
. sensors

sensors (English name: transducer/sensor) is a kind of detection device, can feel the measured information, and will feel information transformation according to certain rule become electrical signal output, or other form of information needed to satisfy the information transmission, processing, storage, display, record and control requirements.

Sensor's features include: miniaturization, digital, intelligent, multi-functional, systematic and network. It is the first step of automatic detection and automatic control. The existence and development of the sensor, let objects have sensory, such as touch, taste and smell let objects become live up slowly. Usually according to its basic cognitive functions are divided into temperature sensor, light sensor, gas sensor, force sensor, magnetic sensor, moisture sensor, acoustic sensor, radiation sensitive element, color sensor and sensor etc. 10 major categories.

temperature transducer

Temperature sensors (temperature transducer) refers to can feel temperature translates into usable output signal of the sensor. The temperature sensor is the core part of the temperature measuring instrument, wide variety. According to measuring methods could be divided into two types: contact and non-contact, according to the sensor material and electronic component features divided into two categories, thermal resistance and thermocouple.

1 principle of thermocouple

Thermocouple is composed of two different materials of metal wire, the welded together at the end. To measure the heating part of the environment temperature, can accurately know the temperature of the hot spots. Because it must have two different material of the conductor, so called the thermocouple. Different material to make the thermocouple used in different temperature range, their sensitivity is also each are not identical. The sensitivity of thermocouple refers to add 1 ℃ hot spot temperature changes, the output variation of potential difference. For most of the metal material support thermocouple, this value about between 5 ~ 40 microvolt / ℃.

As a result of the thermocouple temperature sensor sensitivity has nothing to do with the thickness of material, use very fine material also can make the temperature sensor. Also due to the production of thermocouple metal materials have good ductility, the slight temperature measuring element has high response speed, can measure the process of rapid change.

Its advantages are:

(1) high precision measurement. Because of thermocouple direct contact with the object being measured, not affected by intermediate medium.

(2) the measurement range. Commonly used thermocouple from 1600 ℃ to 50 ℃ ~ + sustainable measurement, some special thermocouple minimum measurable to - 269 ℃ (e.g., gold iron nickel chrome), the highest measurable to + 2800 ℃ (such as tungsten rhenium).

(3) simple structure, easy to use. Thermocouple is usually composed of two different kinds of metal wire, but is not limited by the size and the beginning of, outside has protective casing, so very convenient to use. The thermocouple type and structure of the form.

2. The thermocouple type and structure formation

(1)the types of thermocouple

The commonly used thermocouple could be divided into two types: standard thermocouple and non-standard thermocouple. Standard thermocouple refers to the national standard specifies its thermoelectric potential and the relationship between temperature, permissible error, and a unified standard score table of thermocouple, it has with matching display instrument to choose from. Rather than a standard thermocouple or on the order of magnitude less than the range to use standardized thermocouple, in general, there is no uniform standard, it is mainly used for measurement of some special occasions.

Standardized thermocouple is our country from January 1, 1988, thermocouple and thermal resistance of all production according to IEC international standard, and specify the S, B, E, K, R, J, T seven standardization thermocouple type thermocouple for our country unified design.

(2) to ensure that the thermocouple is reliable, steady work, the structure of thermocouple requirements are as follows:

① of the two thermocouple thermal electrode welding must be strong;

② two hot electrode should be well insulated between each other, in case of short circuit;

③ compensation wires connected to the free cod of a thermocouple to convenient and reliable;

④ protect casing thermal electrodes should be able to make sufficient isolation and harmful medium.

3. The thermocouple cold end temperature compensation

Due to the thermocouple materials are generally more expensive (especially

when using precious metals), and the temperature measurement points are generally more far, the distance to the instrument in order to save materials, reduce cost, usually adopt the compensating conductor) (the free end of the cold junction of the thermocouple to the steady control of indoor temperature, connected to the meter terminals. It must be pointed out that the role of the thermocouple compensation wire extension hot electrode, so that only moved to the control room of the cold junction of the thermocouple instrument on the terminal, it itself does not eliminate the cold end temperature change on the influence of temperature, cannot have the compensation effect. So, still need to take some of the other correction method to compensate of the cold end temperature especially when t0 indicates influence on measuring temperature 0 ℃.

Must pay attention to when using thermocouple compensating conductor model match, cannot be wrong polarity, compensation conductor should be connected to the thermocouple temperature should not exceed 100 ℃.





温度传感器(temperature transducer )是指能感受温度并转换成可用输出信号的传感器。温度传感器是温度测量仪表的核心部分,品种繁多。按测量方式可分为接触式和非接触式两大类,按照传感器材料及电子元件特性分为热电阻和热电偶两类。












标准化热电偶是我国从 1988 年 1 月 1 日起,热电偶和热电阻的生产全部按 IEC 国际标准进行,并指定 S 、B 、E 、K 、R 、J 、T 七种标准化热电偶为我国统一设计型热电偶。

(2)为了保证热电偶可靠、稳定地工作,对热电偶的结构要求如下: ① 组成热电偶的两个热电极的焊接必须牢固;

② 两个热电极彼此之间应能很好地绝缘,以防短路;

③ 补偿导线与热电偶自由端的连接要方便、可靠;

④ 保护套管应能保证热电极与有害介质充分隔离。


由于热电偶的材料一般都比较贵重(特别是采用贵金属时),而测温点到仪表的距离一般都比较远,为了节省材料,降低成本,通常采用补偿导线把热电偶的冷端(自由端)延伸到温度比较稳定的控制室内,连接到仪表端子上。必须指出的是,热电偶补偿导线的作用只起延伸热电极、使热电偶的冷端移动到控制室的仪表端子上的作用,它本身并不能消除冷端温度变化对测温的影响,不能起到补偿作用。因此,还需采用其它修正方法来补偿冷端温度特别是当 t 0≠0℃时对测温的影响。

在使用热电偶补偿导线时必须注意型号相配,极性不能接错,补偿导线与热电偶连接端的温度不能超过 100℃。

. sensors

sensors (English name: transducer/sensor) is a kind of detection device, can feel the measured information, and will feel information transformation according to certain rule become electrical signal output, or other form of information needed to satisfy the information transmission, processing, storage, display, record and control requirements.

Sensor's features include: miniaturization, digital, intelligent, multi-functional, systematic and network. It is the first step of automatic detection and automatic control. The existence and development of the sensor, let objects have sensory, such as touch, taste and smell let objects become live up slowly. Usually according to its basic cognitive functions are divided into temperature sensor, light sensor, gas sensor, force sensor, magnetic sensor, moisture sensor, acoustic sensor, radiation sensitive element, color sensor and sensor etc. 10 major categories.

temperature transducer

Temperature sensors (temperature transducer) refers to can feel temperature translates into usable output signal of the sensor. The temperature sensor is the core part of the temperature measuring instrument, wide variety. According to measuring methods could be divided into two types: contact and non-contact, according to the sensor material and electronic component features divided into two categories, thermal resistance and thermocouple.

1 principle of thermocouple

Thermocouple is composed of two different materials of metal wire, the welded together at the end. To measure the heating part of the environment temperature, can accurately know the temperature of the hot spots. Because it must have two different material of the conductor, so called the thermocouple. Different material to make the thermocouple used in different temperature range, their sensitivity is also each are not identical. The sensitivity of thermocouple refers to add 1 ℃ hot spot temperature changes, the output variation of potential difference. For most of the metal material support thermocouple, this value about between 5 ~ 40 microvolt / ℃.

As a result of the thermocouple temperature sensor sensitivity has nothing to do with the thickness of material, use very fine material also can make the temperature sensor. Also due to the production of thermocouple metal materials have good ductility, the slight temperature measuring element has high response speed, can measure the process of rapid change.

Its advantages are:

(1) high precision measurement. Because of thermocouple direct contact with the object being measured, not affected by intermediate medium.

(2) the measurement range. Commonly used thermocouple from 1600 ℃ to 50 ℃ ~ + sustainable measurement, some special thermocouple minimum measurable to - 269 ℃ (e.g., gold iron nickel chrome), the highest measurable to + 2800 ℃ (such as tungsten rhenium).

(3) simple structure, easy to use. Thermocouple is usually composed of two different kinds of metal wire, but is not limited by the size and the beginning of, outside has protective casing, so very convenient to use. The thermocouple type and structure of the form.

2. The thermocouple type and structure formation

(1)the types of thermocouple

The commonly used thermocouple could be divided into two types: standard thermocouple and non-standard thermocouple. Standard thermocouple refers to the national standard specifies its thermoelectric potential and the relationship between temperature, permissible error, and a unified standard score table of thermocouple, it has with matching display instrument to choose from. Rather than a standard thermocouple or on the order of magnitude less than the range to use standardized thermocouple, in general, there is no uniform standard, it is mainly used for measurement of some special occasions.

Standardized thermocouple is our country from January 1, 1988, thermocouple and thermal resistance of all production according to IEC international standard, and specify the S, B, E, K, R, J, T seven standardization thermocouple type thermocouple for our country unified design.

(2) to ensure that the thermocouple is reliable, steady work, the structure of thermocouple requirements are as follows:

① of the two thermocouple thermal electrode welding must be strong;

② two hot electrode should be well insulated between each other, in case of short circuit;

③ compensation wires connected to the free cod of a thermocouple to convenient and reliable;

④ protect casing thermal electrodes should be able to make sufficient isolation and harmful medium.

3. The thermocouple cold end temperature compensation

Due to the thermocouple materials are generally more expensive (especially

when using precious metals), and the temperature measurement points are generally more far, the distance to the instrument in order to save materials, reduce cost, usually adopt the compensating conductor) (the free end of the cold junction of the thermocouple to the steady control of indoor temperature, connected to the meter terminals. It must be pointed out that the role of the thermocouple compensation wire extension hot electrode, so that only moved to the control room of the cold junction of the thermocouple instrument on the terminal, it itself does not eliminate the cold end temperature change on the influence of temperature, cannot have the compensation effect. So, still need to take some of the other correction method to compensate of the cold end temperature especially when t0 indicates influence on measuring temperature 0 ℃.

Must pay attention to when using thermocouple compensating conductor model match, cannot be wrong polarity, compensation conductor should be connected to the thermocouple temperature should not exceed 100 ℃.





温度传感器(temperature transducer )是指能感受温度并转换成可用输出信号的传感器。温度传感器是温度测量仪表的核心部分,品种繁多。按测量方式可分为接触式和非接触式两大类,按照传感器材料及电子元件特性分为热电阻和热电偶两类。












标准化热电偶是我国从 1988 年 1 月 1 日起,热电偶和热电阻的生产全部按 IEC 国际标准进行,并指定 S 、B 、E 、K 、R 、J 、T 七种标准化热电偶为我国统一设计型热电偶。

(2)为了保证热电偶可靠、稳定地工作,对热电偶的结构要求如下: ① 组成热电偶的两个热电极的焊接必须牢固;

② 两个热电极彼此之间应能很好地绝缘,以防短路;

③ 补偿导线与热电偶自由端的连接要方便、可靠;

④ 保护套管应能保证热电极与有害介质充分隔离。


由于热电偶的材料一般都比较贵重(特别是采用贵金属时),而测温点到仪表的距离一般都比较远,为了节省材料,降低成本,通常采用补偿导线把热电偶的冷端(自由端)延伸到温度比较稳定的控制室内,连接到仪表端子上。必须指出的是,热电偶补偿导线的作用只起延伸热电极、使热电偶的冷端移动到控制室的仪表端子上的作用,它本身并不能消除冷端温度变化对测温的影响,不能起到补偿作用。因此,还需采用其它修正方法来补偿冷端温度特别是当 t 0≠0℃时对测温的影响。

在使用热电偶补偿导线时必须注意型号相配,极性不能接错,补偿导线与热电偶连接端的温度不能超过 100℃。


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