


题目:______ 中文题目

系 别: 英语系_______________ 专 业: 英语(酒店与商务方向)

姓 名: 张 三 __ 读 学 位: 学 士 _ 师: 李四五 ____________ 成 日 期:__2014年5月__________



A Thesis Submitted to the English Department in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

LI Siwu May 2014


I would like to thank the following people for their help and support during my research and writing of the thesis.

First of all, I want to thank Professor xxx xxx, my thesis advisor. She has patiently and insightfully directed me during the whole thesis-writing process, discussing my ideas and approaches and giving me excellent advice on how to ….

Secondly, my thanks go to ….

Finally, I would like to thank my parents for their unfailing support and loving care.

Responsibility for any remaining errors is mine.


个左右实词,Times New Romans



四号字,Times New Romans字体,加粗。居中,标题


Quality of teachers has always been paid great attention to, especially that of primary school teachers, who play the most influential role in students’ elementary learning. In 2001, as the new National English Curriculum requires that English should be taught from Grade 3 in primary schools, a new type of primary school English teachers named “transferred teachers” came into being. Transferred teachers are those non-English-major primary school teachers who shift to teach English after graduation from a training program called “In-service Training for Transferred Teachers”. ……………………

As time was limited, six transferred teachers were chosen as our subjects. The study was carried out on the basis of the analysis of the errors on the recorded material of the English utterance borne out by these transferred teachers.

Key Words:the first, the second, the third

Times New 字体,小四号,加粗,后带冒号。顶格,离上文空一行。

摘 要




摘 要 .Abstract I . Introduction .1.1 Background1.2 Significance of the Empirical Study .................................................................... 3 1.3 Purpose of the Present Study .. ……………... .………..................... .. ..……… 4 1.4 Structure of the Present Study ............................................................................. 5 II. Literature Review ................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Definition of Teachers’ Beliefs ............................................................................ 7 2.2 Teachers’ Beliefs and Teaching Behavior ........................................................... 8 2.3 The Expected Teachers’ Beliefs of the New Curriculum .................................... 9 III. Method ................................................................................................................. 10 3.1 The participants .................................................................................................. 11 3.2 Procedures ......................................................................................................... 12 IV. Results and Discussion ........................................................................................ 13 4.1 Status Quo of the Teachers’ Beliefs ................................................................... 14 4.1.1 Mean and Std. Deviation of the TQ …………………………………… ..…15 4.2 The Relationship between Teachers’ Beliefs and Their Teaching

Behavior...................................................................................................................16 4.3 Teachers’ Most Concern in Course Planning ................................................... .17 V. Conclusion and Research Implications ............................................................... 18 5.1 The Importance of Teacher Training ................................................................. 19

5.2 Modification of the Assessment System ....................................................... …20 5.3 Offering Adequate Teaching Facilities .............................................................. 21 Works cited ................................................................................................................ 23 Appendix I .................................................................................................................. 24 Appendix II ................................................................................................................ 25


of articulated………………………………. 1.2 Significance of the Empirical Study

As education promotion is inevitable in the new phase of education, ….....


II. Literature Review

2.1 Definition of Teachers’ Beliefs

Definition of beliefs may vary according to different experts. ………. 2.2 Teachers’ Beliefs and Teaching Behavior

The western countries had gone through 3 decades …….; Breen et al 2001; Borg 2003; Burns 2005).


III. Method

The survey consisted of 3 instruments: 3.1 The Participants

10 schools from 5 of the cities in GD Province participated in this study. ………… 3.2 Procedures


IV. Results and Discussion

4.1 Status Quo of the Teachers’ Beliefs 4.1.1 Mean and Std. Deviation of the TQ


V. Conclusion and Research Implications

The present research carried out a survey of the status quo of teachers’ beliefs and their teaching behavior in the New Curriculum context in Guangdong Province by means of questionnaire, ………. 5.1 The Importance of Teacher Training

From the interviews, the author found......

Chopin, Kate. The Awakening. New York: Cambridge UP, 1996.

Nelles,William. “Edna Pontellier’s Revolt against Nature.” American Literature




题目:______ 中文题目

系 别: 英语系_______________ 专 业: 英语(酒店与商务方向)

姓 名: 张 三 __ 读 学 位: 学 士 _ 师: 李四五 ____________ 成 日 期:__2014年5月__________



A Thesis Submitted to the English Department in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

LI Siwu May 2014


I would like to thank the following people for their help and support during my research and writing of the thesis.

First of all, I want to thank Professor xxx xxx, my thesis advisor. She has patiently and insightfully directed me during the whole thesis-writing process, discussing my ideas and approaches and giving me excellent advice on how to ….

Secondly, my thanks go to ….

Finally, I would like to thank my parents for their unfailing support and loving care.

Responsibility for any remaining errors is mine.


个左右实词,Times New Romans



四号字,Times New Romans字体,加粗。居中,标题


Quality of teachers has always been paid great attention to, especially that of primary school teachers, who play the most influential role in students’ elementary learning. In 2001, as the new National English Curriculum requires that English should be taught from Grade 3 in primary schools, a new type of primary school English teachers named “transferred teachers” came into being. Transferred teachers are those non-English-major primary school teachers who shift to teach English after graduation from a training program called “In-service Training for Transferred Teachers”. ……………………

As time was limited, six transferred teachers were chosen as our subjects. The study was carried out on the basis of the analysis of the errors on the recorded material of the English utterance borne out by these transferred teachers.

Key Words:the first, the second, the third

Times New 字体,小四号,加粗,后带冒号。顶格,离上文空一行。

摘 要




摘 要 .Abstract I . Introduction .1.1 Background1.2 Significance of the Empirical Study .................................................................... 3 1.3 Purpose of the Present Study .. ……………... .………..................... .. ..……… 4 1.4 Structure of the Present Study ............................................................................. 5 II. Literature Review ................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Definition of Teachers’ Beliefs ............................................................................ 7 2.2 Teachers’ Beliefs and Teaching Behavior ........................................................... 8 2.3 The Expected Teachers’ Beliefs of the New Curriculum .................................... 9 III. Method ................................................................................................................. 10 3.1 The participants .................................................................................................. 11 3.2 Procedures ......................................................................................................... 12 IV. Results and Discussion ........................................................................................ 13 4.1 Status Quo of the Teachers’ Beliefs ................................................................... 14 4.1.1 Mean and Std. Deviation of the TQ …………………………………… ..…15 4.2 The Relationship between Teachers’ Beliefs and Their Teaching

Behavior...................................................................................................................16 4.3 Teachers’ Most Concern in Course Planning ................................................... .17 V. Conclusion and Research Implications ............................................................... 18 5.1 The Importance of Teacher Training ................................................................. 19

5.2 Modification of the Assessment System ....................................................... …20 5.3 Offering Adequate Teaching Facilities .............................................................. 21 Works cited ................................................................................................................ 23 Appendix I .................................................................................................................. 24 Appendix II ................................................................................................................ 25


of articulated………………………………. 1.2 Significance of the Empirical Study

As education promotion is inevitable in the new phase of education, ….....


II. Literature Review

2.1 Definition of Teachers’ Beliefs

Definition of beliefs may vary according to different experts. ………. 2.2 Teachers’ Beliefs and Teaching Behavior

The western countries had gone through 3 decades …….; Breen et al 2001; Borg 2003; Burns 2005).


III. Method

The survey consisted of 3 instruments: 3.1 The Participants

10 schools from 5 of the cities in GD Province participated in this study. ………… 3.2 Procedures


IV. Results and Discussion

4.1 Status Quo of the Teachers’ Beliefs 4.1.1 Mean and Std. Deviation of the TQ


V. Conclusion and Research Implications

The present research carried out a survey of the status quo of teachers’ beliefs and their teaching behavior in the New Curriculum context in Guangdong Province by means of questionnaire, ………. 5.1 The Importance of Teacher Training

From the interviews, the author found......

Chopin, Kate. The Awakening. New York: Cambridge UP, 1996.

Nelles,William. “Edna Pontellier’s Revolt against Nature.” American Literature



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