

开头 第一题

• Many parents these days go and work in other countries, taking their families with them. Do you think the advantages for families outweigh its disadvantages?


Every year millions of workers migrate to developed countries such as Canada or Germany to work as doctors, engineers, or other professionals,taking their families with them. This is bad for the adopted countries, but can be good for those workers’ family development.


With globalization underway for decades and no sign of dwindling, more and more people are finding their jobs in other countries, taking along their families, too. Such a development has brought many positive effects on families, while causing some unwanted side effects as well. Overall, the benefits should outweigh the drawbacks. 参考答案3

In this globalized world, it is not rare to find people seeking their career in a foreign country. Among them, some parents take their children with them to live abroad, which has raised some discussion

about its benefits and drawbacks.


Popular events like the football World Cup and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tensions. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


There is no doubt that rapid growth of international tensions and political difficulties between countries is one of the most elements of worries among people and governments (背景)

To ease these unpleasant situations, some people believe that popular sport events like Olympic and football World Cup games can play an essential role in easing tensions(转述问题)

Similarly, to me such events have a great potential to help countries to reduce worries. (观点)


• Whether being totally or partly integrated into the notorious fickle world, a country has to cope with many conflicts in both economic and political fields. (背景)

• Some people think that by holding international events like World Cup or other kinds of sporting occasions help reducing world’s tensions and at the same time demonstrating the feeling of patriotism, (转述问题)

• with which I totally agree. (观点)


• The World Cup football match and the Olympics are held worldwide with great national support and expectations. (转述问题)

• As a fan of those competitions, I agree with the idea that sporting events can be necessary for international relations and national unity. In this essay, I will think about the effects of these popular sporting events.(个人观点)


• In contemporary society, sports play an important role and cannot be absent from individuals‘ lives. (背景)

• The discussion that whether the international sports events are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe ways has already aroused much attentions. (问题)

• Speaking for myself, I think it is essential.(观点)


• International sporting occasions are very well participated by a lot of countries or nationalities around the world. One of these very popular events is called “The World Cup”. This special occasion is held every four years in a hosting country that won the bidding to

qualify to host the special event. And the event will be participated by 36 final nations that qualify and this is played for over a month usually from the early week of June until the middle of July. The latest world cup was held last 2010 in the hosting country of South Africa and Spain won the championship against Germany for 1-0.


• The biggest sport events like the Football World Cup and the Olympics take place every four years. Athletes from different countries come to the vents to show their pride of nation. 开头作业3

Economic progress is one way to measure a country's success. Other people think other factors are also important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


In a world where development has been the theme for decades after two world wars, many governments are busy striving for prosperity and a better life for their people. But opinions on the criteria to measure a country’s success have never reached a consensus. Some people take economic progress as the yardstick; while others believe factors like environment protection, happiness, equality, education etc.

should also have a say, which is also the view I back up.


It is certain that a country’s success is built up by several factors. Some people believe that economic prosperity is a ruler which measures a country’s development. However, the opposite opinions argue other elements play more essential roles in the success of a nation. From my point of view, education and healthcare service are also decisive factors which form a country’s thriving.


As a key factor in social development, economic progress has attracted full attention of policy makers in most countries of the world. However, some people suggest there are other factors that are as important as economic progress. This essay will focus on other aspects of the society that should be taken into consideration


There is a lot of fame and money involved in dangerous sports. 参考答案


International sporting events can bring great benefits to some developing countries.




2 参考答案




开头 第一题

• Many parents these days go and work in other countries, taking their families with them. Do you think the advantages for families outweigh its disadvantages?


Every year millions of workers migrate to developed countries such as Canada or Germany to work as doctors, engineers, or other professionals,taking their families with them. This is bad for the adopted countries, but can be good for those workers’ family development.


With globalization underway for decades and no sign of dwindling, more and more people are finding their jobs in other countries, taking along their families, too. Such a development has brought many positive effects on families, while causing some unwanted side effects as well. Overall, the benefits should outweigh the drawbacks. 参考答案3

In this globalized world, it is not rare to find people seeking their career in a foreign country. Among them, some parents take their children with them to live abroad, which has raised some discussion

about its benefits and drawbacks.


Popular events like the football World Cup and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tensions. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


There is no doubt that rapid growth of international tensions and political difficulties between countries is one of the most elements of worries among people and governments (背景)

To ease these unpleasant situations, some people believe that popular sport events like Olympic and football World Cup games can play an essential role in easing tensions(转述问题)

Similarly, to me such events have a great potential to help countries to reduce worries. (观点)


• Whether being totally or partly integrated into the notorious fickle world, a country has to cope with many conflicts in both economic and political fields. (背景)

• Some people think that by holding international events like World Cup or other kinds of sporting occasions help reducing world’s tensions and at the same time demonstrating the feeling of patriotism, (转述问题)

• with which I totally agree. (观点)


• The World Cup football match and the Olympics are held worldwide with great national support and expectations. (转述问题)

• As a fan of those competitions, I agree with the idea that sporting events can be necessary for international relations and national unity. In this essay, I will think about the effects of these popular sporting events.(个人观点)


• In contemporary society, sports play an important role and cannot be absent from individuals‘ lives. (背景)

• The discussion that whether the international sports events are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe ways has already aroused much attentions. (问题)

• Speaking for myself, I think it is essential.(观点)


• International sporting occasions are very well participated by a lot of countries or nationalities around the world. One of these very popular events is called “The World Cup”. This special occasion is held every four years in a hosting country that won the bidding to

qualify to host the special event. And the event will be participated by 36 final nations that qualify and this is played for over a month usually from the early week of June until the middle of July. The latest world cup was held last 2010 in the hosting country of South Africa and Spain won the championship against Germany for 1-0.


• The biggest sport events like the Football World Cup and the Olympics take place every four years. Athletes from different countries come to the vents to show their pride of nation. 开头作业3

Economic progress is one way to measure a country's success. Other people think other factors are also important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


In a world where development has been the theme for decades after two world wars, many governments are busy striving for prosperity and a better life for their people. But opinions on the criteria to measure a country’s success have never reached a consensus. Some people take economic progress as the yardstick; while others believe factors like environment protection, happiness, equality, education etc.

should also have a say, which is also the view I back up.


It is certain that a country’s success is built up by several factors. Some people believe that economic prosperity is a ruler which measures a country’s development. However, the opposite opinions argue other elements play more essential roles in the success of a nation. From my point of view, education and healthcare service are also decisive factors which form a country’s thriving.


As a key factor in social development, economic progress has attracted full attention of policy makers in most countries of the world. However, some people suggest there are other factors that are as important as economic progress. This essay will focus on other aspects of the society that should be taken into consideration


There is a lot of fame and money involved in dangerous sports. 参考答案


International sporting events can bring great benefits to some developing countries.




2 参考答案




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