
旁白:long ,long ago,there was a cute girl,her name is Alice ,her mother was dead, her father loved her very much.


Father:Dear daughter! These presents are for you! Do yu like them? Alice: yeah (very happy) thank you dad.

Father: my lovely daughter, i hope you are happy forever

旁白but one the father think his daughter can not have a mother, so he married a nea wife,her stpmother and her new sisters are coming.

Stepmother:helen ,jenny ,look how beautiful the house is

Helen(saying and eating food):yes and so many fruits.apples,bananas,mangoes and lychee. Wow l like them(往嘴里塞水果) Jenny:mum, look so many beautiful clothes, i like them(往身上套)

灰姑娘alice :that is my dress. It is a new dress my father bought for me Jenny:蛮横的who are you?mum,who is she

Ste-she is your little sister, but it doesn ’t matter.look! 作势赶走alice GO!, cli clean the room and then cook for us.

Ali-why i am not your servant.

旁白 poor girl ,but her father do not no at home

Step---yeah,but from now you are our servant

Hel and jen----mum, i like her dress

I like her necklace

旁白after that alice had been their servant. She worked and worked from morning to night. She had no romm to live. she had no good food to eat and good clothes to wear,she was more and more dirty,so people called her 灰 第二场

旁白 the step and her daus got the letter from the royal place

Step 看信后,兴高采烈 helen jenny you guess what? Good news. There will be a big dancing party in the palace.the prince will select a queen among the young girls.

Two girs----hooray ,i wiil be the queen(然后幻想中,互相不看好对方)

Step--come on daughters you must put on your most beautiful dress and make up

Alice----()怯懦的i `````want to go too

Step(还没等说完,就沉浸在喜悦中,变脸)---you!!!look at you ,so dirty and so ugly,you did better stay at your chiken(转向女儿)dags are you ready let’s go Ali--oh my friends. I really want to go .what shall i do

旁白at this time the fairy come to help the girl

Fairy ----don’t be so sad at last we are with you,let me to help you

旁after the 精心打扮 beautiful ,you can listen what they siad cat wow you are the most beautiful girl in the party.dog yes and prince will love you at once

Fairy----alice go to the party and dance. But remember you must come back before 12 or you will change back

Ali---thank you my best friend

Fairy ----be careful ! Don’t forget the time

Alice 回头跑着i won’t forget

旁 so the hui run to her prince


旁白 the party was beginning the master said 女welcome to the prince dancing ball. This night our prince will select the most beautiful and kindest girl to be his queen. Now ,young girls, come to the front, please! The prince is wonder around the room show little interesting to any girl until alice “come

Prince wow ,how beautiful! She is like fairy. She is like a angel. She is lovely,she like a prince ,how pretty

Prince: Pretty princess, may I dance with you?

王子:美丽的公主, 我可以请您跳支舞吗?

Alice: I’d like to. 艾丽斯:我想去的。

(music and dance) (one person pick up a clock)


Alice: Oh, it’s time to go back. I must go now.

艾丽斯:噢, 到走的时间了。我现在必须走了。

Prince: Wait, princess, wait! 王子:等等, 公主, 等一下!


Prince: (拿起鞋)Pretty princess! Why are you leaving? I must find you! 王子:美丽的公主! 你为什么要离开? 我必须找到你。

PrinceTake the shoe to every house. I must find the girl. But how?

旁白:then the fairy come to the prince

Fairy :may i help you,my noble prince

王子:i have meet a beautiful princess,but she had leave me forever

Fairy:do you love her

Yes,of course, i think i love him at the first sight

No matter what she will be?

Yes, i love her ,no matter what she will be

Ok ,i just want to say that the most noticeable tools are that's staring youright in the face why not find her at your territory

旁白,so the prince find 灰 through several months, the princess thought there isn’t perfect girl in the world. It just a dream. He want to give up Pri--- i am a poor guy ! How can i find you ! My girl!!!晕倒

旁白 after he said that ,the poor guy was falling for hungry. And then the fairy come to help the boy again

Fairy 叹气,---although you are a persistent boy. But you are not a clever boy. Let me help you.

mother: What’s the matter, soldiers? 继母:什么事, 士兵?

Soldier1: Are there any young girls in your family, madam?

卫兵1:有女孩你的家人好吗, 夫人?

Soldier2: The pretty princess lost her shoe in the palace.


Soldier3: The prince wants to find her and marry her.


Helen: Let me try. The shoe is mine.


Soldier1: No, it’s not yours. It’s too small for you.

卫兵1:不, 不是你的。它太小了。

Jenny: It’s mine. Let me try it.


Soldier2: No, it’s not yours, it’s too small for you.

卫兵2:不, 它不是你的, 你穿着太小。

Stepmother: Hi, come on, maybe it’s mine. Let me try it.

继母:我来了, 也许是我的。让我试试

Soldier3:Oh, my god, it couldn’t be yours. Do you have another daughter? 卫兵3:哦, 我的天, 不可能是你的。你有个女儿吗?

Alice: Hello, gentlemen, may I try it?

艾丽斯:你好, 先生们, 我可以试一试吗?

Stepmother :You? Go away!

继母:你吗? 走开!

Helen: Look at yourself!


Jenny: So dirty and so ugly!


Pri--- you!!!!

Hui --- you!!!

高兴和疑惑 so you are not the princess

So you don’t love me !!!哭着跑走了 you just love the beautiful dress! And The title of Princess

旁白so the prince break hui ‘s heart, and the hui just run away. At this time let ‘s guess who will come again .yes the fairy , so i fell confuse ,why don ’t they just to gether

Fairy----how can you do that to my fiends! You have promise me, that you love her . No mater what she will be!

Pri-----i don’t know. I just can not accept she become a hui

Fairy ------so what would want she is , she is a lovely but poor girl. She never give up to his ste and do not let her father know broken her heart. She is very kind to animals .she have a warm heart. She is also have courage. She come alone whatever her ste degree against her. She just come to see you. She never want to be a hui.and she fight again her fate. How can you be such

mean,is that things you boy always do!

旁白 after the listen what the fairy said , momentary hesitation the princess make his decision

Pri ----no !!! She is my princess ,and the most beautiful hui in the world. It is my lucky . Met she when she become hui ,no body can find her before me. We are written.

And the boy came to hui’ home

第四场 there is change happen in hui ‘s home

Step siss ----point to hui how dare you can dream to be caome the queen How dare you steal my husband

旁白at last ,hui do not want to be hui again

Hui ------how dare me!!! You扯下衣服i am fed up with it! It is my dress! Lokk at you ,even it just like robe, aai never said to you that you just like a clown when you try you best just want to dress my clothes

And you

------害怕的me what! Mom ,don’t punch me!!

You know why you so fat like pig, you always want eating. And most funny ,that you dare want to be the queen. My dear mom

Steo 大叫一声don ’t don’t call me that ,

Hui i never told dad that ,you and your baby girl always abuse me . I respect you as my mom , but you treat me even so bad as a servant. How can you !!! Who give you the right to order me do anything. It is time for you three go now.Even without the princess ,i can live better, how can you survive without me. Cry ,H ow could they treat me this way

旁白 the boy came to hui ‘s home and saw everything. Hewalk into hui

Prince don’t cry let me help you ok? I love you ,and i swear i can love you any more 掏出谢 给穿上

旁白then they just going to wedding

Fairy: My child, happy time is coming. Let me help you the last time.(变美丽) 精灵:我的孩子, 快乐的时代来临了。让我帮你最后一次。

Stepmother and sisters: How did it happen?(昏倒)


旁白:The story finished. Alice found her happiness. Alice and

the prince lived happily ever after! And that brings us to the end of the play. 故事结束了。爱丽丝发现她的幸福。艾丽丝和王子从此过着幸福快乐的生活! 于是, 这令我们到这部戏剧的结尾部分。

旁白:long ,long ago,there was a cute girl,her name is Alice ,her mother was dead, her father loved her very much.


Father:Dear daughter! These presents are for you! Do yu like them? Alice: yeah (very happy) thank you dad.

Father: my lovely daughter, i hope you are happy forever

旁白but one the father think his daughter can not have a mother, so he married a nea wife,her stpmother and her new sisters are coming.

Stepmother:helen ,jenny ,look how beautiful the house is

Helen(saying and eating food):yes and so many fruits.apples,bananas,mangoes and lychee. Wow l like them(往嘴里塞水果) Jenny:mum, look so many beautiful clothes, i like them(往身上套)

灰姑娘alice :that is my dress. It is a new dress my father bought for me Jenny:蛮横的who are you?mum,who is she

Ste-she is your little sister, but it doesn ’t matter.look! 作势赶走alice GO!, cli clean the room and then cook for us.

Ali-why i am not your servant.

旁白 poor girl ,but her father do not no at home

Step---yeah,but from now you are our servant

Hel and jen----mum, i like her dress

I like her necklace

旁白after that alice had been their servant. She worked and worked from morning to night. She had no romm to live. she had no good food to eat and good clothes to wear,she was more and more dirty,so people called her 灰 第二场

旁白 the step and her daus got the letter from the royal place

Step 看信后,兴高采烈 helen jenny you guess what? Good news. There will be a big dancing party in the palace.the prince will select a queen among the young girls.

Two girs----hooray ,i wiil be the queen(然后幻想中,互相不看好对方)

Step--come on daughters you must put on your most beautiful dress and make up

Alice----()怯懦的i `````want to go too

Step(还没等说完,就沉浸在喜悦中,变脸)---you!!!look at you ,so dirty and so ugly,you did better stay at your chiken(转向女儿)dags are you ready let’s go Ali--oh my friends. I really want to go .what shall i do

旁白at this time the fairy come to help the girl

Fairy ----don’t be so sad at last we are with you,let me to help you

旁after the 精心打扮 beautiful ,you can listen what they siad cat wow you are the most beautiful girl in the party.dog yes and prince will love you at once

Fairy----alice go to the party and dance. But remember you must come back before 12 or you will change back

Ali---thank you my best friend

Fairy ----be careful ! Don’t forget the time

Alice 回头跑着i won’t forget

旁 so the hui run to her prince


旁白 the party was beginning the master said 女welcome to the prince dancing ball. This night our prince will select the most beautiful and kindest girl to be his queen. Now ,young girls, come to the front, please! The prince is wonder around the room show little interesting to any girl until alice “come

Prince wow ,how beautiful! She is like fairy. She is like a angel. She is lovely,she like a prince ,how pretty

Prince: Pretty princess, may I dance with you?

王子:美丽的公主, 我可以请您跳支舞吗?

Alice: I’d like to. 艾丽斯:我想去的。

(music and dance) (one person pick up a clock)


Alice: Oh, it’s time to go back. I must go now.

艾丽斯:噢, 到走的时间了。我现在必须走了。

Prince: Wait, princess, wait! 王子:等等, 公主, 等一下!


Prince: (拿起鞋)Pretty princess! Why are you leaving? I must find you! 王子:美丽的公主! 你为什么要离开? 我必须找到你。

PrinceTake the shoe to every house. I must find the girl. But how?

旁白:then the fairy come to the prince

Fairy :may i help you,my noble prince

王子:i have meet a beautiful princess,but she had leave me forever

Fairy:do you love her

Yes,of course, i think i love him at the first sight

No matter what she will be?

Yes, i love her ,no matter what she will be

Ok ,i just want to say that the most noticeable tools are that's staring youright in the face why not find her at your territory

旁白,so the prince find 灰 through several months, the princess thought there isn’t perfect girl in the world. It just a dream. He want to give up Pri--- i am a poor guy ! How can i find you ! My girl!!!晕倒

旁白 after he said that ,the poor guy was falling for hungry. And then the fairy come to help the boy again

Fairy 叹气,---although you are a persistent boy. But you are not a clever boy. Let me help you.

mother: What’s the matter, soldiers? 继母:什么事, 士兵?

Soldier1: Are there any young girls in your family, madam?

卫兵1:有女孩你的家人好吗, 夫人?

Soldier2: The pretty princess lost her shoe in the palace.


Soldier3: The prince wants to find her and marry her.


Helen: Let me try. The shoe is mine.


Soldier1: No, it’s not yours. It’s too small for you.

卫兵1:不, 不是你的。它太小了。

Jenny: It’s mine. Let me try it.


Soldier2: No, it’s not yours, it’s too small for you.

卫兵2:不, 它不是你的, 你穿着太小。

Stepmother: Hi, come on, maybe it’s mine. Let me try it.

继母:我来了, 也许是我的。让我试试

Soldier3:Oh, my god, it couldn’t be yours. Do you have another daughter? 卫兵3:哦, 我的天, 不可能是你的。你有个女儿吗?

Alice: Hello, gentlemen, may I try it?

艾丽斯:你好, 先生们, 我可以试一试吗?

Stepmother :You? Go away!

继母:你吗? 走开!

Helen: Look at yourself!


Jenny: So dirty and so ugly!


Pri--- you!!!!

Hui --- you!!!

高兴和疑惑 so you are not the princess

So you don’t love me !!!哭着跑走了 you just love the beautiful dress! And The title of Princess

旁白so the prince break hui ‘s heart, and the hui just run away. At this time let ‘s guess who will come again .yes the fairy , so i fell confuse ,why don ’t they just to gether

Fairy----how can you do that to my fiends! You have promise me, that you love her . No mater what she will be!

Pri-----i don’t know. I just can not accept she become a hui

Fairy ------so what would want she is , she is a lovely but poor girl. She never give up to his ste and do not let her father know broken her heart. She is very kind to animals .she have a warm heart. She is also have courage. She come alone whatever her ste degree against her. She just come to see you. She never want to be a hui.and she fight again her fate. How can you be such

mean,is that things you boy always do!

旁白 after the listen what the fairy said , momentary hesitation the princess make his decision

Pri ----no !!! She is my princess ,and the most beautiful hui in the world. It is my lucky . Met she when she become hui ,no body can find her before me. We are written.

And the boy came to hui’ home

第四场 there is change happen in hui ‘s home

Step siss ----point to hui how dare you can dream to be caome the queen How dare you steal my husband

旁白at last ,hui do not want to be hui again

Hui ------how dare me!!! You扯下衣服i am fed up with it! It is my dress! Lokk at you ,even it just like robe, aai never said to you that you just like a clown when you try you best just want to dress my clothes

And you

------害怕的me what! Mom ,don’t punch me!!

You know why you so fat like pig, you always want eating. And most funny ,that you dare want to be the queen. My dear mom

Steo 大叫一声don ’t don’t call me that ,

Hui i never told dad that ,you and your baby girl always abuse me . I respect you as my mom , but you treat me even so bad as a servant. How can you !!! Who give you the right to order me do anything. It is time for you three go now.Even without the princess ,i can live better, how can you survive without me. Cry ,H ow could they treat me this way

旁白 the boy came to hui ‘s home and saw everything. Hewalk into hui

Prince don’t cry let me help you ok? I love you ,and i swear i can love you any more 掏出谢 给穿上

旁白then they just going to wedding

Fairy: My child, happy time is coming. Let me help you the last time.(变美丽) 精灵:我的孩子, 快乐的时代来临了。让我帮你最后一次。

Stepmother and sisters: How did it happen?(昏倒)


旁白:The story finished. Alice found her happiness. Alice and

the prince lived happily ever after! And that brings us to the end of the play. 故事结束了。爱丽丝发现她的幸福。艾丽丝和王子从此过着幸福快乐的生活! 于是, 这令我们到这部戏剧的结尾部分。


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