

Class ________ Name________

Listening part(60)

I. listen and circle the words you hear.听音圈单词10

1. community Hippity 2. toy shop video shop 3. news just

4. post office police station 5. fire truck firefighter 6.next to between

7. riddle trip 8. Green Street Black Street 9.money monkey

10. movie theater restaurant

II. listen and circle the pictures you hear .听音圈图片10











III. Look ,listen and tick or cross.听音判断


A: 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) 5 ( )

B: 1. The toy shop is next to the supermarket. ( )

2. The video shop is between the supermarket and the bank. ( )

3. Hippity hop to the toy shop. I want to buy a toy bear. ( )

4. Where’s the school? ( )

5. The police car is going to the police station. ( )

IV. Listen and number the sentences.听音拍序号5

( ) The toy shop is next to the supermarket

( ) We are looking at the buildings in our city.

( ) Beijing is a big city in China.

( ) We ride the Metro to the post office.

( ) I want to go to my house.

V. Listen and number. 听音排序号


VI. Listen and circle the correct words.听音圈出所听到的单词5

1. The movie theater is next to the ( hospital restaurant).

2. (What Where)’s the toy shop?

3. The toy shop is (in on ) Green Street.

4. We are ( go going) on a school trip.

5. The video shop is ( next to, between ) the restaurant and the toy shop.

Ⅶ.Listen and choose the best answer. 听问句选择答句5

1 ( ) A Yes, there is . B No, there isn’t.

2( ) A Yes, there are. B No, there aren’t

3 ( ) A There is a bed . B It’s a bed.

4 ( ) A It’s next to the bank. B It’s under the tree.

5 ( ) A Yes, I do. B No, I don’t.

Ⅷ. Listen and write the words 听音写单词5.

This is our community. Our ___________ is next to the post office. The _______________is between the supermarket and the police station. The __________ is next to the toy shop. Where’s the ________ shop? It’s on Green ____________.

Writing part(40)

I. Odd one out. (5’) 圈出不同类单词

1. money letter monkey 2.park bank book

3. need want between 4city town trip

5. behind street next to

II. Circle the correct words (10’) 圈出正确单词

1. The post office is (on in ) Water Street.

2. I (need needs) colored paper. 3.Tom (live lives) in Dongguan.

4.“(Where What) can we go now?” we ask.

5. The bank is ( next to between ) the post office and the police station.

6. We are looking( at on) the buildings in our city.

7. She ( put puts) milk on the table.

8. Grandmother eats hot dog in the (restaurant bank).

9. Let’s (go to going to) the video shop.

10. You ride the (Metro Mexico) to the post office.

Ⅲ.Match (5’) 看问句选答句。

( ) Where do you live? A. It’s next to the toy shop.

( ) Where’s the post office in your town? B. I live in Dong guan.

( ) What building is it? C. In video shop.

( ) Where can you rent movies? D. No, I don’t.

( ) Do you need glue? E. It’s hospital.

Ⅳ. Answer the questions(5’) 看图回答问题。

1. Where is the restaurant? _____________________________.

2. Where can we watch movie? ___________________________.

3. It’s between the police station and the hospital, but it’s not restaurant. What building is it? _________________________________________.

4. Where is the fire truck? _____________________________.

5. What can we see in front of the police station? ___________________________.

Ⅴ. Correct. (5’)改错

1. I lives in Monterrey. _________________________.

2. We are walking in the street. ___________________.

3. The bank is next to the toy shop and the movie theater. _______________.

4. We get the money in the park. ____________________________.

5. “This bed is for me!” And she go to sleep.______________________.

VI. Reading. 阅读(5)

School Trip

Tom lives in Monterrey. It’s a big city in Mexico. Today they are going on a school trip. They ride the Metro to the post office. It is between the bank and the police station. They are walking on the Water Street to the hospital. They see an ambulance in the hospital. They say hello to the doctors. It is the end of the trip. They get ice cream cones and eat at the park. Jim wants to go to the video shop. But Lucy doesn’t want to go to the video shop. She wants to go home now.

1.( ) Where dose Tom live in? A. Metro B. Mexico

2.( ) They ______ to the post office. A. walk B. ride the metro

3.( ) Where is the bank?

A. It’s next to the post office. B. It’s next to the police station.

4.( ) What are they doing at the end of the trip?

A. Say hello to doctors. B. Eat ice cream cones.

5.( ) Where does Lucy want to go? A. Video shop. B. Her house. Ⅶ. Writing.写作(5)

My Community



Class ________ Name________

Listening part(60)

I. listen and circle the words you hear.听音圈单词10

1. community Hippity 2. toy shop video shop 3. news just

4. post office police station 5. fire truck firefighter 6.next to between

7. riddle trip 8. Green Street Black Street 9.money monkey

10. movie theater restaurant

II. listen and circle the pictures you hear .听音圈图片10











III. Look ,listen and tick or cross.听音判断


A: 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) 5 ( )

B: 1. The toy shop is next to the supermarket. ( )

2. The video shop is between the supermarket and the bank. ( )

3. Hippity hop to the toy shop. I want to buy a toy bear. ( )

4. Where’s the school? ( )

5. The police car is going to the police station. ( )

IV. Listen and number the sentences.听音拍序号5

( ) The toy shop is next to the supermarket

( ) We are looking at the buildings in our city.

( ) Beijing is a big city in China.

( ) We ride the Metro to the post office.

( ) I want to go to my house.

V. Listen and number. 听音排序号


VI. Listen and circle the correct words.听音圈出所听到的单词5

1. The movie theater is next to the ( hospital restaurant).

2. (What Where)’s the toy shop?

3. The toy shop is (in on ) Green Street.

4. We are ( go going) on a school trip.

5. The video shop is ( next to, between ) the restaurant and the toy shop.

Ⅶ.Listen and choose the best answer. 听问句选择答句5

1 ( ) A Yes, there is . B No, there isn’t.

2( ) A Yes, there are. B No, there aren’t

3 ( ) A There is a bed . B It’s a bed.

4 ( ) A It’s next to the bank. B It’s under the tree.

5 ( ) A Yes, I do. B No, I don’t.

Ⅷ. Listen and write the words 听音写单词5.

This is our community. Our ___________ is next to the post office. The _______________is between the supermarket and the police station. The __________ is next to the toy shop. Where’s the ________ shop? It’s on Green ____________.

Writing part(40)

I. Odd one out. (5’) 圈出不同类单词

1. money letter monkey 2.park bank book

3. need want between 4city town trip

5. behind street next to

II. Circle the correct words (10’) 圈出正确单词

1. The post office is (on in ) Water Street.

2. I (need needs) colored paper. 3.Tom (live lives) in Dongguan.

4.“(Where What) can we go now?” we ask.

5. The bank is ( next to between ) the post office and the police station.

6. We are looking( at on) the buildings in our city.

7. She ( put puts) milk on the table.

8. Grandmother eats hot dog in the (restaurant bank).

9. Let’s (go to going to) the video shop.

10. You ride the (Metro Mexico) to the post office.

Ⅲ.Match (5’) 看问句选答句。

( ) Where do you live? A. It’s next to the toy shop.

( ) Where’s the post office in your town? B. I live in Dong guan.

( ) What building is it? C. In video shop.

( ) Where can you rent movies? D. No, I don’t.

( ) Do you need glue? E. It’s hospital.

Ⅳ. Answer the questions(5’) 看图回答问题。

1. Where is the restaurant? _____________________________.

2. Where can we watch movie? ___________________________.

3. It’s between the police station and the hospital, but it’s not restaurant. What building is it? _________________________________________.

4. Where is the fire truck? _____________________________.

5. What can we see in front of the police station? ___________________________.

Ⅴ. Correct. (5’)改错

1. I lives in Monterrey. _________________________.

2. We are walking in the street. ___________________.

3. The bank is next to the toy shop and the movie theater. _______________.

4. We get the money in the park. ____________________________.

5. “This bed is for me!” And she go to sleep.______________________.

VI. Reading. 阅读(5)

School Trip

Tom lives in Monterrey. It’s a big city in Mexico. Today they are going on a school trip. They ride the Metro to the post office. It is between the bank and the police station. They are walking on the Water Street to the hospital. They see an ambulance in the hospital. They say hello to the doctors. It is the end of the trip. They get ice cream cones and eat at the park. Jim wants to go to the video shop. But Lucy doesn’t want to go to the video shop. She wants to go home now.

1.( ) Where dose Tom live in? A. Metro B. Mexico

2.( ) They ______ to the post office. A. walk B. ride the metro

3.( ) Where is the bank?

A. It’s next to the post office. B. It’s next to the police station.

4.( ) What are they doing at the end of the trip?

A. Say hello to doctors. B. Eat ice cream cones.

5.( ) Where does Lucy want to go? A. Video shop. B. Her house. Ⅶ. Writing.写作(5)

My Community



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