
英语社团干部竞选竞聘稿 Hello, everyone. I am from six years to three class Zhou Zheng, my English name is hutter. Here are the applause. Today I confidently stand here and run for the English club president one duty.

My English is not very good at it, however, is relatively good, 我曾经获得了English Olympic competition 一等奖、二等奖、三等奖,在上学期,我参加了校英语演讲大赛活动, and won a good score of 9.9 points.。所以我认为,我有能力胜任分团长一职。



最后,我将用英语说一句话,结束我的演讲:fishing islands are china!

Hello !大家好!我是来自六年三班的周正,我的英文名字叫hutter 。此处有掌声。今天我满怀信心地站在这里竞选英语社分团长一职。

Hello, everyone. I am from six years to three class Zhou Zheng, my English name is hutter. Here are the applause. Today I confidently stand here and run for the English club president one duty.

My English is not very good at it, however, is relatively good, I have won the English Olympic competition first prize, two prize, three prize, in the last semester, I participated in the English speech contest, and won a good score of 9.9 points. So I think, I have the ability to perform points of head position.

In the future, if I have the honor to win the election, I will use my not generous but still solid arm to assume the responsibility, as the English club to support for a piece of blue sky! I will put my plan into practice, inherited from his predecessor 's positive attitude, pioneering and innovative, and community activities carried out in be full of sound and colour. In the community

construction, I will earnestly fulfill the head under the task. Will also hold a minute group characteristic activity, so that we obtain the small red youth awards. I think, every community is looking for a warm home community; every community of people with the same dream; every community people are longing for the same future. Today, the English club has provided me with a self-fulfillment stage; tomorrow, I will take the stage to create a more splendid splendid!

Finally, I will use English to say a word, the end of my speech: Fishing islands are china!

英语社团干部竞选竞聘稿 Hello, everyone. I am from six years to three class Zhou Zheng, my English name is hutter. Here are the applause. Today I confidently stand here and run for the English club president one duty.

My English is not very good at it, however, is relatively good, 我曾经获得了English Olympic competition 一等奖、二等奖、三等奖,在上学期,我参加了校英语演讲大赛活动, and won a good score of 9.9 points.。所以我认为,我有能力胜任分团长一职。



最后,我将用英语说一句话,结束我的演讲:fishing islands are china!

Hello !大家好!我是来自六年三班的周正,我的英文名字叫hutter 。此处有掌声。今天我满怀信心地站在这里竞选英语社分团长一职。

Hello, everyone. I am from six years to three class Zhou Zheng, my English name is hutter. Here are the applause. Today I confidently stand here and run for the English club president one duty.

My English is not very good at it, however, is relatively good, I have won the English Olympic competition first prize, two prize, three prize, in the last semester, I participated in the English speech contest, and won a good score of 9.9 points. So I think, I have the ability to perform points of head position.

In the future, if I have the honor to win the election, I will use my not generous but still solid arm to assume the responsibility, as the English club to support for a piece of blue sky! I will put my plan into practice, inherited from his predecessor 's positive attitude, pioneering and innovative, and community activities carried out in be full of sound and colour. In the community

construction, I will earnestly fulfill the head under the task. Will also hold a minute group characteristic activity, so that we obtain the small red youth awards. I think, every community is looking for a warm home community; every community of people with the same dream; every community people are longing for the same future. Today, the English club has provided me with a self-fulfillment stage; tomorrow, I will take the stage to create a more splendid splendid!

Finally, I will use English to say a word, the end of my speech: Fishing islands are china!


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