
3.3.5 小班 Unit 1 Good morning

Teaching aims

1.words: morning 早晨;night 夜晚;sun 太阳;moon 月亮

Ability Aims :掌握本单元单词

教法及教具:讲解法, 游戏法 竞赛法 VCD 点读笔 贴画 眼罩

Teaching process:

1.Greeting : Hello ,everyone Good morning How are you Nice to meet you

2.warm up :


4.New : Look at the VCD, look carefully what can you see?(卡片) find a child to touch it .

What is it ? Do you know ? very good 点读笔跟读

Game :thumb game read together

Look . what’s this ? listen , carefully who know ? 图片:who can ?what’s this ? yes! perfect follow me

Game : look back review:快乐奔跑

Look here , you know? (there times)

Game: wooden man read , one by one

look at picture (反拿卡片) . Have a look 点读笔发音 自己辨认

find a little teacher .game : get on the train read after me good Review :跳卡片 Read the four words

5.Homework : 看实物说出英文单词


中班 Unit 1 Clothes

Teaching aims

1.words: hat帽子,coat 外套,sweater 毛衣,pants 裤子,shoes 鞋子

Ability Aims :掌握本单元单词

教法及教具:讲解法, 游戏法 竞赛法 VCD 点读笔 贴画 眼罩

Teaching process:

1.Greeting : Hello ,everyone Good morning How are you Nice to meet you

2.warm up :


4.New : Look at the VCD, look carefully what can you see?(VCD) find a child to touch it .

What is it ? Do you know Let ’s count very good 点读笔跟读 Game :thumb game read together

look . what’s this ? listen , carefully who know ? 图片:who can ?what’s this ? yes! perfect follow me game : look back review:快乐奔跑

Look here , it’s three you know? (there times) game: wooden man read , one by one look at picture (反拿卡片) . Have a look 点读笔发音 自己辨认 find a little teacher .game : get on the train read after me good Review :跳卡片 Read the four words

Review the songs follow the VCD(twice )

5.Homework : 表演我们所学习的歌曲。

教后记:中班这次纪律很一般,检查了一下 单词掌握的还是不错的。

大班 Unit 1 Go to Beijing

Teaching aims

1. words: bike 自行车;bus 公交车;car 汽车;plane 飞机;train 火车

2.Ability Aims :掌握本单元单词

教法及教具:讲解法, 游戏法 竞赛法 VCD 点读笔 贴画 眼罩

Teaching process:

1.Greeting : Hello ,everyone Good morning How are you ? Nice to meet you

2.warm up :


4.4.New : Look at the VCD, look carefully.

What can you see?(VCD) Find a child to touch it .

What is it ? Do you know ? very good 点读笔跟读

Game :thumb game read together

:After . Look . What’s this ?

Listen carefully Who know ? 图片:Who can ?What’s this ?

Yes! Perfect! Follow me

Game : look back Review:快乐奔跑

: Look here , Do you know?

Game : three times wooden man

Read , one by one

: Look at picture (反拿卡片) . Have a look 点读笔发音 自己辨认 Find a little teacher .Game : get on the train

Read after me Good! Review :跳卡片 Read the four words

Review the songs follow the VCD(twice )

5.Homework : 表演我们所学习的歌曲。


3.3.5 小班 Unit 1 Good morning

Teaching aims

1.words: morning 早晨;night 夜晚;sun 太阳;moon 月亮

Ability Aims :掌握本单元单词

教法及教具:讲解法, 游戏法 竞赛法 VCD 点读笔 贴画 眼罩

Teaching process:

1.Greeting : Hello ,everyone Good morning How are you Nice to meet you

2.warm up :


4.New : Look at the VCD, look carefully what can you see?(卡片) find a child to touch it .

What is it ? Do you know ? very good 点读笔跟读

Game :thumb game read together

Look . what’s this ? listen , carefully who know ? 图片:who can ?what’s this ? yes! perfect follow me

Game : look back review:快乐奔跑

Look here , you know? (there times)

Game: wooden man read , one by one

look at picture (反拿卡片) . Have a look 点读笔发音 自己辨认

find a little teacher .game : get on the train read after me good Review :跳卡片 Read the four words

5.Homework : 看实物说出英文单词


中班 Unit 1 Clothes

Teaching aims

1.words: hat帽子,coat 外套,sweater 毛衣,pants 裤子,shoes 鞋子

Ability Aims :掌握本单元单词

教法及教具:讲解法, 游戏法 竞赛法 VCD 点读笔 贴画 眼罩

Teaching process:

1.Greeting : Hello ,everyone Good morning How are you Nice to meet you

2.warm up :


4.New : Look at the VCD, look carefully what can you see?(VCD) find a child to touch it .

What is it ? Do you know Let ’s count very good 点读笔跟读 Game :thumb game read together

look . what’s this ? listen , carefully who know ? 图片:who can ?what’s this ? yes! perfect follow me game : look back review:快乐奔跑

Look here , it’s three you know? (there times) game: wooden man read , one by one look at picture (反拿卡片) . Have a look 点读笔发音 自己辨认 find a little teacher .game : get on the train read after me good Review :跳卡片 Read the four words

Review the songs follow the VCD(twice )

5.Homework : 表演我们所学习的歌曲。

教后记:中班这次纪律很一般,检查了一下 单词掌握的还是不错的。

大班 Unit 1 Go to Beijing

Teaching aims

1. words: bike 自行车;bus 公交车;car 汽车;plane 飞机;train 火车

2.Ability Aims :掌握本单元单词

教法及教具:讲解法, 游戏法 竞赛法 VCD 点读笔 贴画 眼罩

Teaching process:

1.Greeting : Hello ,everyone Good morning How are you ? Nice to meet you

2.warm up :


4.4.New : Look at the VCD, look carefully.

What can you see?(VCD) Find a child to touch it .

What is it ? Do you know ? very good 点读笔跟读

Game :thumb game read together

:After . Look . What’s this ?

Listen carefully Who know ? 图片:Who can ?What’s this ?

Yes! Perfect! Follow me

Game : look back Review:快乐奔跑

: Look here , Do you know?

Game : three times wooden man

Read , one by one

: Look at picture (反拿卡片) . Have a look 点读笔发音 自己辨认 Find a little teacher .Game : get on the train

Read after me Good! Review :跳卡片 Read the four words

Review the songs follow the VCD(twice )

5.Homework : 表演我们所学习的歌曲。



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