
Step for creating a new company or adding an online project


Success in online marketplace is never an assured outcome. As in the brick-and-mortar marketplace, the failure rate for online companies is high. Why do a few online companies succeed while many others fail? What does the entrepreneur - the online entrepreneur-need to know to launch a profitable online business?


Online businesses may be pure play companies (online only) or click-and-mortar companies that add online projects, such as e-procurement or selling online, as additional market channels.


Most new businesses--brick-and-mortar, pure play, or click-and-mortar—begin in a similar manner. The process can be described by the following steps.


Step 1: identify a consumer or business need in the marketplace. Many businesses simply begin with a good idea. A magazine article, a personal observation, an unsolved problem, a small irritation, or a friend’s suggestion may trigger an idea, and the prospective business owner sees a gap between what people want and what is available. For example, both Amazon.com and eBay began this way.


Step 2: investigate the opportunity. Just because a person perceives that an opportunity exists does not mean that it is real. Perhaps the number of individuals interested in purchasing the product or service is too small. Perhaps the cost of manufacturing, marketing and distributing the product or providing the service is too large. The revenue model may be wrong, others may have tried already and failed, satisfactory substitute products may be available, and so on. For example, online grocery shopping would seem to e a wonderful opportunity: relieving busy professionals of the time-consuming and tiresome task of regular visits to a grocery store. Many large and small-scale online

grocery ventures have been tried, but most have failed or continue to lose money because they misjudged the logistical problems associated with grocery warehousing and delivery. This is why it is so important to develop a business plan. One of the purposes of a business plan is to determine the feasibility of a business opportunity in the marketplace.


Step 3: determine the business owner’s ability to meet the need. Assuming that a realistic business opportunity exists, does the prospective business owner have the ability to convert the opportunity into success? Some personal qualities are important: is the business in an industry the prospective business owner knows well? Is it something the entrepreneur loves doing? Are family and friends supportive? Business skills in staff recruitment, management, negotiation, marketing and financial management are required, as well as entrepreneurial attitudes such as innovation, risk taking and being proactive. Many good ideas and realistic initiatives have failed in the execution stage because the owners or principals of the business lacked sufficient business skills to make it a reality. Boo.com, for example, seemingly had a great concept (retailing ultramodern, designer clothing) and superior software, but it failed because of the inability of management to organize the business and manage the projects necessary to bring Boo.com online before it burned through $120 million of start-up capital.


Step for creating a new company or adding an online project


Success in online marketplace is never an assured outcome. As in the brick-and-mortar marketplace, the failure rate for online companies is high. Why do a few online companies succeed while many others fail? What does the entrepreneur - the online entrepreneur-need to know to launch a profitable online business?


Online businesses may be pure play companies (online only) or click-and-mortar companies that add online projects, such as e-procurement or selling online, as additional market channels.


Most new businesses--brick-and-mortar, pure play, or click-and-mortar—begin in a similar manner. The process can be described by the following steps.


Step 1: identify a consumer or business need in the marketplace. Many businesses simply begin with a good idea. A magazine article, a personal observation, an unsolved problem, a small irritation, or a friend’s suggestion may trigger an idea, and the prospective business owner sees a gap between what people want and what is available. For example, both Amazon.com and eBay began this way.


Step 2: investigate the opportunity. Just because a person perceives that an opportunity exists does not mean that it is real. Perhaps the number of individuals interested in purchasing the product or service is too small. Perhaps the cost of manufacturing, marketing and distributing the product or providing the service is too large. The revenue model may be wrong, others may have tried already and failed, satisfactory substitute products may be available, and so on. For example, online grocery shopping would seem to e a wonderful opportunity: relieving busy professionals of the time-consuming and tiresome task of regular visits to a grocery store. Many large and small-scale online

grocery ventures have been tried, but most have failed or continue to lose money because they misjudged the logistical problems associated with grocery warehousing and delivery. This is why it is so important to develop a business plan. One of the purposes of a business plan is to determine the feasibility of a business opportunity in the marketplace.


Step 3: determine the business owner’s ability to meet the need. Assuming that a realistic business opportunity exists, does the prospective business owner have the ability to convert the opportunity into success? Some personal qualities are important: is the business in an industry the prospective business owner knows well? Is it something the entrepreneur loves doing? Are family and friends supportive? Business skills in staff recruitment, management, negotiation, marketing and financial management are required, as well as entrepreneurial attitudes such as innovation, risk taking and being proactive. Many good ideas and realistic initiatives have failed in the execution stage because the owners or principals of the business lacked sufficient business skills to make it a reality. Boo.com, for example, seemingly had a great concept (retailing ultramodern, designer clothing) and superior software, but it failed because of the inability of management to organize the business and manage the projects necessary to bring Boo.com online before it burned through $120 million of start-up capital.



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