
Aspirin Description (阿司匹林英文说明书)

Generic Name: ASPIRINPronunciation: (as' pir in) T r a d e

Name(s): Aspent, Aspicot, Aspin, Colsprin-100, Cotasprin, Ecosprin, E-prin, GR.ASA-50, Loprin-75, Loprin-DS, Lowdose Aspirin, Mazoral, Myosprin, Otaspirin

Why it is prescribed: 1. Aspirin relieves mild to moderate pain.

2. It reduces fever , redness, and swelling.

3. It prevents blood from clotting.

4. I t i s u s e d to r e l i e v e d i s c o mf o r t s c a u s e d b y n u m e r o u s m e d i c a l p r o b l e m s i n c l u d i n g h e a d a c h e , infections, and arthritis.

When it is to be taken: 1. Aspirin is often taken without a prescription.

2. Follow the instructions on the label and package.

3. If your doctor prescribes aspirin for you, you will receive specific instructions for how often yo u should take it.

4. If you are taking aspirin to treat a chronic illness such as arthritis, you must follow the s chedule prescribed by your doctor carefully .

5. Keep in touch with your doctor .

How it should be t ak en : 1. Aspirin comes in the f orm of suppositories, capsules, and r e g u l a r , coated, extended-release, chewable, and effervescent tablets.

2. If regular aspirin tablets cause a bad taste or burning sensation in the throat, try ta king coated tablets to avoid these problems.

3. Regular, coated, and extended-release aspirin tablets and capsules should be swallowed with a full glass of water or milk or after meals, to avoid stomach upset.

4. Chewable aspirin tablets may be chewed, crushed, dissolved in a liquid, or swallowed wh ole; a full glass of water , milk, or fruit juice should be drunk immediately after taking these table ts.

5. An oral liquid form of aspirin can be prepared by dissolving effervescent tablets according to the directions on the package.

6. To insert an aspirin suppository into the rectum, follow these steps: a) Remove the wrapper . b) Dip the tip of the suppository in water. c) Lie down on your left side and raise your right knee to y o u r c h e s t. d ) Us i n g y o u r f i n g e r, i n s e r t t h e s u p p o s i t o r y i n t o t h e r e c t u m , a b o u t 1/2 t o 1 i n c h i n infants and chi ldren and 1 inch in adults. Hold it in place for a few moments. You may sta nd up after abut 15 minutes. e) Wash your hands thoroughly and resume your normal activities.

Special Instruction: 1. Children should not take aspirin for fevers associated with flu or chickenpox b ecause such use has been linked with a serious illness known as Reye's Syndrome.

2. Adults should not take aspirin for pain for more than 10 days (five da ys for children) without consulting a doctor .

3. Aspirin should not be taken by adults or children for high fever, fever lasting longer than three days, or recurrent fever without a doctor's supervision.

4. D o n o t g i ve m o r e th a n f i ve d o s e s to a c h i l d i n a 24-h o u r p e r i o d u n l e s s d i r e c te d to d o s o b y a d o c t o r .

5. If you miss a dose, t a k e the missed dose as soon as you remember it and resume the pre scribed schedule.

Side Effects: 1. Although side effects from aspirin are not common, they can occur .

2. Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, indigestion and heartburn ar e common. a k e aspirin after meals, wit h a full glass of water or milk. If these effects continue, contact your doctor .

3.Ringing in the ears, bloody or black stools, wheezing, difficulty breathing, dizziness, mental confusion and drowsiness are rare. Stop taking the drug and contact your doctor .

Oth er Pre ca u ti o n s: 1. If yo u are pre gn a nt or breast-fe ed i n g wo me n , i nfo r m your d o c tor before taking aspirin.

2. Do not take aspirin if you are within three months of delivery .

3. Do not take aspirin if you are allergic to it or to other arthritis medications (e.g., ibuprofen).

4. I f y o u h a ve d i a b e te s , re g u l a r u se o f e i g h t o r m o r e r e g u l a r st re n gt h a s p i r i n ta b l e ts a d ay m ay affect test results for urine sugar . Consult your doctor .

5. If you are taking a drug t o thin the blood (e.g., warfarin), acetazolamide,

6.corticosteroids, medication for gout or diabetes, or methotrexate, consult your doctor before using aspi rin.

6. Y o u should not t a k e aspirin ex cept on the advice of a doctor if you h a v e certain medical condit ions including allergies, anemia, bleeding problems, a history of ulcers, asthma, ki dney or liver disease, gout, Hodgkin's disease, and a history of nasal polyps.

7. If you are taking large doses of aspirin on a long-term basis, avoid drinking alcoholic beverages because alcohol can increase stomach problems.

8. I f y o u h a v e c o n g e s t i v e h e a r t f a i l u r e o r o n a s o d i u m -r e s t r i c te d d i e t , d o n o t t a ke e f fe r v e s c e n t aspirin tablets because they are high in sodium content.

9. Aspirin is an ingredient in many nonprescription (over-the-counter) drugs.

10. To prevent an overdose of aspirin, read the labels before taking other pain reliever s and cold products to be sure that they do not contain aspirin.

11. If you have had oral surgery or your tonsils removed in the last seven da ys,do not use ch ewable aspirin tablets, effervescent aspirin and aspirin in crushed tablets or gargles.

Storage Conditions: 1. Store aspirin suppositories in a cool place or in a refrigerator .

2. Keep aspirin tablets and capsules in a tightly closed bottle in a cool and dry place.

3. Do not store aspirin in the bathroom because the dampness there can cause

it t o lose its effectiveness.

4. Throw away aspirin that smells strongly of vinegar .

5. Keep this medication out of the reach of children.

Pronunciation :发音 congestive :充血性 nonprescription :非处方药 Syndrome :综合征 effervescent :泡腾片 supervision :监督

Aspirin Description (阿司匹林英文说明书)

Generic Name: ASPIRINPronunciation: (as' pir in) T r a d e

Name(s): Aspent, Aspicot, Aspin, Colsprin-100, Cotasprin, Ecosprin, E-prin, GR.ASA-50, Loprin-75, Loprin-DS, Lowdose Aspirin, Mazoral, Myosprin, Otaspirin

Why it is prescribed: 1. Aspirin relieves mild to moderate pain.

2. It reduces fever , redness, and swelling.

3. It prevents blood from clotting.

4. I t i s u s e d to r e l i e v e d i s c o mf o r t s c a u s e d b y n u m e r o u s m e d i c a l p r o b l e m s i n c l u d i n g h e a d a c h e , infections, and arthritis.

When it is to be taken: 1. Aspirin is often taken without a prescription.

2. Follow the instructions on the label and package.

3. If your doctor prescribes aspirin for you, you will receive specific instructions for how often yo u should take it.

4. If you are taking aspirin to treat a chronic illness such as arthritis, you must follow the s chedule prescribed by your doctor carefully .

5. Keep in touch with your doctor .

How it should be t ak en : 1. Aspirin comes in the f orm of suppositories, capsules, and r e g u l a r , coated, extended-release, chewable, and effervescent tablets.

2. If regular aspirin tablets cause a bad taste or burning sensation in the throat, try ta king coated tablets to avoid these problems.

3. Regular, coated, and extended-release aspirin tablets and capsules should be swallowed with a full glass of water or milk or after meals, to avoid stomach upset.

4. Chewable aspirin tablets may be chewed, crushed, dissolved in a liquid, or swallowed wh ole; a full glass of water , milk, or fruit juice should be drunk immediately after taking these table ts.

5. An oral liquid form of aspirin can be prepared by dissolving effervescent tablets according to the directions on the package.

6. To insert an aspirin suppository into the rectum, follow these steps: a) Remove the wrapper . b) Dip the tip of the suppository in water. c) Lie down on your left side and raise your right knee to y o u r c h e s t. d ) Us i n g y o u r f i n g e r, i n s e r t t h e s u p p o s i t o r y i n t o t h e r e c t u m , a b o u t 1/2 t o 1 i n c h i n infants and chi ldren and 1 inch in adults. Hold it in place for a few moments. You may sta nd up after abut 15 minutes. e) Wash your hands thoroughly and resume your normal activities.

Special Instruction: 1. Children should not take aspirin for fevers associated with flu or chickenpox b ecause such use has been linked with a serious illness known as Reye's Syndrome.

2. Adults should not take aspirin for pain for more than 10 days (five da ys for children) without consulting a doctor .

3. Aspirin should not be taken by adults or children for high fever, fever lasting longer than three days, or recurrent fever without a doctor's supervision.

4. D o n o t g i ve m o r e th a n f i ve d o s e s to a c h i l d i n a 24-h o u r p e r i o d u n l e s s d i r e c te d to d o s o b y a d o c t o r .

5. If you miss a dose, t a k e the missed dose as soon as you remember it and resume the pre scribed schedule.

Side Effects: 1. Although side effects from aspirin are not common, they can occur .

2. Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, indigestion and heartburn ar e common. a k e aspirin after meals, wit h a full glass of water or milk. If these effects continue, contact your doctor .

3.Ringing in the ears, bloody or black stools, wheezing, difficulty breathing, dizziness, mental confusion and drowsiness are rare. Stop taking the drug and contact your doctor .

Oth er Pre ca u ti o n s: 1. If yo u are pre gn a nt or breast-fe ed i n g wo me n , i nfo r m your d o c tor before taking aspirin.

2. Do not take aspirin if you are within three months of delivery .

3. Do not take aspirin if you are allergic to it or to other arthritis medications (e.g., ibuprofen).

4. I f y o u h a ve d i a b e te s , re g u l a r u se o f e i g h t o r m o r e r e g u l a r st re n gt h a s p i r i n ta b l e ts a d ay m ay affect test results for urine sugar . Consult your doctor .

5. If you are taking a drug t o thin the blood (e.g., warfarin), acetazolamide,

6.corticosteroids, medication for gout or diabetes, or methotrexate, consult your doctor before using aspi rin.

6. Y o u should not t a k e aspirin ex cept on the advice of a doctor if you h a v e certain medical condit ions including allergies, anemia, bleeding problems, a history of ulcers, asthma, ki dney or liver disease, gout, Hodgkin's disease, and a history of nasal polyps.

7. If you are taking large doses of aspirin on a long-term basis, avoid drinking alcoholic beverages because alcohol can increase stomach problems.

8. I f y o u h a v e c o n g e s t i v e h e a r t f a i l u r e o r o n a s o d i u m -r e s t r i c te d d i e t , d o n o t t a ke e f fe r v e s c e n t aspirin tablets because they are high in sodium content.

9. Aspirin is an ingredient in many nonprescription (over-the-counter) drugs.

10. To prevent an overdose of aspirin, read the labels before taking other pain reliever s and cold products to be sure that they do not contain aspirin.

11. If you have had oral surgery or your tonsils removed in the last seven da ys,do not use ch ewable aspirin tablets, effervescent aspirin and aspirin in crushed tablets or gargles.

Storage Conditions: 1. Store aspirin suppositories in a cool place or in a refrigerator .

2. Keep aspirin tablets and capsules in a tightly closed bottle in a cool and dry place.

3. Do not store aspirin in the bathroom because the dampness there can cause

it t o lose its effectiveness.

4. Throw away aspirin that smells strongly of vinegar .

5. Keep this medication out of the reach of children.

Pronunciation :发音 congestive :充血性 nonprescription :非处方药 Syndrome :综合征 effervescent :泡腾片 supervision :监督


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