


1. What day is it today? 今天星期几?

It’s Monday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/ Saturday/ Sunday. 星期一\二\三\四\五\六\日

2. What’s the date today? 今天几号?

It’s January 1st/ February 2nd/ March 3rd/ September ninth/ December twelfth.

It’s Monday, October 1st. 今天星期一,十月一号。

3. How is the weather? = What’s the weather like? 天气怎么样?

It’s sunny/ windy/ cloudy/ rainy/ snowy/cold /hot/ warm/ cool.天气晴朗的\有风的\多云的\有雨的\有雪的

4. Look at the sun/ rain/ snow/ wind/ clouds. 看这太阳/这雨/这风/这云。

It’s raining/snowing . 正在下雨/下雪。

5. What season\colour do you like ?你喜欢什么季节\颜色? I like spring\ blue我喜欢春天\蓝色

6. What season do you like best ? = What ‘s your favourite …? 你最喜欢什么季节?

I like … best. 我最喜欢….

8. May has thirty-one days. 五月有31天


9. What’s on the desk? 桌子上是什么?桌子上有一些书。 某地有某物 There be + 名词 + 地点。

10. Happy New Year! ------- The same to you.! 新年快乐!回答: 你也是

I will travel to Beijing. ----- Have a good time! Have fun! 我将要去北京旅游。祝你旅途愉快

Your English is good! Happy birthday to you! ----- Thanks! 你的英语不错\生日快乐。谢谢

11. on Christmas Eve在圣诞前夜 on Children’s Day在儿童节 on Teachers’ Day在教师节

on Friday在周五 on Sunday morning在星期天早上 on May 1在五一

on the morning of May 1在五一早上 on rainy days在下雨天 on that day在那天 on weekends在周末

in April在四月 in summer/ spring…在夏天\春天… in 2008在2008年

in the moring/ afternoon/ evening在早上\在下午\在晚上

at ten在十点 at noon在中午 at lunch time在午饭时间

12. make sth for sb = make sb sth buy sth for sb = buy sb sth 为某人制作\买某物

13. 动词不定式 forget to do忘记做某事 want to do= would like to do想要做某事

need to do需要做某事 plan to do计划做某事 hope to do希望做某事 like to do喜欢做某事

14. like doing enjoy doing喜欢做某事 have fun doing= have a good time doing做某事很愉快

How/ What about doing …? …怎么样?

15. Holidays are fun. Christmas is so fun.

16. 春节在一月或二月份

17. New Year’s Day is on Jan. 1st. 元旦是在一月一号

17. 假期你喜欢做什么? I like to watch TV…我喜欢看电视

18. Christmas is coming. 圣诞节就要来了。进行时表将来

19. I’m so excited/ tired/ scared/ bored…我感到那么激动\累\害怕\无聊。

20. The movie is so exciting/ boring/ interesting…这部电影那么令人兴奋\那么无聊\有趣。

21. 22. 我希望去澳大利亚

23. 这是你的书 这本书是你的。


1. cool weather 凉爽的天气 rainy days 下雨的天气

2. go swimming/ shopping/ skating/ fishing/mountain climbing去游泳\购物\滑冰\钓鱼\爬山

3. go to the zoo/the museum/the supermarket/the park/the beach…去动物园\博物馆\超市\公园\沙滩

4. play outside在外面玩 stay inside待在里面 stay home呆在家里

5. drink some tea 喝茶 fly a kite fly kites 放风筝 have a good time = have fun = enjoy oneself 过得愉快

6. after school/ supper/ class/ 放学后\晚饭后\下课后 before breakfast早饭前 before midnight午夜前

What months comes after December. 12月之后是几月?

The day after Monday is Tuesday.周一之后是周二 The day after tomorrow 后天

7. eat ice cream吃冰激凌 mark my calendar制作日历 my best friend我最好的朋友 a busy month

8. have a big dinner吃大餐 have breakfast/lunch/supper 吃早饭\午饭\晚饭

9. have a birthday party举办生日聚会 have a basketball game (against…)举行篮球赛

have Sports Day举办运动会 have lessons上课 have classes上课 have science classes 上科学课 许多商店大减价

12. get many presents 收到礼物 count down 倒计时

13. all of us我们所有人 all of our friends我们所有的朋友 all the rest所有其余的

14. be busy doing…. = be busy with… 忙于做…… talk about sth 谈论 talk to/with sb 和某人谈话

15. get together with… 和某人聚会 during the Spring Festival 在…期间

16. watch a movie看电影 watch TV看电视 watch a football game看足球赛 read books读书 read newspaper读报纸

17. present his report 展示他的报告 = a lot of 大量的,许多


短语:方位direction 东east西west南south北north 西南southwest 东南southeast东北northeast西北northwest 在地图上on a map 指着(近指)point at 指着(远指)point to 在角落in the corner

一个讲英语的国家an English-speaking country 与…相同the same…as 所有国家all the countries

全世界around the world=all over the world 一张中国地图a map of China 一张世界地图a map of the world 祖父母grandparents 在春节期间during the Spring Festival 不久soon 回到go back to…

邀请…去invite…to… …之一one of + 名词复数 过得愉快have a lot of fun 悠久的历史a long history 可爱的熊猫a lovely panda 树叶leaf— 树叶复数leaves 法语French 海狸beaver 瀑布waterfall

鹰an eagle 塔tower 建筑物building 因…而著名be famous for 作为…而著名be famous as


18. Look at the map. 看地图

19. My grandparents will go there. 我的祖父母将会去那。

20. Where is Canada ? It’s north of the U.S. 加拿大在哪? 在美国北边。

21. North points up. 北指向上

22. I’m so happy to see you. It’s nice to meet you.很高兴见到你 Thank you for inviting me . 谢谢你邀请我。

23. Where do you come from? Where are you from? 你来自哪儿?I come from China. I’m from China. 我来自中国

24. What’s this ? This is a map of China. 这是什么? 一张中国地图。

25. What do you know about China? I know a lot. 你了解中国的什么? 很多

26. What else do you know about China? 你还知道哪些?

27. Where else? Who else? 还有哪里? 还有谁/

28. What language do people speak in China? 在中国人们讲哪种语言?

29. What’s the capital city of China? 中国的首都是哪里?

30. What countries are east of China? 什么国家在中国的东方? Canada and the U.S are east of China. 加拿大和美国

31. China’s flag is red. The flag of China is red. 中国的国旗是红色的。

32. What direction are they from China? 他们在中国的哪个方向?

33. People speak English as their first language in many countries. 在许多国家,人们把英语作为第一语言。

34. It’s the same colour as the flag of the U.S.它和美国的旗帜颜色一样。

35. The kangaroo is one of the national animals of Australia.



1. What day is it today? 今天星期几?

It’s Monday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/ Saturday/ Sunday. 星期一\二\三\四\五\六\日

2. What’s the date today? 今天几号?

It’s January 1st/ February 2nd/ March 3rd/ September ninth/ December twelfth.

It’s Monday, October 1st. 今天星期一,十月一号。

3. How is the weather? = What’s the weather like? 天气怎么样?

It’s sunny/ windy/ cloudy/ rainy/ snowy/cold /hot/ warm/ cool.天气晴朗的\有风的\多云的\有雨的\有雪的

4. Look at the sun/ rain/ snow/ wind/ clouds. 看这太阳/这雨/这风/这云。

It’s raining/snowing . 正在下雨/下雪。

5. What season\colour do you like ?你喜欢什么季节\颜色? I like spring\ blue我喜欢春天\蓝色

6. What season do you like best ? = What ‘s your favourite …? 你最喜欢什么季节?

I like … best. 我最喜欢….

8. May has thirty-one days. 五月有31天


9. What’s on the desk? 桌子上是什么?桌子上有一些书。 某地有某物 There be + 名词 + 地点。

10. Happy New Year! ------- The same to you.! 新年快乐!回答: 你也是

I will travel to Beijing. ----- Have a good time! Have fun! 我将要去北京旅游。祝你旅途愉快

Your English is good! Happy birthday to you! ----- Thanks! 你的英语不错\生日快乐。谢谢

11. on Christmas Eve在圣诞前夜 on Children’s Day在儿童节 on Teachers’ Day在教师节

on Friday在周五 on Sunday morning在星期天早上 on May 1在五一

on the morning of May 1在五一早上 on rainy days在下雨天 on that day在那天 on weekends在周末

in April在四月 in summer/ spring…在夏天\春天… in 2008在2008年

in the moring/ afternoon/ evening在早上\在下午\在晚上

at ten在十点 at noon在中午 at lunch time在午饭时间

12. make sth for sb = make sb sth buy sth for sb = buy sb sth 为某人制作\买某物

13. 动词不定式 forget to do忘记做某事 want to do= would like to do想要做某事

need to do需要做某事 plan to do计划做某事 hope to do希望做某事 like to do喜欢做某事

14. like doing enjoy doing喜欢做某事 have fun doing= have a good time doing做某事很愉快

How/ What about doing …? …怎么样?

15. Holidays are fun. Christmas is so fun.

16. 春节在一月或二月份

17. New Year’s Day is on Jan. 1st. 元旦是在一月一号

17. 假期你喜欢做什么? I like to watch TV…我喜欢看电视

18. Christmas is coming. 圣诞节就要来了。进行时表将来

19. I’m so excited/ tired/ scared/ bored…我感到那么激动\累\害怕\无聊。

20. The movie is so exciting/ boring/ interesting…这部电影那么令人兴奋\那么无聊\有趣。

21. 22. 我希望去澳大利亚

23. 这是你的书 这本书是你的。


1. cool weather 凉爽的天气 rainy days 下雨的天气

2. go swimming/ shopping/ skating/ fishing/mountain climbing去游泳\购物\滑冰\钓鱼\爬山

3. go to the zoo/the museum/the supermarket/the park/the beach…去动物园\博物馆\超市\公园\沙滩

4. play outside在外面玩 stay inside待在里面 stay home呆在家里

5. drink some tea 喝茶 fly a kite fly kites 放风筝 have a good time = have fun = enjoy oneself 过得愉快

6. after school/ supper/ class/ 放学后\晚饭后\下课后 before breakfast早饭前 before midnight午夜前

What months comes after December. 12月之后是几月?

The day after Monday is Tuesday.周一之后是周二 The day after tomorrow 后天

7. eat ice cream吃冰激凌 mark my calendar制作日历 my best friend我最好的朋友 a busy month

8. have a big dinner吃大餐 have breakfast/lunch/supper 吃早饭\午饭\晚饭

9. have a birthday party举办生日聚会 have a basketball game (against…)举行篮球赛

have Sports Day举办运动会 have lessons上课 have classes上课 have science classes 上科学课 许多商店大减价

12. get many presents 收到礼物 count down 倒计时

13. all of us我们所有人 all of our friends我们所有的朋友 all the rest所有其余的

14. be busy doing…. = be busy with… 忙于做…… talk about sth 谈论 talk to/with sb 和某人谈话

15. get together with… 和某人聚会 during the Spring Festival 在…期间

16. watch a movie看电影 watch TV看电视 watch a football game看足球赛 read books读书 read newspaper读报纸

17. present his report 展示他的报告 = a lot of 大量的,许多


短语:方位direction 东east西west南south北north 西南southwest 东南southeast东北northeast西北northwest 在地图上on a map 指着(近指)point at 指着(远指)point to 在角落in the corner

一个讲英语的国家an English-speaking country 与…相同the same…as 所有国家all the countries

全世界around the world=all over the world 一张中国地图a map of China 一张世界地图a map of the world 祖父母grandparents 在春节期间during the Spring Festival 不久soon 回到go back to…

邀请…去invite…to… …之一one of + 名词复数 过得愉快have a lot of fun 悠久的历史a long history 可爱的熊猫a lovely panda 树叶leaf— 树叶复数leaves 法语French 海狸beaver 瀑布waterfall

鹰an eagle 塔tower 建筑物building 因…而著名be famous for 作为…而著名be famous as


18. Look at the map. 看地图

19. My grandparents will go there. 我的祖父母将会去那。

20. Where is Canada ? It’s north of the U.S. 加拿大在哪? 在美国北边。

21. North points up. 北指向上

22. I’m so happy to see you. It’s nice to meet you.很高兴见到你 Thank you for inviting me . 谢谢你邀请我。

23. Where do you come from? Where are you from? 你来自哪儿?I come from China. I’m from China. 我来自中国

24. What’s this ? This is a map of China. 这是什么? 一张中国地图。

25. What do you know about China? I know a lot. 你了解中国的什么? 很多

26. What else do you know about China? 你还知道哪些?

27. Where else? Who else? 还有哪里? 还有谁/

28. What language do people speak in China? 在中国人们讲哪种语言?

29. What’s the capital city of China? 中国的首都是哪里?

30. What countries are east of China? 什么国家在中国的东方? Canada and the U.S are east of China. 加拿大和美国

31. China’s flag is red. The flag of China is red. 中国的国旗是红色的。

32. What direction are they from China? 他们在中国的哪个方向?

33. People speak English as their first language in many countries. 在许多国家,人们把英语作为第一语言。

34. It’s the same colour as the flag of the U.S.它和美国的旗帜颜色一样。

35. The kangaroo is one of the national animals of Australia.


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