain time and 语重复法,指同一单词或短语出现在连续数句的开头).

Above all, I think peer pressure does 反叙法)to

students and certain changes must take place to alter the current situation. I invite family and schools and society to fight together and shoulder your responsibilities andto create a better environment for our children to grow up in and I believe in that way we’ll cultivate a lot of (Synecdoche提喻法)to serve the mankind.

Analysis :

Throughout the passage, I developed 13 English rhetoric devices, they are

helpful in making our language more vivid and keeping our reader’s attention.

Firstly, metaphor is like a simile making a comparison between two

unlike elements,and this comparison is implied rather than stated. Then comes the use of expletive, it is for the emphasis of the tone.Polysyndetonis a figure of addition and emphasis which intentionally employs a series of conjunctions not normally found in successive words, phrase or clauses, and greatly enriched the essay’s expressions. Oxymoron is a compressed paradox, formed by the conjoining of two contrasting, contradictory terms, and then I used hyperbole, which is the deliberate use of overstatement or exaggeration to achieve emphasis and polish the paragragh.Climax implies the progression of thought at a uniform or almost

uniform rate of significance or intensity and helps to create the most excellent part. Zeugma is a single word which is made to modify or to govern two or more words in the same sentence, with properly applying in sense to only one of them, or applying to them in different senses.Hypophora is a figure of reasoning in which one or more questions is/are asked and the answered, often at length, by one and the same speaker; raising and responding to his own questions. Personification gives human form of feelings to animals, or life and personal attributes to inanimate objects, or to ideas and abstractions. Parallel structure is the similarity of structure in a pair or series of related words, phrases, or clauses. Anaphora is the device which successive clauses or sentences start with the same words.Euphemism is the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant. Litotes is a figure of speech consisting of an understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by negating its oppose. Lastly, Synecdoche is some kind of generalization or specification that involves the substitution of the part for the whole, or the whole for the part, “great minds” refer to people who are cultivated and civilized and are able to serve our planet.

That’s all for my analysis, hope you like it!







Peer Pressure

When it comes to peers, especially peers among children, things have

changed over the decades. Harmony has been replaced by struggles just as kindness has been replaced by competition.Admittedly, [1] 暗喻), and what’s worse,a lot of us are in favor of such pressure and take it for granted without self-consciousness. For my part, I firmly against peer pressureand I think the reasons I maintained my position can be best understood by examining the arguments that are most frequently heard in opposition.

1. The so-called “strawberry generation” needs to grow up.It is widely

accepted that the offspring of Chinese is growing weaker and weaker, 明喻连词叠用) So thosewho think that peer pressure is good for children’s growth must consider it one of the most effective ways to enhance children’s competition. To some extent, it is true, but not completely. Children should grow mature through their own experiences instead of being forced to grow mature by such pressure,just as one sentence from the composition of my sister’scommitted to my memory, [5]矛盾形容法,逆喻)[]and it seems that I am spending all my time learning. (Hyperbole夸张)[6] I am sorry, I am so sorry, I am so extremely sorry(Climax层进法 anti-climax), but I really do not like study. I am tired of going to school every day [7] 軛式搭配法,用一个动词或形容词勉强修饰两个形容词,其中所修饰或支配的只有一个是合乎逻辑的) ”And

parents are not qualified enough if they failed to bring happiness to their children’s childhood, because that is extremely unhealthy for their children’s psychological development.

2. Peer pressure is good to strengthen the average level of teenagers.

Admittedly, to some extent, this statement is reasonable, however, (Hypophora设问拟人).In order to live up to their parents’ and teachers’ expectations, they can’t be capricious and follow their hearts todo the things they really want. For example, a six- year-old boy is weak at studying but does well in playing the piano, however, in Chinese history, whether in ancient or current times, studying is always the first choice for a child, (Polysyndeton), [9]she would say, in fact,anything that has nothing to do with study is considered nonsense in our culture. It is a common practice for the boy’s mother to advise him spare more time studying instead of playing the piano. Maybe even, she would owe her son’s weakness in study to the piano. In this way, without self-consciousness, the mother may destroy the next Mozart.

3. Peer pressure can expose children to our society earlier. Yes, that is

true, but when our society has become a battlefield, our children being exposed to it too early won’t get them anywhere. Because under peer pressure, they had no choice but to compete against each other, we can imagine that during students’ growing periods, certain defects in psychological and physical would arise sooner or later. In this respect, they are not fully developed. So as teachers and parents, if you want to toughen them, it is better to ask your children to accomplish things alone, like to be volunteers or to go travelling on their own. All in all, it is the last choice for you to compare them with the other children because their opinions and values can be easily twisted through comparing. Please do not allow peer pressure to be the cause of children’s miseries in their childhood.

are in possession of so many deep thoughts are losing our humanity and changing ourselves into completely fierce animals at certain time and 语重复法,指同一单词或短语出现在连续数句的开头).

Above all, I think peer pressure does 反叙法)to

students and certain changes must take place to alter the current situation. I invite family and schools and society to fight together and shoulder your responsibilities andto create a better environment for our children to grow up in and I believe in that way we’ll cultivate a lot of (Synecdoche提喻法)to serve the mankind.

Analysis :

Throughout the passage, I developed 13 English rhetoric devices, they are

helpful in making our language more vivid and keeping our reader’s attention.

Firstly, metaphor is like a simile making a comparison between two

unlike elements,and this comparison is implied rather than stated. Then comes the use of expletive, it is for the emphasis of the tone.Polysyndetonis a figure of addition and emphasis which intentionally employs a series of conjunctions not normally found in successive words, phrase or clauses, and greatly enriched the essay’s expressions. Oxymoron is a compressed paradox, formed by the conjoining of two contrasting, contradictory terms, and then I used hyperbole, which is the deliberate use of overstatement or exaggeration to achieve emphasis and polish the paragragh.Climax implies the progression of thought at a uniform or almost

uniform rate of significance or intensity and helps to create the most excellent part. Zeugma is a single word which is made to modify or to govern two or more words in the same sentence, with properly applying in sense to only one of them, or applying to them in different senses.Hypophora is a figure of reasoning in which one or more questions is/are asked and the answered, often at length, by one and the same speaker; raising and responding to his own questions. Personification gives human form of feelings to animals, or life and personal attributes to inanimate objects, or to ideas and abstractions. Parallel structure is the similarity of structure in a pair or series of related words, phrases, or clauses. Anaphora is the device which successive clauses or sentences start with the same words.Euphemism is the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant. Litotes is a figure of speech consisting of an understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by negating its oppose. Lastly, Synecdoche is some kind of generalization or specification that involves the substitution of the part for the whole, or the whole for the part, “great minds” refer to people who are cultivated and civilized and are able to serve our planet.

That’s all for my analysis, hope you like it!


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