


Unit 1


1. Every weekend Mike and John ____ (play) sports together.

2. _____ (class) start at 8 o’clock in the morning.

3. I often take a ____ (dance) class on Sundays.

4. I hope you can _____ (get) off your island soon.

5. – What do you do on the weekend?

- I often go _____ (shop) with my mum.


1. sport,I ,often, play(.)

2. I , go ,usually ,12:00 ,to ,bed ,at(.)

3. 4. 5. 1.


2. 对划线部分提问)

3. 对划线部分提问)

4. 对划线部分提问)

5. What do you do in the evening?(根据实际情况回答)


1. We _____ ( start/finish) class at 4:10 p.m. Then we go home.



2. I _____ ( also/too) cook dinner at home.

3. I often go _____ (swim/swimming) in the afternoon.

4. I usually wash clothes. _____(Sometimes/Often) I cook dinner.

5. –I usually eat dinner at 9:30 or 10 o’clock.

- Wow! That’s too _____(early/late)!


1. 我通常晚上写作业。

_____ I do my homework in the _____.

2. 你几点睡觉?

_____ do you _____ _____ bed?

3. 莉莉周末经常做什么?

4. 他们上午的课几点结束?




Unit 2


1. What’s your favourite season?(改为同义句)

2. It’对划线部分提问)

3. 同上)

4. What do you do in winter?(根据实际回答)

5. Which season do you like best? Why?(同上)


3. I don’t like _____. It’

1. 2. 3. There _____(be) a little water in the cup.

4. We can _____ (plant) flowers in spring.

5. What lovely colours! The _____ (leaf) fall and fall and fall. I love fall. 连词成句



1. like winter don’t I (.)

2. often in I snow play the (.)

3. there flowers pretty because are (.)

4. can go I day swimming every (.)

5. with

often go I picnic a my on family (.)



Unit 3

读一读,选词填空。(on at in)

1. The Easter party will start _____ 7 p.m.

2. We usually have a school trip _____ autumn.

3. I usually watch TV _____ Saturdays.

4. We will have an English party _____ February.

5. I’ll cook for my mother _____ Mother’s Day.


( ) 1. There are twelve months in a year.

( ( ) 3. Father’s Day is in May.

( ( ) 5.Teachers’连词成句

1. day is tree 2. kind that’s 3. a we have too(.)

4. letter a her I’ll(.)

5. usually a we have sports in meet autumn(.) 句型转换

1. 对划线部分提问) _____ _____ Dragon Boat Festival?



Unit 3

读一读,选词填空。(on at in)

1. The Easter party will start _____ 7 p.m.

2. We usually have a school trip _____ autumn.

3. I usually watch TV _____ Saturdays.

4. We will have an English party _____ February.

5. I’ll cook for my mother _____ Mother’s Day.


( ) 1. There are twelve months in a year.

( ( ) 3. Father’s Day is in May.

( ( ) 5.Teachers’连词成句

1. day is tree 2. kind that’s 3. a we have too(.)

4. letter a her I’ll(.)

5. usually a we have sports in meet autumn(.)


1. 对划线部分提问)

_____ _____ Dragon Boat Festival?



2. 同上)

_____ are your _____ fruit?

3. I’同上)

_____ will you go?

4. The school trip is in May. The singing contest is in May.() The school trip is in May. The singing contest is _____ _____5. I will come to the party.(改为一般疑问句)

_____ _____ come to the party?


1. is my autumn season 2. play we games will many

3. is when vacation the 4. come the will party 5. usually a we school in have



Unit 4


1. Sunday is the _____ (one) day of a week.

2. Today is the _____(twelve) birthday.

3. My cat has _____(two) new kittens.

4. My birthday is on July _____(ten).

5. It’s _____ (five) o’clock. Let’s go home.

1. Sam is 12 years old. His b_____ is on October 3rd.

2. Teachers’ Day is on S_____ 10th.

3. July is the s_____ month of a year.

4. M_____ 12th5. Mother’

1. 2. 3. th.

4. 5. There _____(be) some special days in April.



Unit 5


1. The yellow picture is _____(my/mine).

2. Look! This is _____(our/ours) classroom.

3. I can take _____(he/him) to the park.

4. John is _____(watch/watching) TV.

5. –Whose book is this?

-It’s Amy’s. It’s _____(her/hers).


1. 2. I’m _____(jump) like a rabbit.

3. 4. 5. 仿照例子写句子

1. It’2. It’3. It’4. It’s his car.

5. They are my shoes.


1. This storybook is _____(my). I like it very much.



2. These books are my _____(grandpa).

3. I see two monkeys. They’re _____(climb).

4. I like _____(fly). I want to be a bird.

5. –Whose _____(rabbit) are these? -They are Yifan’s.


1. It’s your dog.(改为同义句)

The dog _____ _____.

2. These are my rabbits.(同上)

These rabbits _____ _____.

3. 对划线部分提问) _____ _____ is this?

4. He is drinking water.() 5. ) 1. is he very(.)

2. a painting what beautiful(!)

3. friends it playing is with its(.)

4. doing what these rabbits are(?)

5. park him take can you the(?)



Unit 1


1. Every weekend Mike and John ____ (play) sports together.

2. _____ (class) start at 8 o’clock in the morning.

3. I often take a ____ (dance) class on Sundays.

4. I hope you can _____ (get) off your island soon.

5. – What do you do on the weekend?

- I often go _____ (shop) with my mum.


1. sport,I ,often, play(.)

2. I , go ,usually ,12:00 ,to ,bed ,at(.)

3. 4. 5. 1.


2. 对划线部分提问)

3. 对划线部分提问)

4. 对划线部分提问)

5. What do you do in the evening?(根据实际情况回答)


1. We _____ ( start/finish) class at 4:10 p.m. Then we go home.



2. I _____ ( also/too) cook dinner at home.

3. I often go _____ (swim/swimming) in the afternoon.

4. I usually wash clothes. _____(Sometimes/Often) I cook dinner.

5. –I usually eat dinner at 9:30 or 10 o’clock.

- Wow! That’s too _____(early/late)!


1. 我通常晚上写作业。

_____ I do my homework in the _____.

2. 你几点睡觉?

_____ do you _____ _____ bed?

3. 莉莉周末经常做什么?

4. 他们上午的课几点结束?




Unit 2


1. What’s your favourite season?(改为同义句)

2. It’对划线部分提问)

3. 同上)

4. What do you do in winter?(根据实际回答)

5. Which season do you like best? Why?(同上)


3. I don’t like _____. It’

1. 2. 3. There _____(be) a little water in the cup.

4. We can _____ (plant) flowers in spring.

5. What lovely colours! The _____ (leaf) fall and fall and fall. I love fall. 连词成句



1. like winter don’t I (.)

2. often in I snow play the (.)

3. there flowers pretty because are (.)

4. can go I day swimming every (.)

5. with

often go I picnic a my on family (.)



Unit 3

读一读,选词填空。(on at in)

1. The Easter party will start _____ 7 p.m.

2. We usually have a school trip _____ autumn.

3. I usually watch TV _____ Saturdays.

4. We will have an English party _____ February.

5. I’ll cook for my mother _____ Mother’s Day.


( ) 1. There are twelve months in a year.

( ( ) 3. Father’s Day is in May.

( ( ) 5.Teachers’连词成句

1. day is tree 2. kind that’s 3. a we have too(.)

4. letter a her I’ll(.)

5. usually a we have sports in meet autumn(.) 句型转换

1. 对划线部分提问) _____ _____ Dragon Boat Festival?



Unit 3

读一读,选词填空。(on at in)

1. The Easter party will start _____ 7 p.m.

2. We usually have a school trip _____ autumn.

3. I usually watch TV _____ Saturdays.

4. We will have an English party _____ February.

5. I’ll cook for my mother _____ Mother’s Day.


( ) 1. There are twelve months in a year.

( ( ) 3. Father’s Day is in May.

( ( ) 5.Teachers’连词成句

1. day is tree 2. kind that’s 3. a we have too(.)

4. letter a her I’ll(.)

5. usually a we have sports in meet autumn(.)


1. 对划线部分提问)

_____ _____ Dragon Boat Festival?



2. 同上)

_____ are your _____ fruit?

3. I’同上)

_____ will you go?

4. The school trip is in May. The singing contest is in May.() The school trip is in May. The singing contest is _____ _____5. I will come to the party.(改为一般疑问句)

_____ _____ come to the party?


1. is my autumn season 2. play we games will many

3. is when vacation the 4. come the will party 5. usually a we school in have



Unit 4


1. Sunday is the _____ (one) day of a week.

2. Today is the _____(twelve) birthday.

3. My cat has _____(two) new kittens.

4. My birthday is on July _____(ten).

5. It’s _____ (five) o’clock. Let’s go home.

1. Sam is 12 years old. His b_____ is on October 3rd.

2. Teachers’ Day is on S_____ 10th.

3. July is the s_____ month of a year.

4. M_____ 12th5. Mother’

1. 2. 3. th.

4. 5. There _____(be) some special days in April.



Unit 5


1. The yellow picture is _____(my/mine).

2. Look! This is _____(our/ours) classroom.

3. I can take _____(he/him) to the park.

4. John is _____(watch/watching) TV.

5. –Whose book is this?

-It’s Amy’s. It’s _____(her/hers).


1. 2. I’m _____(jump) like a rabbit.

3. 4. 5. 仿照例子写句子

1. It’2. It’3. It’4. It’s his car.

5. They are my shoes.


1. This storybook is _____(my). I like it very much.



2. These books are my _____(grandpa).

3. I see two monkeys. They’re _____(climb).

4. I like _____(fly). I want to be a bird.

5. –Whose _____(rabbit) are these? -They are Yifan’s.


1. It’s your dog.(改为同义句)

The dog _____ _____.

2. These are my rabbits.(同上)

These rabbits _____ _____.

3. 对划线部分提问) _____ _____ is this?

4. He is drinking water.() 5. ) 1. is he very(.)

2. a painting what beautiful(!)

3. friends it playing is with its(.)

4. doing what these rabbits are(?)

5. park him take can you the(?)


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