
Lesson 11:Mr. Wood Teaches a Lesson导学案

执笔人 祁丽花

Grade: Date:


1、知识技能:(1)学生能够听、说、读、写单词:shape, circle, line , square , triangle,并能用英语进行表达。

(2)学生能理解掌握temperature 这个单词,并实际做对话:What`s the temperature ? 。


3、情感态度:通过天气、温度的学习,激发学生热爱生活。 【学习重点】

学生能掌握四会单词:shape, circle, line , square , triangle。

并且能够运用句型 What`s the temperature ? It is degree(s) .做对话。




引导学生逐渐掌握自主学习、合作探究的学习模式。 【课前准备】 录音机,磁带 【学习流程】

(1)Class Opening and Review a.Greeting :

Good morning ,everyone !…….

b. Review words :rainy, sunny , windy, cloudy ,snowy ,(在这部分教师可以在黑板上画出这几个天气,然后让学生来说,这几幅图都是什么天气,这样不仅检查了学生对以前知识的掌握,同时有的差生也是一种巩固和提高。) (2)New concepts

T : Now ,class .Do you want to go on a trip with me ? S : .

T : I want to go on a trip eagerly . But I donot know the wheather and the temperature

there . Can you help me ? Look . (教师出示课件,课件上是一副中国城市地图,分别标着每个城市的天气情况。由此引出本课的重点知识 What`s the temperature ? degree(s). 这样引出比较自然,前后联系紧密。) c.Demonstrate : “temperature”with a real thermometer . T : How is the weather in Shanghai ? S : It is .

T : What`s the temperature in Shanghai ? S : It is 29 degrees .

(板书What`s the temperature ? It is degree(s).安排适当的练习,通过练习学生初步掌握。)

Put the thermometer in a cup of cold water and then a cup of hot water . eg. T : The water is cold . What`s the temperature ? S : It is .

T : It is degrees . Say it ,please . T : The water is hot . What`s the temperature ? S : It is degrees .

(学生分小组进行练习这个对话。教师可以分给每个小组一个温度计,学生可以随意的去测量他们想测量的东西,这样不仅体现出了学生的自主性,同时提高了他们的动手能力,增加了学生的兴趣,更好的掌握这部分的知识。) d. Lead the Ss to practice this dialogue : S1: How is the weather ,today? S2 :It is .

S1 : What`s the temperature ? S2 : It is degree(s) .

e. Play the audiotape part 1 as the Ss follow. f.Introduce :

T: Now,class . You know this is a thermometer . What does it look like ? (Draw a line on the blackboard .) S : 直线 。

T : Yes ! Line . Follow me . (板书 line . ) (这样更直观,同时加强了两部分的连接。)

T : (在画两条直线 ,变成一个三角形 。) Now, class . How many lines are there ?

S : Three lines . T : What shape is it ? S :

T : Triangle . Follow me . (板书 triangle . )

(由此引出square , circle (并且板书这两个单词。).把这几个图形组合成一个小房子的形状。 )

(在学完了circle, line , square , triangle这四个单词,教师可以这样引导出shape这个单词: circle is a shape. Line is a shape . square is a shape . triangle is a shape . All of them are shapes . 这样学生可以更好的理解,比直接告诉学生shape 的意思要好很多。,练习What is your favourite shape ? It is a . ) g. Lead the Ss to read these new words .

i. Play the audiotape part 3 and then answer the question : What`s Danny`s favourite shape ? His favourite shape is a . g.Practice this dialogue in groups .

h.Play the audiotape and read , check up understanding . Blackboard design:

Lesson 11:Mr. Wood Teaches a Lesson What`s the temperature ? Shape line circle

square triangle

Lesson 11:Mr. Wood Teaches a Lesson问题训练——评价单

Class_________ Name Teacher

Look at the pictures and write words.根据图示将正确的英文单词写在对应的横线上。

--------------- --------------- ----------------- -------------- 二.Choose.单项选择。将其序号写在括号内。

( )1. Three lines _____ a triangle. A. make B. makes C. making D.made ( )2.____ the temperature of the hot water? A. How’s B. What’s C. Where’s D.That’s ( )3.-----____ the weather today,Linda?

------It’s sunny.

A. How’s B. What’s C. How does D.What does


同学们,学习了Mr. Wood Teaches a Lesson后,你学会的新单词有


自我评价(good/great/wonderful) 小组评价(good/great/wonderful)


Lesson 11:Mr. Wood Teaches a Lesson导学案

执笔人 祁丽花

Grade: Date:


1、知识技能:(1)学生能够听、说、读、写单词:shape, circle, line , square , triangle,并能用英语进行表达。

(2)学生能理解掌握temperature 这个单词,并实际做对话:What`s the temperature ? 。


3、情感态度:通过天气、温度的学习,激发学生热爱生活。 【学习重点】

学生能掌握四会单词:shape, circle, line , square , triangle。

并且能够运用句型 What`s the temperature ? It is degree(s) .做对话。




引导学生逐渐掌握自主学习、合作探究的学习模式。 【课前准备】 录音机,磁带 【学习流程】

(1)Class Opening and Review a.Greeting :

Good morning ,everyone !…….

b. Review words :rainy, sunny , windy, cloudy ,snowy ,(在这部分教师可以在黑板上画出这几个天气,然后让学生来说,这几幅图都是什么天气,这样不仅检查了学生对以前知识的掌握,同时有的差生也是一种巩固和提高。) (2)New concepts

T : Now ,class .Do you want to go on a trip with me ? S : .

T : I want to go on a trip eagerly . But I donot know the wheather and the temperature

there . Can you help me ? Look . (教师出示课件,课件上是一副中国城市地图,分别标着每个城市的天气情况。由此引出本课的重点知识 What`s the temperature ? degree(s). 这样引出比较自然,前后联系紧密。) c.Demonstrate : “temperature”with a real thermometer . T : How is the weather in Shanghai ? S : It is .

T : What`s the temperature in Shanghai ? S : It is 29 degrees .

(板书What`s the temperature ? It is degree(s).安排适当的练习,通过练习学生初步掌握。)

Put the thermometer in a cup of cold water and then a cup of hot water . eg. T : The water is cold . What`s the temperature ? S : It is .

T : It is degrees . Say it ,please . T : The water is hot . What`s the temperature ? S : It is degrees .

(学生分小组进行练习这个对话。教师可以分给每个小组一个温度计,学生可以随意的去测量他们想测量的东西,这样不仅体现出了学生的自主性,同时提高了他们的动手能力,增加了学生的兴趣,更好的掌握这部分的知识。) d. Lead the Ss to practice this dialogue : S1: How is the weather ,today? S2 :It is .

S1 : What`s the temperature ? S2 : It is degree(s) .

e. Play the audiotape part 1 as the Ss follow. f.Introduce :

T: Now,class . You know this is a thermometer . What does it look like ? (Draw a line on the blackboard .) S : 直线 。

T : Yes ! Line . Follow me . (板书 line . ) (这样更直观,同时加强了两部分的连接。)

T : (在画两条直线 ,变成一个三角形 。) Now, class . How many lines are there ?

S : Three lines . T : What shape is it ? S :

T : Triangle . Follow me . (板书 triangle . )

(由此引出square , circle (并且板书这两个单词。).把这几个图形组合成一个小房子的形状。 )

(在学完了circle, line , square , triangle这四个单词,教师可以这样引导出shape这个单词: circle is a shape. Line is a shape . square is a shape . triangle is a shape . All of them are shapes . 这样学生可以更好的理解,比直接告诉学生shape 的意思要好很多。,练习What is your favourite shape ? It is a . ) g. Lead the Ss to read these new words .

i. Play the audiotape part 3 and then answer the question : What`s Danny`s favourite shape ? His favourite shape is a . g.Practice this dialogue in groups .

h.Play the audiotape and read , check up understanding . Blackboard design:

Lesson 11:Mr. Wood Teaches a Lesson What`s the temperature ? Shape line circle

square triangle

Lesson 11:Mr. Wood Teaches a Lesson问题训练——评价单

Class_________ Name Teacher

Look at the pictures and write words.根据图示将正确的英文单词写在对应的横线上。

--------------- --------------- ----------------- -------------- 二.Choose.单项选择。将其序号写在括号内。

( )1. Three lines _____ a triangle. A. make B. makes C. making D.made ( )2.____ the temperature of the hot water? A. How’s B. What’s C. Where’s D.That’s ( )3.-----____ the weather today,Linda?

------It’s sunny.

A. How’s B. What’s C. How does D.What does


同学们,学习了Mr. Wood Teaches a Lesson后,你学会的新单词有


自我评价(good/great/wonderful) 小组评价(good/great/wonderful)



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