
1> Abrasion: A surface imperfection that removes or

displaces material characterized by its

large width and length relative to its


中譯: 擦破/磨損 一個表面的瑕疵。



中譯: 滲出

3> Blemish:

中譯: 污損/污點

4> Blister:

中譯: 水泡

5>Blush :


中譯: 異色

度之特徵。 This defect is the discoloration created by the diffusion of coloring material through an applied coating from the substrate to the surface of the coating. 染料擴散,自底層到表層,造成表面上的瑕疵。 The change in the surface appearance due to a flaw or cosmetic defect. 因為一個瑕疵或外觀不良而改變表面外部 The raised bumps in the surface, caused by air or solvent vapors forming within or under the coating. 由於來自烤漆內部或表面的空氣或溶劑氣體造成表面隆起突出。 Discoloration or change in gloss, generally appearing at the gates, abrupt thickness changes or other structures along flow 通常發生在射出進料口、肉厚突然縮減、 或流道交錯之處

第 1 頁,共 9 頁

6>Bubble : A gas pocket in a plastic molded part.

For a coating, it is the same as blister.

中譯: 氣泡 一個氣體包覆(中空) 在塑膠件上,對烤漆 來說,與blister 意義相同

7>Burn Mark:

中譯: 焦痕


中譯: 毛邊(頭)


中譯: 漆屑


中譯: 裂痕/裂縫

A condition where supper-heated trapped air in the cavity heats or burns the surface of the plastic part. This defect appears as a rough or sharp edge on metal after it has been cast, cut, drilled, stamped, and so forth. Burrs will usually snag or tear a cleaning cloth. 在材料經過鑄造、切割、鑽孔、沖壓等等外觀形成一個粗糙或銳利邊緣,毛邊總是會刺穿或扯裂整齊的衣物。 This defect is defined as the loss of adhesion and the removal usually in small fragments, of the surface coating resulting from impact by hard objects. Sometimes it is also known as Mar, Ding or Nick. 因為烤漆表面受到硬質物體壓迫,產生小碎片,失去附著力而剝落,如損壞、壓印或刻痕。 A thin break (splitting) in the coating or plastic material or sheet-metal. 在烤漆或塑膠或鈑件上,一條細薄破裂(拉裂) 。

第 2 頁,共 9 頁


中譯: 氣孔

12>Color Variance:

中譯: 色差


中譯: 污染


中譯: 腐蝕


中譯: 燒裂

This type of defect is characterized by a cup-shaped depression or cavity in the coated surface. Sometimes confused with pinholes, craters begin as blisters with the depression formed as the gas forming the blister escapes before surface hardening. 這不良形態特徵,是在烤漆表面上,有一個杯形窪地或洞穴形狀。有時候會跟針孔混淆。氣孔的形成就像水泡,在烤漆表面硬化之前,氣體從水泡中逸出而形成。 A difference in hue or color from the specified color. It is a condition created by foreign material becoming mixed with virgin plastic material. The contamination spots are usually black or brown in color. 就是外來原料與原塑料混合摻雜一起所形成。一般污點顏色近似黑色或棕色。 This defect is caused by chemical reaction with hot humid air or any other solvent. 因濕熱空氣或任何溶劑而產生化學反應,形成不良現像。 This defect is noticeable in surface coatings by slight break in the coating that do not penetrate through to the substrate or a previously applied coating. 烤漆表面上細微裂痕

第 3 頁,共 9 頁

16>Dent : A surface depression caused by a blow or

pressure from another object. Dents have

no characteristic size or shape.

中譯: 凹痕 來自另一個物體的捶擊或擠壓造成一個

17>Ding :

中譯: 壓印

18>Die Mark:

中譯: 模痕

19>Dirt :

中譯: 污穢/灰塵

20>Ejector Mark:

中譯: 沖頭壓印 表面窪地。凹痕沒有特定的大小或形狀。 An impression or depression formed on the surface with impact from another hard object. 來自其它硬物的碰撞,在表面上形成一個壓痕。 This type of defect is an indentation, depression, or line that occurs in the same location of every part due to a damaged die, mold, tool and so forth. 不良形態像是一個壓痕、凹陷窪地、線狀。因為沖模、鑄模、工具等等損壞,而發生在每個零件的相同位置。 This defect often appears in the form of irregularly distributed dust particles, usually appearing burnt and black. These particles generally have no common shape or size and may appear long in shape much like tiny hairs. Particles that are 15-20 mils in diameter can usually be felt. 時常呈現不規則分佈灰塵微粒,總是顯現焦黑。這些微粒沒有共同形狀或大小 This defect is found in compression molded parts. It is caused by distorted the mold ejector pin and leaves a scar on the part. 不良常見於沖壓件。


第 4 頁,共 9 頁


21>Fracture: This defect is characterized by a tear,

separation, or pulling apart of metal. A

fracture is generally found at corners or

wherever sharp radii are located.

中譯: 裂口/斷裂 不良現象是一個撕裂、分開、扯斷的鈑件 通常可以在轉角或任何一個尖銳的弧徑

22>Flash :

中譯: 毛邊

23>Gloss Variance :

中譯: 光澤偏差(度)

24>Grainy Coating:

中譯: 烤漆顆粒


中譯: 圓鑿


中譯: 流痕 位置上發現到。 This is unwanted excess plastic that occurs at the parting line or interface of molded parts. 這是多餘額外的塑料。發生在塑膠(鑄造) 件的分模線或接合面。 This is a difference in the degree of light reflected from a surface. This is also sometimes call loss of sheen, shine, luster or brightness. 來自一個表面反射光澤度數的差異。 This coating defect is characterized by the presence of irregularly shaped, angular or round protrusions evenly spread over the area of concern. 烤漆的不良特徵,有不規則形狀、尖角、或圓形击點均勻範圍超出關心的區域。 A gouge is characterized as a scratch of wider width. 一個圓鑿的特徵就像是一個較寬廣寬度的抓痕。 It is flow mark that is caused by the improper injection of plastic melt into a mold cavity. This defect sometimes also called “Snaking”. 因不當射出的塑料融入模穴所引起的。

第 5 頁,共 9 頁

27>Knit Lines: A noticeable line or mark in the surface

of a part formed by the flow of the

plastic material.

中譯: 結合線 塑料流動形成。


中譯: 傷痕


中譯: 針孔


中譯: 坑/洞

31>Plate Out:

中譯: 表面黏模

This is coating scraped with no color change. 烤漆被刮到而沒有顏色改變。 Pinholes are sharp, round or irregularly shaped depressions randomly distributed over a surface and may range in size from those barely visible to those the size of a pin-head. These defects will sometimes have residual varnish or some other solid in their centers surrounding by a hollow, halo-like space. 針孔是尖銳的、圓形的或不規則地形成窪地隨機散佈在一個平面上。從針頭的大小可勉強看出,或許能按大小區分排列。 A pinhole bigger in size is called a pit. Separation of a portion of the material during the injection process that results in this material being deposited on the mold. Parts from a mold that is experiencing plate out will have variations in the gloss of the part, possible filling of fine textured areas and in the extreme case, the appearance of the layers of missing material. 意指塑膠件射出脫模後,表層殘留在模具裡,造成外表光澤度不一樣。

第 6 頁,共 9 頁

32>Press Mark:

中譯: 同18項


中譯: 滑走痕跡


中譯: 鐵銹


中譯: 刮傷

This is also called mold mark, tool mark or die mark. This is an indentation, depression or line that occurs due to a damaged die, mold or press tool. A run is generally a long, narrow, linear band of discoloration on a finished surface. 通常是一條較長、狹窄、線狀條紋的退色在已加工完成的表面上。 Rust is the visible manifestation of corrosion of the iron or iron alloys. This defect is usually seen as a reddish brown coating, composed mostly of hydrated iron oxides formed on iron or its alloys, as result of exposure to humid surroundings. 鐵銹是顯而易見鐵或鐵系合金被腐蝕的證明。通常看到就像一層紅褐色的塗層。大部份是由與水化合作用的氧化鐵所組成。就像是暴露在潮濕的環境。 A scratch may be described as a roughly linear break in a surface produced by external influences. Scratches vary greatly in length and depth. A characteristic common to all scratches is that they are thin relative to their lengths. 受到外部影響產生粗糙線狀破裂在表面上。在長度與深度上,刮傷變化極大。

第 7 頁,共 9 頁

36>Smudge: A dirty mark or smear appearing as a

run. Smudges usually can be wiped off

the surface.

中譯: 污點/髒污(點狀)

37>Sink Mark:

中譯: 縮水


中譯: 沾污(片狀)


中譯: 段差


中譯: 條紋狀

Sink marks are unwanted depressions that occur when a mass of hot plastic in a thick wall section is not thoroughly cooled during the molding cycle. The outside is cool, but the inside is still hot, resulting in the wall collapsing or sinking inward. 意指多於的窪地。在塑模循環期間、當大量的熱融塑料在較厚的肉壁,不能徹底冷卻時會發生。外部冷卻,但是內部依然很熱,結果肉壁塌陷或向內部凹陷。。 This type of defect is generally brown in color and appears as runs. Stains can usually be wiped off the surface. 通常是褐色而呈現就像很多滑線。 The difference in surface alignment between two plastic parts. This defect characterized by long narrow marks, smears, or undesirable bands of color in or on the surface. Streaking cannot usually be felt and in many cases may be wiped off the surface. 特徵是較長狹窄痕跡,被弄髒或多餘帶狀的顏色。通常不容易查覺,在許多例子是能夠被擦掉。

第 8 頁,共 9 頁

41>Stress Mark: This type of defect usually occurs at the

sharp corners and characterized by

stress cracking due to deformation or

plastic decoration process.

中譯: 應力裂縫 通常會發生在尖銳轉角。特徵是應力裂

縫, 發生於變形或塑膠裝飾品加工

42>Tapped Hole

中譯: 螺孔

43>Tooling Mark: A threaded hole. This type of defect is an indentation,

depression, or line that occurs in the

same location of every part due to

damaged tool.

中譯: 刀痕/模痕(同第18項)



45>Weld Line: A noticeable line or mark in the surface

of a part formed by the flow of the

plastic material.

中譯: 融合線(同第27項)

46>Warpage: Distortion of a part characterized by a A plastic part that is not complete in terms of the amount of plastic required.

bowing or twisted condition.

中譯: 翹曲 變形的零件。特徵彎曲或捲曲。

第 9 頁,共 9 頁

1> Abrasion: A surface imperfection that removes or

displaces material characterized by its

large width and length relative to its


中譯: 擦破/磨損 一個表面的瑕疵。



中譯: 滲出

3> Blemish:

中譯: 污損/污點

4> Blister:

中譯: 水泡

5>Blush :


中譯: 異色

度之特徵。 This defect is the discoloration created by the diffusion of coloring material through an applied coating from the substrate to the surface of the coating. 染料擴散,自底層到表層,造成表面上的瑕疵。 The change in the surface appearance due to a flaw or cosmetic defect. 因為一個瑕疵或外觀不良而改變表面外部 The raised bumps in the surface, caused by air or solvent vapors forming within or under the coating. 由於來自烤漆內部或表面的空氣或溶劑氣體造成表面隆起突出。 Discoloration or change in gloss, generally appearing at the gates, abrupt thickness changes or other structures along flow 通常發生在射出進料口、肉厚突然縮減、 或流道交錯之處

第 1 頁,共 9 頁

6>Bubble : A gas pocket in a plastic molded part.

For a coating, it is the same as blister.

中譯: 氣泡 一個氣體包覆(中空) 在塑膠件上,對烤漆 來說,與blister 意義相同

7>Burn Mark:

中譯: 焦痕


中譯: 毛邊(頭)


中譯: 漆屑


中譯: 裂痕/裂縫

A condition where supper-heated trapped air in the cavity heats or burns the surface of the plastic part. This defect appears as a rough or sharp edge on metal after it has been cast, cut, drilled, stamped, and so forth. Burrs will usually snag or tear a cleaning cloth. 在材料經過鑄造、切割、鑽孔、沖壓等等外觀形成一個粗糙或銳利邊緣,毛邊總是會刺穿或扯裂整齊的衣物。 This defect is defined as the loss of adhesion and the removal usually in small fragments, of the surface coating resulting from impact by hard objects. Sometimes it is also known as Mar, Ding or Nick. 因為烤漆表面受到硬質物體壓迫,產生小碎片,失去附著力而剝落,如損壞、壓印或刻痕。 A thin break (splitting) in the coating or plastic material or sheet-metal. 在烤漆或塑膠或鈑件上,一條細薄破裂(拉裂) 。

第 2 頁,共 9 頁


中譯: 氣孔

12>Color Variance:

中譯: 色差


中譯: 污染


中譯: 腐蝕


中譯: 燒裂

This type of defect is characterized by a cup-shaped depression or cavity in the coated surface. Sometimes confused with pinholes, craters begin as blisters with the depression formed as the gas forming the blister escapes before surface hardening. 這不良形態特徵,是在烤漆表面上,有一個杯形窪地或洞穴形狀。有時候會跟針孔混淆。氣孔的形成就像水泡,在烤漆表面硬化之前,氣體從水泡中逸出而形成。 A difference in hue or color from the specified color. It is a condition created by foreign material becoming mixed with virgin plastic material. The contamination spots are usually black or brown in color. 就是外來原料與原塑料混合摻雜一起所形成。一般污點顏色近似黑色或棕色。 This defect is caused by chemical reaction with hot humid air or any other solvent. 因濕熱空氣或任何溶劑而產生化學反應,形成不良現像。 This defect is noticeable in surface coatings by slight break in the coating that do not penetrate through to the substrate or a previously applied coating. 烤漆表面上細微裂痕

第 3 頁,共 9 頁

16>Dent : A surface depression caused by a blow or

pressure from another object. Dents have

no characteristic size or shape.

中譯: 凹痕 來自另一個物體的捶擊或擠壓造成一個

17>Ding :

中譯: 壓印

18>Die Mark:

中譯: 模痕

19>Dirt :

中譯: 污穢/灰塵

20>Ejector Mark:

中譯: 沖頭壓印 表面窪地。凹痕沒有特定的大小或形狀。 An impression or depression formed on the surface with impact from another hard object. 來自其它硬物的碰撞,在表面上形成一個壓痕。 This type of defect is an indentation, depression, or line that occurs in the same location of every part due to a damaged die, mold, tool and so forth. 不良形態像是一個壓痕、凹陷窪地、線狀。因為沖模、鑄模、工具等等損壞,而發生在每個零件的相同位置。 This defect often appears in the form of irregularly distributed dust particles, usually appearing burnt and black. These particles generally have no common shape or size and may appear long in shape much like tiny hairs. Particles that are 15-20 mils in diameter can usually be felt. 時常呈現不規則分佈灰塵微粒,總是顯現焦黑。這些微粒沒有共同形狀或大小 This defect is found in compression molded parts. It is caused by distorted the mold ejector pin and leaves a scar on the part. 不良常見於沖壓件。


第 4 頁,共 9 頁


21>Fracture: This defect is characterized by a tear,

separation, or pulling apart of metal. A

fracture is generally found at corners or

wherever sharp radii are located.

中譯: 裂口/斷裂 不良現象是一個撕裂、分開、扯斷的鈑件 通常可以在轉角或任何一個尖銳的弧徑

22>Flash :

中譯: 毛邊

23>Gloss Variance :

中譯: 光澤偏差(度)

24>Grainy Coating:

中譯: 烤漆顆粒


中譯: 圓鑿


中譯: 流痕 位置上發現到。 This is unwanted excess plastic that occurs at the parting line or interface of molded parts. 這是多餘額外的塑料。發生在塑膠(鑄造) 件的分模線或接合面。 This is a difference in the degree of light reflected from a surface. This is also sometimes call loss of sheen, shine, luster or brightness. 來自一個表面反射光澤度數的差異。 This coating defect is characterized by the presence of irregularly shaped, angular or round protrusions evenly spread over the area of concern. 烤漆的不良特徵,有不規則形狀、尖角、或圓形击點均勻範圍超出關心的區域。 A gouge is characterized as a scratch of wider width. 一個圓鑿的特徵就像是一個較寬廣寬度的抓痕。 It is flow mark that is caused by the improper injection of plastic melt into a mold cavity. This defect sometimes also called “Snaking”. 因不當射出的塑料融入模穴所引起的。

第 5 頁,共 9 頁

27>Knit Lines: A noticeable line or mark in the surface

of a part formed by the flow of the

plastic material.

中譯: 結合線 塑料流動形成。


中譯: 傷痕


中譯: 針孔


中譯: 坑/洞

31>Plate Out:

中譯: 表面黏模

This is coating scraped with no color change. 烤漆被刮到而沒有顏色改變。 Pinholes are sharp, round or irregularly shaped depressions randomly distributed over a surface and may range in size from those barely visible to those the size of a pin-head. These defects will sometimes have residual varnish or some other solid in their centers surrounding by a hollow, halo-like space. 針孔是尖銳的、圓形的或不規則地形成窪地隨機散佈在一個平面上。從針頭的大小可勉強看出,或許能按大小區分排列。 A pinhole bigger in size is called a pit. Separation of a portion of the material during the injection process that results in this material being deposited on the mold. Parts from a mold that is experiencing plate out will have variations in the gloss of the part, possible filling of fine textured areas and in the extreme case, the appearance of the layers of missing material. 意指塑膠件射出脫模後,表層殘留在模具裡,造成外表光澤度不一樣。

第 6 頁,共 9 頁

32>Press Mark:

中譯: 同18項


中譯: 滑走痕跡


中譯: 鐵銹


中譯: 刮傷

This is also called mold mark, tool mark or die mark. This is an indentation, depression or line that occurs due to a damaged die, mold or press tool. A run is generally a long, narrow, linear band of discoloration on a finished surface. 通常是一條較長、狹窄、線狀條紋的退色在已加工完成的表面上。 Rust is the visible manifestation of corrosion of the iron or iron alloys. This defect is usually seen as a reddish brown coating, composed mostly of hydrated iron oxides formed on iron or its alloys, as result of exposure to humid surroundings. 鐵銹是顯而易見鐵或鐵系合金被腐蝕的證明。通常看到就像一層紅褐色的塗層。大部份是由與水化合作用的氧化鐵所組成。就像是暴露在潮濕的環境。 A scratch may be described as a roughly linear break in a surface produced by external influences. Scratches vary greatly in length and depth. A characteristic common to all scratches is that they are thin relative to their lengths. 受到外部影響產生粗糙線狀破裂在表面上。在長度與深度上,刮傷變化極大。

第 7 頁,共 9 頁

36>Smudge: A dirty mark or smear appearing as a

run. Smudges usually can be wiped off

the surface.

中譯: 污點/髒污(點狀)

37>Sink Mark:

中譯: 縮水


中譯: 沾污(片狀)


中譯: 段差


中譯: 條紋狀

Sink marks are unwanted depressions that occur when a mass of hot plastic in a thick wall section is not thoroughly cooled during the molding cycle. The outside is cool, but the inside is still hot, resulting in the wall collapsing or sinking inward. 意指多於的窪地。在塑模循環期間、當大量的熱融塑料在較厚的肉壁,不能徹底冷卻時會發生。外部冷卻,但是內部依然很熱,結果肉壁塌陷或向內部凹陷。。 This type of defect is generally brown in color and appears as runs. Stains can usually be wiped off the surface. 通常是褐色而呈現就像很多滑線。 The difference in surface alignment between two plastic parts. This defect characterized by long narrow marks, smears, or undesirable bands of color in or on the surface. Streaking cannot usually be felt and in many cases may be wiped off the surface. 特徵是較長狹窄痕跡,被弄髒或多餘帶狀的顏色。通常不容易查覺,在許多例子是能夠被擦掉。

第 8 頁,共 9 頁

41>Stress Mark: This type of defect usually occurs at the

sharp corners and characterized by

stress cracking due to deformation or

plastic decoration process.

中譯: 應力裂縫 通常會發生在尖銳轉角。特徵是應力裂

縫, 發生於變形或塑膠裝飾品加工

42>Tapped Hole

中譯: 螺孔

43>Tooling Mark: A threaded hole. This type of defect is an indentation,

depression, or line that occurs in the

same location of every part due to

damaged tool.

中譯: 刀痕/模痕(同第18項)



45>Weld Line: A noticeable line or mark in the surface

of a part formed by the flow of the

plastic material.

中譯: 融合線(同第27項)

46>Warpage: Distortion of a part characterized by a A plastic part that is not complete in terms of the amount of plastic required.

bowing or twisted condition.

中譯: 翹曲 變形的零件。特徵彎曲或捲曲。

第 9 頁,共 9 頁


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  • FDA 英文药品说明书规定项目中英对照 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 药品说明书旧称description,instruction,direction. 今称inser ...

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  • <医学科研方法>试题答案 1.以下哪种类型的问卷适合于大范围的调查或研究(D.封闭型问卷) A.非结构型问卷 B.开放型问卷 C.图画型问卷 D.封闭型问卷 2.计量资料的完全随机设计实验,在组与组之间样本含量相等(n1=n2)条件下,每组样本 含量(n)的计算公式为(A.n=2[(s/ ...

  • 品质管理名词(中英文对照)
  • 常用的品质管理名词(中英文对照) TQC :total quality control-全面质量控制-现在一般是TQM (management )全面质量管理 FAC :Final Quality Control-终品质量控制 OQC :Outgoing Quality Control-出货品质检验 ...

  • 网络搭建及应用
  • 2013-2015年全国职业院校技能大赛 比赛项目方案申报书 类别(国赛已有项目 ) 申报单位: 中国职业技术教育学会信息化工作委员会 拟举办年份: 2014年 方案申报负责人: 孙林营 电话: 010-52452581 手机: [1**********] 邮箱: [email protected] ...

  • 一次性使用输注器具产品注册技术审查指导原则
  • 一次性使用输注器具产品注册技术审查指导原则 一.前言 本指导原则旨在帮助和指导申请者/生产企业对一次性输注器具产品注册申报资料进行准备,以满足技术审评的基本要求.同时有助于审评机构对该类产品进行科学规范的审评,提高审评工作的质量和效率. 本指导原则是对一次性使用输注器具产品注册申报资料的一般要求,申 ...

  • 卫生技术评估的基本方法
  • T璺强延匡芏苤盘!塑!生整!鲞苤!朔 ・方法学・ Methodology 卫生技术评估的基本方法 李静 (四川大学华西医院临床流行病学教研室成都610041) [摘要J 卫生技术的革新有益于改进卫牛服务和病人的结局.然而.层出不穷的卫生技术也导致了医 疗费用的明显增长和引起社会.伦理.法律和政治问题 ...

  • 中英文对照资料外文翻译文献
  • 中英文对照资料外文翻译文献 平设计任何时期平面设计可以参照一些艺术和专业学科侧重于视觉传达和介绍.采用多种方式相结合,创造和符号,图像和语句创建一个代表性的想法和信息.平面设计师可以使用印刷,视觉艺术和排版技术产生的最终结果.平面设计常常提到的进程,其中沟通是创造和产品设计.共同使用的平面设计包括杂 ...

  • 2016-PMP项目管理师考试大纲(中英对照)
  • PMP 考试最新内容大纲(中英文对照版) 为了让项目管理专业人士(PMP )适应专业发展的变化,PMI 将在2016年1月12日对PMP 考试的内容进行变化.这些变化将在中国区2016年3月PMP 考试中体现.2015年12月考试不受影响. 此次变化是基于PMI 对项目管理专业人士的角色描述研究(R ...

  • 检验报告常用术语中英文对照
  • Defect name 序号[***********][***********][***********][***********][***********][***********][***********]8697071 English bend broken broken labelbroke ...