

课程代码:2111050440 课程名称:外贸函电

English for International Business Communication

学 分: 总 学 时:


48 (其中:理论学时:48 实验(上机)学时:

先修课程:2111050141国际贸易实务 适用对象:本二 国际经济与贸易专业





Chapter1 Fundamentals of Business Letters


重点:Grasp foreign trade terms or jargons ; Be familiar with common abbreviations used in foreign trade; Master some idiomatic expressions/collections;The core of this course--Master actual business letter writing skills.

难点:Understand the functions of business letters;Learn the principles of business-letter writing 。

Chapter2 The Structure and the Format of Business Letters


重点:Know the parts of a business letter;Know the format of a business letter;Know how

to address an envelope。

难点:Know the basic structure of a business letter;Know the format of a business letter;Know the superscription of an envelope。

Chapter 3 Establishing Business Relations


重点:Know where to obtain the information about the merchants in foreign countries;Know the essential components of a letter to establish business relations;Master typical sentences and expressions in writing such letters。

难点:Get the information about the merchants in foreign countries;Write effective letters to prospective partners。

Chapter 4 Enquiries and Replies


重点:Know what and how to enquire for the goods an importer intends to buy;Know the essential components of a letter to make an enquiry;Master typical sentences and expression in writing such letters

难点:How to make an enquire;How to made a reply according to the enquiry。 Chapter 5 Quotations and Offers


重点:Know what and how to quote and offer for the goods an exporter intends to sell;Know the essential components of a letter to make a quotation and an offer;Master typical sentences and expressions in writing such letters

难点:How to make a quotation;The essential components of a letter to make an firm offer。 Chapter 6 Counter Offers


重点:Know how to express the reasons why a buyer doesn’t accept the offer entirely made by a seller or why he refuses it and how to put forward his new proposals properly in writing;Know the essential components of a letter of counter offer

难点:Know what is a counter-offer and how to make a counter-offer;Know the essential components of a letter of counter offer。

Chapter 7 Sales Letters

促销信函旨在向选定的客户销售某种商品或服务。通过本章的学习,了解促销信函的基本组成部分,掌握写作促销信函的AIDA 原则。

重点:Know what points should be noticed in writing a sales letter;Know how to introduce a commodity to a new customer;Know how to recommend a substitute product

难点:Know how to introduce products;Know how to do sales promotion;Know how to meet a new customer。

Chapter 8 Orders and Acknowledgements


重点:Know what are mainly included in order letters and why and how to confirm them;Know the essential components of a letter to make orders and acknowledgement to them

难点:Know how to write an order letter;Know the essential components of a letter to make orders 。

Chapter 9 Payment


重点:Know the three major modes of payment in international trade;Know how to write a positive answer to the request of payment by D/P;Know how to ask for an easier payment terms and make a relative response;Know how to propose payment by T/T

难点:Know the three major modes of payment in international trade;Know how to ask for an easier payment terms and make a relative response ;Master some specific terms and expressions concerning payment。

Chapter 10 Letter of Credit


重点:Know the importance of the letter of credit;Understand the main procedures the letter of credit goes through;Know how to urge the establishment of an L/C

难点:Know the meaning of the letter of credit;Understand the main procedures the letter of credit goes through。

Chapter 11 Packing


重点:Know why to pack goods and what specific terms and conditions should be included in packing ;Know the essential components of a letter which concerns packing

难点:Know how to write a letter to the buyer about the Packing ;Know the essential components of a letter which concerns packing

Chapter12 Shipment


重点:Know what are relative to shipment ;Know the essential components of a letter of shipment

难点:Know how to advise the shipment;Know how to request for partial shipment Chapter 13 Insurance


重点:Know why and how to insure goods and what insurance letters concern;Know the essential components of a letter concerning insurance

难点:Know how to enquiry about insurance;Know how to reply an enquiry of insurance Chapter 14 Claims and Settlement


重点:Know the essential points to write a complaint or a claim ;Learn the rules to be followed in writing a reply;Know how to lodge a complaint or a claim in a specific situation;Know how to decline and adjust a claim

难点:Know how to deal with the complains about delivery;Learn t how to deal with the complains about defective goods

Chapter 15 Agency


重点:Know the major types of agents;Know what to investigate before appointing an agent;Know the points to be covered in the agency agreement;Write an application for sales agency;Write to entrust a client with sole agency;Decline the agency application;Replies to the offer of agency

难点:Know how to write an application for sales agency ;Know the points to be covered in the agency agreement;Know to write to entrust a client with sole agency; Know to decline the agency application


考试;闭卷 五、教学说明



教 材:腾美荣主编。《外贸英语函电》(第一版)。北京:首都经贸大学出版社,2005 参考书:

1. 《外经贸英语函电》,甘鸿编著,上海科学技术文献出版社,2005第一版。 2. 《新编经贸英语写作教程》,梁润森,陈文明编著,中国社会科学出版社,2004


3. 《实用国际贸易英语教程》,叶京生编著,华东师范大学出版社,2002第一版。 4. 《实用外贸英语函电》,廖瑛编著,华中科技大学出版社,2005第一版。

执笔人: 审 定:


课程代码:2111050440 课程名称:外贸函电

English for International Business Communication

学 分: 总 学 时:


48 (其中:理论学时:48 实验(上机)学时:

先修课程:2111050141国际贸易实务 适用对象:本二 国际经济与贸易专业





Chapter1 Fundamentals of Business Letters


重点:Grasp foreign trade terms or jargons ; Be familiar with common abbreviations used in foreign trade; Master some idiomatic expressions/collections;The core of this course--Master actual business letter writing skills.

难点:Understand the functions of business letters;Learn the principles of business-letter writing 。

Chapter2 The Structure and the Format of Business Letters


重点:Know the parts of a business letter;Know the format of a business letter;Know how

to address an envelope。

难点:Know the basic structure of a business letter;Know the format of a business letter;Know the superscription of an envelope。

Chapter 3 Establishing Business Relations


重点:Know where to obtain the information about the merchants in foreign countries;Know the essential components of a letter to establish business relations;Master typical sentences and expressions in writing such letters。

难点:Get the information about the merchants in foreign countries;Write effective letters to prospective partners。

Chapter 4 Enquiries and Replies


重点:Know what and how to enquire for the goods an importer intends to buy;Know the essential components of a letter to make an enquiry;Master typical sentences and expression in writing such letters

难点:How to make an enquire;How to made a reply according to the enquiry。 Chapter 5 Quotations and Offers


重点:Know what and how to quote and offer for the goods an exporter intends to sell;Know the essential components of a letter to make a quotation and an offer;Master typical sentences and expressions in writing such letters

难点:How to make a quotation;The essential components of a letter to make an firm offer。 Chapter 6 Counter Offers


重点:Know how to express the reasons why a buyer doesn’t accept the offer entirely made by a seller or why he refuses it and how to put forward his new proposals properly in writing;Know the essential components of a letter of counter offer

难点:Know what is a counter-offer and how to make a counter-offer;Know the essential components of a letter of counter offer。

Chapter 7 Sales Letters

促销信函旨在向选定的客户销售某种商品或服务。通过本章的学习,了解促销信函的基本组成部分,掌握写作促销信函的AIDA 原则。

重点:Know what points should be noticed in writing a sales letter;Know how to introduce a commodity to a new customer;Know how to recommend a substitute product

难点:Know how to introduce products;Know how to do sales promotion;Know how to meet a new customer。

Chapter 8 Orders and Acknowledgements


重点:Know what are mainly included in order letters and why and how to confirm them;Know the essential components of a letter to make orders and acknowledgement to them

难点:Know how to write an order letter;Know the essential components of a letter to make orders 。

Chapter 9 Payment


重点:Know the three major modes of payment in international trade;Know how to write a positive answer to the request of payment by D/P;Know how to ask for an easier payment terms and make a relative response;Know how to propose payment by T/T

难点:Know the three major modes of payment in international trade;Know how to ask for an easier payment terms and make a relative response ;Master some specific terms and expressions concerning payment。

Chapter 10 Letter of Credit


重点:Know the importance of the letter of credit;Understand the main procedures the letter of credit goes through;Know how to urge the establishment of an L/C

难点:Know the meaning of the letter of credit;Understand the main procedures the letter of credit goes through。

Chapter 11 Packing


重点:Know why to pack goods and what specific terms and conditions should be included in packing ;Know the essential components of a letter which concerns packing

难点:Know how to write a letter to the buyer about the Packing ;Know the essential components of a letter which concerns packing

Chapter12 Shipment


重点:Know what are relative to shipment ;Know the essential components of a letter of shipment

难点:Know how to advise the shipment;Know how to request for partial shipment Chapter 13 Insurance


重点:Know why and how to insure goods and what insurance letters concern;Know the essential components of a letter concerning insurance

难点:Know how to enquiry about insurance;Know how to reply an enquiry of insurance Chapter 14 Claims and Settlement


重点:Know the essential points to write a complaint or a claim ;Learn the rules to be followed in writing a reply;Know how to lodge a complaint or a claim in a specific situation;Know how to decline and adjust a claim

难点:Know how to deal with the complains about delivery;Learn t how to deal with the complains about defective goods

Chapter 15 Agency


重点:Know the major types of agents;Know what to investigate before appointing an agent;Know the points to be covered in the agency agreement;Write an application for sales agency;Write to entrust a client with sole agency;Decline the agency application;Replies to the offer of agency

难点:Know how to write an application for sales agency ;Know the points to be covered in the agency agreement;Know to write to entrust a client with sole agency; Know to decline the agency application


考试;闭卷 五、教学说明



教 材:腾美荣主编。《外贸英语函电》(第一版)。北京:首都经贸大学出版社,2005 参考书:

1. 《外经贸英语函电》,甘鸿编著,上海科学技术文献出版社,2005第一版。 2. 《新编经贸英语写作教程》,梁润森,陈文明编著,中国社会科学出版社,2004


3. 《实用国际贸易英语教程》,叶京生编著,华东师范大学出版社,2002第一版。 4. 《实用外贸英语函电》,廖瑛编著,华中科技大学出版社,2005第一版。

执笔人: 审 定:


  • 外贸函电 文献综述
  • 浅析外贸函电中礼貌策略的运用 随着全球经济化进程的加快,世界各国之间的国际商务关系的发展不断深化.商务英语作为跨国商务和国际经济活动的产物,其作用也日益突出.而外贸英语函电作为商务交流的主要形式之一,对公司间商贸活动的开展起着举足轻重的作用.在外贸函电的写作,有许多与它自身特点相关的原则,而礼貌原则 ...

  • 英语函电实训心得
  • (1)交易前准备的训练:联系新客户.介绍公司.推销公司产品. (2)交易的磋商训练:询盘.发盘.还盘.接受的训练. (3)拟定进出口合同的训练. (4)出口合同履行的训练:信用证的审核与修改.货物投保.货物运输.货物索赔. 四.教学内容组织方式 教学内容主要是围绕着一个具体的案例展开的,它覆盖了国际 ...

  • 论文商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用
  • 毕业设计(论文)题目: 商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用 专 业: 商务英语 准考证号: 姓 名: 指导教师: 教师职称: 毕业设计(论文)任务书专业:商务英语 准考证号: 姓名:一.毕业设计(论文)题目:商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用二.毕业设计(论文)工作规定进行的日期:三.毕业设计(论文)步骤: ...

  • "外贸函电"常用词汇的类别和用法分析
  • 摘 要:外贸函电课程主要培养学生对外贸信函的理解.翻译和撰写能力,词汇是构成外贸函电的最基本单位,掌握常用词汇的类别和用法是学好外贸函电的基础,将外贸函电常用词汇进行了分类并进行了简要的分析.� 关键词:外贸函电:词汇:类别:用法� 中图分类号:H31文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-3198(20 ...

  • 科研项目的社会效益与经济效益文档
  • 教师参加科研项目等成果推广所产生的社会效益和经济效益 自2008年以来,英语专业教师主持的国家级.省部级课题或项目 10项,已完成5项,在研5项:撰写的学术论文40多篇.出版专著3部:获得2个厅级社科一等奖,一个省哲学社会科学二等奖:近几年的调研以及形成的调研报告已得到相关部门认可,产生了较好的社会 ...

  • 函电实训心得
  • 随着我国市场经济体制的逐步完善和对外开放的不断扩大,我国经济将完全融入世界经济体系之中.而教育水平的高低与经济的发展密切相关.作为我国高等教育的全新组成部分,职业教育应确立怎样的培养目标来适应时代要求,已成为人们普遍关心的问题.高等职业教育的培养目标,主要强调能力的培养和技术的应用,他要求我们的教育 ...

  • 外贸英语函电中礼貌的表现
  • 外贸英语函电中礼貌的表现 摘要:随着全球经济一体化进程的不断发展,世界范围内的经济交流与合作也在不断增多.我们给贸易伙伴的每一封信都代表着自己所在公司的形象,显示着公司的水平和实力.本文通过大量实例的比较,论述外贸英语函电应坚持的礼貌原则,归纳出当代商务英语信函中的礼貌表现. 关键词:外贸英语函电: ...

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  • 外贸函电实训3
  • 实训项目3 所属系部:工商管理系 班级. 专 业. 年级 课程 名称 外贸英语函电 实训地点:代理记账中心 姓名 项目 名称 日期: 学号 任务 名称 年 月 日 报盘及还盘 报盘及还盘信函写作 实训 目的 1.了解询盘信函的写作步骤 2.熟悉询盘信函的写作要点 3.询盘信函的例信分析和词汇解释 4 ...