

《英语(1)》试卷(A 卷)

级 函授专科

(任课教师:曹蕾 宁夏函授站)

学号 姓名 成绩

1. Match the words and expressions in Column A with their antonyms(反义词)(1-10)

2.Complete the following sentences with words and expressions in the box,change

21.They are old friends,. 22. I'd like to introduce myself to you.

and synonyms(同义词)(11-20) in Column B. (1×20=20)


1.misunderstand a .unkindly 2.discourage b .informal 3.appear c .plenty 4.busy d .encourage 5.discover e .disappear 6.personal f. impersonal 7.kindly g .1ast 8.formal h .cover 9.1ack i .free 10.first j. understand

11. encourage k. associate with 12. indeed l. weak points 13. easily m. be sick of 14. short- tempered n. impatient 15. faults o. give courage to 16. enter p. be faithful to 17.stick to q. come /go into 18. all kinds of r. a variety of 19. be tired of s. really 20. relate to t. effortless

23.a lot of foreign friends when he was in England. 24. 25.. 26.What ’. 27..

28. 29.your carelessness(粗心) . 30.a doctor.

3.Are the following statements true(T)or false(F)according to the passage ? (2×5=10)

I Am Good at Painting

I am good at painting with watercolors That is probably because both my parents水彩 are Painters. They have influenced me a lot When I was two years old.my parents 影响 gave me a pack of watercolors as a birthday gift . I began to draw from then on.一袋/礼物 I draw almost every day without any rest. I am never tired of drawing .So ,in my 厌倦 room there are pictures all over the walls and even all about the floor .I hope to do something related to art in the future, especially in the field of design 与„有关/设计 and illustration . 插图 I would like to study in an art college.I know,art college is not easy to 美术学院 enter . There is an entrance exam on art as well as on other subjects. 进入/入学考试 I must start preparing for these exams now.Besides drawing skills,1 will also have to improve my artistic sense. For this,1 will do many things such as 提高/艺术涵养 listening to music, visiting art museums,and so on. My parents encourage me 鼓励 to try my best.


I will stick to my dream and make it come true sometime in the future. 坚持/某一天 31.An art college student writes the passage. 32.He dreams of studying design and illustration.

33. Only exams on art are required for students to enter an art college.

34.Listening to music and visiting art museums will help the author improve his artistic sense .

35.He must keep himself busy preparing for the entrance exam now.

4. Read the passage carefully and then choose the best answer from the four choices according to the passage. (2×5=10) People often greet each other with“Hello ”or “Hi ”.Other forms of greetings are “Good Morning. ”,“Good afternoon”,or “Good evening”according to different times of the day .When talking with foreign friends ,we should pay attention to their social conventions(习俗) .For example,we should not ask people questions about their private activities .So we may talk about the weather ,sports or show our concern about their children .

In general introductions,a man is usually introduced to a woman,and the young are introduced to the old.The titles of Miss,Mrs .,Mr .,Professor ,or Doctor etc.Can be used with the surname.

Newly acquainted (相识的) people will shake hands and greet each other with“How do you do” or “I ’m glad to meet you”.

36.When people are introduced for the first time. a .“How are you?” b .“How do you do? ” c .“Nice to see you again.” d .“Good morning.”

37. a .Good morning! b .I ’m glad to meet you! c .How are you?

d .Good night.

38.We usually reply to“How do you do?”a .Hello . b .How are you? c .How do you do? d .I ’m fine,thank you.

39.When we talk with native speakers of English,we should not ask them the question “ ” a .How are you?

b .What do you think of the football match? c .Do you like the weather here? d .Are you married?

40.besides the greeting of“How do you do?” a .shake hands b. nod head c. kiss each other d. smile at each other

5.Read the passage and find the English sentences that match the following Chinese translations. (2×5=10)

A Guide to Business Telephone Users

a. Start each call by saying your name or your company’s name.

b. It is better to answer the telephone within three rings. 在…之内 c. Always have a pencil and pad available for taking down messages . 纸签/可得到的/口信 d. Listening when the caller is speaking. Don’t try to do two things at the same time. e. Find out the caller’s name and use it in the station.

f. Make notes and read them back to the caller to check if you have got the correct message.

g. If the wanted person can’t come to the phone, explain why’ take the caller’s name and number, and offer to call back.


h. Speak clearly. Always be helpful and polite.

Examp1e: ( e ) 询问对方姓名.以此称呼对方。 41. ( ) 听电话时不要一心二用。 42. ( )身边放有纸笔,记录电话信息。 43.( )核对记录信息。

44.( )电话响三声之内拿起电话。

1. (1×20=20)


10. 2. (2×10=20)

24. 25. 26. 45.( )要找的人不在时,解释原因并提出给对方回电话。 6. Put the following sentences into negative and interrogative form。(4×5=20) 46. Linda works as a secretary in this company. 47. We do our homework together every day. 48. They did a lot of work in the lab. 49. He loves painting very much. 50. I shall help her with her English.

7. Put the following sentences into Chinese.(2×5=10) 51.Sun glasses can protect our eyes from the sun. 52.They will try their best to learn English.

53. Nothing could prevent them from making their own way.

54. Wang Fang is the secretary of a shoe factory. She is phoning the Business Design Center in Beijing. She wishes to arrange a meeting between Mr. Li, her manager, and Mr. Smith, who is in charge of an exhibition.

55.There are five in my family. Look at the picture. The old couple in the middle are my parents. The used to be doctors and now both of them are retired. The young man on the left is my elder brother. He is the manager of the big company in the south.

3. (2×5=10) 4. (2×5=10) 5. (2×5=10) 6. (4×5=20) 46.


48. 49.


7. (2×5=10) 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.


《英语(1)》试卷(A 卷)试题答案

1. (1×20=20)

10. 2. (2×10=20)

22. lack of in some cases lies in 3. (2×5=10) 4. (2×5=10) 5. (2×5=10) 6. (4×5=20)

46. Linda doesn’t work as a secretary in this company. Does Linda work as a secretary in this company? 47. We don’t do our homework together every day. Do you do your homework together every day? 48. They didn’t do a lot of work in the lab. Did they a lot of work in the lab? 49. He doesn’t love painting very much. Does he loves painting very much? 50. I shan’t help her with her English.

Will you help her with her English?

7. (2×5=10)

51. 太阳镜可以遮挡太阳。

52. 他们将尽自己最大的努力学好英语。 53. 没有任何东西能阻止他们走自己的路。

54. 王芳是一家制鞋厂的秘书。她正在给北京的商业设计中心打电话。她想给她的经理李先生和负责展览的史密斯先生安排一次会面。

55. 我家有五口人。你看看这张照片。中间这对老夫妻是我的父母,他们以前都是医生,现在都退休了。左边这个年轻人是我哥哥,他是南方一家大公司的经理。



《英语(1)》试卷(A 卷)

级 函授专科

(任课教师:曹蕾 宁夏函授站)

学号 姓名 成绩

1. Match the words and expressions in Column A with their antonyms(反义词)(1-10)

2.Complete the following sentences with words and expressions in the box,change

21.They are old friends,. 22. I'd like to introduce myself to you.

and synonyms(同义词)(11-20) in Column B. (1×20=20)


1.misunderstand a .unkindly 2.discourage b .informal 3.appear c .plenty 4.busy d .encourage 5.discover e .disappear 6.personal f. impersonal 7.kindly g .1ast 8.formal h .cover 9.1ack i .free 10.first j. understand

11. encourage k. associate with 12. indeed l. weak points 13. easily m. be sick of 14. short- tempered n. impatient 15. faults o. give courage to 16. enter p. be faithful to 17.stick to q. come /go into 18. all kinds of r. a variety of 19. be tired of s. really 20. relate to t. effortless

23.a lot of foreign friends when he was in England. 24. 25.. 26.What ’. 27..

28. 29.your carelessness(粗心) . 30.a doctor.

3.Are the following statements true(T)or false(F)according to the passage ? (2×5=10)

I Am Good at Painting

I am good at painting with watercolors That is probably because both my parents水彩 are Painters. They have influenced me a lot When I was two years old.my parents 影响 gave me a pack of watercolors as a birthday gift . I began to draw from then on.一袋/礼物 I draw almost every day without any rest. I am never tired of drawing .So ,in my 厌倦 room there are pictures all over the walls and even all about the floor .I hope to do something related to art in the future, especially in the field of design 与„有关/设计 and illustration . 插图 I would like to study in an art college.I know,art college is not easy to 美术学院 enter . There is an entrance exam on art as well as on other subjects. 进入/入学考试 I must start preparing for these exams now.Besides drawing skills,1 will also have to improve my artistic sense. For this,1 will do many things such as 提高/艺术涵养 listening to music, visiting art museums,and so on. My parents encourage me 鼓励 to try my best.


I will stick to my dream and make it come true sometime in the future. 坚持/某一天 31.An art college student writes the passage. 32.He dreams of studying design and illustration.

33. Only exams on art are required for students to enter an art college.

34.Listening to music and visiting art museums will help the author improve his artistic sense .

35.He must keep himself busy preparing for the entrance exam now.

4. Read the passage carefully and then choose the best answer from the four choices according to the passage. (2×5=10) People often greet each other with“Hello ”or “Hi ”.Other forms of greetings are “Good Morning. ”,“Good afternoon”,or “Good evening”according to different times of the day .When talking with foreign friends ,we should pay attention to their social conventions(习俗) .For example,we should not ask people questions about their private activities .So we may talk about the weather ,sports or show our concern about their children .

In general introductions,a man is usually introduced to a woman,and the young are introduced to the old.The titles of Miss,Mrs .,Mr .,Professor ,or Doctor etc.Can be used with the surname.

Newly acquainted (相识的) people will shake hands and greet each other with“How do you do” or “I ’m glad to meet you”.

36.When people are introduced for the first time. a .“How are you?” b .“How do you do? ” c .“Nice to see you again.” d .“Good morning.”

37. a .Good morning! b .I ’m glad to meet you! c .How are you?

d .Good night.

38.We usually reply to“How do you do?”a .Hello . b .How are you? c .How do you do? d .I ’m fine,thank you.

39.When we talk with native speakers of English,we should not ask them the question “ ” a .How are you?

b .What do you think of the football match? c .Do you like the weather here? d .Are you married?

40.besides the greeting of“How do you do?” a .shake hands b. nod head c. kiss each other d. smile at each other

5.Read the passage and find the English sentences that match the following Chinese translations. (2×5=10)

A Guide to Business Telephone Users

a. Start each call by saying your name or your company’s name.

b. It is better to answer the telephone within three rings. 在…之内 c. Always have a pencil and pad available for taking down messages . 纸签/可得到的/口信 d. Listening when the caller is speaking. Don’t try to do two things at the same time. e. Find out the caller’s name and use it in the station.

f. Make notes and read them back to the caller to check if you have got the correct message.

g. If the wanted person can’t come to the phone, explain why’ take the caller’s name and number, and offer to call back.


h. Speak clearly. Always be helpful and polite.

Examp1e: ( e ) 询问对方姓名.以此称呼对方。 41. ( ) 听电话时不要一心二用。 42. ( )身边放有纸笔,记录电话信息。 43.( )核对记录信息。

44.( )电话响三声之内拿起电话。

1. (1×20=20)


10. 2. (2×10=20)

24. 25. 26. 45.( )要找的人不在时,解释原因并提出给对方回电话。 6. Put the following sentences into negative and interrogative form。(4×5=20) 46. Linda works as a secretary in this company. 47. We do our homework together every day. 48. They did a lot of work in the lab. 49. He loves painting very much. 50. I shall help her with her English.

7. Put the following sentences into Chinese.(2×5=10) 51.Sun glasses can protect our eyes from the sun. 52.They will try their best to learn English.

53. Nothing could prevent them from making their own way.

54. Wang Fang is the secretary of a shoe factory. She is phoning the Business Design Center in Beijing. She wishes to arrange a meeting between Mr. Li, her manager, and Mr. Smith, who is in charge of an exhibition.

55.There are five in my family. Look at the picture. The old couple in the middle are my parents. The used to be doctors and now both of them are retired. The young man on the left is my elder brother. He is the manager of the big company in the south.

3. (2×5=10) 4. (2×5=10) 5. (2×5=10) 6. (4×5=20) 46.


48. 49.


7. (2×5=10) 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.


《英语(1)》试卷(A 卷)试题答案

1. (1×20=20)

10. 2. (2×10=20)

22. lack of in some cases lies in 3. (2×5=10) 4. (2×5=10) 5. (2×5=10) 6. (4×5=20)

46. Linda doesn’t work as a secretary in this company. Does Linda work as a secretary in this company? 47. We don’t do our homework together every day. Do you do your homework together every day? 48. They didn’t do a lot of work in the lab. Did they a lot of work in the lab? 49. He doesn’t love painting very much. Does he loves painting very much? 50. I shan’t help her with her English.

Will you help her with her English?

7. (2×5=10)

51. 太阳镜可以遮挡太阳。

52. 他们将尽自己最大的努力学好英语。 53. 没有任何东西能阻止他们走自己的路。

54. 王芳是一家制鞋厂的秘书。她正在给北京的商业设计中心打电话。她想给她的经理李先生和负责展览的史密斯先生安排一次会面。

55. 我家有五口人。你看看这张照片。中间这对老夫妻是我的父母,他们以前都是医生,现在都退休了。左边这个年轻人是我哥哥,他是南方一家大公司的经理。



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