

Part1:听力 (15%)

Part2:词汇 (10%)

Part3:阅读理解 (40%)

Part4:完形填空 (10%)

Part5:翻译 (15%)


E-C: (7%)--一篇小短文

Part6:作文 (10%)




Book 4 Unit 7

1. 要精通一门外语,唯一的方法就是一遍遍地联系。

To achieve a proficiency in a foreign language, there’s nothing for it but to practice again and again.

2. 很多汉语词汇有内涵意义,这对学习汉语的外国人来说是一大障碍。

Many Chinese words have their connotational meanings, which constitute a great obstacle to foreign learners of Chinese.

3. 勤奋弥补了他在英语方面的不足;仅用了一年的时间,他就可以用英语和外国人流利地


Diligence compensates for his incompetence in English; it takes mere one year before he can communicate fluently with foreigners.

4. 语言是动态的,是不断变化的,网络语言的出现就是一个很好的例子。

Language is dynamic and ever-changing, a case in point is the appearance of netspeak.

5. 中国文化是世界文化的瑰宝,其哲学、艺术、饮食、文学等对外国人都有很强的吸引力。

The Chinese culture is one of the great wonders of the word; its philosophy, art, food and literature enjoys great appeal to foreigners.

Book 4 Unit 5

1. 与传统的观念相反,男性之间也是说闲话的,只是他们说闲话的方式与女性不同而已。

Contrary to traditional belief, men also gossip with each other, it’s just that they gossip in a way different from women.

2. 女性能够准确地把握生活中的细节,而男性往往对细节不太在意。

While women could grasp the details in life, men usually care less about details.

3. 目前,全国女公务员人数约占公务员总数的三分之一。

Presently/currently, the number of female civil servants account for about one third in the total of civil servants across the country.

4. 这篇论文大致讨论的是女性与男性的思维方式有巨大的差别。

What the essay is discussing is to the effect that there’s great difference between the way women and men think.

5. 最近的一项调查显示,家务占用了女性大约50%的业余时间。

A recent investigation suggests that housework accounts for about 50% of the spare time of women.

Book 4 Unit 3

1. 他对时尚的东西有一种天生的抵制,因此和他谈时尚毫无疑义。

He has a natural resistance to fashion, so there’s no point talking about fashion with him.

2. 很多知名品牌是以设计师本人的名字命名的。

Many famous brands were named after their designers.

3. 过去的30年见证了中国经济的发展,也见证了时尚的变迁。

The past 30 years saw the development of Chinese economy as well as the transition of fashion.

4. 今年夏季的流行服装究竟会是什么,现在还很不清楚。

What kind of clothes will be fashionable in the coming summer remains unclear.

5. 有人认为,如今女性的穿着越来越暴露了,而相比之下,男性的穿着却很保守。

Some people think that nowadays women are exposing more and more of themselves from their manner of dressing, while in contrast men are dressing more conservatively.

Book 4 Unit 1

1. 尽管我在那家公司有机会升职,我仍然选择了离开,去从事我热爱的工作。

Although I could have been promoted in that company, I chose to leave in order to pursue a career that I love.

2. 你最先要遵从的不是你的老板,而是这个行业的规则。

The first thing you need to comply with is not your boss, but the rules of the industry.

3. 一份好的简历是找到工作的第一步,因此今天我们提出讨论的是如何写份好简历。

A well-prepared resume is the first step in finding a good job, so what we bring up for discussion today is how to write a good resume.

4. 人们工作往往是为了谋生,而不是出于爱好。

More often than not, people are working for the sake of earning a living rather than for their interest.

5. 据面试官反馈,大部分接受面试的毕业生都说不出他们能为公司做些什么。

According to the feedback from the interviewers, most of the graduates who attended the interview couldn’t make clear what they can contribute to the company.

Book 3 Unit 7

1. 说到科学发现,我们就会想起牛顿发现万有引力定律。这个例子告诉我们不要忽视生活


When it comes to scientific discovery, we will call to mind that Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation. This example tell us that we should not ignore the small things in life, which may give us inspiration.

2. 事实证明,不按照科学规律办事,是注定要失败的。

It is proved by facts that anyone who does not do things according to scientific laws is bound to fail.

3. 当遇到挫折时,人们往往抱怨自己命运不好,虽然抱怨并不能解决问题。

When setbacks crop up in life, people tend to complain about their fate, though complaining could not solve any problem.

4. 这一自然奇观至今没有科学的解释,这就是人们对它倍感好奇的原因。

The natural wonder has not had a scientific explanation so far; that’s the reason why people are so curious about it.

5. 后来的结果表明,他最初的判断是正确的。如果我们从开始就照着他的方法去做,这个


The subsequent outcome proves that his original judgment is correct. If we have done it according to his methods from the start, this technical problem may have been solved much earlier.

Unit 1

1. We don’t have to take judgments of us too personally in that not all of them are objective.

2. For the sake of his own development, he has changed quite some jobs, and finally found the most suitable position. But his experience does not apply to everyone.

3. Before you set up an objective for yourself, you have first to figure out what you really need. The more you understand your needs, the more easy it will get to set up feasible life objectives.

4. What most employers care is not the improvement of your personal ability, but how much contribution you can make to the company.

5. Whatever the outcome, don’t give up easily. Never underestimate your own ability just because of a single failure in the job-seeking process.

Unit 5

1. Big cities/Metropolitans are the last places that he wants to live in, since he cannot stand

up all the bustling and noises there.

2. The fast pace of modern life means people not having enough time for social connection,

hence the indifference develops.

3. Neighbours used to visit each other regularly in the past. But now they are used to

staying at home and rarely stay connected unless needed.

4. A light and harmonious environment has a positive effect on people’s physical and

mental health.

5. We should focus our attention on work rather than the complicated personal


Unit 8

. 虽然人们庆祝新年的方式不同,但有一个共同之处:都表达了对新年的美好祝愿,希望新年带来好运。(despite; in which)

 Despite the difference in the way people celebrate their New Year, one thing is (in)

common: they all express their good wishes for the New Year, hoping that it will bring them good luck.

 Though people celebrate the New Year in different ways, but there’s one thing in

common: they all express their good wishes for the New Year, hoping that the New Year will bring them good luck.

 每逢假期,天安门广场就十分拥挤。在所有景点前,游客都需要排队,轮流拍照。

(take it in turns)

 In each holiday, the Tiananmen Square is crowded. In front of every scenic spot, people

have to line up and take it in turns to take photos.

 现在,节假日出游需提前联系旅行社,以确定最好的旅游路线。(best possible)

 These days/Nowadays, we have to contact a travel agency in advance when we are

planning to go out for a holiday, so as to determine the best route possible.

 无论如何,我们都不应该让外来文化影响到中国传统文化在我们心目中的地位。


 In any case, we should not allow the foreign culture to have any influence whatsoever on

the position of Chinese traditional culture in our heart.

 平时因忙碌而疏于联络的朋友会在春节期间相互联系,互致问候。(get in touch)  Being in less contact due to busyness at ordinary times, friends will get (back) in touch

with each other in the Spring Festival and extend their greetings.


Part1:听力 (15%)

Part2:词汇 (10%)

Part3:阅读理解 (40%)

Part4:完形填空 (10%)

Part5:翻译 (15%)


E-C: (7%)--一篇小短文

Part6:作文 (10%)




Book 4 Unit 7

1. 要精通一门外语,唯一的方法就是一遍遍地联系。

To achieve a proficiency in a foreign language, there’s nothing for it but to practice again and again.

2. 很多汉语词汇有内涵意义,这对学习汉语的外国人来说是一大障碍。

Many Chinese words have their connotational meanings, which constitute a great obstacle to foreign learners of Chinese.

3. 勤奋弥补了他在英语方面的不足;仅用了一年的时间,他就可以用英语和外国人流利地


Diligence compensates for his incompetence in English; it takes mere one year before he can communicate fluently with foreigners.

4. 语言是动态的,是不断变化的,网络语言的出现就是一个很好的例子。

Language is dynamic and ever-changing, a case in point is the appearance of netspeak.

5. 中国文化是世界文化的瑰宝,其哲学、艺术、饮食、文学等对外国人都有很强的吸引力。

The Chinese culture is one of the great wonders of the word; its philosophy, art, food and literature enjoys great appeal to foreigners.

Book 4 Unit 5

1. 与传统的观念相反,男性之间也是说闲话的,只是他们说闲话的方式与女性不同而已。

Contrary to traditional belief, men also gossip with each other, it’s just that they gossip in a way different from women.

2. 女性能够准确地把握生活中的细节,而男性往往对细节不太在意。

While women could grasp the details in life, men usually care less about details.

3. 目前,全国女公务员人数约占公务员总数的三分之一。

Presently/currently, the number of female civil servants account for about one third in the total of civil servants across the country.

4. 这篇论文大致讨论的是女性与男性的思维方式有巨大的差别。

What the essay is discussing is to the effect that there’s great difference between the way women and men think.

5. 最近的一项调查显示,家务占用了女性大约50%的业余时间。

A recent investigation suggests that housework accounts for about 50% of the spare time of women.

Book 4 Unit 3

1. 他对时尚的东西有一种天生的抵制,因此和他谈时尚毫无疑义。

He has a natural resistance to fashion, so there’s no point talking about fashion with him.

2. 很多知名品牌是以设计师本人的名字命名的。

Many famous brands were named after their designers.

3. 过去的30年见证了中国经济的发展,也见证了时尚的变迁。

The past 30 years saw the development of Chinese economy as well as the transition of fashion.

4. 今年夏季的流行服装究竟会是什么,现在还很不清楚。

What kind of clothes will be fashionable in the coming summer remains unclear.

5. 有人认为,如今女性的穿着越来越暴露了,而相比之下,男性的穿着却很保守。

Some people think that nowadays women are exposing more and more of themselves from their manner of dressing, while in contrast men are dressing more conservatively.

Book 4 Unit 1

1. 尽管我在那家公司有机会升职,我仍然选择了离开,去从事我热爱的工作。

Although I could have been promoted in that company, I chose to leave in order to pursue a career that I love.

2. 你最先要遵从的不是你的老板,而是这个行业的规则。

The first thing you need to comply with is not your boss, but the rules of the industry.

3. 一份好的简历是找到工作的第一步,因此今天我们提出讨论的是如何写份好简历。

A well-prepared resume is the first step in finding a good job, so what we bring up for discussion today is how to write a good resume.

4. 人们工作往往是为了谋生,而不是出于爱好。

More often than not, people are working for the sake of earning a living rather than for their interest.

5. 据面试官反馈,大部分接受面试的毕业生都说不出他们能为公司做些什么。

According to the feedback from the interviewers, most of the graduates who attended the interview couldn’t make clear what they can contribute to the company.

Book 3 Unit 7

1. 说到科学发现,我们就会想起牛顿发现万有引力定律。这个例子告诉我们不要忽视生活


When it comes to scientific discovery, we will call to mind that Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation. This example tell us that we should not ignore the small things in life, which may give us inspiration.

2. 事实证明,不按照科学规律办事,是注定要失败的。

It is proved by facts that anyone who does not do things according to scientific laws is bound to fail.

3. 当遇到挫折时,人们往往抱怨自己命运不好,虽然抱怨并不能解决问题。

When setbacks crop up in life, people tend to complain about their fate, though complaining could not solve any problem.

4. 这一自然奇观至今没有科学的解释,这就是人们对它倍感好奇的原因。

The natural wonder has not had a scientific explanation so far; that’s the reason why people are so curious about it.

5. 后来的结果表明,他最初的判断是正确的。如果我们从开始就照着他的方法去做,这个


The subsequent outcome proves that his original judgment is correct. If we have done it according to his methods from the start, this technical problem may have been solved much earlier.

Unit 1

1. We don’t have to take judgments of us too personally in that not all of them are objective.

2. For the sake of his own development, he has changed quite some jobs, and finally found the most suitable position. But his experience does not apply to everyone.

3. Before you set up an objective for yourself, you have first to figure out what you really need. The more you understand your needs, the more easy it will get to set up feasible life objectives.

4. What most employers care is not the improvement of your personal ability, but how much contribution you can make to the company.

5. Whatever the outcome, don’t give up easily. Never underestimate your own ability just because of a single failure in the job-seeking process.

Unit 5

1. Big cities/Metropolitans are the last places that he wants to live in, since he cannot stand

up all the bustling and noises there.

2. The fast pace of modern life means people not having enough time for social connection,

hence the indifference develops.

3. Neighbours used to visit each other regularly in the past. But now they are used to

staying at home and rarely stay connected unless needed.

4. A light and harmonious environment has a positive effect on people’s physical and

mental health.

5. We should focus our attention on work rather than the complicated personal


Unit 8

. 虽然人们庆祝新年的方式不同,但有一个共同之处:都表达了对新年的美好祝愿,希望新年带来好运。(despite; in which)

 Despite the difference in the way people celebrate their New Year, one thing is (in)

common: they all express their good wishes for the New Year, hoping that it will bring them good luck.

 Though people celebrate the New Year in different ways, but there’s one thing in

common: they all express their good wishes for the New Year, hoping that the New Year will bring them good luck.

 每逢假期,天安门广场就十分拥挤。在所有景点前,游客都需要排队,轮流拍照。

(take it in turns)

 In each holiday, the Tiananmen Square is crowded. In front of every scenic spot, people

have to line up and take it in turns to take photos.

 现在,节假日出游需提前联系旅行社,以确定最好的旅游路线。(best possible)

 These days/Nowadays, we have to contact a travel agency in advance when we are

planning to go out for a holiday, so as to determine the best route possible.

 无论如何,我们都不应该让外来文化影响到中国传统文化在我们心目中的地位。


 In any case, we should not allow the foreign culture to have any influence whatsoever on

the position of Chinese traditional culture in our heart.

 平时因忙碌而疏于联络的朋友会在春节期间相互联系,互致问候。(get in touch)  Being in less contact due to busyness at ordinary times, friends will get (back) in touch

with each other in the Spring Festival and extend their greetings.


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