
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,

Please take your seat and relax. Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another coach, so don’t worry about it. (Your luggage has been kept on the lower layer of the coach.) On behalf of the travel service and my colleagues, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to all of you.

Before we tour around Guilin, I’d like to make some special remarks on our tour programs:

First of all, the quotation for each tour includes all expenses in the destination country. This includes the cost of accommodation, metals, transportation, sightseeing, guides, air-port departure tax, and a round-trip international airfare. The quotation is calculated on a per-person basis for a group of 10 or more adults. The quotation for a smaller group will have to be determined by this travel agency.

Next, each person taking our tour has to pay for his or her personal expenses which may involve, for example, laundry, drinks, mini-bars in their hotel room, long-distance phone calls.

And finally, it is our principle to carry out a tour strictly according to the set itinerary, but we reserve the right to make any changes due to some unforeseeable circumstances. We will give you notice of these changes as they occur, together with reasons.

No service charges are added to accounts by hotels or restaurants in Guilin. Tipping is neither encouraged nor routine, although visitors may reward special services if they wish, in which case 10 percent of the bill is adequate. At any time, tipping is optional. Taxi drivers and porters have set charges and do not expect to be tipped.

2)Now let me introduce my Chinese colleagues to you. This is Mr. Wang, our driver. He is an experienced driver with a driving experience of more than 15 years. Miss Liu, a trainee tour guide who just graduated from GLIT. My name is Lu Meilin. My English name is Sophia. You can call me Meilin or Sophia. We are from Guangxi Youth Travel Service, Guilin Branch. On be half of the travel service and my colleagues, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to all of you.

3)During your stay in Guilin, Miss Liu and I will be your local guides. We will try our best to smooth your visit, making it a pleasant and rewarding experience. If you have any problems or special requests, please don’t hesitate to tell us. As a Chinese old saying goes, “Nothing is more delightful than to meet friends from afar.”(Isn’t it delighted to have friends coming from afar?) And we highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

4)You are going to stay at Sheraton Hotel, a luxurious, five-star hotel. It’s located in the downtown area and at bank of Li river which is considered as the mother river of Guilin people. From the window of the guestroom, you can have a good view of the charming scenery of the river bank.

I know that you are not familiar with the surroundings of Guilin, so you need to remember the number of the coach. It is Gui C-86675. Let me repeat it: Gui C-86675. My cell phone number is [1**********]. I would have it on for 24 hours.

Don’t hesitate to contact me whenever you are in need.

Now, it’s 10:15. Next we will go to the hotel to check in. at 12:00, we’ll have lunch in the dinning hall of the hotel. At 2:30 p.m., we’ll have sightseeing in Guilin city proper. The first place we shall visit is the Elephant Trunk Hill where you can take photos and go around the park. At 4:00 this afternoon, you will have free time to go shopping at Zhengyang Pedestrian Street(正阳步行街). At 6:30 this evening, we’ll have supper in JuFulin restaurant in this street. At 7:30 we’ll set off to take part in a night cruise of Two Rivers and Four lakes which is a river system around the city to feel the amazing night of this dedicate city.

6) I sincerely wish you a pleasant and comfortable stay and a fantastic holiday here. I shall do all I can to make everything easy for you. We are going to enjoy this wonderful trip!

Thank you for your attention.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,

Please take your seat and relax. Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another coach, so don’t worry about it. (Your luggage has been kept on the lower layer of the coach.) On behalf of the travel service and my colleagues, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to all of you.

Before we tour around Guilin, I’d like to make some special remarks on our tour programs:

First of all, the quotation for each tour includes all expenses in the destination country. This includes the cost of accommodation, metals, transportation, sightseeing, guides, air-port departure tax, and a round-trip international airfare. The quotation is calculated on a per-person basis for a group of 10 or more adults. The quotation for a smaller group will have to be determined by this travel agency.

Next, each person taking our tour has to pay for his or her personal expenses which may involve, for example, laundry, drinks, mini-bars in their hotel room, long-distance phone calls.

And finally, it is our principle to carry out a tour strictly according to the set itinerary, but we reserve the right to make any changes due to some unforeseeable circumstances. We will give you notice of these changes as they occur, together with reasons.

No service charges are added to accounts by hotels or restaurants in Guilin. Tipping is neither encouraged nor routine, although visitors may reward special services if they wish, in which case 10 percent of the bill is adequate. At any time, tipping is optional. Taxi drivers and porters have set charges and do not expect to be tipped.

2)Now let me introduce my Chinese colleagues to you. This is Mr. Wang, our driver. He is an experienced driver with a driving experience of more than 15 years. Miss Liu, a trainee tour guide who just graduated from GLIT. My name is Lu Meilin. My English name is Sophia. You can call me Meilin or Sophia. We are from Guangxi Youth Travel Service, Guilin Branch. On be half of the travel service and my colleagues, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to all of you.

3)During your stay in Guilin, Miss Liu and I will be your local guides. We will try our best to smooth your visit, making it a pleasant and rewarding experience. If you have any problems or special requests, please don’t hesitate to tell us. As a Chinese old saying goes, “Nothing is more delightful than to meet friends from afar.”(Isn’t it delighted to have friends coming from afar?) And we highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

4)You are going to stay at Sheraton Hotel, a luxurious, five-star hotel. It’s located in the downtown area and at bank of Li river which is considered as the mother river of Guilin people. From the window of the guestroom, you can have a good view of the charming scenery of the river bank.

I know that you are not familiar with the surroundings of Guilin, so you need to remember the number of the coach. It is Gui C-86675. Let me repeat it: Gui C-86675. My cell phone number is [1**********]. I would have it on for 24 hours.

Don’t hesitate to contact me whenever you are in need.

Now, it’s 10:15. Next we will go to the hotel to check in. at 12:00, we’ll have lunch in the dinning hall of the hotel. At 2:30 p.m., we’ll have sightseeing in Guilin city proper. The first place we shall visit is the Elephant Trunk Hill where you can take photos and go around the park. At 4:00 this afternoon, you will have free time to go shopping at Zhengyang Pedestrian Street(正阳步行街). At 6:30 this evening, we’ll have supper in JuFulin restaurant in this street. At 7:30 we’ll set off to take part in a night cruise of Two Rivers and Four lakes which is a river system around the city to feel the amazing night of this dedicate city.

6) I sincerely wish you a pleasant and comfortable stay and a fantastic holiday here. I shall do all I can to make everything easy for you. We are going to enjoy this wonderful trip!

Thank you for your attention.


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