
一. 用适当的介词填空:

1. There is a white refrigerator________the kitchen. It is________the right.

2. The electric cooker is ________the left.

3. The table is________the middle of the table.

4. There is a bottle and a cup________the table.

5.There are a lot of books________the book case.

6. There are some typists________the office.

7. The book________the shelf is an English book.

8. You coat is ________the floor. Pick it up.

二. 用介词in, on, near填空:

1. There are books everywhere (到处). Put them________the shelf.

2. Your shoes are dirty. Put them________the door.

3. Empty the glass and put it________the desk.

4. Your dress is________the bed. Put it________the wardrobe.

5. There are some cigarettes________the lamp. Put them________that box.

6. Shut your book and put it________your schoolbag.

三. 用in, on , at, near, over, under 填空:

1. There is a picture________the wall________the door.

2. There is a bridge ________the river. A ship is going________the bridge.

3. Mr. Blake lives________his family________the fifth floor ________that building.

4. A bird is flying________the house. Tom is looking________it.

5. Tm and Tom are walking________the bridge. Two girls are________ them.

6. Mr. Jones’ house is________a park. Now he is walking________his wife in the park.

四. 用下面介词with, on, in, along , across, between填空:

1. There are many trees________the streets.

2. Mr. Jones lives________the first floor.

3. My father often walks________the river after supper.

4. We often swim________the river.

5. Be careful(当心)when you are walking________the street.

6. The children are looking at a ship________the river.

五. 用适当的介词填空:

1. What are you going to do________that old car?

2. Mother is going to put these clothes________the wardrobe.

3. There is a vase________the radio.

4. They are going to put the vase________the shelf.

5. Don’t put the vase________the window.

6. John is making a bookcase. He is going to give it________his daughter.

7. Are your hands clean? Show them________me.

8. Those flowers are very lovely. Please send them________my grandmother.

六. 用下列介词填空:at, in , over, across, near, along, under, after, behind, in front of.

1. Some birds are flying________the sea.

2. The son is ________the sky.

3. There is a big armchair________the floor.

4. There is a ship________the bridge.

5. The teacher is standing________the blackboard.

6. The blackboard is ________the teacher.

7. There are many trees________the street.

8. The dog is running________the grass.

9. Two policemen are running________a thief(小偷)

10. Look________the blackboard, please.

一. 用适当的介词填空:

1. There is a white refrigerator________the kitchen. It is________the right.

2. The electric cooker is ________the left.

3. The table is________the middle of the table.

4. There is a bottle and a cup________the table.

5.There are a lot of books________the book case.

6. There are some typists________the office.

7. The book________the shelf is an English book.

8. You coat is ________the floor. Pick it up.

二. 用介词in, on, near填空:

1. There are books everywhere (到处). Put them________the shelf.

2. Your shoes are dirty. Put them________the door.

3. Empty the glass and put it________the desk.

4. Your dress is________the bed. Put it________the wardrobe.

5. There are some cigarettes________the lamp. Put them________that box.

6. Shut your book and put it________your schoolbag.

三. 用in, on , at, near, over, under 填空:

1. There is a picture________the wall________the door.

2. There is a bridge ________the river. A ship is going________the bridge.

3. Mr. Blake lives________his family________the fifth floor ________that building.

4. A bird is flying________the house. Tom is looking________it.

5. Tm and Tom are walking________the bridge. Two girls are________ them.

6. Mr. Jones’ house is________a park. Now he is walking________his wife in the park.

四. 用下面介词with, on, in, along , across, between填空:

1. There are many trees________the streets.

2. Mr. Jones lives________the first floor.

3. My father often walks________the river after supper.

4. We often swim________the river.

5. Be careful(当心)when you are walking________the street.

6. The children are looking at a ship________the river.

五. 用适当的介词填空:

1. What are you going to do________that old car?

2. Mother is going to put these clothes________the wardrobe.

3. There is a vase________the radio.

4. They are going to put the vase________the shelf.

5. Don’t put the vase________the window.

6. John is making a bookcase. He is going to give it________his daughter.

7. Are your hands clean? Show them________me.

8. Those flowers are very lovely. Please send them________my grandmother.

六. 用下列介词填空:at, in , over, across, near, along, under, after, behind, in front of.

1. Some birds are flying________the sea.

2. The son is ________the sky.

3. There is a big armchair________the floor.

4. There is a ship________the bridge.

5. The teacher is standing________the blackboard.

6. The blackboard is ________the teacher.

7. There are many trees________the street.

8. The dog is running________the grass.

9. Two policemen are running________a thief(小偷)

10. Look________the blackboard, please.


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