

Unit 1 Are you going to have a birthday party?


weather 天气

sunny 晴朗的(名词变形容词)

will 将要(+动词原形)

begin 开始


make a cake 做蛋糕

invite some friends 邀请朋友

sing and dance 唱歌跳舞

eat noodles 吃面条

visit my friends 拜访朋友

take swimming lessons 上游泳课

do some washing 洗刷

by the way 顺便问一下


My birthday is coming.

Are you going to make a cake? Yes, I am./No, I am not.

I ’m going to have a party at home next Sunday evening.

Would you like to come?

This is my plan for this Sunday.

What about your plan?

On May 3rd, I ’m going to help my mum do some washing.

The weather is good.

The party will begin at four o’clock.

I ’m asking my uncle and aunt to come to my party. Could I bring him to the party?


一般将来时:表示未来发生的事,常与未来时间的词(tomorrow明天) 连用。


1、主语+be going to+动词原形+其他

2、主语+will +动词原形+其他

例:I am going to play football tomorrow.


I will play football tomorrow.



1、有Be 动词(am /is/ are )直接提前,放到

句首,后面的照抄,末尾加问号。(注意:第一人称I 或者We 都要变为you )

例:I am going to play football tomorrow.(变成


答案:Are you going to play football


2、有will 的句子变问句,把will 直接提前,

放到句首,后面的照抄末尾加问号。(注意:第一人称I 或者We 都要变为you )

I will play football tomorrow.(变成一般疑问句) 答案:Will you play football tomorrow?


1、有Be 动词(am/ is/ are)在be 动词后直接加not ,后面照抄。

例:I am going to play football tomorrow. (变否定句)

答案:I am not going to play football tomorrow.

2、有will 的句子变否定句,在will 后面直接加not, 后面的照抄。

例:I will play football tomorrow.(变否定句)

答案:I will not play football tomorrow.



句子结构:主语+be动词+ving(动词的ing 形式)

例:I am playing football now.


练习题:1、I will play football.(变成现在进行时时态)


答案:I am playing football .


2、I played football. (变成现在进行时时态)


答案:I am playing football .


Unit2 What are you going to do tomorrow?

1. 重点词汇

China 中国(形容词Chinese )

son 儿子(同音词sun 太阳)

never 从不,绝不

another 另一个

2. 重点短语

do some shopping 购物

buy some school things 买一些学校用品

listen to music 听音乐

clean his room 打扫房间

play football 踢足球

wash some clothes 洗衣服

see a film 看电影

a map of China 一张中国的地图

3. 重点句型

What are you going to do tomorrow?

What ’s he going to do?

I ’m going to do some shopping.

How can I go with you?

Do you want to know why?

John isn’t going to clean his house or wash his car.

4. 重点语法


Unit3 It will be sunny this Sunday.



rain 雨,下雨(动词和名词的形式)

full 满的(be full of)充满

bring about 引起,发生

be bad for 对……有害

full of 充满


All around 周围

on the ground 在地上

on the ships 在船上

at sea 在海上

strong wind 强风

heavy rain 暴雨

3. 重点句型

It ’s nice outside, isn’t it?

What will the weather be like tomorrow? It will be cloudy and windy.

Will it be cold?

Have a nice holiday!

The earth is getting warmer.

This will bring about great changes in the weather.

That will be bad for the people there.

In some dry places the rain makes lakes full of water.

Unit4 What kind of books will you buy?

1. 重点词汇

difficult 困难的(同义词hard 和反义词easy 容易的)

healthy 健康的(名词health )

2. 重点短语

cut down 砍到

kind of books 种类的书

this term 这学期

take some photos 照相

3. 重点句型

What kinds of books will you buy?

What will you do tomorrow?

Is it difficult?

Will you buy any books?

What will you do when you grow up?

I will be a nurse.

Many people will go up to the hills and plant trees.

Trees make the air clean.

They will make the people healthy and make our country beautiful.

4. 重点语法

和will 相关的疑问句。

Unit6 It is on the fifth floor.

1. 重点词汇

first 第一

second 第二

third 第三

fifth 第五

the same 同样的

2. 重点短语

reading room 阅览室

teachers ’ office 老师的办公室

3. 重点句型

Where is Kate?

Is it on the fifth floor?

What class is she in?

She ’s in Class Three.

What a nice house!

Do you have a study?

Come and have a look.

They live in the same building in Beijing.

The first floor is the same as the second floor.

Unit 7 What’s the date today?

1. 重点词汇

April 四月

May 五月

night 夜晚(at night)

than 比(形容词比较级的用法)

become 变成,成为(过去式)

for example

have a good time

2. 重点短语

the same age 同样的年龄

be back 返回

3. 重点句型

What ’s the date today?

It ’s April 30th.

When is your birthday?

We ’re the same age.

I ’m older than you.

Is it in spring or summer? Neither.

I ’m back.

There is some bread in the fridge.

They don’t think 13 is a good number. He asked some of his friends to dinner. She said slowly with a smile.

I am going to have a baby in three months.

4. 重点语法


选择疑问句并列的两个词语或者是两个句子用or 连接。

There be句型

主要考察be 动词的变化取决于主语的变化,注意:被动词需要根据离它最近的主语进行选择。


January February March April May June July August September October November December

Unit 8 Merry Christmas!

1. 重点词汇

laugh 笑 ,大笑等

just 仅仅,刚才

kid 小孩(单复数变化)

candy 糖果(单复数变化)

2. 重点短语

dress up 打扮成

from door to door 挨家挨户

run away 跑开

New Year’s Day 新年

Children ’s Day 儿童节

Mother ’s Day 母亲节

Trick or treat! 不给糖果就捣乱

3. 重点句型

When is Christmas?

It ’s on December 25th.

Let ’s say Merry Christmas to Mum and Dad. Go to the sitting room and find your parents. What a beautiful tree!

Here ’s a card for you!

Thank you for your love.

What can I do for you today?

I ’ll do the cleaning for you.

They knock at the door of a house and cry. Don ’t run away!

4. 重点语法


What 型

What +a/an +形容词+可数名词单数名词+主语+谓语!

例:What a beautiful tree!多么漂亮的树啊! What a clever girl she is! 多么聪明的姑娘呀! What an interesting story it is! 多么有趣的故事呀!


How beautiful the tree is!

Unit 9 Were you at school yeaterday?

1. 重点单词

yesterday 昨天

June 六月

road 小路

stop 停止

hard 努力的,困难的(同义词)

2. 重点短语

sports meeting 运动会

National Day 国庆节

Women ’s Day 妇女节

3. 重点句型

What was the date yesterday?

It was Children’s Day, isn’t it?

Were you at school yesterday?

What did you do?

Did you have a good time?

How was your weekend?

I went fishing with my father.

Are you good at fishing?

I had to look after her.

She is much better.

He turned to the passengers.

I want you all to lean forward together.

When they heard “three ”, they all leaned forward hard.

4. 重点语法

一般过去时表示过去时间发生的事,常与过去时间的词yesterday (昨天)连用




(2)以e 结尾加d


(4)以辅音字母加y 结尾的变y 为i 加ed 动词过去式不规则变化要特殊记忆。



主语+助动词+not+动词原形+其他。 一般疑问句: Be+主语+其他?/ 助动词+主语+动词原形+其他?


Unit10 Revision

1. 重点单词

window 窗户

river 小河

star 星星

city 城市

join 参加(固定搭配join in 加入)

along 沿着

sky 天空(前面加the )

2. 重点短语

at last 最后

3. 重点句型

Can I join you?

Now my family and I are driving to our new home.

At last we stopped in front of a tall building. My bedroom is big and bright.

The cars look like toys.

To the west, I can see the Huangpu River and many tall buildings along it.

At night we watch the lights go on over the city.


Unit 1 Are you going to have a birthday party?


weather 天气

sunny 晴朗的(名词变形容词)

will 将要(+动词原形)

begin 开始


make a cake 做蛋糕

invite some friends 邀请朋友

sing and dance 唱歌跳舞

eat noodles 吃面条

visit my friends 拜访朋友

take swimming lessons 上游泳课

do some washing 洗刷

by the way 顺便问一下


My birthday is coming.

Are you going to make a cake? Yes, I am./No, I am not.

I ’m going to have a party at home next Sunday evening.

Would you like to come?

This is my plan for this Sunday.

What about your plan?

On May 3rd, I ’m going to help my mum do some washing.

The weather is good.

The party will begin at four o’clock.

I ’m asking my uncle and aunt to come to my party. Could I bring him to the party?


一般将来时:表示未来发生的事,常与未来时间的词(tomorrow明天) 连用。


1、主语+be going to+动词原形+其他

2、主语+will +动词原形+其他

例:I am going to play football tomorrow.


I will play football tomorrow.



1、有Be 动词(am /is/ are )直接提前,放到

句首,后面的照抄,末尾加问号。(注意:第一人称I 或者We 都要变为you )

例:I am going to play football tomorrow.(变成


答案:Are you going to play football


2、有will 的句子变问句,把will 直接提前,

放到句首,后面的照抄末尾加问号。(注意:第一人称I 或者We 都要变为you )

I will play football tomorrow.(变成一般疑问句) 答案:Will you play football tomorrow?


1、有Be 动词(am/ is/ are)在be 动词后直接加not ,后面照抄。

例:I am going to play football tomorrow. (变否定句)

答案:I am not going to play football tomorrow.

2、有will 的句子变否定句,在will 后面直接加not, 后面的照抄。

例:I will play football tomorrow.(变否定句)

答案:I will not play football tomorrow.



句子结构:主语+be动词+ving(动词的ing 形式)

例:I am playing football now.


练习题:1、I will play football.(变成现在进行时时态)


答案:I am playing football .


2、I played football. (变成现在进行时时态)


答案:I am playing football .


Unit2 What are you going to do tomorrow?

1. 重点词汇

China 中国(形容词Chinese )

son 儿子(同音词sun 太阳)

never 从不,绝不

another 另一个

2. 重点短语

do some shopping 购物

buy some school things 买一些学校用品

listen to music 听音乐

clean his room 打扫房间

play football 踢足球

wash some clothes 洗衣服

see a film 看电影

a map of China 一张中国的地图

3. 重点句型

What are you going to do tomorrow?

What ’s he going to do?

I ’m going to do some shopping.

How can I go with you?

Do you want to know why?

John isn’t going to clean his house or wash his car.

4. 重点语法


Unit3 It will be sunny this Sunday.



rain 雨,下雨(动词和名词的形式)

full 满的(be full of)充满

bring about 引起,发生

be bad for 对……有害

full of 充满


All around 周围

on the ground 在地上

on the ships 在船上

at sea 在海上

strong wind 强风

heavy rain 暴雨

3. 重点句型

It ’s nice outside, isn’t it?

What will the weather be like tomorrow? It will be cloudy and windy.

Will it be cold?

Have a nice holiday!

The earth is getting warmer.

This will bring about great changes in the weather.

That will be bad for the people there.

In some dry places the rain makes lakes full of water.

Unit4 What kind of books will you buy?

1. 重点词汇

difficult 困难的(同义词hard 和反义词easy 容易的)

healthy 健康的(名词health )

2. 重点短语

cut down 砍到

kind of books 种类的书

this term 这学期

take some photos 照相

3. 重点句型

What kinds of books will you buy?

What will you do tomorrow?

Is it difficult?

Will you buy any books?

What will you do when you grow up?

I will be a nurse.

Many people will go up to the hills and plant trees.

Trees make the air clean.

They will make the people healthy and make our country beautiful.

4. 重点语法

和will 相关的疑问句。

Unit6 It is on the fifth floor.

1. 重点词汇

first 第一

second 第二

third 第三

fifth 第五

the same 同样的

2. 重点短语

reading room 阅览室

teachers ’ office 老师的办公室

3. 重点句型

Where is Kate?

Is it on the fifth floor?

What class is she in?

She ’s in Class Three.

What a nice house!

Do you have a study?

Come and have a look.

They live in the same building in Beijing.

The first floor is the same as the second floor.

Unit 7 What’s the date today?

1. 重点词汇

April 四月

May 五月

night 夜晚(at night)

than 比(形容词比较级的用法)

become 变成,成为(过去式)

for example

have a good time

2. 重点短语

the same age 同样的年龄

be back 返回

3. 重点句型

What ’s the date today?

It ’s April 30th.

When is your birthday?

We ’re the same age.

I ’m older than you.

Is it in spring or summer? Neither.

I ’m back.

There is some bread in the fridge.

They don’t think 13 is a good number. He asked some of his friends to dinner. She said slowly with a smile.

I am going to have a baby in three months.

4. 重点语法


选择疑问句并列的两个词语或者是两个句子用or 连接。

There be句型

主要考察be 动词的变化取决于主语的变化,注意:被动词需要根据离它最近的主语进行选择。


January February March April May June July August September October November December

Unit 8 Merry Christmas!

1. 重点词汇

laugh 笑 ,大笑等

just 仅仅,刚才

kid 小孩(单复数变化)

candy 糖果(单复数变化)

2. 重点短语

dress up 打扮成

from door to door 挨家挨户

run away 跑开

New Year’s Day 新年

Children ’s Day 儿童节

Mother ’s Day 母亲节

Trick or treat! 不给糖果就捣乱

3. 重点句型

When is Christmas?

It ’s on December 25th.

Let ’s say Merry Christmas to Mum and Dad. Go to the sitting room and find your parents. What a beautiful tree!

Here ’s a card for you!

Thank you for your love.

What can I do for you today?

I ’ll do the cleaning for you.

They knock at the door of a house and cry. Don ’t run away!

4. 重点语法


What 型

What +a/an +形容词+可数名词单数名词+主语+谓语!

例:What a beautiful tree!多么漂亮的树啊! What a clever girl she is! 多么聪明的姑娘呀! What an interesting story it is! 多么有趣的故事呀!


How beautiful the tree is!

Unit 9 Were you at school yeaterday?

1. 重点单词

yesterday 昨天

June 六月

road 小路

stop 停止

hard 努力的,困难的(同义词)

2. 重点短语

sports meeting 运动会

National Day 国庆节

Women ’s Day 妇女节

3. 重点句型

What was the date yesterday?

It was Children’s Day, isn’t it?

Were you at school yesterday?

What did you do?

Did you have a good time?

How was your weekend?

I went fishing with my father.

Are you good at fishing?

I had to look after her.

She is much better.

He turned to the passengers.

I want you all to lean forward together.

When they heard “three ”, they all leaned forward hard.

4. 重点语法

一般过去时表示过去时间发生的事,常与过去时间的词yesterday (昨天)连用




(2)以e 结尾加d


(4)以辅音字母加y 结尾的变y 为i 加ed 动词过去式不规则变化要特殊记忆。



主语+助动词+not+动词原形+其他。 一般疑问句: Be+主语+其他?/ 助动词+主语+动词原形+其他?


Unit10 Revision

1. 重点单词

window 窗户

river 小河

star 星星

city 城市

join 参加(固定搭配join in 加入)

along 沿着

sky 天空(前面加the )

2. 重点短语

at last 最后

3. 重点句型

Can I join you?

Now my family and I are driving to our new home.

At last we stopped in front of a tall building. My bedroom is big and bright.

The cars look like toys.

To the west, I can see the Huangpu River and many tall buildings along it.

At night we watch the lights go on over the city.


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