
《国标等级英语》4A 课课测 参考答案

Unit 1

一、1-5 ACBAC

二、1-5 BBACB

三、1-5 CBBAB

四、1-5 DCABD 6-10 AACCD 11-15 AADAB

五、1-5 EDACB

六、1-5 ADEBC

七、1-5 BCABA 6-10 BBABB

八、1-5 CBBDD

九、1. It’s on 11th July 2006.

2. It’s about 154 minutes.

3. It has three languages: Spanish, English and French.

4. The Fantastics.

5. 略。

十、1. think of 2. between; and 3. from time to time 4. in number 5. such as

Unit 2

一、1-5 ABBAB

二、1-5 BCACA

三、1-5 BCACB

四、1-5 CAABA 6-10 BDDAC 11-15 ABDDC

五、1-5 BAECD

六、1. come out 2. getting on 3. No doubt 4. is strict with 5. scores of 七、1. We’ve done a lot of interesting things.

2. We’ve walked a lot.

3. There are a number of teenagers in the hotel.

4. go to bed

5. by day

八、1-5 DGCBF

九、1-5 DBAAB 6-10ACABA



Unit 3

一、1-5 BABCA

二、1-5 BCABA

三、1-5 BABAA

四、1-5 ABBAA 6-10 CACCC 11-15 BBCCD

五、1-5 ECABD

六、1. have travelled 2. too 3. looking for 4. for a long time 5. more fun 七、1-5 FECAB

八、1-5 CBACA 6-10 CBACD

九、1-5 ABCAD

十、1-5 FTFTF

Unit 4

一、1-5 ACAAB

二、1-5 ACAAA

三、1. been 2. picking 3. mirrors 4. supper 5. perfect

四、1. pain 2. wound 3. operation 4. usual 5. since 6. absent

五、1. prettier 2. certainly 3. waiting 4. happen 5. hasn’t finished

六、1-5 AADAD 6-11 ACBCCA

七、1-5 DBCBA 6-10 DABDC

八、1-5 (A) BACDA (B) 1-5 BBACC

九、1. full of 2. help with 3. as usual 4. medical care

5. the other day 6. by accident

Unit 5

一、1-5 AABCB

二、1-5 CBBAB

三、1. putting 2. rushing 3. another 4. traffic 5. window

四、1-5 CDADB 6-10 CCDAD 11-15 CBBAB

五、1. has gone to 2. Neither; likes 3. enjoyed himself 4. doesn ’t ; any longer 5.

set off

4. towards 5. receive六、1. single 2. writer 3. celebrate

七、1. hurry 2. quarter 3. college 4. among 5. break

八、1. There is also Father’s Day in the USA.

2. On that day mothers usually receive flowers and cards.

3. Where did the idea for the holiday come from?

4. Peter walked from the playground to his home.

/ Peter walked from his home to the playground.

5. He rushed to see the dentist.

九、1-5 BDBCA 6-10 DBADC

十、(A) 1. On a street in New York.

2. A new overcoat.

3. It was worn-out.

4. Yes, he did.

5. He said that there was no need to buy a new one because everybody had known him.

(B) 1-5 CBDAA

Unit 6

一、1-5 BCCAB

二、1-5 CBBCB

三、1-5 BCCAB

四、1-5 CBAAD 6-10 DABDC 11-15 ABACD

五、1. turn 2. talk about 3. in other words 4. as though 5. go in for

6. rather than 7. lonely 8. a reason 9. central 10. unless


七、1-5 CBACD 6-10 ABCAC

八、(A) 1-5 CBBDA

(B) 1-5 DBCDA

Unit 7

一、1-5 CABAB

二、1-5 BCBAB

三、1-5 CABCA

四、1-5 BCCAD 6-10 DCABD 11-15 DABCA

五、1. difficult 2. loud 3. several 4. nervous 5. while

六、1. were; then 2. Were you 3. What; doing 4. Where; you 5. No, she wasn’t. 七、1. was; doing

2. were not

3. talking about

4. 昨天四点正在植树。

5. 露西在弹钢琴的时候琳琳在跳舞。

八、1-5 DACBD 6-10 BACDD

九、(A) 1-5 BDADC

(B) 1-5 ADCAB

Unit 8

一、1-5 CBABC

二、1-5 BCABC

三、1-5 TTFTF

四、1-5 DBACD 6-10 BCABD 11-15 CCADC

五、1-5 CBABD 6-10 CCDAD

六、1-5 CBEAD

七、1. What a funny 2. How; it is 3. brought; drinks; meal

5. 我的问题给人一种我想马上就离开的感觉。

八、(A) 1-5 BAADC (B) 1-5 BDACA (C) 1-5 CEBDA

4. expected; pay; share

《国标等级英语》4A 课课测 参考答案

Unit 1

一、1-5 ACBAC

二、1-5 BBACB

三、1-5 CBBAB

四、1-5 DCABD 6-10 AACCD 11-15 AADAB

五、1-5 EDACB

六、1-5 ADEBC

七、1-5 BCABA 6-10 BBABB

八、1-5 CBBDD

九、1. It’s on 11th July 2006.

2. It’s about 154 minutes.

3. It has three languages: Spanish, English and French.

4. The Fantastics.

5. 略。

十、1. think of 2. between; and 3. from time to time 4. in number 5. such as

Unit 2

一、1-5 ABBAB

二、1-5 BCACA

三、1-5 BCACB

四、1-5 CAABA 6-10 BDDAC 11-15 ABDDC

五、1-5 BAECD

六、1. come out 2. getting on 3. No doubt 4. is strict with 5. scores of 七、1. We’ve done a lot of interesting things.

2. We’ve walked a lot.

3. There are a number of teenagers in the hotel.

4. go to bed

5. by day

八、1-5 DGCBF

九、1-5 DBAAB 6-10ACABA



Unit 3

一、1-5 BABCA

二、1-5 BCABA

三、1-5 BABAA

四、1-5 ABBAA 6-10 CACCC 11-15 BBCCD

五、1-5 ECABD

六、1. have travelled 2. too 3. looking for 4. for a long time 5. more fun 七、1-5 FECAB

八、1-5 CBACA 6-10 CBACD

九、1-5 ABCAD

十、1-5 FTFTF

Unit 4

一、1-5 ACAAB

二、1-5 ACAAA

三、1. been 2. picking 3. mirrors 4. supper 5. perfect

四、1. pain 2. wound 3. operation 4. usual 5. since 6. absent

五、1. prettier 2. certainly 3. waiting 4. happen 5. hasn’t finished

六、1-5 AADAD 6-11 ACBCCA

七、1-5 DBCBA 6-10 DABDC

八、1-5 (A) BACDA (B) 1-5 BBACC

九、1. full of 2. help with 3. as usual 4. medical care

5. the other day 6. by accident

Unit 5

一、1-5 AABCB

二、1-5 CBBAB

三、1. putting 2. rushing 3. another 4. traffic 5. window

四、1-5 CDADB 6-10 CCDAD 11-15 CBBAB

五、1. has gone to 2. Neither; likes 3. enjoyed himself 4. doesn ’t ; any longer 5.

set off

4. towards 5. receive六、1. single 2. writer 3. celebrate

七、1. hurry 2. quarter 3. college 4. among 5. break

八、1. There is also Father’s Day in the USA.

2. On that day mothers usually receive flowers and cards.

3. Where did the idea for the holiday come from?

4. Peter walked from the playground to his home.

/ Peter walked from his home to the playground.

5. He rushed to see the dentist.

九、1-5 BDBCA 6-10 DBADC

十、(A) 1. On a street in New York.

2. A new overcoat.

3. It was worn-out.

4. Yes, he did.

5. He said that there was no need to buy a new one because everybody had known him.

(B) 1-5 CBDAA

Unit 6

一、1-5 BCCAB

二、1-5 CBBCB

三、1-5 BCCAB

四、1-5 CBAAD 6-10 DABDC 11-15 ABACD

五、1. turn 2. talk about 3. in other words 4. as though 5. go in for

6. rather than 7. lonely 8. a reason 9. central 10. unless


七、1-5 CBACD 6-10 ABCAC

八、(A) 1-5 CBBDA

(B) 1-5 DBCDA

Unit 7

一、1-5 CABAB

二、1-5 BCBAB

三、1-5 CABCA

四、1-5 BCCAD 6-10 DCABD 11-15 DABCA

五、1. difficult 2. loud 3. several 4. nervous 5. while

六、1. were; then 2. Were you 3. What; doing 4. Where; you 5. No, she wasn’t. 七、1. was; doing

2. were not

3. talking about

4. 昨天四点正在植树。

5. 露西在弹钢琴的时候琳琳在跳舞。

八、1-5 DACBD 6-10 BACDD

九、(A) 1-5 BDADC

(B) 1-5 ADCAB

Unit 8

一、1-5 CBABC

二、1-5 BCABC

三、1-5 TTFTF

四、1-5 DBACD 6-10 BCABD 11-15 CCADC

五、1-5 CBABD 6-10 CCDAD

六、1-5 CBEAD

七、1. What a funny 2. How; it is 3. brought; drinks; meal

5. 我的问题给人一种我想马上就离开的感觉。

八、(A) 1-5 BAADC (B) 1-5 BDACA (C) 1-5 CEBDA

4. expected; pay; share


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