
The Detailed Instruction in the Classroom

I .Listening comprehension(15 minutes)

1 Introduce the story

2 Understand the situation

3 Listening objective

4 Play the tape or read the story or wait for the students to finish reading silently 5 Answer the question

Why did Rex run away?

6 Intensive reading

Play the tape or read the text again, pausing after every sentence to check students understand. Obtain brief explanations to difficulties in the text from the students themselves. Only use Chinese if a confirmatory translation is necessary.

7 Play the tape or read the story again

8 Reading aloud

Ask one or two students to read the text aloud.

II. Comprehension questions(10 minutes)

1. What would he do every time he wanted to come into the garden?

2. What did my husband spent weeks training him to do?

3. What has he developed another bad habit?

III. New words and expressions (30 minutes)

1.bark v 狗叫

the dog is barking

somebody is barking某人在咆哮

2.press v 按, 压

pressure n.压, 压力, 电压, 压迫, 强制, 紧迫

3.paw n 脚爪

cat's paw被人所利用的人(由寓言而来)

I don't want to be a cat's paw我才不想被人利用

4.latch n 门闩

bar 门闩, 但与latch 是有区别的

5.expert n 专家

expert at/in在某一方面是专家

expert at/in doing sth : expert at/in opening the door.

6.develop v 养成

develop the film冲洗胶卷

develop : 发展

developing skills: 发展技巧 / fluency in English : 流利英语

fluency n. 流利, 流畅, 雄辩

developing country : 发展中国家 / developed country发达国家

ed 强调已经,ing 强调正在, 有时态的区别

boiling water滚开水 / boiled water开水

7.habit n 习惯(指个人习惯)

custom : 风俗, 习俗 / customs海关 / customer顾客

8.remove v 拆掉, 取下

remove sth from从... 挪走

IV .Study of the text(25 minutes)

1.let sb do

let sb in让某人进来 / let sb out让某人出去 / let sb down让某人失望

let ‟s 省略式, 口语

2.front gate 前门

would =used to 过去常常

every time=when 当什么时候, 后面可以是点, 可以是段

3.the monment=as soon as

when 当什么时候, 后面可以是点, 可以是段

the monment一... 就...(强调的是瞬间)

every time : 每次, 每当

every time I turn to lesson 59, i will remember my teacher

The dog used to bark the front gate to let(make) somebody open the door. complaim of抱怨

4.spend time doing花费某段时间去做某事

it takes sb事情做主语

sb spend time人做主语

5.train sb to do 训练某人做某事

press his paw 可省略为press the latch

press the button / press the figure on the button

button n. 钮扣, [计]按钮 v. 扣住, 扣紧

going out shopping 加了out 强调外出

so that : 以便于, 为了(表达目的)

after this

got : 是谓语动词 / have seen 也是谓语动词

so annoyed (that)

6.so...that... 如此... 以至于, 结果状语从句, 可以省略一个词,so 或 that 都可以 so that:目的状语从句必须具备一个特征, 在动词前面一定要出现情态动词 since(加在尾巴上) = since then : 从那时起到现在为止

V . Key structures (10 minutes)

1 If anyone picked the leaves, he _______die.

a. would b. will c.shall d. would have

answer: a

虚拟语气: 如果if 后面直接出现正常条件的话, 就会出现一般现在时, 一旦出现一般过去时, 就是与现在事实相反的虚拟语气.

2 ______all that has been said, the tourists have been picking leaves.

a. In spite b. Despite c. Even d. Even so

answer: b

in spite of + 名词/what引导的从句: 不能少of

despite (prep) = in spite of : 尽管

despite. prep.不管, 尽管, 不论

even adv : 不能说 “even all”

even though : 尽管(后面加句子), 没有even so 的表达式

3 So far ______of them has been struck down by sudden death.

a. no one b. nobody c. not any d.none

answer: d

参考lesson 28 第7题

„no one‟, „nobody‟ 不能与‟of‟ 连用

„any of‟ 有, 但没有‟not any of ‟ 的结构

4 The number of visitors has increased. The number has ______.

a. grown b. grown up c.overgrown d. grown old

answer: a

grown up : 成长(人)

overgrow : 过度成长

grown old : 变老了, 不译为 “长老了”

grow 一般作为实义动词, 后面加介词或副词, 一旦后面加了形容词, 不再表示 “生长” 的意思, 将表示 “变得” =get

5 It has______ an evil reputation.

a. won b.beaten c. profited d. earned

win 赢得(通过比赛或竞争) / beat打败(后加对手) / profit利润&得到利润 profit n. 利润, 益处, 得益 vi. 得益, 利用 vt. 有益于, 有利于

gain / get 获得

VI. Special difficulties(10 minutes)

表达目的几种方式:to / in order to / in order that / so as to+原形/so that+目的状语从句

to+动词原形, that+从句

目的状语从句必须具备一个特征, 在动词前面一定要出现情态动词

目的状语从句当中不存在want, 只有to do


如果发现do 的动作不是由主语做的, 而是由其他人做的, 在to 的前面加for sb 不定式的逻辑主语for sb to do sth

The Detailed Instruction in the Classroom

I .Listening comprehension(15 minutes)

1 Introduce the story

2 Understand the situation

3 Listening objective

4 Play the tape or read the story or wait for the students to finish reading silently 5 Answer the question

Why did Rex run away?

6 Intensive reading

Play the tape or read the text again, pausing after every sentence to check students understand. Obtain brief explanations to difficulties in the text from the students themselves. Only use Chinese if a confirmatory translation is necessary.

7 Play the tape or read the story again

8 Reading aloud

Ask one or two students to read the text aloud.

II. Comprehension questions(10 minutes)

1. What would he do every time he wanted to come into the garden?

2. What did my husband spent weeks training him to do?

3. What has he developed another bad habit?

III. New words and expressions (30 minutes)

1.bark v 狗叫

the dog is barking

somebody is barking某人在咆哮

2.press v 按, 压

pressure n.压, 压力, 电压, 压迫, 强制, 紧迫

3.paw n 脚爪

cat's paw被人所利用的人(由寓言而来)

I don't want to be a cat's paw我才不想被人利用

4.latch n 门闩

bar 门闩, 但与latch 是有区别的

5.expert n 专家

expert at/in在某一方面是专家

expert at/in doing sth : expert at/in opening the door.

6.develop v 养成

develop the film冲洗胶卷

develop : 发展

developing skills: 发展技巧 / fluency in English : 流利英语

fluency n. 流利, 流畅, 雄辩

developing country : 发展中国家 / developed country发达国家

ed 强调已经,ing 强调正在, 有时态的区别

boiling water滚开水 / boiled water开水

7.habit n 习惯(指个人习惯)

custom : 风俗, 习俗 / customs海关 / customer顾客

8.remove v 拆掉, 取下

remove sth from从... 挪走

IV .Study of the text(25 minutes)

1.let sb do

let sb in让某人进来 / let sb out让某人出去 / let sb down让某人失望

let ‟s 省略式, 口语

2.front gate 前门

would =used to 过去常常

every time=when 当什么时候, 后面可以是点, 可以是段

3.the monment=as soon as

when 当什么时候, 后面可以是点, 可以是段

the monment一... 就...(强调的是瞬间)

every time : 每次, 每当

every time I turn to lesson 59, i will remember my teacher

The dog used to bark the front gate to let(make) somebody open the door. complaim of抱怨

4.spend time doing花费某段时间去做某事

it takes sb事情做主语

sb spend time人做主语

5.train sb to do 训练某人做某事

press his paw 可省略为press the latch

press the button / press the figure on the button

button n. 钮扣, [计]按钮 v. 扣住, 扣紧

going out shopping 加了out 强调外出

so that : 以便于, 为了(表达目的)

after this

got : 是谓语动词 / have seen 也是谓语动词

so annoyed (that)

6.so...that... 如此... 以至于, 结果状语从句, 可以省略一个词,so 或 that 都可以 so that:目的状语从句必须具备一个特征, 在动词前面一定要出现情态动词 since(加在尾巴上) = since then : 从那时起到现在为止

V . Key structures (10 minutes)

1 If anyone picked the leaves, he _______die.

a. would b. will c.shall d. would have

answer: a

虚拟语气: 如果if 后面直接出现正常条件的话, 就会出现一般现在时, 一旦出现一般过去时, 就是与现在事实相反的虚拟语气.

2 ______all that has been said, the tourists have been picking leaves.

a. In spite b. Despite c. Even d. Even so

answer: b

in spite of + 名词/what引导的从句: 不能少of

despite (prep) = in spite of : 尽管

despite. prep.不管, 尽管, 不论

even adv : 不能说 “even all”

even though : 尽管(后面加句子), 没有even so 的表达式

3 So far ______of them has been struck down by sudden death.

a. no one b. nobody c. not any d.none

answer: d

参考lesson 28 第7题

„no one‟, „nobody‟ 不能与‟of‟ 连用

„any of‟ 有, 但没有‟not any of ‟ 的结构

4 The number of visitors has increased. The number has ______.

a. grown b. grown up c.overgrown d. grown old

answer: a

grown up : 成长(人)

overgrow : 过度成长

grown old : 变老了, 不译为 “长老了”

grow 一般作为实义动词, 后面加介词或副词, 一旦后面加了形容词, 不再表示 “生长” 的意思, 将表示 “变得” =get

5 It has______ an evil reputation.

a. won b.beaten c. profited d. earned

win 赢得(通过比赛或竞争) / beat打败(后加对手) / profit利润&得到利润 profit n. 利润, 益处, 得益 vi. 得益, 利用 vt. 有益于, 有利于

gain / get 获得

VI. Special difficulties(10 minutes)

表达目的几种方式:to / in order to / in order that / so as to+原形/so that+目的状语从句

to+动词原形, that+从句

目的状语从句必须具备一个特征, 在动词前面一定要出现情态动词

目的状语从句当中不存在want, 只有to do


如果发现do 的动作不是由主语做的, 而是由其他人做的, 在to 的前面加for sb 不定式的逻辑主语for sb to do sth


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