总经理欢迎词 英语


Welcome Speech


Honorable leaders & experts,


First of all, please allow me on behalf of TBEA leadership team and more than thousands of staff to express warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to your coming.

长期以来,XXXXX 为祖国电力事业提供可靠的产品和服务,承蒙各位领导、专家的厚爱,公司乘着国家经济迅猛发展的东风,以振兴民族装备制造业为己任,坚持走新型工业化发展道路,得到了较快的发展。公司产品质量稳步提升,品牌影响力显著增强。

For a long time, XXXXX has been dedicating itself to provide reliable products and services for the national electric industry . The company has always been focusing on revitalizing the national equipment manufacturing industry and sticking to a newly-industrial pattern. Thanks to the recognition of every leader and expert, the company has developed very rapidly with the opportunity brought by the boom of the national economy. The quality of our products has also been improved steadily and the brand influence has been obviously strengthened.

今年,为提高对市场的服务保障及快速响应市场的能力,打造国际一流线缆企业,我公司投资XXX 余亿元建设特变电工华东输变电科技产业园,届时将更好地满足贵公司高水平、高规格、高起点的电网建设要求。

This year, in order to improve the ability of guaranteeing the quality service and responding to requirement of the market fleetly, our company has been building TBEA Eastern Power Transmission Science and Technology Industrial Park at an investment of XXXX billion yuan. Our company will reach the top international standard by then and better meet your requirement for power network constructing at a high-starting point, high level and high specification.


Your advice and suggestions about the further communication and cooperation will be highly appreciated. The technological advantages and equipments guarantee capacity of new industrial park will surely enhance our service and safeguard for you

成绩的取得,离不开贵公司对我公司的信任和支持,我再次代表公司全体员工向贵公司表示衷心的感谢!XXXXX 给予了我公司大力的支持和帮助。

It is because of your trust and support for us that we can get the glorious achievements. Hereby, again, I represent the whole staff of TBEA to express my sincere thanks for the great help and support we received from you--XXXXXX!


Welcome Speech


Honorable leaders & experts,


First of all, please allow me on behalf of TBEA leadership team and more than thousands of staff to express warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to your coming.

长期以来,XXXXX 为祖国电力事业提供可靠的产品和服务,承蒙各位领导、专家的厚爱,公司乘着国家经济迅猛发展的东风,以振兴民族装备制造业为己任,坚持走新型工业化发展道路,得到了较快的发展。公司产品质量稳步提升,品牌影响力显著增强。

For a long time, XXXXX has been dedicating itself to provide reliable products and services for the national electric industry . The company has always been focusing on revitalizing the national equipment manufacturing industry and sticking to a newly-industrial pattern. Thanks to the recognition of every leader and expert, the company has developed very rapidly with the opportunity brought by the boom of the national economy. The quality of our products has also been improved steadily and the brand influence has been obviously strengthened.

今年,为提高对市场的服务保障及快速响应市场的能力,打造国际一流线缆企业,我公司投资XXX 余亿元建设特变电工华东输变电科技产业园,届时将更好地满足贵公司高水平、高规格、高起点的电网建设要求。

This year, in order to improve the ability of guaranteeing the quality service and responding to requirement of the market fleetly, our company has been building TBEA Eastern Power Transmission Science and Technology Industrial Park at an investment of XXXX billion yuan. Our company will reach the top international standard by then and better meet your requirement for power network constructing at a high-starting point, high level and high specification.


Your advice and suggestions about the further communication and cooperation will be highly appreciated. The technological advantages and equipments guarantee capacity of new industrial park will surely enhance our service and safeguard for you

成绩的取得,离不开贵公司对我公司的信任和支持,我再次代表公司全体员工向贵公司表示衷心的感谢!XXXXX 给予了我公司大力的支持和帮助。

It is because of your trust and support for us that we can get the glorious achievements. Hereby, again, I represent the whole staff of TBEA to express my sincere thanks for the great help and support we received from you--XXXXXX!


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