
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then discuss whether there is a shortcut to learning. You should give sound arguments to support your views and write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

The comic is an ironical illustration that it is unadvisable to search for a shortcut to learning. The student tries to find a book about how to do well in school without studying in the library, only to be told that it is unrealistic and impractical.

The discussion of whether there is a shortcut to learning is essentially the requesting for a supreme learning method – a panacea every learner wishes for. In my opinion, the shortcut to learning does exist. It is the combination of diligence and intelligence. As Thomas Edison says, “Genius is one per cent inspiration, ninety-nine per cent perspiration.”

On one hand, hard work is the premise and prerequisite for achieving academic success. Even the most resourceful ones have to devote their time studying and reading, because knowledge does not go automatically into the brain. All efforts will be futile if we idle away our time.

On the other hand, it is undeniable that there are ways to improve learning efficiency, especially with the support of technology like the Internet. Better learners are always the ones with cleverer learning skills.

To sum up, only when we diligently and skillfully can we achieve academic success.

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then discuss whether there is a shortcut to learning. You should give sound arguments to support your views and write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

The comic is an ironical illustration that it is unadvisable to search for a shortcut to learning. The student tries to find a book about how to do well in school without studying in the library, only to be told that it is unrealistic and impractical.

The discussion of whether there is a shortcut to learning is essentially the requesting for a supreme learning method – a panacea every learner wishes for. In my opinion, the shortcut to learning does exist. It is the combination of diligence and intelligence. As Thomas Edison says, “Genius is one per cent inspiration, ninety-nine per cent perspiration.”

On one hand, hard work is the premise and prerequisite for achieving academic success. Even the most resourceful ones have to devote their time studying and reading, because knowledge does not go automatically into the brain. All efforts will be futile if we idle away our time.

On the other hand, it is undeniable that there are ways to improve learning efficiency, especially with the support of technology like the Internet. Better learners are always the ones with cleverer learning skills.

To sum up, only when we diligently and skillfully can we achieve academic success.


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