七年级英语阅读练习及答案 2013


Do you like going to the movies?_1_ of the students like movies very much.Last Monday,I went to a middle school and __2_some students about their favorite movies.Some of their __3_were really interesting.Here are their likes and _4_:

Rick,_5__eleven-year-old boy,likes watching thrillers because they are scary __6_ exciting.

His classmates,Lisa,_7__stand documentaries(纪录片)She tells me they are __8_parents.But she really likes sitcoms because they are__9__.

Victor is a big boy.He says he doesn’t mind documentaries.But he doesn’t like sitcoms_____they are boring.And the coolest movies are action movies. ( ) 1.A. Most B.More C.Few D.Any ( )2.A.told B.asked C. talked D.said ( )3.A. Names B.books C.answers D.questions ( )4.A. stories B.hobbies C. favorites D. Dislikes ( ) 5.A.the B.an C.a D.one ( ) 6.A. But B.or C.and D.so ( ) 7.A. didn’t B. shouldn’t C.can ’t D. don’t ( ) 8.A.at B.with C. of D.for ( ) 9.A.boring B.sad C.colorful D.funny ( )10.A. after B. when C. because D. If KEY: ABCDB ACDDC (2) Do you know Nicola?She is from the United Kingdom.She plays the violin very well.She started playing the violin at the age of four.Nicola went to violin classes with her sister.She loved playing the violin and learned it very well.She usually practiced playing the violin in her room. It was difficult for a little girl to play the violin six hours a play. Nicola was very lucky and happy.she got her first prize in 2004.In 2006,she came to China. She played the violin in Beijing,Hangzhou,shanghai and other cities,people liked her music very much.then sha was popular in China. Nicola says she enjoys playing the violin for people.She wants to go Africa to play the violin and make money for the poor(贫穷)kids there. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T )误(F )。

( )1. Nicola is an English girl. ( )2.Nicola started playing the violin when she was four years old. ( )3.Nicola played the violin 7hours a day. ( )4.Nicola was popular in China in 2004. ( )5.Nicola is very kind.

KEY:TTFFT (3) Last month,my family went to Australia’s Gold Coast.We arrived there by plane on Friday evening and took a taxi to our hotel.When we got to the hotel,we were very tired,so we didn’t go out. On Saturday morning we visited the Gold Coast.It was very beautiful and exciting.Then we visited the Crocodile Hunter ’s Australia Zoo on Saturday afternoon. We saw koalas there. On Sunday afternoon we took a bus to a park. In the park the guide introduce nice birds to us. The next day,we went to the beach and swam in the water. We also took lots of photos there. The last day,we went shopping and bought gifts for our friends. There we had a good time. It was short,but it was great.


1. The writer’s family took a ______to their hotel. 2. The writer saw koalas on Saturday_______. 3. The writer saw nice _____in the park. 4. The writer took lots of photos on the _____. 5. The writer’s family bought some presents for their ______on the last day. KEY: taxi afternoon birds beach friends (4) Mr. Rabbit gets three carrots in a garden.”i will make carrot soup. ”he says.He meets Miss pig . ”May i have a carrot,please? ”Miss Pig asks. ”Yes,here ’s a carrot for you.”Mr.Rabbit answers. Now Mr.rabbit has two carrots. Then Mr.rabbit meets Mr.cat .”may i have a carrot,please?”Mr cat asks “yes,here ’s a carrot for you.”Mr.rabbit says. Now Mr. Rabbit has only one carrot. Then Mr.Rabbit meets Mr cock. ”may i have a carrot,please? ”Mr.cock asks. ”yes,here ’s a carrot for you.”Mr. Rabbit gives the carrot to Mr.Cock. Mr. Rabbit goes home without any carrot. At this moment,the doorbell rings. ”Who is it ? ”Mr.Rabbit asks. ”Hello! ”answer Miss Pig.Mr.Cat,and Mr.Cock. ”You share (分享)your carrots with us,so we will share our food with you. ””Haha!The carrot soup!Let ’s eat!”So they all have a delicious meal.


1.Where does Mr.Rabbit get the carrots? ________________________________________________

2.How many carrots does Mr.Rabbit have at first? ________________________________________________ 3.How many carrots does Mr.Rabbit have when he gets home? ________________________________________________ 4.Who give the carrot soup to Mr.Rabbit? ________________________________________________ KEY :1.in a garden. 2. Three 3.No one 4.Miss Pig,Mr.Cat and Mr.Cock. (5) 阅读下面的短文,根据其内容从所给的12个单词中选择10个,并用其适当的形式填空。

Jim ’s parents come China to work.Jim __1__ here to study.He is in No.5 middle school.He _2__up early every day.He is never late _3__school.He studies hard.He can read and write English __4_. He often helps us with our English,and we often help him with his Chinese. __5_class he likes playing football,swimming,running,jumping and riding.He makes many friends here.We are glad __6_stay with __7_.On Sundays he often helps his mother clean the house,mend something __8_do the shopping.Helikes __9__food very much.He likes __10__ here.He likes Chinese students very much.We all like him,too. KEY:1.comes 2.gets 3.for 4.well 5.after 6.to 7.him 8.or 9.Chinese 10.living/to live


Do you like going to the movies?_1_ of the students like movies very much.Last Monday,I went to a middle school and __2_some students about their favorite movies.Some of their __3_were really interesting.Here are their likes and _4_:

Rick,_5__eleven-year-old boy,likes watching thrillers because they are scary __6_ exciting.

His classmates,Lisa,_7__stand documentaries(纪录片)She tells me they are __8_parents.But she really likes sitcoms because they are__9__.

Victor is a big boy.He says he doesn’t mind documentaries.But he doesn’t like sitcoms_____they are boring.And the coolest movies are action movies. ( ) 1.A. Most B.More C.Few D.Any ( )2.A.told B.asked C. talked D.said ( )3.A. Names B.books C.answers D.questions ( )4.A. stories B.hobbies C. favorites D. Dislikes ( ) 5.A.the B.an C.a D.one ( ) 6.A. But B.or C.and D.so ( ) 7.A. didn’t B. shouldn’t C.can ’t D. don’t ( ) 8.A.at B.with C. of D.for ( ) 9.A.boring B.sad C.colorful D.funny ( )10.A. after B. when C. because D. If KEY: ABCDB ACDDC (2) Do you know Nicola?She is from the United Kingdom.She plays the violin very well.She started playing the violin at the age of four.Nicola went to violin classes with her sister.She loved playing the violin and learned it very well.She usually practiced playing the violin in her room. It was difficult for a little girl to play the violin six hours a play. Nicola was very lucky and happy.she got her first prize in 2004.In 2006,she came to China. She played the violin in Beijing,Hangzhou,shanghai and other cities,people liked her music very much.then sha was popular in China. Nicola says she enjoys playing the violin for people.She wants to go Africa to play the violin and make money for the poor(贫穷)kids there. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T )误(F )。

( )1. Nicola is an English girl. ( )2.Nicola started playing the violin when she was four years old. ( )3.Nicola played the violin 7hours a day. ( )4.Nicola was popular in China in 2004. ( )5.Nicola is very kind.

KEY:TTFFT (3) Last month,my family went to Australia’s Gold Coast.We arrived there by plane on Friday evening and took a taxi to our hotel.When we got to the hotel,we were very tired,so we didn’t go out. On Saturday morning we visited the Gold Coast.It was very beautiful and exciting.Then we visited the Crocodile Hunter ’s Australia Zoo on Saturday afternoon. We saw koalas there. On Sunday afternoon we took a bus to a park. In the park the guide introduce nice birds to us. The next day,we went to the beach and swam in the water. We also took lots of photos there. The last day,we went shopping and bought gifts for our friends. There we had a good time. It was short,but it was great.


1. The writer’s family took a ______to their hotel. 2. The writer saw koalas on Saturday_______. 3. The writer saw nice _____in the park. 4. The writer took lots of photos on the _____. 5. The writer’s family bought some presents for their ______on the last day. KEY: taxi afternoon birds beach friends (4) Mr. Rabbit gets three carrots in a garden.”i will make carrot soup. ”he says.He meets Miss pig . ”May i have a carrot,please? ”Miss Pig asks. ”Yes,here ’s a carrot for you.”Mr.Rabbit answers. Now Mr.rabbit has two carrots. Then Mr.rabbit meets Mr.cat .”may i have a carrot,please?”Mr cat asks “yes,here ’s a carrot for you.”Mr.rabbit says. Now Mr. Rabbit has only one carrot. Then Mr.Rabbit meets Mr cock. ”may i have a carrot,please? ”Mr.cock asks. ”yes,here ’s a carrot for you.”Mr. Rabbit gives the carrot to Mr.Cock. Mr. Rabbit goes home without any carrot. At this moment,the doorbell rings. ”Who is it ? ”Mr.Rabbit asks. ”Hello! ”answer Miss Pig.Mr.Cat,and Mr.Cock. ”You share (分享)your carrots with us,so we will share our food with you. ””Haha!The carrot soup!Let ’s eat!”So they all have a delicious meal.


1.Where does Mr.Rabbit get the carrots? ________________________________________________

2.How many carrots does Mr.Rabbit have at first? ________________________________________________ 3.How many carrots does Mr.Rabbit have when he gets home? ________________________________________________ 4.Who give the carrot soup to Mr.Rabbit? ________________________________________________ KEY :1.in a garden. 2. Three 3.No one 4.Miss Pig,Mr.Cat and Mr.Cock. (5) 阅读下面的短文,根据其内容从所给的12个单词中选择10个,并用其适当的形式填空。

Jim ’s parents come China to work.Jim __1__ here to study.He is in No.5 middle school.He _2__up early every day.He is never late _3__school.He studies hard.He can read and write English __4_. He often helps us with our English,and we often help him with his Chinese. __5_class he likes playing football,swimming,running,jumping and riding.He makes many friends here.We are glad __6_stay with __7_.On Sundays he often helps his mother clean the house,mend something __8_do the shopping.Helikes __9__food very much.He likes __10__ here.He likes Chinese students very much.We all like him,too. KEY:1.comes 2.gets 3.for 4.well 5.after 6.to 7.him 8.or 9.Chinese 10.living/to live


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