
语言教学的六个基本概念 鲁子问

语言教学的六个基本概念:语境、真实、过程、反思、互动、整合早在1997年,明尼苏达大学的Diane J. Tedick在 Proficiency-OrientedLanguage Instruction and Assessment (POLIA) Curriculum Handbook for Teachers一书的导言中总结了语言教学的六个基本概念(basic concepts ):语境、真实、过程、反思、互动整合。至今依然很有启发,因为总在修改各种设计,大多数问题都是语境、真实性、过程方面的问题。故而,趁半分闲,炒一碗现饭(方言,意指现成的饭,剩饭的意思)。

Contextualization of grammar involves teaching grammar in context , that is embedded in meaningful language use for real communicative purposes; grammar that is presented in context enhances meaning; contextualized teaching

recognizes that meaning changes depending upon the context in which it occurs. Authenticity of Text and Task—authentic texts and tasks reflect the intention of a real communicative purpose for a real audience.

Process —language acquisition (be it first, second, or third...) is an ongoing process that requires a great deal of time, patience, thought, effort, and encouragement. Recognition of the nature of this process needs to guide instruction and assessment.

Reflection —both teachers and students need time for deliberate thought, or reflection.

Interaction —learners must use language in meaningful interaction in order to learn it.

Integration —an integrative approach to language teaching sees the connection of languages and cultures to what we do, how we think, and who we are

of the four modalities —creating classroom activities that require students to use language within two or more of the four modalities, with attention to how those modalities work within the framework of communicative modes, helps to reinforce the concepts being emphasized.

of language and content—language must be integrated with content, be it other academic subject matters or cultural themes. A content-based approach to

language teaching emphasizes language use; language structures are emphasized in the context of that use. Language classrooms must become places where students and teachers understand themselves as cultural beings and begin to discover the complexity of the concept of culture as they view cultures both within and outside of the U.S. from a number of perspectives.

语言教学的六个基本概念 鲁子问

语言教学的六个基本概念:语境、真实、过程、反思、互动、整合早在1997年,明尼苏达大学的Diane J. Tedick在 Proficiency-OrientedLanguage Instruction and Assessment (POLIA) Curriculum Handbook for Teachers一书的导言中总结了语言教学的六个基本概念(basic concepts ):语境、真实、过程、反思、互动整合。至今依然很有启发,因为总在修改各种设计,大多数问题都是语境、真实性、过程方面的问题。故而,趁半分闲,炒一碗现饭(方言,意指现成的饭,剩饭的意思)。

Contextualization of grammar involves teaching grammar in context , that is embedded in meaningful language use for real communicative purposes; grammar that is presented in context enhances meaning; contextualized teaching

recognizes that meaning changes depending upon the context in which it occurs. Authenticity of Text and Task—authentic texts and tasks reflect the intention of a real communicative purpose for a real audience.

Process —language acquisition (be it first, second, or third...) is an ongoing process that requires a great deal of time, patience, thought, effort, and encouragement. Recognition of the nature of this process needs to guide instruction and assessment.

Reflection —both teachers and students need time for deliberate thought, or reflection.

Interaction —learners must use language in meaningful interaction in order to learn it.

Integration —an integrative approach to language teaching sees the connection of languages and cultures to what we do, how we think, and who we are

of the four modalities —creating classroom activities that require students to use language within two or more of the four modalities, with attention to how those modalities work within the framework of communicative modes, helps to reinforce the concepts being emphasized.

of language and content—language must be integrated with content, be it other academic subject matters or cultural themes. A content-based approach to

language teaching emphasizes language use; language structures are emphasized in the context of that use. Language classrooms must become places where students and teachers understand themselves as cultural beings and begin to discover the complexity of the concept of culture as they view cultures both within and outside of the U.S. from a number of perspectives.


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