Save Electricity 节约用电

Save Electricity, Begin From Me

Ladies and gentleman:

As is known to all, we are inseparable from electricity in our daily life, which brings us much convenience. Nonetheless, owing to the waste of electricity, we are suffering from the shortage of it. And now, summer,in which a large amount of electricity is to be badly needed,is just around the corner. Therefore, we cannot emphasize the importance of saving electricity too much.

The production of electricity is almost by burning coal. However, our country is scanty of energy and resources. Worse still, The rapid development of economy is inseparable from the support of energy, but the coal which is stored in our country is only enough for 100 years. Human beings were always thinking that electricity would not be used up ago and the situation of electricity utilization left much to be desired. If we continue wasting, the dark is closer and closer to us. Do you want to make the beautiful home be dark as hell?

Such is electricity in its situation. It's high time we took effective methods to save electricity. To begin with, as a student ,what we should do is develop a good habit of turning off the light when we leave and remind family members the significance of saving electricity. Moreover, renewable resources should be developed and took advantage of. Last but not least, the government ought to spare no effort to make policies, which should be in the sun. As a saying goes,actions speak louder than words. Please participate in the action to save electricity. From yourself. From now on.

Thank you!






Save Electricity, Begin From Me

Ladies and gentleman:

As is known to all, we are inseparable from electricity in our daily life, which brings us much convenience. Nonetheless, owing to the waste of electricity, we are suffering from the shortage of it. And now, summer,in which a large amount of electricity is to be badly needed,is just around the corner. Therefore, we cannot emphasize the importance of saving electricity too much.

The production of electricity is almost by burning coal. However, our country is scanty of energy and resources. Worse still, The rapid development of economy is inseparable from the support of energy, but the coal which is stored in our country is only enough for 100 years. Human beings were always thinking that electricity would not be used up ago and the situation of electricity utilization left much to be desired. If we continue wasting, the dark is closer and closer to us. Do you want to make the beautiful home be dark as hell?

Such is electricity in its situation. It's high time we took effective methods to save electricity. To begin with, as a student ,what we should do is develop a good habit of turning off the light when we leave and remind family members the significance of saving electricity. Moreover, renewable resources should be developed and took advantage of. Last but not least, the government ought to spare no effort to make policies, which should be in the sun. As a saying goes,actions speak louder than words. Please participate in the action to save electricity. From yourself. From now on.

Thank you!







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