

( ) 1. He didn’t have____ money for a taxi,____ he walked back to the hotel.

A. any, and B. much, because C. any, so D. some, so( )

( )2.---When ____a sports meeting? ---Last Monday。

A had you B. do you have C. did you have D. will you have

( )3.I cleaned my bedroom____.

A with three hours B. three hours ago C. in three hours D. three hours before

( )4. ---_____ you at home last weekend? ---No, I ____. I was in the library with my friends.

A. Is, isn’t B. Were , wasn’t C. Did , didn’t D. Was , wasn’t

( ) 5. ---____you often go to the beach? ---No, but I ____ there last Sunday.

A Do, go B. Did , went C. Do , went D. Did , go

( )6. Last weekend we had great fun____ on the beach.

A playing B. to play C. played D. play

( ) 7.It’s cold, so we decided ____TV at home. That made me very happy.

A watch B. to watch C. watching D. watched

( ) 8. The meat didn’t taste____. You’d better leave it.

A good B. well C. fine D. bad

( )9. I can’t find ___in today’s newspaper.

A. something interesting B. interesting something

C. anything interesting D. interesting anything

( )10. The party was really ____, so ____wanted to stay there.

A. bored, everybody B. tiring, everybody C. tired, nobody D. boring, nobody

( )11.---How____ your weekend? ---It ___ great, but I am tired now.

A was , was B. is, was C. was, is D. is, is

( ) 12. Can you show ____? A. your photos me B. me your photos

A me to your photos D. your photos for me

( )13. My aunt has a ___ boy named DaBao.

A. five-years-old B. five-year-old C. five years old D. five-years old

( )14. It is time for Jim ____dinner now.

A. had B. have C. has D. to have

( )15. Thank you for___ us your paintings.

A. show B. showed C. showing D. to show

( )16.It’s hot.So we decided __in the swimming pool.

A. swim B.to swim C.swimming D.swam

( )17.The mother with her son ___at my home ___that snowy night.

A were, at B. was, at C. were ,on D. was ,on

( )18.Celina___ 20 dollars___ her sports shoes yesterday.

A. spends, on B. spended, in C. spent ,on D. spent ,in

( ) 19. Sad movies always ___ the girl ___.

A. let, crying B. make , cry C. make, to cry D. bring ,cried

( )20. ---I think drinking milk is good ___our health. ---Yes, I agree ___ you.

A. for, with B. to, to C. with ,to D. at , with

( )21.---How often do you go home? ---_____.

A. For a week B. Once C. One D. Once a week

( )22. The little girl often goes skating_____ weekends.

A. in B. on C. to D. for

( )23.How about __with us?

A. go shopping B. goes shopping

C. going shopping D. going shopes

( )24. ---What day is it today? ---_________.

A. It’s February 1st B. It’s very hot C. It’s Sunday D. It’s a different day

( )25. ---___is the fish? ---It’s ten yuan a kilo.

A. How about B. How many

C. How much D. How old

( )26.My father ___breakfast at home every day.

A. hasn’t B. doesn’t have C. haven’t D. doesn’t has

( )27.---When did you go to the movies? ---______.

A Tomorrow B. In two days C. Three days ago D Next weekend

( ) 28. ---Mike , why are you so tired?

---I ___late last night.

A. stayed up B. stay up C. stayed at D. stay at

( )29 ---Are there any hot dogs on the table? ---Yes , ___.

A it has B. they have C. they are D. there are

( )30. Dad often tells me____.

A. something interesting B. interesting something

C. anything interesting D. interesting anything

( ) 31. I think I’m ____ unhealthy, because I don’t like taking exercise.

A. kinds of B. little C. kind of D. a few

( )32. ---____ will you finish the work?

---In about two days.

A. How long B. How soon C. How much D. How often

( )33. Here ___ Tom’s and Jim’s bikes.

A. is B. are C. were D. was

( )34. He often comes to school early and he is ____ late for school.

A. usually B. never C. often D. always

( )35. Getting up early and going to bed early ____your health.

A is good for B. is good at C. is bad for D. is kind to

( ) 36. He knows a lot,___ he is still a child.

A. so B. although C. but D. or

( ) 37. Can you play football____ us____ school?

A with ,after B. for ,in C. in, at D. and , before

( )38. I like junk food very much, but I try to eat ___only once a week.

A. its B. it C. them D. they

( )39.Thanks for___.

A. come to see me B. to come to see me C. coming to see me

( )40. She looked ____ the moon ___the window.

A. to , at B. at , at C. at , through D. through ,through

( )41.Mary often ___us___ English, and we all like her .

D. coming see me

A help, in B. helps , in C. help, with D. helps, with

( )42.____you free tomorrow afternoon?

A. Do B. Am C. Is D. Are

( )43. Jim ‘s bag is____ than Kate’s.

A more big B. big C. biggest D. bigger

( )44. He has two sisters .One is a doctor and ____ is a teacher.

A. another B. other C. the other D. one

( ) 45 That book is not so___ as this one.

A interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. the most interesting

( )46. My shoes are cheaper than ___.

A. you B. your C.. yours D. your one

( )47. Who is ___swimming , you or she?

A better B. better in C. good at D. good in

( )48 Lucy and Lily ___students .They ___hard.

A. are both , both study B both are, both study

C. are both, study both D. both are, study both

( )49.Terrible ! Tim did quite___ in the exam.. I did even ___than him.

A well, better B. bad ,worse C. badly, worse D. good, better

( ) 50.Oh,all the cars here ____!How can you pick up yours?

A look different B. look the same C. look like D. look same

( ) 51. Which does Jimmy like___, Chinese or Art ?

A well B. best C. better D. much

( ) 52. The Changjiang River is one of ___ in the world..

A. the longest river B. longest rivers C. the longest rivers D. longer rivers

( ) 53. ___ of the two women is Mrs. Brown.

A. The beautiful B. The more beautiful C. More beautiful D. The most beautiful

( )54. My mooncake is nicer ___his. A. like B. with C. for D. than

( ) 55. He jumps ___of the three. A. far B. further C. farthest D. furthest

( )56. My hair is longer than ___.A. my sister B. Kate C. my brother’s D. Lucys’

( )57. Tom speaks Chinese____ better than Jimmy. A. more B. very C. a lot of D. much

( )58.There are ___in the park on Sunday.

A more children B. a lot of people C. much men and women D. many people

( )59.No one is ___Mary in the class.

A. so tallest as B. as taller as C. so high as D. so tall as

( )60.There is too much noise here .Let’s go ___.

A. somewhere quiet B. quiet somewhere C. everywhere quiet D. quiet everywhere

( )61.She looks ___ younger than she really is.

A. even B. very C. a bit of D. a lot of

( )62. If you do like that, you’ll feel ___ soon.

A more healthy B. more healthier C. much healthy D. much healthier

( )63. We’ll try to do___ work with___ time than before.

A much, much B. little, little C. less, more D. more, less

( )64. Kate often goes to work ___ breakfast. It’s bad for her health.

A with B. without C. on D. not have

( )65.You are getting fatter and fatter .You should eat ___ food and take ___ exercise.

A less, less B. more, more C. more, less D. less, more

( )66. Of all the students ,Li Ming sits ___to the teacher’s desk.

A close B. closer C. the closest D. the most closest

( )67. ---Which is ___month of the year? ---July ,I think .

A hot B. hoter C. hotter D. the hottest

( ) 68. Xi’an is one of ___ capital ___in China.

A older, city B. the older ,city C. oldest, cities D. the oldest, cities

( )69. E-mailing is ___than long-distance calling.

A the cheapest B. cheapest C. cheaper D. cheap

( )70. She chose ___ expensive shirt from all these clothes.

A the most B. more C. less D. the more

( )71. ---What ___he___ of the sitcom?---He likes it.

A does, think B. does, thinks C. do, thinks D. do, thinks

( )72. Would you mi the window? It’s too hot in the room.

A to open B. opening C. to close D. closing

( )73. ___ your mother like the watch?

A. What do B. What does C. How do D. How does

( )74. Tom ___ stand the boring lessons. I can’t stand them ,____.

A. can, too B. can’t, either C. doesn’t, either D. doesn’t , either

( ) 75.When you come to Harbin in winter ,you had better wear more. It’s____ cold .

A too B. much C. also D. never

( ) 76. After my parents came back from Beijing, they ___me some photos of the Great Wall.

A give B. lead C. sold D. showed

( )77. ___on the farm is better than ___classes at school.

A To work, having B. Working , having C. Work ,have D. Work , to have

( )78.____ of the girls ____ listening to the music.

A Every, enjoy B. Every, enjoys C. Each, enjoys D. Each, enjoy

( )79. You will____ better after a good sleep. A. sound B. decide C. feel D. want

( )80. He is ready___ the rest ,and I’m ready___ have a try, too.

A for, to B. to, for C. for, for D. to, to

( )81.He’s going to ___an engineer when he ___up.

A do, grow B. do, grows C. be, grow D. be, grows

( )82. An ___ must take ____ lessons.

A actor , act B. actor, acting C. acting, actor D. acting, act

( )83. ---___the Greens going to move? ---Maybe Beijing or Shanghai .I’m not sure ,yet.

A What is B. What are C. Where is D. Where are

( )84--Is Mr Brown living here?

---No ,he moved ____ last week.

A. to somewhere else B. somewhere else

C. to else somewhere D. else somewhere

( )85. He decides to work ___ than last year.

A more hard B. much hard C. much harder D. a little hard

( )86. ---Could you please buy____ drinks and snacks? ---Sorry, I don’t have ___ money.

A. some, any B. any , any C. some , some D. any , some

( ) 87. This shirt is a little ___ than that one. A. cheap B. cheaper C. the cheapest D. cheapest

( )88. We are going to have ___ to do in English class.

A. something different B. different something C. different anything D. anything different

( )89. I___ my aunt in Australia this winter vacation.

A. visit B. visited C. are going to visit D.. visiting

( )90. Please remember ___ the window when you leave the room.

A close B. to close C. closed D. closing

( )91. ---____ did your father work in the hospital ? ---For more than twenty years.

A How often B. How long C. How much D. What time

( )92. The girl was ____ tired____ say anything.

A. so that B. too, to C. enough, to D. very, to

( )93. ---Would you pass me a piece of bread?----_________

A. Thank you B. Not at all C. Here you are D. Sure

( ) 94.---How are you going to the railway station to meet your father.____ Sunday morning? ----I’m going there ____ my car.

A on, in B. in, by C. in, in D. on ,by

( )95. Tim plays basketball ____than I.

A a lot better B. a lot more better C. much more better D. much more well

( )96. It was cold and we ____ to go skating on the lake.

A. can B. could C. was able D. were able

( )97. We are going to travel ____of next month.

A. in the begin B. in the beginning C. at the begin D.. at the beginning

( )98. All the songs have something ____ love and peace.

A to do B. to do with C. to do about D. to do at

( )99. He didn’t ___ his father , so he felt unhappy.

A. agree B. agree to C. agree with D. agree in

( )100.The boy ___ his teacher on Teachers’ Day.

A sent a card to B. sent to a card C. sent a card D. sent a card for

( ) 101. Do you think ___ a football match tomorrow?

A there will be B. will there be C. there will have D. there are going to be

( )102. There is going to ___ a sports meeting next week. If it____, we’ll have to make it another time.

A. be, will rain B. have, will rain C. be , rains D. has , rain

( )103. Most of my classmates don’t like to talk with their parents , but I am ___ them . I love to talk with my parents.

A the same as B. different from C. pleased with D. angry with

( )104. They use the animals ___ farm work. A. do B. make C. t o do D. to make

( )105. The engineer will return from Macao ___ a few days.

A since B. in C. on D. after

( )107. I’m still hungry . Would you please give me ___ pizza, please?

A. one more B. more one C. other one D. else one

( )108. It’s hard to keep the house ___ with three kids.

A. cleaning B. to clean C. cleaned D. clean

( )109. ---Why don’t you ask Tom to do it?

---I don’t know whether he is___ to. He sometimes makes things worse.

A. possible B. able C. afraid D. easy

( )110. ---What do you think of her voice? ---It____ very sweet.

A. hears B. sings C. listens D. sounds

( )111. ---Will people live to be 300 years old? ---_____

A. No, they aren’t B. No, they won’t C. No, they don’t D. No, they can’t

( )112. There will be ____ pollution this year than last year.

A fewer B. much C. less D. many

( )113. ---Where is Miss Wang?

return___ six days. A. ago

---She went to Hainan Island last week and she will B. later C. behind D. in


( ) 1. He didn’t have____ money for a taxi,____ he walked back to the hotel.

A. any, and B. much, because C. any, so D. some, so( )

( )2.---When ____a sports meeting? ---Last Monday。

A had you B. do you have C. did you have D. will you have

( )3.I cleaned my bedroom____.

A with three hours B. three hours ago C. in three hours D. three hours before

( )4. ---_____ you at home last weekend? ---No, I ____. I was in the library with my friends.

A. Is, isn’t B. Were , wasn’t C. Did , didn’t D. Was , wasn’t

( ) 5. ---____you often go to the beach? ---No, but I ____ there last Sunday.

A Do, go B. Did , went C. Do , went D. Did , go

( )6. Last weekend we had great fun____ on the beach.

A playing B. to play C. played D. play

( ) 7.It’s cold, so we decided ____TV at home. That made me very happy.

A watch B. to watch C. watching D. watched

( ) 8. The meat didn’t taste____. You’d better leave it.

A good B. well C. fine D. bad

( )9. I can’t find ___in today’s newspaper.

A. something interesting B. interesting something

C. anything interesting D. interesting anything

( )10. The party was really ____, so ____wanted to stay there.

A. bored, everybody B. tiring, everybody C. tired, nobody D. boring, nobody

( )11.---How____ your weekend? ---It ___ great, but I am tired now.

A was , was B. is, was C. was, is D. is, is

( ) 12. Can you show ____? A. your photos me B. me your photos

A me to your photos D. your photos for me

( )13. My aunt has a ___ boy named DaBao.

A. five-years-old B. five-year-old C. five years old D. five-years old

( )14. It is time for Jim ____dinner now.

A. had B. have C. has D. to have

( )15. Thank you for___ us your paintings.

A. show B. showed C. showing D. to show

( )16.It’s hot.So we decided __in the swimming pool.

A. swim B.to swim C.swimming D.swam

( )17.The mother with her son ___at my home ___that snowy night.

A were, at B. was, at C. were ,on D. was ,on

( )18.Celina___ 20 dollars___ her sports shoes yesterday.

A. spends, on B. spended, in C. spent ,on D. spent ,in

( ) 19. Sad movies always ___ the girl ___.

A. let, crying B. make , cry C. make, to cry D. bring ,cried

( )20. ---I think drinking milk is good ___our health. ---Yes, I agree ___ you.

A. for, with B. to, to C. with ,to D. at , with

( )21.---How often do you go home? ---_____.

A. For a week B. Once C. One D. Once a week

( )22. The little girl often goes skating_____ weekends.

A. in B. on C. to D. for

( )23.How about __with us?

A. go shopping B. goes shopping

C. going shopping D. going shopes

( )24. ---What day is it today? ---_________.

A. It’s February 1st B. It’s very hot C. It’s Sunday D. It’s a different day

( )25. ---___is the fish? ---It’s ten yuan a kilo.

A. How about B. How many

C. How much D. How old

( )26.My father ___breakfast at home every day.

A. hasn’t B. doesn’t have C. haven’t D. doesn’t has

( )27.---When did you go to the movies? ---______.

A Tomorrow B. In two days C. Three days ago D Next weekend

( ) 28. ---Mike , why are you so tired?

---I ___late last night.

A. stayed up B. stay up C. stayed at D. stay at

( )29 ---Are there any hot dogs on the table? ---Yes , ___.

A it has B. they have C. they are D. there are

( )30. Dad often tells me____.

A. something interesting B. interesting something

C. anything interesting D. interesting anything

( ) 31. I think I’m ____ unhealthy, because I don’t like taking exercise.

A. kinds of B. little C. kind of D. a few

( )32. ---____ will you finish the work?

---In about two days.

A. How long B. How soon C. How much D. How often

( )33. Here ___ Tom’s and Jim’s bikes.

A. is B. are C. were D. was

( )34. He often comes to school early and he is ____ late for school.

A. usually B. never C. often D. always

( )35. Getting up early and going to bed early ____your health.

A is good for B. is good at C. is bad for D. is kind to

( ) 36. He knows a lot,___ he is still a child.

A. so B. although C. but D. or

( ) 37. Can you play football____ us____ school?

A with ,after B. for ,in C. in, at D. and , before

( )38. I like junk food very much, but I try to eat ___only once a week.

A. its B. it C. them D. they

( )39.Thanks for___.

A. come to see me B. to come to see me C. coming to see me

( )40. She looked ____ the moon ___the window.

A. to , at B. at , at C. at , through D. through ,through

( )41.Mary often ___us___ English, and we all like her .

D. coming see me

A help, in B. helps , in C. help, with D. helps, with

( )42.____you free tomorrow afternoon?

A. Do B. Am C. Is D. Are

( )43. Jim ‘s bag is____ than Kate’s.

A more big B. big C. biggest D. bigger

( )44. He has two sisters .One is a doctor and ____ is a teacher.

A. another B. other C. the other D. one

( ) 45 That book is not so___ as this one.

A interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. the most interesting

( )46. My shoes are cheaper than ___.

A. you B. your C.. yours D. your one

( )47. Who is ___swimming , you or she?

A better B. better in C. good at D. good in

( )48 Lucy and Lily ___students .They ___hard.

A. are both , both study B both are, both study

C. are both, study both D. both are, study both

( )49.Terrible ! Tim did quite___ in the exam.. I did even ___than him.

A well, better B. bad ,worse C. badly, worse D. good, better

( ) 50.Oh,all the cars here ____!How can you pick up yours?

A look different B. look the same C. look like D. look same

( ) 51. Which does Jimmy like___, Chinese or Art ?

A well B. best C. better D. much

( ) 52. The Changjiang River is one of ___ in the world..

A. the longest river B. longest rivers C. the longest rivers D. longer rivers

( ) 53. ___ of the two women is Mrs. Brown.

A. The beautiful B. The more beautiful C. More beautiful D. The most beautiful

( )54. My mooncake is nicer ___his. A. like B. with C. for D. than

( ) 55. He jumps ___of the three. A. far B. further C. farthest D. furthest

( )56. My hair is longer than ___.A. my sister B. Kate C. my brother’s D. Lucys’

( )57. Tom speaks Chinese____ better than Jimmy. A. more B. very C. a lot of D. much

( )58.There are ___in the park on Sunday.

A more children B. a lot of people C. much men and women D. many people

( )59.No one is ___Mary in the class.

A. so tallest as B. as taller as C. so high as D. so tall as

( )60.There is too much noise here .Let’s go ___.

A. somewhere quiet B. quiet somewhere C. everywhere quiet D. quiet everywhere

( )61.She looks ___ younger than she really is.

A. even B. very C. a bit of D. a lot of

( )62. If you do like that, you’ll feel ___ soon.

A more healthy B. more healthier C. much healthy D. much healthier

( )63. We’ll try to do___ work with___ time than before.

A much, much B. little, little C. less, more D. more, less

( )64. Kate often goes to work ___ breakfast. It’s bad for her health.

A with B. without C. on D. not have

( )65.You are getting fatter and fatter .You should eat ___ food and take ___ exercise.

A less, less B. more, more C. more, less D. less, more

( )66. Of all the students ,Li Ming sits ___to the teacher’s desk.

A close B. closer C. the closest D. the most closest

( )67. ---Which is ___month of the year? ---July ,I think .

A hot B. hoter C. hotter D. the hottest

( ) 68. Xi’an is one of ___ capital ___in China.

A older, city B. the older ,city C. oldest, cities D. the oldest, cities

( )69. E-mailing is ___than long-distance calling.

A the cheapest B. cheapest C. cheaper D. cheap

( )70. She chose ___ expensive shirt from all these clothes.

A the most B. more C. less D. the more

( )71. ---What ___he___ of the sitcom?---He likes it.

A does, think B. does, thinks C. do, thinks D. do, thinks

( )72. Would you mi the window? It’s too hot in the room.

A to open B. opening C. to close D. closing

( )73. ___ your mother like the watch?

A. What do B. What does C. How do D. How does

( )74. Tom ___ stand the boring lessons. I can’t stand them ,____.

A. can, too B. can’t, either C. doesn’t, either D. doesn’t , either

( ) 75.When you come to Harbin in winter ,you had better wear more. It’s____ cold .

A too B. much C. also D. never

( ) 76. After my parents came back from Beijing, they ___me some photos of the Great Wall.

A give B. lead C. sold D. showed

( )77. ___on the farm is better than ___classes at school.

A To work, having B. Working , having C. Work ,have D. Work , to have

( )78.____ of the girls ____ listening to the music.

A Every, enjoy B. Every, enjoys C. Each, enjoys D. Each, enjoy

( )79. You will____ better after a good sleep. A. sound B. decide C. feel D. want

( )80. He is ready___ the rest ,and I’m ready___ have a try, too.

A for, to B. to, for C. for, for D. to, to

( )81.He’s going to ___an engineer when he ___up.

A do, grow B. do, grows C. be, grow D. be, grows

( )82. An ___ must take ____ lessons.

A actor , act B. actor, acting C. acting, actor D. acting, act

( )83. ---___the Greens going to move? ---Maybe Beijing or Shanghai .I’m not sure ,yet.

A What is B. What are C. Where is D. Where are

( )84--Is Mr Brown living here?

---No ,he moved ____ last week.

A. to somewhere else B. somewhere else

C. to else somewhere D. else somewhere

( )85. He decides to work ___ than last year.

A more hard B. much hard C. much harder D. a little hard

( )86. ---Could you please buy____ drinks and snacks? ---Sorry, I don’t have ___ money.

A. some, any B. any , any C. some , some D. any , some

( ) 87. This shirt is a little ___ than that one. A. cheap B. cheaper C. the cheapest D. cheapest

( )88. We are going to have ___ to do in English class.

A. something different B. different something C. different anything D. anything different

( )89. I___ my aunt in Australia this winter vacation.

A. visit B. visited C. are going to visit D.. visiting

( )90. Please remember ___ the window when you leave the room.

A close B. to close C. closed D. closing

( )91. ---____ did your father work in the hospital ? ---For more than twenty years.

A How often B. How long C. How much D. What time

( )92. The girl was ____ tired____ say anything.

A. so that B. too, to C. enough, to D. very, to

( )93. ---Would you pass me a piece of bread?----_________

A. Thank you B. Not at all C. Here you are D. Sure

( ) 94.---How are you going to the railway station to meet your father.____ Sunday morning? ----I’m going there ____ my car.

A on, in B. in, by C. in, in D. on ,by

( )95. Tim plays basketball ____than I.

A a lot better B. a lot more better C. much more better D. much more well

( )96. It was cold and we ____ to go skating on the lake.

A. can B. could C. was able D. were able

( )97. We are going to travel ____of next month.

A. in the begin B. in the beginning C. at the begin D.. at the beginning

( )98. All the songs have something ____ love and peace.

A to do B. to do with C. to do about D. to do at

( )99. He didn’t ___ his father , so he felt unhappy.

A. agree B. agree to C. agree with D. agree in

( )100.The boy ___ his teacher on Teachers’ Day.

A sent a card to B. sent to a card C. sent a card D. sent a card for

( ) 101. Do you think ___ a football match tomorrow?

A there will be B. will there be C. there will have D. there are going to be

( )102. There is going to ___ a sports meeting next week. If it____, we’ll have to make it another time.

A. be, will rain B. have, will rain C. be , rains D. has , rain

( )103. Most of my classmates don’t like to talk with their parents , but I am ___ them . I love to talk with my parents.

A the same as B. different from C. pleased with D. angry with

( )104. They use the animals ___ farm work. A. do B. make C. t o do D. to make

( )105. The engineer will return from Macao ___ a few days.

A since B. in C. on D. after

( )107. I’m still hungry . Would you please give me ___ pizza, please?

A. one more B. more one C. other one D. else one

( )108. It’s hard to keep the house ___ with three kids.

A. cleaning B. to clean C. cleaned D. clean

( )109. ---Why don’t you ask Tom to do it?

---I don’t know whether he is___ to. He sometimes makes things worse.

A. possible B. able C. afraid D. easy

( )110. ---What do you think of her voice? ---It____ very sweet.

A. hears B. sings C. listens D. sounds

( )111. ---Will people live to be 300 years old? ---_____

A. No, they aren’t B. No, they won’t C. No, they don’t D. No, they can’t

( )112. There will be ____ pollution this year than last year.

A fewer B. much C. less D. many

( )113. ---Where is Miss Wang?

return___ six days. A. ago

---She went to Hainan Island last week and she will B. later C. behind D. in


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