

The process for writing off Foreign Representative Office









向北京市地方税务局涉外分局提出注销申请,取得地税注销税务登记证明; Apply to Local Tax Bureau for writing off the registration of Local Tax Bureau and get the approval; 向北京市国家税务局直属分局提出注销申请,取得注销税务登记通知书; Apply to State Tax Bureau for writing off the registration of State Tax Bureau and get the approval; 向北京市海关非贸物品监管中心提出注销申请,取得注销证明; Apply to Local Tax Bureau for writing off the registration of Local Tax Bureau and get the approval; 关闭开户银行工作; Closing the Bank Account; 向北京市工商行政管理局提出申请,取得注销证明; Apply to Administration Bureau for Industry and Commerce of Beijing for writing off the Business License and get the approval; 向北京市技术监督局提出申请,注销组织代码证书; Apply to Technology Supervision Bureau of Beijing for writing off the registration and get the approval; 向北京市统计局提出申请,注销统计证书; Apply to Statistical Bureau of Beijing for writing off the registration and get the approval; 向北京市公安局提出申请,注销备案登记并上交公章,取得注销证明。 Apply to Public Security Bureau of Beijing for writing off the registration and get the approval;

一、 地方税务局注销申请(此项内容为工商局注销所必需条件):

The application for writing off registration of Local Tax Bureau:



Including: IIT liquidation of Representative Person;

The application for writing off the registration of Local Tax Bureau;


The documents list:

¾ 代表处出具撤消申请(代表处章,首代签字)

The application for writing off Representative Office (with the chop of Representative Office and the signature of Legal Representative Person);

¾ 总部出具代表处撤消申请(总经理或者董事签字,总部有公章请加盖公章,如果有授权人代签,需要授权书)

The application for writing off issued by Head Quarter (With the signature of General Manager or Directors, if it is signed by authorizer, should provide the Authority Letter);

¾ 总部出具首代离任证明(首代为外籍人士需要准备)

The certification of outgoing for Legal Representative Person issued by Hand Quarter;

¾ 最近3年税收缴款书(复印件)税收缴款书包括:营业税、外籍个人所得税、中方个人所得税、车船使用牌照税、


The copy of tax payment receipts of last 3 years, including: business tax, IIT of foreign employees, IIT of local employees, Vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax, urban real estate tax and so on;

¾ 税务登记证正/副本(原件)、地税代码章

The original tax registration;

¾ 税务登记表(原件)

The original tax registration application form;

¾ 营业税界定通知(原件)

The define the business tax notice;

¾ 工商登记证(复印件)

Business License;

¾ 近三年的所有合同(复印件)(贴足印花税)

The copies of contract of last 3 years (Affixed with stamp duty);

¾ 近三年审计报告(复印件)

The copy of last 3 years audit report;

¾ 代表处注销前审计报告(原件,采用经费支出换算收入、据实申报的代表处需要提供)

The original liquidation audit report;

¾ 总部出具首席代表到任及离任的时间证明;

The verification for the period of accession and demission of Legal Representative Person;

¾ 《纳税清算申请表》(由我们从税务机关领取,协助代表处填写后需签章)

The application of liquidation;

¾ 《代表处注销情况登记表》(由我们从税务机关领取,协助代表处填写后需签章)

The application form of liquidation;


Please note: for the foreign employees, should to do the IIT liquidation for foreign employees first; the documents as following:

- 首席代表需要提供:

The documents for the Legal Representative Person:

◊ 总机构出具的工资及离任证明原件及翻译件;

Leave prove and prove of salary which will be issued by Head Quarter;

It should include the following items:

1) 需要注明该人从何时开始任职,何时结束任职,在境内有无兼职(如果有兼职需要注明在何处任职,


明细情况),有无奖金(如有应注明每笔奖金的金额),个人所得税的税款负担方(如不注明 默认为公





2) The date of accession and demission, If have part time job, should to clarify where the part time job is. Monthly individual income of home and abroad, if have bonus, should list the total of amount of bonus for each month or each year. To clarify who is the actual IIT taxpayer, staff or employer; 在境内企业如有兼任职务的,需注明总机构是否发放工资,境内企业发放工资的金额,是否由境内企


If have the part time job in domestic, should to clarify who pay salary, whether have paid IIT;


4) 总机构出具的工资及离任证明需要由总经理或董事会成员签字并加盖公章; The prove should be signed by general manager or directors and with the chop of Representative Office; 由总机构提供 的证明需用总机构公文纸,文字需用总机构所在国母语或英语,由代表处出具中译文,




It should be write in native language of the nation where the Head Quarter in or in English and be print with the letter head of Head Quarter; The translation version should with the word in Chinese “译文与原文一致” and with the chop of Representative Office;

◊ 离任年度及离任上一年度税收缴款书复印件;

The copy of receipts of IIT of last 3 years;

◊ 境外有职务,按天纳税的,需要提供护照完整复印件(包括空白页);

A position outside borders, IIT tax by day, need to provide the copy of the whole passport.

◊ 离任月份按天计算纳税的,提供护照复印件或机票复印件;

IIT tax will calculate by day for current month of departure, should provide the copy of passport or air ticket.

◊ 税务机关要求提供的其他资料;

Other documents which Tax Bureau required.

- 一般代表需要提供:

The documents for the Representative Person:

◊ 代表处出具的离任证明;

Leave prove and certificate of salary which will be issued by Representative Office;

◊ 离任年度及离任上一年度税收缴款书复印件;

The copy of receipts of IIT of last 3 years;

◊ 境外有职务,按天纳税的,需要提供护照完整复印件(包括空白页);

A position outside borders, IIT tax by day, need to provide the copy of the whole passport.

◊ 离任月份按天计算纳税的,提供护照复印件或机票复印件;

IIT tax by day for departure month, should provide the copy of passport or air ticket.

◊ 税务机关要求提供的其他资料;

Other documents which Tax Bureau required.

二、 国家税务局注销申请(此项内容为工商局注销所必需条件):

The application for writing off registration of State Tax Bureau:


The documents list:

¾ 总部出具撤消申请(总经理或者董事签字,有公章盖公章)

The application for writing off issued by Head Quarter (With the signature of General Manager or Directors, if it is signed by authorizer, should provide the Authority letter);

¾ 代表处出具撤消申请(代表处章,首代签字)

The application for writing off Representative Office (with the chop of Representative Office and the signature of Legal Representative Person);

¾ 原批准单位注销批复复印件(抬头需要注明致北京市国家税务局涉外分局)

The approval of writing off;

¾ 国税税务登记表

The original tax registration and registration form;

¾ 纳税申报IC卡(如果有请交回)

The IC card for tax declaration;

¾ 国税企业所得税征,免税界定通知书(原件)

The original define notice for enterprise income tax

¾ 前三年所得税缴款书(复印件,三套)

The copy of enterprise income tax payment receipts of last 3 years;

¾ 前三年汇算清缴结果通知书(原件)(当年未做汇算清缴需到税务机关办理)

The original of annual enterprise income tax filling of last 3 years;

¾ 前三年审计报告(以前年度需复印件,当年未做汇算清缴需原件)

The copy of audit report of last 3 years;

¾ 前三年所得税季度申报表( 当季度需到税务机关领取申报表后填写,盖章)

The original of quarter enterprise income tax filling of last 3 years;

¾ 领一份年度申报表,填好,盖章(办汇算清缴用)

The annual enterprise income tax filling of the current year with the chop;

¾ 前三年租房合同(复印件,办汇算清缴用)

The copy of office lease contract of last 3 years;

¾ 注销、停业税务登记申请表

The registration form of writing off

三、 开户银行关户申请(此项内容为工商局注销所必需条件):

The application for writing off bank account:


The documents list:

¾ 代表处出具撤消申请

The application for writing off Representative Office (with the chop of Representative Office and the signature of Legal Representative Person);

¾ 工商登记证(复印件)

The copy of Business License;

¾ 其余资料需与开户银行具体确认

Other documents which required by bank;

四、 北京市海关注销申请(此项内容为工商局注销所必需条件):

The application for writing off registration of Custom:


The documents list:

¾ 代表处出具撤消申请

The application for writing off Representative Office (with the chop of Representative Office and the signature of Legal Representative Person);

¾ 工商登记证(复印件)

The copy of Business License;

¾ 海关登记证原件

The original registration of Custom;

五、 北京市工商局注销申请:

The application for writing off registration of Custom:


The documents list:

¾ 总部出具撤消申请(总经理或者董事签字,有公章盖公章)

The application for writing off issued by Head Quarter (With the signature of General Manager or Directors, if it is signed by authorizer, should provide the Authority letter);

¾ 北京市国家税务局、北京市地方税务局、北京市海关清税证明;

The certificate of tax liquidation of State Tax Bureau, Local Tax Bureau and Custom;

¾ 银行销户证明;

The certificate of closing bank account;

¾ 设立时从工商局领回的所有资料:工商登记证、所有外籍员工的代表证等;

All original registration or certificate issued by industrial and commercial bureau when Representative Office set up: Business License, Representative Certificate of foreign employees;

六、 技术监督局的注销申请(需在工商注销完成后进行):

The application for writing off registration of Technology Supervision Bureau:


The documents list:

¾ 组织机构代码证正/副本原件;

The original Corporate Code Certificate,

¾ 代表处撤消申请;

The application for writing off Representative Office (with the chop of Representative Office and the signature of Legal Representative Person);

¾ 工商局注销证明复印件;

The copy of approval of writing off issued by Industrial and Commercial Bureau;

七、 统计局的注销申请(需在工商注销完成后进行):

The application for writing off registration of Statistical Bureau:


The documents list:

¾ 工商局注销证明复印件;

¾ The copy of approval of writing off issued by Industrial and Commercial Bureau;

¾ 统计证原件正、副本;

The original Statistical registration;

八、 北京市公安局的注销申请(需在工商注销完成后进行):

The application for writing off registration of Public Security Bureau:


The documents list:

¾ 工商局注销证明复印件;

The copy of approval of writing off issued by Industrial and Commercial Bureau;

¾ 公安局备案本原件;

The original Public Security Bureau registration book;

¾ 公章、财务章、人名章;

The company chop, finance chop and Legal Representative Person;


The process for writing off Foreign Representative Office









向北京市地方税务局涉外分局提出注销申请,取得地税注销税务登记证明; Apply to Local Tax Bureau for writing off the registration of Local Tax Bureau and get the approval; 向北京市国家税务局直属分局提出注销申请,取得注销税务登记通知书; Apply to State Tax Bureau for writing off the registration of State Tax Bureau and get the approval; 向北京市海关非贸物品监管中心提出注销申请,取得注销证明; Apply to Local Tax Bureau for writing off the registration of Local Tax Bureau and get the approval; 关闭开户银行工作; Closing the Bank Account; 向北京市工商行政管理局提出申请,取得注销证明; Apply to Administration Bureau for Industry and Commerce of Beijing for writing off the Business License and get the approval; 向北京市技术监督局提出申请,注销组织代码证书; Apply to Technology Supervision Bureau of Beijing for writing off the registration and get the approval; 向北京市统计局提出申请,注销统计证书; Apply to Statistical Bureau of Beijing for writing off the registration and get the approval; 向北京市公安局提出申请,注销备案登记并上交公章,取得注销证明。 Apply to Public Security Bureau of Beijing for writing off the registration and get the approval;

一、 地方税务局注销申请(此项内容为工商局注销所必需条件):

The application for writing off registration of Local Tax Bureau:



Including: IIT liquidation of Representative Person;

The application for writing off the registration of Local Tax Bureau;


The documents list:

¾ 代表处出具撤消申请(代表处章,首代签字)

The application for writing off Representative Office (with the chop of Representative Office and the signature of Legal Representative Person);

¾ 总部出具代表处撤消申请(总经理或者董事签字,总部有公章请加盖公章,如果有授权人代签,需要授权书)

The application for writing off issued by Head Quarter (With the signature of General Manager or Directors, if it is signed by authorizer, should provide the Authority Letter);

¾ 总部出具首代离任证明(首代为外籍人士需要准备)

The certification of outgoing for Legal Representative Person issued by Hand Quarter;

¾ 最近3年税收缴款书(复印件)税收缴款书包括:营业税、外籍个人所得税、中方个人所得税、车船使用牌照税、


The copy of tax payment receipts of last 3 years, including: business tax, IIT of foreign employees, IIT of local employees, Vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax, urban real estate tax and so on;

¾ 税务登记证正/副本(原件)、地税代码章

The original tax registration;

¾ 税务登记表(原件)

The original tax registration application form;

¾ 营业税界定通知(原件)

The define the business tax notice;

¾ 工商登记证(复印件)

Business License;

¾ 近三年的所有合同(复印件)(贴足印花税)

The copies of contract of last 3 years (Affixed with stamp duty);

¾ 近三年审计报告(复印件)

The copy of last 3 years audit report;

¾ 代表处注销前审计报告(原件,采用经费支出换算收入、据实申报的代表处需要提供)

The original liquidation audit report;

¾ 总部出具首席代表到任及离任的时间证明;

The verification for the period of accession and demission of Legal Representative Person;

¾ 《纳税清算申请表》(由我们从税务机关领取,协助代表处填写后需签章)

The application of liquidation;

¾ 《代表处注销情况登记表》(由我们从税务机关领取,协助代表处填写后需签章)

The application form of liquidation;


Please note: for the foreign employees, should to do the IIT liquidation for foreign employees first; the documents as following:

- 首席代表需要提供:

The documents for the Legal Representative Person:

◊ 总机构出具的工资及离任证明原件及翻译件;

Leave prove and prove of salary which will be issued by Head Quarter;

It should include the following items:

1) 需要注明该人从何时开始任职,何时结束任职,在境内有无兼职(如果有兼职需要注明在何处任职,


明细情况),有无奖金(如有应注明每笔奖金的金额),个人所得税的税款负担方(如不注明 默认为公





2) The date of accession and demission, If have part time job, should to clarify where the part time job is. Monthly individual income of home and abroad, if have bonus, should list the total of amount of bonus for each month or each year. To clarify who is the actual IIT taxpayer, staff or employer; 在境内企业如有兼任职务的,需注明总机构是否发放工资,境内企业发放工资的金额,是否由境内企


If have the part time job in domestic, should to clarify who pay salary, whether have paid IIT;


4) 总机构出具的工资及离任证明需要由总经理或董事会成员签字并加盖公章; The prove should be signed by general manager or directors and with the chop of Representative Office; 由总机构提供 的证明需用总机构公文纸,文字需用总机构所在国母语或英语,由代表处出具中译文,




It should be write in native language of the nation where the Head Quarter in or in English and be print with the letter head of Head Quarter; The translation version should with the word in Chinese “译文与原文一致” and with the chop of Representative Office;

◊ 离任年度及离任上一年度税收缴款书复印件;

The copy of receipts of IIT of last 3 years;

◊ 境外有职务,按天纳税的,需要提供护照完整复印件(包括空白页);

A position outside borders, IIT tax by day, need to provide the copy of the whole passport.

◊ 离任月份按天计算纳税的,提供护照复印件或机票复印件;

IIT tax will calculate by day for current month of departure, should provide the copy of passport or air ticket.

◊ 税务机关要求提供的其他资料;

Other documents which Tax Bureau required.

- 一般代表需要提供:

The documents for the Representative Person:

◊ 代表处出具的离任证明;

Leave prove and certificate of salary which will be issued by Representative Office;

◊ 离任年度及离任上一年度税收缴款书复印件;

The copy of receipts of IIT of last 3 years;

◊ 境外有职务,按天纳税的,需要提供护照完整复印件(包括空白页);

A position outside borders, IIT tax by day, need to provide the copy of the whole passport.

◊ 离任月份按天计算纳税的,提供护照复印件或机票复印件;

IIT tax by day for departure month, should provide the copy of passport or air ticket.

◊ 税务机关要求提供的其他资料;

Other documents which Tax Bureau required.

二、 国家税务局注销申请(此项内容为工商局注销所必需条件):

The application for writing off registration of State Tax Bureau:


The documents list:

¾ 总部出具撤消申请(总经理或者董事签字,有公章盖公章)

The application for writing off issued by Head Quarter (With the signature of General Manager or Directors, if it is signed by authorizer, should provide the Authority letter);

¾ 代表处出具撤消申请(代表处章,首代签字)

The application for writing off Representative Office (with the chop of Representative Office and the signature of Legal Representative Person);

¾ 原批准单位注销批复复印件(抬头需要注明致北京市国家税务局涉外分局)

The approval of writing off;

¾ 国税税务登记表

The original tax registration and registration form;

¾ 纳税申报IC卡(如果有请交回)

The IC card for tax declaration;

¾ 国税企业所得税征,免税界定通知书(原件)

The original define notice for enterprise income tax

¾ 前三年所得税缴款书(复印件,三套)

The copy of enterprise income tax payment receipts of last 3 years;

¾ 前三年汇算清缴结果通知书(原件)(当年未做汇算清缴需到税务机关办理)

The original of annual enterprise income tax filling of last 3 years;

¾ 前三年审计报告(以前年度需复印件,当年未做汇算清缴需原件)

The copy of audit report of last 3 years;

¾ 前三年所得税季度申报表( 当季度需到税务机关领取申报表后填写,盖章)

The original of quarter enterprise income tax filling of last 3 years;

¾ 领一份年度申报表,填好,盖章(办汇算清缴用)

The annual enterprise income tax filling of the current year with the chop;

¾ 前三年租房合同(复印件,办汇算清缴用)

The copy of office lease contract of last 3 years;

¾ 注销、停业税务登记申请表

The registration form of writing off

三、 开户银行关户申请(此项内容为工商局注销所必需条件):

The application for writing off bank account:


The documents list:

¾ 代表处出具撤消申请

The application for writing off Representative Office (with the chop of Representative Office and the signature of Legal Representative Person);

¾ 工商登记证(复印件)

The copy of Business License;

¾ 其余资料需与开户银行具体确认

Other documents which required by bank;

四、 北京市海关注销申请(此项内容为工商局注销所必需条件):

The application for writing off registration of Custom:


The documents list:

¾ 代表处出具撤消申请

The application for writing off Representative Office (with the chop of Representative Office and the signature of Legal Representative Person);

¾ 工商登记证(复印件)

The copy of Business License;

¾ 海关登记证原件

The original registration of Custom;

五、 北京市工商局注销申请:

The application for writing off registration of Custom:


The documents list:

¾ 总部出具撤消申请(总经理或者董事签字,有公章盖公章)

The application for writing off issued by Head Quarter (With the signature of General Manager or Directors, if it is signed by authorizer, should provide the Authority letter);

¾ 北京市国家税务局、北京市地方税务局、北京市海关清税证明;

The certificate of tax liquidation of State Tax Bureau, Local Tax Bureau and Custom;

¾ 银行销户证明;

The certificate of closing bank account;

¾ 设立时从工商局领回的所有资料:工商登记证、所有外籍员工的代表证等;

All original registration or certificate issued by industrial and commercial bureau when Representative Office set up: Business License, Representative Certificate of foreign employees;

六、 技术监督局的注销申请(需在工商注销完成后进行):

The application for writing off registration of Technology Supervision Bureau:


The documents list:

¾ 组织机构代码证正/副本原件;

The original Corporate Code Certificate,

¾ 代表处撤消申请;

The application for writing off Representative Office (with the chop of Representative Office and the signature of Legal Representative Person);

¾ 工商局注销证明复印件;

The copy of approval of writing off issued by Industrial and Commercial Bureau;

七、 统计局的注销申请(需在工商注销完成后进行):

The application for writing off registration of Statistical Bureau:


The documents list:

¾ 工商局注销证明复印件;

¾ The copy of approval of writing off issued by Industrial and Commercial Bureau;

¾ 统计证原件正、副本;

The original Statistical registration;

八、 北京市公安局的注销申请(需在工商注销完成后进行):

The application for writing off registration of Public Security Bureau:


The documents list:

¾ 工商局注销证明复印件;

The copy of approval of writing off issued by Industrial and Commercial Bureau;

¾ 公安局备案本原件;

The original Public Security Bureau registration book;

¾ 公章、财务章、人名章;

The company chop, finance chop and Legal Representative Person;


  • 关于印发[境内外汇账户管理规定]的通知
  • 关于印发<境内外汇账户管理规定>的通知 [发布机构] 国家外汇管理局 [所属行业] 所有行业 [所属区域] 全国 [发文文号] 银发[1997]416号 [发布日期] 1997-10-07 [生效日期] 1997-10-15 [废止日期] 无 中国人民银行各省.自治区.直辖市分行,深圳分 ...

  • 境内外汇帐户管理规定
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  • 注册外资房地产公司需要的条件
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  • 实用技能 | 护照快过期 如何保住有效签证
  • 文章来源:必去 微信公众号 如今有效期短则两三年,长则五年.十年的签证越来越多,可是成年人的护照有效期一般是十年.因此通常也会遇到这样的情况,护照过期或即将过期,但签证的有效期还很长,难道这些签证会因为护照过期而作废吗?各国对这一情况的规定不同,可不能"简单粗暴"地就把护照处理了 ...

  • 深圳外资公司注册相关资料
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  • 关于引进外资工作的对策思考
  • 有效利用外资是促进县域经济发展和扩大对外开放的重要途径.切实做好引进外资工作,对于壮大产业支撑.推动工业集中发展区建设.推进城乡一体化进程具有重要的现实意义. 一.我县直接利用外资的现状 (一)外资总量继续增长.按成都市目标考核口径,今年1-8月,合同外资金额4944万美元,实际使用外资1163万美 ...

  • 新成立公司验资报告(共8篇)
  • 篇一:公司合并设立新公司验资报告模版 2.适用于公司以新设合并方式设立有限责任公司1 验 资 报 告 ××有限责任公司(筹): 我们接受委托,审验了贵公司(筹)截至20××年××月××日止申请设立登记的注册资本实收情况.按照法律法规以及协议.合同.章程的要求出资,提供真实.合法.完整的验资资料,保护 ...

  • [中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例实施细则]
  • 中国银行业监督管理委员会主席令 2006 年 第 6 号 <中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例实施细则>已经2006年11月17日中国银行业监督管理委员会第53次主席会议通过.现予公布,自2006年12月11日起施行. 主 席 刘明康 二○○六年十一月二十四日 中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例 ...

  • 北京市行政许可和备案项目目录(2012)
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