
摘 要


关键词:悲剧; 黑暗的社会; 自身性格; 他人影响


《Rickshaw Boy》describes the tough destiny of a rickshaw puller in Beiping——Xiangzi, who gradually lost the qualities of honesty and was reduced to a “beast” at last after his hard work and struggle. This story happened in the 1920s and 1930s. Xiangzi’s experience is only one epitome of the whole social life and reflects the miserable life of the lower people. It also makes people think about the complicated reasons for this phenomenon. This article will explore the causes of Xiangzi’s tragedy in the aspects of dark society, his own personalities and influences from others for better understanding of the society and history at that time.

Keywords: tragedy; dark society; his personalities; influences from others


摘 要 ........................................................ I Abstract ....................................................... II Contents ...................................................... III

1 Introduction .................................................. 1

2 Dark Society .................................................. 2

2.1 People in society .............................................. 2

2.2 Influences of dark society ....................................... 2

2.2.1 Mutinous soldiers .................................... 2

2.2.2 Government detectives ................................ 3

3 Xiangzi’s Personalities ...................................... 4

3.1 Decisive effect of personalities ................................... 4

3.2 Optimistic and blind ........................................... 4

3.3 Diligent and conservative ....................................... 4

4 Influences from Others ........................................ 6

4.1 Social animals ................................................ 6

4.2 Huniu ....................................................... 6

4.3 Xiaofuzi .................................................... 6

5 Conclusion .................................................... 8

Acknowledgements ................................................ 9

Bibliography ................................................... 10

1 Introduction

《Rickshaw Boy》is a monumental work in literature that written by Laoshe——the great writer in Chinese history. Created against the background of life of citizens in Beijing in late 1920s, centered on the unfortunate experience of a rickshaw puller, this novel exposed the darkness of old China, denounced the exploitation and oppression of ruling class, and displayed the writer’s deep sympathy for laboring people. Now it still has a significant impact on society. The classic character causes people to think deeply about the factors in the tragedy. According to previous researches, the dark society is the root of the tragedy and Xiangzi’s personalities play a significant role. Based on the research of the social environment and human nature and in consideration of previous studies, this paper will throw light on this question in the aspects of the dark society, Xiangzi’s personalities and influences from others. However, it just provides a direction for future research, and there is still big space for people to explore the reasons for Xiangzi’s tragedy.

2 Dark Society

2.1 People in society

One who lives in society will in turn be restricted by society. It is by the social environment, status and relationships that his life is determined. The figure of Xiangzi was embodied in all kinds of complicated social relationships, and his tragedy was mainly the product of the dark society that he belonged to.

2.2 Influences of dark society

Xiangzi was in a strong, sick and evil society with mutinous soldiers and government detectives. He couldn’t contend with this villainous society with his own strength, so it is inevitable for him to be the victim of such a society.

2.2.1 Mutinous soldiers

In the 1920s, wars between warlords broke out in China. As the political center of North China, Beiping was also in the flames of war. It was a common occurrence that those mutinous soldiers kept killing, burning and looting. People lived in an abyss of misery, and their lives were filled with untold suffering.

Xiangzi used to be a peasant, and he rented a rickshaw from a company after he went broke. He hoped that one day he could own a new rickshaw. Finally, he realized his dream by three years’ hard work. But unfortunately, his rickshaw was robbed by soldiers, and Xiangzi himself was locked up in the barrack with his clothes, shoes and hat gone. What left him was only anger and sadness. It didn’t matter to lose his clothes, but his rickshaw was gone! “Xiangzi cried. He hated not only those loathsome soldiers but also everything in the world!”

This is the first time Xiangzi lost his rickshaw. The dark military system, greedy warlords and mutinous soldiers should be responsible for it.

2.2.2 Government detectives

During the period when the Nationalist Party dominated China, spies and detectives ran wild, and the whole society was shrouded in a jittery atmosphere. What’s worse, those detectives often extorted money from people, which made it harder for them to live a normal life.

Mr. Cao——Xiangzi’s customer——was betrayed by his student, and he was slandered to propagate radicalism among young students. One night Xiangzi and Mr. Cao were followed by Detective Sun on their way home. Mr. Cao asked Xiangzi to inform his wife after hiding in a friend’s home. But Sun captured Xiangzi and threatened him with putting him in jail. Xiangzi had to give all his money with which he planned to buy a new rickshaw to the detective to save himself. As a matter of fact, Sun intended to blackmail Mr. Cao, but at last it was Xiangzi who became the sacrifice. “Xiangzi wanted to find a place to stay for a while to recall what had happened so that he could cry for himself.”

Detective Sun represented demonic forces of the dark society, and he was just one of those countless bullies. His appearance smashed Xiangzi’s dream into pieces again. Xiangzi realized that there existing unfair and unexpected things in the world, which made basis for his change afterwards.

3 Xiangzi’s Personalities

3.1 Decisive effect of personalities

Success and failure are related to one’s personalities. Objective conditions are not optional, however, personalities like attitudes towards surroundings can be shaped. Different personalities decide different destinies. Xiangzi’s tragedy was also caused by his contradictory personalities: optimistic and blind, diligent and conservative.

3.2 Optimistic and blind

Xiangzi was so confident in himself and his body that he believed that his dream would come true one day. He ignored that it was far from enough to reach his goal with his confidence and optimism.

Regardless of the rumor that mutinous soldiers were robbing rickshaws, Xiangzi insisted on working. “His body made him believe that even though they caught him, he would get around. He couldn’t suffer much, after all, he was so tall and strong!” If Xiangzi hadn’t been over optimistic, he wouldn’t have lost his rickshaw.

After he got ill, he not only refused to take medicine but also kept on working. This led his health to be worse and worse.

Xiangzi got into trouble because of his blindness for many times, and it pulled him away from his dream. He still firmly believed what he thought was right, then he suffered defeats and became frustrated, disappointed, angry, desperate, finally, turned into a beast.

3.3 Diligent and conservative

After Xiangzi went to Beiping, he put all his heart into working and wanted to live a better life through physical work. He was diligent but conservative at the same time. He didn’t want to change his life style but regarded this to be “the most glorious

thing in the world”.

When other people advised him to practice usury or deposit his money in the bank, he thought it was the safest way to keep money with him. The conservative thoughts had token root in his mind.

Xiangzi could have avoided being blackmailed by Detective Sun, it was his conservation that pushed him into the mighty chasm.

4 Influences from Others

4.1 Social animals

Human beings are social animals. Once existing in society, it’s inescapable to contact with others and be affected by them. Even a word, an eye contact, or a conversation can make a difference. During the process Xiangzi became degraded, many people had effect on him.

4.2 Huniu

Huniu was an important factor of corrupting Xiangzi’s mind. She kept the habit of exploiting class——indolent, avaricious and calculating. Huniu represented those institutions which would fetter people, just like a chronic corrosive. She controlled and changed Xiangzi’s mind as time went on.

Huniu didn’t love Xiangzi but regarded him as a tool to satisfy her desire. They had different life ideals. Xiangzi wanted to stand on his own feet, while Huniu hoped that she could possess her father’s money. She cheated Xiangzi that she had been pregnant, and he had to put his dream aside and live a dull life. After she died, Xiangzi sold his third rickshaw to bury her.

The heavy marriage burden nearly bore Xiangzi down. He lost his rickshaw again and was desperate to live. Huniu aggravated Xiangzi’s tragic destiny.

4.3 Xiaofuzi

When Xiangzi got deep into the miserable marriage, Xiaofuzi enriched his life.

Even through she was a prostitute, she cared about him, and “she was the most beautiful woman in his mind.” She was his last hope in this dirty world.

He left her to make a living, but when he came back to look for her, he was told that Xiaofuzi had died because she couldn’t bear the life in the brothel. Xiangzi was thoroughly destroyed, “He didn’t think of and hope anything, and he knew that he was just like a dog.”

Xiangzi’s heart was taken away, he began to cheat, steal, even betray friends for money. He cared about nothing.

5 Conclusion

《Rickshaw Boy》reveals how a healthy human nature is distorted in the monstrous

urban civilization. The research on causes of Xiangzi’s tragedy still has a practical

significance. It guides people to think about the relationship between individuals and


What Xiangzi wanted was to own his rickshaw, and he only pursued his own

happiness and blessedness. He was so shortsighted that he couldn’t see himself and the

surroundings clearly. Unaware of social environment, he was always in a helpless

struggle. Additionally, the dark forces Xiangzi was faced with were too strong to get rid

of. It proves that it is hard for laborers like Xiangzi to change their destinies only by

individual strength.

Human beings are thinking animals that should have dreams and pursuit. But

pursuit is a changing process, it varies with circumstances. People lost their way easily

without knowing how to stick to their dreams.


I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Leng Xuefei, for her continual help and guidance in every stage of the writing of this thesis. Without her impressive patience and enlightening instruction, this thesis couldn’t have reached its present form. She is always severe with herself but lenient towards others. It is her broad mind and cautious attitude that has inspired me to make progress. My appreciation to her is beyond words.

I shall extend my heartfelt thanks to all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence. They have instructed and helped me a lot.

My thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me. They are always my power and strong backing.

I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my classmates who have listened to me, helped me and kept me company for so long.


[1] Boatner, Maxine Tull. Courage and Defeat in China [N]. The Hartford Courant.


[2] Brede, Alexander. Book Reviews [J]. Far Eastern Quarterly, 1946,(5-3).

[3] Burger, Nash K. Life and Death in a Chinese City [N]. The New York Times, 1945-07-29.

[4] Butcher, Fanny. A Rickshaw Boy’s Struggle to Get Ahead in The World [N]. Chicago Daily Tribune, 1945-07-29.

[5] Canby, Henry Seidel. Rickshaw Boy [J]. Book-of-the Month Club News, 1945, (7).

[6] Warner, Langdon. Rickshaw Boy [J]. The Atlantic, 1945, (9).

[7] 房福贤,魏建,张勇. 中国现当代作家作品研究学习指导[M]. 山东人民出版社,2009.5

[8] 刘明,石兴泽. 老舍评传[M]. 中国社会出版社,2005.7

[9] 李遇春,王泽龙. 中国现代文学经典作品选讲(上)[M]. 华中师范大学出版社,2009.9

[10] 舒乙. 老舍小说精编[M]. 漓江出版社,2005.7

摘 要


关键词:悲剧; 黑暗的社会; 自身性格; 他人影响


《Rickshaw Boy》describes the tough destiny of a rickshaw puller in Beiping——Xiangzi, who gradually lost the qualities of honesty and was reduced to a “beast” at last after his hard work and struggle. This story happened in the 1920s and 1930s. Xiangzi’s experience is only one epitome of the whole social life and reflects the miserable life of the lower people. It also makes people think about the complicated reasons for this phenomenon. This article will explore the causes of Xiangzi’s tragedy in the aspects of dark society, his own personalities and influences from others for better understanding of the society and history at that time.

Keywords: tragedy; dark society; his personalities; influences from others


摘 要 ........................................................ I Abstract ....................................................... II Contents ...................................................... III

1 Introduction .................................................. 1

2 Dark Society .................................................. 2

2.1 People in society .............................................. 2

2.2 Influences of dark society ....................................... 2

2.2.1 Mutinous soldiers .................................... 2

2.2.2 Government detectives ................................ 3

3 Xiangzi’s Personalities ...................................... 4

3.1 Decisive effect of personalities ................................... 4

3.2 Optimistic and blind ........................................... 4

3.3 Diligent and conservative ....................................... 4

4 Influences from Others ........................................ 6

4.1 Social animals ................................................ 6

4.2 Huniu ....................................................... 6

4.3 Xiaofuzi .................................................... 6

5 Conclusion .................................................... 8

Acknowledgements ................................................ 9

Bibliography ................................................... 10

1 Introduction

《Rickshaw Boy》is a monumental work in literature that written by Laoshe——the great writer in Chinese history. Created against the background of life of citizens in Beijing in late 1920s, centered on the unfortunate experience of a rickshaw puller, this novel exposed the darkness of old China, denounced the exploitation and oppression of ruling class, and displayed the writer’s deep sympathy for laboring people. Now it still has a significant impact on society. The classic character causes people to think deeply about the factors in the tragedy. According to previous researches, the dark society is the root of the tragedy and Xiangzi’s personalities play a significant role. Based on the research of the social environment and human nature and in consideration of previous studies, this paper will throw light on this question in the aspects of the dark society, Xiangzi’s personalities and influences from others. However, it just provides a direction for future research, and there is still big space for people to explore the reasons for Xiangzi’s tragedy.

2 Dark Society

2.1 People in society

One who lives in society will in turn be restricted by society. It is by the social environment, status and relationships that his life is determined. The figure of Xiangzi was embodied in all kinds of complicated social relationships, and his tragedy was mainly the product of the dark society that he belonged to.

2.2 Influences of dark society

Xiangzi was in a strong, sick and evil society with mutinous soldiers and government detectives. He couldn’t contend with this villainous society with his own strength, so it is inevitable for him to be the victim of such a society.

2.2.1 Mutinous soldiers

In the 1920s, wars between warlords broke out in China. As the political center of North China, Beiping was also in the flames of war. It was a common occurrence that those mutinous soldiers kept killing, burning and looting. People lived in an abyss of misery, and their lives were filled with untold suffering.

Xiangzi used to be a peasant, and he rented a rickshaw from a company after he went broke. He hoped that one day he could own a new rickshaw. Finally, he realized his dream by three years’ hard work. But unfortunately, his rickshaw was robbed by soldiers, and Xiangzi himself was locked up in the barrack with his clothes, shoes and hat gone. What left him was only anger and sadness. It didn’t matter to lose his clothes, but his rickshaw was gone! “Xiangzi cried. He hated not only those loathsome soldiers but also everything in the world!”

This is the first time Xiangzi lost his rickshaw. The dark military system, greedy warlords and mutinous soldiers should be responsible for it.

2.2.2 Government detectives

During the period when the Nationalist Party dominated China, spies and detectives ran wild, and the whole society was shrouded in a jittery atmosphere. What’s worse, those detectives often extorted money from people, which made it harder for them to live a normal life.

Mr. Cao——Xiangzi’s customer——was betrayed by his student, and he was slandered to propagate radicalism among young students. One night Xiangzi and Mr. Cao were followed by Detective Sun on their way home. Mr. Cao asked Xiangzi to inform his wife after hiding in a friend’s home. But Sun captured Xiangzi and threatened him with putting him in jail. Xiangzi had to give all his money with which he planned to buy a new rickshaw to the detective to save himself. As a matter of fact, Sun intended to blackmail Mr. Cao, but at last it was Xiangzi who became the sacrifice. “Xiangzi wanted to find a place to stay for a while to recall what had happened so that he could cry for himself.”

Detective Sun represented demonic forces of the dark society, and he was just one of those countless bullies. His appearance smashed Xiangzi’s dream into pieces again. Xiangzi realized that there existing unfair and unexpected things in the world, which made basis for his change afterwards.

3 Xiangzi’s Personalities

3.1 Decisive effect of personalities

Success and failure are related to one’s personalities. Objective conditions are not optional, however, personalities like attitudes towards surroundings can be shaped. Different personalities decide different destinies. Xiangzi’s tragedy was also caused by his contradictory personalities: optimistic and blind, diligent and conservative.

3.2 Optimistic and blind

Xiangzi was so confident in himself and his body that he believed that his dream would come true one day. He ignored that it was far from enough to reach his goal with his confidence and optimism.

Regardless of the rumor that mutinous soldiers were robbing rickshaws, Xiangzi insisted on working. “His body made him believe that even though they caught him, he would get around. He couldn’t suffer much, after all, he was so tall and strong!” If Xiangzi hadn’t been over optimistic, he wouldn’t have lost his rickshaw.

After he got ill, he not only refused to take medicine but also kept on working. This led his health to be worse and worse.

Xiangzi got into trouble because of his blindness for many times, and it pulled him away from his dream. He still firmly believed what he thought was right, then he suffered defeats and became frustrated, disappointed, angry, desperate, finally, turned into a beast.

3.3 Diligent and conservative

After Xiangzi went to Beiping, he put all his heart into working and wanted to live a better life through physical work. He was diligent but conservative at the same time. He didn’t want to change his life style but regarded this to be “the most glorious

thing in the world”.

When other people advised him to practice usury or deposit his money in the bank, he thought it was the safest way to keep money with him. The conservative thoughts had token root in his mind.

Xiangzi could have avoided being blackmailed by Detective Sun, it was his conservation that pushed him into the mighty chasm.

4 Influences from Others

4.1 Social animals

Human beings are social animals. Once existing in society, it’s inescapable to contact with others and be affected by them. Even a word, an eye contact, or a conversation can make a difference. During the process Xiangzi became degraded, many people had effect on him.

4.2 Huniu

Huniu was an important factor of corrupting Xiangzi’s mind. She kept the habit of exploiting class——indolent, avaricious and calculating. Huniu represented those institutions which would fetter people, just like a chronic corrosive. She controlled and changed Xiangzi’s mind as time went on.

Huniu didn’t love Xiangzi but regarded him as a tool to satisfy her desire. They had different life ideals. Xiangzi wanted to stand on his own feet, while Huniu hoped that she could possess her father’s money. She cheated Xiangzi that she had been pregnant, and he had to put his dream aside and live a dull life. After she died, Xiangzi sold his third rickshaw to bury her.

The heavy marriage burden nearly bore Xiangzi down. He lost his rickshaw again and was desperate to live. Huniu aggravated Xiangzi’s tragic destiny.

4.3 Xiaofuzi

When Xiangzi got deep into the miserable marriage, Xiaofuzi enriched his life.

Even through she was a prostitute, she cared about him, and “she was the most beautiful woman in his mind.” She was his last hope in this dirty world.

He left her to make a living, but when he came back to look for her, he was told that Xiaofuzi had died because she couldn’t bear the life in the brothel. Xiangzi was thoroughly destroyed, “He didn’t think of and hope anything, and he knew that he was just like a dog.”

Xiangzi’s heart was taken away, he began to cheat, steal, even betray friends for money. He cared about nothing.

5 Conclusion

《Rickshaw Boy》reveals how a healthy human nature is distorted in the monstrous

urban civilization. The research on causes of Xiangzi’s tragedy still has a practical

significance. It guides people to think about the relationship between individuals and


What Xiangzi wanted was to own his rickshaw, and he only pursued his own

happiness and blessedness. He was so shortsighted that he couldn’t see himself and the

surroundings clearly. Unaware of social environment, he was always in a helpless

struggle. Additionally, the dark forces Xiangzi was faced with were too strong to get rid

of. It proves that it is hard for laborers like Xiangzi to change their destinies only by

individual strength.

Human beings are thinking animals that should have dreams and pursuit. But

pursuit is a changing process, it varies with circumstances. People lost their way easily

without knowing how to stick to their dreams.


I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Leng Xuefei, for her continual help and guidance in every stage of the writing of this thesis. Without her impressive patience and enlightening instruction, this thesis couldn’t have reached its present form. She is always severe with herself but lenient towards others. It is her broad mind and cautious attitude that has inspired me to make progress. My appreciation to her is beyond words.

I shall extend my heartfelt thanks to all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence. They have instructed and helped me a lot.

My thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me. They are always my power and strong backing.

I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my classmates who have listened to me, helped me and kept me company for so long.


[1] Boatner, Maxine Tull. Courage and Defeat in China [N]. The Hartford Courant.


[2] Brede, Alexander. Book Reviews [J]. Far Eastern Quarterly, 1946,(5-3).

[3] Burger, Nash K. Life and Death in a Chinese City [N]. The New York Times, 1945-07-29.

[4] Butcher, Fanny. A Rickshaw Boy’s Struggle to Get Ahead in The World [N]. Chicago Daily Tribune, 1945-07-29.

[5] Canby, Henry Seidel. Rickshaw Boy [J]. Book-of-the Month Club News, 1945, (7).

[6] Warner, Langdon. Rickshaw Boy [J]. The Atlantic, 1945, (9).

[7] 房福贤,魏建,张勇. 中国现当代作家作品研究学习指导[M]. 山东人民出版社,2009.5

[8] 刘明,石兴泽. 老舍评传[M]. 中国社会出版社,2005.7

[9] 李遇春,王泽龙. 中国现代文学经典作品选讲(上)[M]. 华中师范大学出版社,2009.9

[10] 舒乙. 老舍小说精编[M]. 漓江出版社,2005.7


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