

helen keller

hello,my name is vivian.today i’ll tell you a story about helen keller.

helen keller was an amercian writer ,she was born in 1880.she was deaf-blind because she had a disease when she was 1 year old.but with the help of her teacher anne sullivan,she learned to talk with

her fingers,speak,write and read the books for blinders.she became a student of harvard university and she became a great writer.she died in 1968.

now,i’ll tell you the story about her.one day ,in the

afternoon,helen and mrs sullivan had a dispute of the word “cup”and “water”.mrs sullivan wanted helen to know

“cup”is”cup”,”water”is”water”.but helen couldn't understand the difference between”cup”and “water”.she thought”water”could be “cup”and”cup”could be “water”.mrs sullivan had not ideas ,so she let helen praciece the word “doll”and touch the doll with

helen’s fingers. helen was angry and bored,she threw the doll to the ground.then ,mrs sullivan and helen went out to play.when mrs sullivan washed helen’s hands,the water was flowing on helen’s

hands.mrs sullivan wrote the word ‘water’on helen’s hand.she wrote many times,helen knew the water was flowing on her hands and

understood the meaning of the word”water”suddenly.in the same

way,helen learnd many many new words.finaly she became a great writer. this is my story, thank you .


helen keller

hello,my name is vivian.today i’ll tell you a story about helen keller.

helen keller was an amercian writer ,she was born in 1880.she was deaf-blind because she had a disease when she was 1 year old.but with the help of her teacher anne sullivan,she learned to talk with

her fingers,speak,write and read the books for blinders.she became a student of harvard university and she became a great writer.she died in 1968.

now,i’ll tell you the story about her.one day ,in the

afternoon,helen and mrs sullivan had a dispute of the word “cup”and “water”.mrs sullivan wanted helen to know

“cup”is”cup”,”water”is”water”.but helen couldn't understand the difference between”cup”and “water”.she thought”water”could be “cup”and”cup”could be “water”.mrs sullivan had not ideas ,so she let helen praciece the word “doll”and touch the doll with

helen’s fingers. helen was angry and bored,she threw the doll to the ground.then ,mrs sullivan and helen went out to play.when mrs sullivan washed helen’s hands,the water was flowing on helen’s

hands.mrs sullivan wrote the word ‘water’on helen’s hand.she wrote many times,helen knew the water was flowing on her hands and

understood the meaning of the word”water”suddenly.in the same

way,helen learnd many many new words.finaly she became a great writer. this is my story, thank you .


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