
三年级英语第五单元试题 班级 姓名


二、写出下列单词或词组的汉语意思。 1.table tennis________ 2.pass_________ 3.mum________ 4.like________ 5.skipping ____ 6.noodles_________ 7.apple_________ 8.football ________ 9.rice



( ) 1.A.bike B. song C. car

( ) 2.A.noodles B. rice C. pear

( ) 3.A.apple B. meat C. banana

( ) 4.A.basketball B. banana C. football

( ) 5.A.skipping B. fish C. swimming


( )1.─Pass me the rice, please.--

A. Here you are . B. No, I don’t C. Here they

are. ( ) 2. Daming like bananas?

A. Do B. Does C. Is ( )3.What are they? They are A .monkey B.

monkeys ( ) 4.---Does Lingling like fish? ---

A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, she does. C. No, he does

( ) 5. A: Do you like table tennis? B: ________________

A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, I am. C. No, I don’t.

( )6.That monkey big and fat. A .is B .are


( )1. Pass me the rice, please. A. Yes, he does.

( )2. Does Tingting like fish? B. Here you are.

( )3. Does Daming like bananas? C. No, I don’t.

( )4. What do you like? D. No, she doesn’t.

( )5. Do you like noodles? E. I like milk.


1. rice 2. meat 3. football 4. fish 5. apple

6. orange 7. pear 8. basketball 9. banana 10. swimming 11. noodles 12. skipping 13. riding bikes




( )1.favourite song a.骑自行车

( )2.ride a bike b. 去上学

( )3.go to school c.最喜欢的歌

( )4.on Mondays d.在周一

( )5.two years old e.两岁

( )6.here you are f.在下午

( )7.in the afternoon g.给你


A. fish B. bananas C. meat D. apples E. milk F. pears G. rice H. oranges

Hello, I am Sam. I like _____ (肉) I like ______(橘子). I don’t like______(鱼). I don’t like______ (香蕉). My little brother is Tom. He likes ______ (牛奶) and _______ (苹果) . He doesn’t like______(梨). He doesn’t like______ (米饭).

九、 情景反应。(20分)

( )1.Sam在做作业时,其中有道题是这样的:“I的小写字母怎样

写?” A.l B. i

( )2.玲玲回答艾米说:“我最喜欢的玩具是风筝。”用英语说应该是:

A. My favourite song is ABC song. B. My favourite toy is a kite.

( ) 3. Amy 告诉 Sam:“ 我最喜欢的颜色是红色。”用英语说应该是:

A. My favourite colour is red. B. My favourite colour is blue.

( ) 4.玲玲指着猴子对大明说:“它们是小的。”用英语应该怎么说:

A. They’re big. B. They’re small.

( )5.你想问大明“下午干什么?”,你应该这么说:

A.What does Daming do in the afternoon?

B.What do you do in the afternoon?

三年级英语第五单元试题 班级 姓名


二、写出下列单词或词组的汉语意思。 1.table tennis________ 2.pass_________ 3.mum________ 4.like________ 5.skipping ____ 6.noodles_________ 7.apple_________ 8.football ________ 9.rice



( ) 1.A.bike B. song C. car

( ) 2.A.noodles B. rice C. pear

( ) 3.A.apple B. meat C. banana

( ) 4.A.basketball B. banana C. football

( ) 5.A.skipping B. fish C. swimming


( )1.─Pass me the rice, please.--

A. Here you are . B. No, I don’t C. Here they

are. ( ) 2. Daming like bananas?

A. Do B. Does C. Is ( )3.What are they? They are A .monkey B.

monkeys ( ) 4.---Does Lingling like fish? ---

A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, she does. C. No, he does

( ) 5. A: Do you like table tennis? B: ________________

A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, I am. C. No, I don’t.

( )6.That monkey big and fat. A .is B .are


( )1. Pass me the rice, please. A. Yes, he does.

( )2. Does Tingting like fish? B. Here you are.

( )3. Does Daming like bananas? C. No, I don’t.

( )4. What do you like? D. No, she doesn’t.

( )5. Do you like noodles? E. I like milk.


1. rice 2. meat 3. football 4. fish 5. apple

6. orange 7. pear 8. basketball 9. banana 10. swimming 11. noodles 12. skipping 13. riding bikes




( )1.favourite song a.骑自行车

( )2.ride a bike b. 去上学

( )3.go to school c.最喜欢的歌

( )4.on Mondays d.在周一

( )5.two years old e.两岁

( )6.here you are f.在下午

( )7.in the afternoon g.给你


A. fish B. bananas C. meat D. apples E. milk F. pears G. rice H. oranges

Hello, I am Sam. I like _____ (肉) I like ______(橘子). I don’t like______(鱼). I don’t like______ (香蕉). My little brother is Tom. He likes ______ (牛奶) and _______ (苹果) . He doesn’t like______(梨). He doesn’t like______ (米饭).

九、 情景反应。(20分)

( )1.Sam在做作业时,其中有道题是这样的:“I的小写字母怎样

写?” A.l B. i

( )2.玲玲回答艾米说:“我最喜欢的玩具是风筝。”用英语说应该是:

A. My favourite song is ABC song. B. My favourite toy is a kite.

( ) 3. Amy 告诉 Sam:“ 我最喜欢的颜色是红色。”用英语说应该是:

A. My favourite colour is red. B. My favourite colour is blue.

( ) 4.玲玲指着猴子对大明说:“它们是小的。”用英语应该怎么说:

A. They’re big. B. They’re small.

( )5.你想问大明“下午干什么?”,你应该这么说:

A.What does Daming do in the afternoon?

B.What do you do in the afternoon?


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