人教版必修五 英语 各单元课文重点句子

Book 5 Unit 1

1. John Snow是伦敦一位著名的医生---他的医术精湛,因而成了维多利亚女王的私人医生。 John Snow was a famous doctor in London---so expert, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician.

2. 但当他一想到要帮助受到霍乱威胁的普通百姓,他就感到很振奋。

But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.

3. 在伦敦的另一个地区,他从两个与Broad Street暴发的霍乱有关联的死亡病例中发现了有力的证据。

In another part of London, he found supporting evidence from two other deaths that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak.

4. 有了这个特别的证据,他就能够肯定地宣布,这种被污染了的水携带着病菌。

With this extra evidence John Snow was able to announce with certainty that polluted water carried this virus.

5. 为防止这种情况再发生,他建议所有水源都要经过检测。

To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined.

6. 有一位妇女是Broad Street搬过来的,她特别喜欢那里的水,每天都要派人从水泵打水运到家里。

A woman, who had moved away from Broad Street, liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day.

Book 5 Unit 2

1. 如今只要有人提起英格兰,你就会发现威尔士总是包括在内的。

Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well.

2. 然而,爱尔兰的南部却不愿意而分离出去了,并建立了自己的政府。

However, the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government.

3. 在这四个国家中,英格兰是最大的。为了方便,它大致可以划分为三个地区。

England is the largest of the four countries, and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones.

4. 很遗憾,这些建于19世纪的工业城市对游客并没有吸引力。

It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.

5. 最具历史意义的宝地是伦敦。那儿有博物馆,有艺术珍品、剧院、公园和各种建筑物。

The greatest historical treasure of all is London with its museums, art collections, theatres, parks and buildings.

6. 如果想使你的英国之旅不虚此行又有意义,你就必须留心观察。

You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile.

Book 5 Unit 3

1. 我现在仍然不能相信我是在接受去年获得的这个奖励。

I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won last year.

2. 他父母的公司叫做“未来之旅”,以其技术高超而闻名;他们把我装在一个时间舱内,


Well-known for their expertise, his parents’ company, called “Future Tours”, transported me safely into the future in a time capsule.

3. 我这才懂得我被送到了未来,但却仍然在自己的家乡。

I realized that I had been transported into the future of what was still my hometown.

4. 到了一幢看上去很奇怪的房子里,他把我带到一个明亮而洁净的大房间。

Arriving at a strange-looking house, he showed me into a large, bright clean room.

5. 实在累坏了,我溜上床很快就睡着了。

Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.

6. 说完这些,他把食物摊在桌子上,又从地板下弄出一张床来。

Having said this, he spread some food on the table, and produced a bed from the floor.

Book 5 Unit 4

1. 周阳永远不会忘记他在一家畅销英文报纸的第一项工作任务。

Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.

2. 我们先要派你给有经验的记者做助理,以后你才能独自去进行新闻采访并提交自己的新闻稿。

First we'll put you as an assistant to an experienced journalist. Later you can cover a story and submit the article yourself.

3. 对摄影我不仅只是感兴趣,在大学里我还专修过业余摄影课来更新我的技术。

Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.

4. 你只有提出了许多不同的问题之后才有可能获得你需要知道的信息。

Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.

5. 我们说,一个好的记者必须有一个对新闻非常敏感的“嗅觉”。

We say a good journalist must have a good “nose” for a story.

6. 你有没有过这样的情况:别人控告你的记者,说他的报道失实?

Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?

Book 5 Unit 5

1. 正是皮肤使你感到冷热、疼痛,它还使你有触觉 (第一页4)

It ( Your skin) is where you feel cold, heat or pain and it gives you your sense of touch.

2. 你可以想象得到,如果你的皮肤烧伤了,就可能非常严重(4)

As you can imagine, if your skin gets burned, it can be very serious.

3. 根据皮肤烧伤的层次,烧伤分为一度烧伤、二度烧伤和三度烧伤。(第二页3)

Burns are called first, second or third degree burns, depending on which layers of the skin are burned.

4. 这类烧伤属于严重烧伤,需数星期才能痊愈(6)

These burns are serious and take a few weeks to heal.

5. 除非衣服粘贴在烧伤面上,否则都要把它脱掉(必要时可用剪刀帮助)

Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn.

6. 如果属于二度或三度烧伤,就必须立即把患者送往医院或送去看医生。

If the injures are second or third degree burns, it is vital to get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once.(最后一段)

Book 5 Unit 1

1. John Snow是伦敦一位著名的医生---他的医术精湛,因而成了维多利亚女王的私人医生。 John Snow was a famous doctor in London---so expert, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician.

2. 但当他一想到要帮助受到霍乱威胁的普通百姓,他就感到很振奋。

But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.

3. 在伦敦的另一个地区,他从两个与Broad Street暴发的霍乱有关联的死亡病例中发现了有力的证据。

In another part of London, he found supporting evidence from two other deaths that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak.

4. 有了这个特别的证据,他就能够肯定地宣布,这种被污染了的水携带着病菌。

With this extra evidence John Snow was able to announce with certainty that polluted water carried this virus.

5. 为防止这种情况再发生,他建议所有水源都要经过检测。

To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined.

6. 有一位妇女是Broad Street搬过来的,她特别喜欢那里的水,每天都要派人从水泵打水运到家里。

A woman, who had moved away from Broad Street, liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day.

Book 5 Unit 2

1. 如今只要有人提起英格兰,你就会发现威尔士总是包括在内的。

Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well.

2. 然而,爱尔兰的南部却不愿意而分离出去了,并建立了自己的政府。

However, the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government.

3. 在这四个国家中,英格兰是最大的。为了方便,它大致可以划分为三个地区。

England is the largest of the four countries, and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones.

4. 很遗憾,这些建于19世纪的工业城市对游客并没有吸引力。

It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.

5. 最具历史意义的宝地是伦敦。那儿有博物馆,有艺术珍品、剧院、公园和各种建筑物。

The greatest historical treasure of all is London with its museums, art collections, theatres, parks and buildings.

6. 如果想使你的英国之旅不虚此行又有意义,你就必须留心观察。

You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile.

Book 5 Unit 3

1. 我现在仍然不能相信我是在接受去年获得的这个奖励。

I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won last year.

2. 他父母的公司叫做“未来之旅”,以其技术高超而闻名;他们把我装在一个时间舱内,


Well-known for their expertise, his parents’ company, called “Future Tours”, transported me safely into the future in a time capsule.

3. 我这才懂得我被送到了未来,但却仍然在自己的家乡。

I realized that I had been transported into the future of what was still my hometown.

4. 到了一幢看上去很奇怪的房子里,他把我带到一个明亮而洁净的大房间。

Arriving at a strange-looking house, he showed me into a large, bright clean room.

5. 实在累坏了,我溜上床很快就睡着了。

Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.

6. 说完这些,他把食物摊在桌子上,又从地板下弄出一张床来。

Having said this, he spread some food on the table, and produced a bed from the floor.

Book 5 Unit 4

1. 周阳永远不会忘记他在一家畅销英文报纸的第一项工作任务。

Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.

2. 我们先要派你给有经验的记者做助理,以后你才能独自去进行新闻采访并提交自己的新闻稿。

First we'll put you as an assistant to an experienced journalist. Later you can cover a story and submit the article yourself.

3. 对摄影我不仅只是感兴趣,在大学里我还专修过业余摄影课来更新我的技术。

Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.

4. 你只有提出了许多不同的问题之后才有可能获得你需要知道的信息。

Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.

5. 我们说,一个好的记者必须有一个对新闻非常敏感的“嗅觉”。

We say a good journalist must have a good “nose” for a story.

6. 你有没有过这样的情况:别人控告你的记者,说他的报道失实?

Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?

Book 5 Unit 5

1. 正是皮肤使你感到冷热、疼痛,它还使你有触觉 (第一页4)

It ( Your skin) is where you feel cold, heat or pain and it gives you your sense of touch.

2. 你可以想象得到,如果你的皮肤烧伤了,就可能非常严重(4)

As you can imagine, if your skin gets burned, it can be very serious.

3. 根据皮肤烧伤的层次,烧伤分为一度烧伤、二度烧伤和三度烧伤。(第二页3)

Burns are called first, second or third degree burns, depending on which layers of the skin are burned.

4. 这类烧伤属于严重烧伤,需数星期才能痊愈(6)

These burns are serious and take a few weeks to heal.

5. 除非衣服粘贴在烧伤面上,否则都要把它脱掉(必要时可用剪刀帮助)

Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn.

6. 如果属于二度或三度烧伤,就必须立即把患者送往医院或送去看医生。

If the injures are second or third degree burns, it is vital to get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once.(最后一段)


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