新闻采编作业基本要求 (5分)
● 以交大校园或者社会热点新闻事件为线索,采访同学,老师,行政人员或者家长写
● 格式:Times New Roman,题目三号,正文小四或五号。页眉标明班级,学号,英
语班,姓名。A4纸张打印,不超过一张纸,不少于250字。行距自定,注意美观。 ● 截止日期:。在此之前可以请同学,老师,以及写作中心帮忙提修
1. 选题: 硬新闻类消息报道。符合新闻的几个原则:时效性,重要性,就近性、兴趣原则等。
2. 采访问题设计:尽可能的客观。
3. 标题:注意标题的特点,语法词汇特点。
4. 导语:和标题的关系非常紧密。精华和浓缩的精华关系。
5. 正文:倒金字塔结构来安排新闻的事实。
6. 观点组织:间接引语加直接引语,中间有事实支撑。
7. 新闻语言特点:第三人称,客观等。
1. Length: No more than one A4 Page, but at least 250 words.
2. Format: Times New Roman, Headline Font size three in bold; body five. Decide the Line
spacing according to the layout. Write your names and student number and class number on top of the page.
3. Genre: hard news
4. Structure: inverted pyramid
5. Headline: Don ’t begin headlines with a verb. Don ’t leave conjunctions, prepositions and
modifiers at the end of the headlines. Don ’t pile modifiers one after another. Don ’t use pronouns unidentified.
6. Lead: summary lead. It should incorporate as many of the 5 W’s as possible and should make
a direct statement of the essence of the news story.
7. Body: the body of the story is the paragraphs after the lead to elaborate upon the 5 W ’s
outlined in the lead and the H(how )by combining the opinions of the people you interview, some factual data and a narrative which help to weave the comments into a coherent whole. With the strong lead supported by enough information, the successful body needs a logical development. The most common development follows the chronological order.
NO.2 Writing Guidelines:
1. Begin the story with an attention-getting lead sentence.
2. The lead sentence contains the five W’s: who, what, when, where, and why (sometimes
how is appropriate).
3. Information is presented from that of the most importance to the least importance.
4. Keep paragraphs short—no more than four sentences.
5. When using quotations, begin another paragraph after the quotation.
6. Make certain to use facts and quotations.
7. Always write news stories in 3rd person.
8. Make use of present tense verbs with active voice.
No. 3 Deadline: Nov. 5 (Week 13).
新闻采编作业基本要求 (5分)
● 以交大校园或者社会热点新闻事件为线索,采访同学,老师,行政人员或者家长写
● 格式:Times New Roman,题目三号,正文小四或五号。页眉标明班级,学号,英
语班,姓名。A4纸张打印,不超过一张纸,不少于250字。行距自定,注意美观。 ● 截止日期:。在此之前可以请同学,老师,以及写作中心帮忙提修
1. 选题: 硬新闻类消息报道。符合新闻的几个原则:时效性,重要性,就近性、兴趣原则等。
2. 采访问题设计:尽可能的客观。
3. 标题:注意标题的特点,语法词汇特点。
4. 导语:和标题的关系非常紧密。精华和浓缩的精华关系。
5. 正文:倒金字塔结构来安排新闻的事实。
6. 观点组织:间接引语加直接引语,中间有事实支撑。
7. 新闻语言特点:第三人称,客观等。
1. Length: No more than one A4 Page, but at least 250 words.
2. Format: Times New Roman, Headline Font size three in bold; body five. Decide the Line
spacing according to the layout. Write your names and student number and class number on top of the page.
3. Genre: hard news
4. Structure: inverted pyramid
5. Headline: Don ’t begin headlines with a verb. Don ’t leave conjunctions, prepositions and
modifiers at the end of the headlines. Don ’t pile modifiers one after another. Don ’t use pronouns unidentified.
6. Lead: summary lead. It should incorporate as many of the 5 W’s as possible and should make
a direct statement of the essence of the news story.
7. Body: the body of the story is the paragraphs after the lead to elaborate upon the 5 W ’s
outlined in the lead and the H(how )by combining the opinions of the people you interview, some factual data and a narrative which help to weave the comments into a coherent whole. With the strong lead supported by enough information, the successful body needs a logical development. The most common development follows the chronological order.
NO.2 Writing Guidelines:
1. Begin the story with an attention-getting lead sentence.
2. The lead sentence contains the five W’s: who, what, when, where, and why (sometimes
how is appropriate).
3. Information is presented from that of the most importance to the least importance.
4. Keep paragraphs short—no more than four sentences.
5. When using quotations, begin another paragraph after the quotation.
6. Make certain to use facts and quotations.
7. Always write news stories in 3rd person.
8. Make use of present tense verbs with active voice.
No. 3 Deadline: Nov. 5 (Week 13).