
My favorite sport

My favorite sport is football. In my spare time I play football with my friends in the playground, we are very excited. I like football basically has the following three reasons. First of all, it can let me have a stronger body. Once again, Football is a team sport. This will make our friendship stronger. The last, Football will let me have the confidence to overcome the difficulties in study and life.

I like to watch football live, Emotional moment will shout and cry. I hope one day can go to the scene to watch a football game. It will be one of my happiest things.


Sport and I

Sports benefit me in many ways . Firstly, sports call can make me fit and strong physically. When taking part in sports, I get the chance to train almost all parts of our bodies. In addition, sports call can maintain my psychological well being, whenever I'm in low spirit taking part in sports can help me forget my

anxieties and worries. Besides, sports can teach me some lessons about life. Through participation, I can learn that on the playground I not only struggle for my own self but also fight for my team. Sports teach me to be considerate, cooperative and optimistic.

I am fond of sports very much. I feel that I not only gain a well balanced life through going in for sports, but also get more chances to make more friends, to move closer to nature. Sports add happiness to my everyday life when I participate in them in a proper way.

My favorite sport is football, as it is very exciting. I play football three times a week. Most often I play it in my school. I feel very happy when I play football in school with my friends. Sometimes I play football in the playground near my school. Football is very easy to play. If you play football very well, you can form a football team to take part in the competition. You may become a famous football star.

Therefore, football is a very good sport. I think, you can play football, can't you?


in many ways 有许多方式

take part in 参与, 参加

get the chance to do sth 有机会作某事

in addition 另外,除此之外

low spirit 情绪低落

cooperative adj. 合作的;协助的;共同的

be fond of 喜爱,喜好

My favorite sport

My favorite sport is football. In my spare time I play football with my friends in the playground, we are very excited. I like football basically has the following three reasons. First of all, it can let me have a stronger body. Once again, Football is a team sport. This will make our friendship stronger. The last, Football will let me have the confidence to overcome the difficulties in study and life.

I like to watch football live, Emotional moment will shout and cry. I hope one day can go to the scene to watch a football game. It will be one of my happiest things.


Sport and I

Sports benefit me in many ways . Firstly, sports call can make me fit and strong physically. When taking part in sports, I get the chance to train almost all parts of our bodies. In addition, sports call can maintain my psychological well being, whenever I'm in low spirit taking part in sports can help me forget my

anxieties and worries. Besides, sports can teach me some lessons about life. Through participation, I can learn that on the playground I not only struggle for my own self but also fight for my team. Sports teach me to be considerate, cooperative and optimistic.

I am fond of sports very much. I feel that I not only gain a well balanced life through going in for sports, but also get more chances to make more friends, to move closer to nature. Sports add happiness to my everyday life when I participate in them in a proper way.

My favorite sport is football, as it is very exciting. I play football three times a week. Most often I play it in my school. I feel very happy when I play football in school with my friends. Sometimes I play football in the playground near my school. Football is very easy to play. If you play football very well, you can form a football team to take part in the competition. You may become a famous football star.

Therefore, football is a very good sport. I think, you can play football, can't you?


in many ways 有许多方式

take part in 参与, 参加

get the chance to do sth 有机会作某事

in addition 另外,除此之外

low spirit 情绪低落

cooperative adj. 合作的;协助的;共同的

be fond of 喜爱,喜好


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