


2011年11月煤炭学报JOURNAL OF CHINA COAL SOCIETY Vol.36Nov.No.112011优秀博士学位论文摘要



(1.中国矿业大学矿业工程学院,江苏徐州221116; 2.中国矿业大学煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室,江苏徐州221008)

摘要:大采高综采技术是厚煤层安全高效高采出率开采的重要发展方向,随着采高向6.0 7.0m 发展,采场煤壁片帮、冒顶、压架、支架失稳发生率高,且控制困难,已成为制约该技术推广应用的瓶颈。针对上述难题及采场片帮、冒顶、压架和支架失稳间互馈联动性强的特征,以6.0m 左右大采高综采采场为研究对象,采用理论分析、数值模拟、物理模拟、仿真试验及现场实测等手段,对大采高综采采场支架-围岩稳定控制机理进行了系统研究,得到了如下研究成果:

(1) 研究了大采高综采采场覆岩结构特征与支架合理承载。根据直接顶厚硬岩层对覆岩垮落具

有重要影响的特点,提出了大采高综采采场直接顶关键层的概念与确定方法,分析了其对覆岩垮落特征和超前支承压力分布的影响规律; 依据有无直接顶关键层对直接顶分类并计算支架工作阻力:Ⅰ类无直接顶关键层条件按4 8倍采高岩柱质量计算支架工作阻力,Ⅱ类有直接顶关键层条件支架工作阻力计算需考虑直接顶关键层厚度、强度与层位的影响。

(2) 研究了大采高综采支架的稳定控制机理。分析了基于失稳临界角的支架下滑、倾倒与尾部

受扭的力学特征; 采用敏感性分析方法对大采高综采采场支架稳定性进行控制,增强了支架稳定控制的针对性和有效性; 提出了端部底煤留设的新方式,实现了端部底煤回收与提高端部倾斜支架组稳定性的统一。

(3) 研究了高帮煤壁片帮机理与防治技术。煤壁片帮是一个由微观裂隙发育到宏观“楔形”滑动


“楔形”的微观机理; 基于高帮煤壁片帮特征实测,建立煤壁滑动体稳定性分析的三维力学模型,揭示


(4) 将煤壁稳定控制纳入采场支架-围岩控制体系中,提出了支架等效支护阻力和等效护帮力



(5) 采用系统动力学方法研究采场支架-围岩相互作用关系,初步建立了大采高综采采场“W -

R -F -S ”系统的SD 模型,通过Vensim 软件的仿真模拟,定量描述了不同控制策略条件下“W -R -F -S ”系统的稳定性。

(6) 上述研究成果在淮北矿业集团许疃煤矿7219工作面及阳煤集团寺家庄煤矿15104工作面得



关键词:大采高综采; 直接顶关键层; 煤壁片帮; 支架稳定性; 系统动力学

51004102) ; 江苏省“青蓝工程”基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51074164,资助项目; 江苏省高校优势学科建设项目; 煤炭资源与安全

开采国家重点实验室自主研究课题资助项目(SKLCRSM09X02) ; 江苏省普通高校研究生科技创新计划项目(CX09B -120Z )

作者简介:袁永(1983—),男,河南泌阳人,讲师,博士。E -mail :yy20062006@163. com

1956煤炭学报2011年第36卷Stability control mechanism of support-surrounding rocks at fully mechanized

mining face with great cutting height

2YUAN Yong 1,

(1.School of Mines ,China University of Mining &Technology ,Xuzhou 221116,China ; 2.State Key Laboratory of Coal Resource and Mine Safety ,China Uni-versity of Mining &Technology ,Xuzhou 221008,China )

Abstract :Fully mechanized mining technology with great cutting height is an important development trend with safety ,high efficiency and high recovery rate ,but it is hard to control the difficulties of rib spalling ,roof falling ,high support pressurizing and failure rate with the cutting height development to 6.0 7.0m which have become the prominent problems for the application of this technology.In order to face these challenges and consider the strong crossfeed con-

roof falling ,support pressurizing and failure ,this paper focused on 6.0m fully mechanized high nection of rib spalling ,

seam mining stope ,the theoretical analysis ,numerical simulation ,physical modeling ,simulation experiments ,simulation experiments and field measurement are used in this study and the mechanism of support-rock stability control in the

the following results are obtained :high seam mining stope is systemically researched ,

(1) The overlying rock structure and the reasonable loading of support in high seam mining is researched.Ac-cording to the important influence of direct overlying thick and hard roof rocks on the collapsing of under rock ,the con-cept and determination method of key direct overlying layer are proposed ,the overlying strata collapsing features and the distribution of advanced supporting pressure are analyzed.Based on whether the direct roof having the key direct o-

the direct support resistance is calculated ,type Ⅰwith no key direct overlying layer condition the verlying layer or not ,

support resistance is calculated by 4to 8times weight of cutting rock while the type Ⅱwith key direct overlying condi-tion the support resistance is calculated by considering the thickness ,intensity and of layer horizon features of key di-rect overlying layer.

(2) The stability control mechanism in high seam mining is researched.Based on the research of critical instabil-ity angle ,the mechanical characteristics of the support declining ,dumping and tail twisting are analyzed ,the sensitivity

the pertinence and validity of stabili-analysis method is used to control the support stability in high seam mining stope ,

ty control are enhanced ,the coal leaving method in the bottom is proposed ,the combination of bottom coal recovery and stability improvement of the bottom declining support group is achieved.

(3) The mechanism and prevention techniques of rib spalling of high coal wall are researched.Rib spalling is the instable process from micro fractures developing to macro “wedge ”sliding body ,in order to reveal the microscopic

the damage mechanics theory is used and the connection of coal wall damage variability and mechanism of rib spalling ,

the degree of fracture development is established ; based on the measurement of rib spalling of high coal wall character-istics ,the three-dimensional mechanical model of coal wall with “wedge ”sliding stability analysis is set up ,the main factors affecting its stability is analyzed ,the rib spalling macro mechanism is revealed ,high rib spalling control tech-nique is proposed.

(4) The coal wall stability control is put into the system of stope support-surrounding rock control system ,the concepts and calculation methods of support equivalent resistance and equivalent protecting force are proposed ,the in-teraction mechanism of high seam mining stope “Coal wall-Roof-Floor ”space rock movement and the support working state is revealed.

(5) The stope support-rock interaction relationship is researched using the system dynamics method ,the SD mod-el of high seam mining stope “Coal wall-Roof-Floor-Support ”(W-R-F-S ) system is initially established ,through the simulating by Vensim simulation software ,quantitative description of “W-R-F-S ”system stability under different con-trol conditions is achieved.

(6) The above results are applied and validated in the Xutuan 7219working face of Huaibei Coal Mining Group and Sijiazhuang 15104working face of Yangquan Coal Mining Group ,the pressure regulation ,coal wall spalling fea-tures and support-rock interaction relationship of the typical high seam mining stope are measured in in-situ situation.Key words :fully mechanized mining with great cutting height ; key direct overlying layer ; rib spalling ; support stabili-ty ; system dynamics



2011年11月煤炭学报JOURNAL OF CHINA COAL SOCIETY Vol.36Nov.No.112011优秀博士学位论文摘要



(1.中国矿业大学矿业工程学院,江苏徐州221116; 2.中国矿业大学煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室,江苏徐州221008)

摘要:大采高综采技术是厚煤层安全高效高采出率开采的重要发展方向,随着采高向6.0 7.0m 发展,采场煤壁片帮、冒顶、压架、支架失稳发生率高,且控制困难,已成为制约该技术推广应用的瓶颈。针对上述难题及采场片帮、冒顶、压架和支架失稳间互馈联动性强的特征,以6.0m 左右大采高综采采场为研究对象,采用理论分析、数值模拟、物理模拟、仿真试验及现场实测等手段,对大采高综采采场支架-围岩稳定控制机理进行了系统研究,得到了如下研究成果:

(1) 研究了大采高综采采场覆岩结构特征与支架合理承载。根据直接顶厚硬岩层对覆岩垮落具

有重要影响的特点,提出了大采高综采采场直接顶关键层的概念与确定方法,分析了其对覆岩垮落特征和超前支承压力分布的影响规律; 依据有无直接顶关键层对直接顶分类并计算支架工作阻力:Ⅰ类无直接顶关键层条件按4 8倍采高岩柱质量计算支架工作阻力,Ⅱ类有直接顶关键层条件支架工作阻力计算需考虑直接顶关键层厚度、强度与层位的影响。

(2) 研究了大采高综采支架的稳定控制机理。分析了基于失稳临界角的支架下滑、倾倒与尾部

受扭的力学特征; 采用敏感性分析方法对大采高综采采场支架稳定性进行控制,增强了支架稳定控制的针对性和有效性; 提出了端部底煤留设的新方式,实现了端部底煤回收与提高端部倾斜支架组稳定性的统一。

(3) 研究了高帮煤壁片帮机理与防治技术。煤壁片帮是一个由微观裂隙发育到宏观“楔形”滑动


“楔形”的微观机理; 基于高帮煤壁片帮特征实测,建立煤壁滑动体稳定性分析的三维力学模型,揭示


(4) 将煤壁稳定控制纳入采场支架-围岩控制体系中,提出了支架等效支护阻力和等效护帮力



(5) 采用系统动力学方法研究采场支架-围岩相互作用关系,初步建立了大采高综采采场“W -

R -F -S ”系统的SD 模型,通过Vensim 软件的仿真模拟,定量描述了不同控制策略条件下“W -R -F -S ”系统的稳定性。

(6) 上述研究成果在淮北矿业集团许疃煤矿7219工作面及阳煤集团寺家庄煤矿15104工作面得



关键词:大采高综采; 直接顶关键层; 煤壁片帮; 支架稳定性; 系统动力学

51004102) ; 江苏省“青蓝工程”基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51074164,资助项目; 江苏省高校优势学科建设项目; 煤炭资源与安全

开采国家重点实验室自主研究课题资助项目(SKLCRSM09X02) ; 江苏省普通高校研究生科技创新计划项目(CX09B -120Z )

作者简介:袁永(1983—),男,河南泌阳人,讲师,博士。E -mail :yy20062006@163. com

1956煤炭学报2011年第36卷Stability control mechanism of support-surrounding rocks at fully mechanized

mining face with great cutting height

2YUAN Yong 1,

(1.School of Mines ,China University of Mining &Technology ,Xuzhou 221116,China ; 2.State Key Laboratory of Coal Resource and Mine Safety ,China Uni-versity of Mining &Technology ,Xuzhou 221008,China )

Abstract :Fully mechanized mining technology with great cutting height is an important development trend with safety ,high efficiency and high recovery rate ,but it is hard to control the difficulties of rib spalling ,roof falling ,high support pressurizing and failure rate with the cutting height development to 6.0 7.0m which have become the prominent problems for the application of this technology.In order to face these challenges and consider the strong crossfeed con-

roof falling ,support pressurizing and failure ,this paper focused on 6.0m fully mechanized high nection of rib spalling ,

seam mining stope ,the theoretical analysis ,numerical simulation ,physical modeling ,simulation experiments ,simulation experiments and field measurement are used in this study and the mechanism of support-rock stability control in the

the following results are obtained :high seam mining stope is systemically researched ,

(1) The overlying rock structure and the reasonable loading of support in high seam mining is researched.Ac-cording to the important influence of direct overlying thick and hard roof rocks on the collapsing of under rock ,the con-cept and determination method of key direct overlying layer are proposed ,the overlying strata collapsing features and the distribution of advanced supporting pressure are analyzed.Based on whether the direct roof having the key direct o-

the direct support resistance is calculated ,type Ⅰwith no key direct overlying layer condition the verlying layer or not ,

support resistance is calculated by 4to 8times weight of cutting rock while the type Ⅱwith key direct overlying condi-tion the support resistance is calculated by considering the thickness ,intensity and of layer horizon features of key di-rect overlying layer.

(2) The stability control mechanism in high seam mining is researched.Based on the research of critical instabil-ity angle ,the mechanical characteristics of the support declining ,dumping and tail twisting are analyzed ,the sensitivity

the pertinence and validity of stabili-analysis method is used to control the support stability in high seam mining stope ,

ty control are enhanced ,the coal leaving method in the bottom is proposed ,the combination of bottom coal recovery and stability improvement of the bottom declining support group is achieved.

(3) The mechanism and prevention techniques of rib spalling of high coal wall are researched.Rib spalling is the instable process from micro fractures developing to macro “wedge ”sliding body ,in order to reveal the microscopic

the damage mechanics theory is used and the connection of coal wall damage variability and mechanism of rib spalling ,

the degree of fracture development is established ; based on the measurement of rib spalling of high coal wall character-istics ,the three-dimensional mechanical model of coal wall with “wedge ”sliding stability analysis is set up ,the main factors affecting its stability is analyzed ,the rib spalling macro mechanism is revealed ,high rib spalling control tech-nique is proposed.

(4) The coal wall stability control is put into the system of stope support-surrounding rock control system ,the concepts and calculation methods of support equivalent resistance and equivalent protecting force are proposed ,the in-teraction mechanism of high seam mining stope “Coal wall-Roof-Floor ”space rock movement and the support working state is revealed.

(5) The stope support-rock interaction relationship is researched using the system dynamics method ,the SD mod-el of high seam mining stope “Coal wall-Roof-Floor-Support ”(W-R-F-S ) system is initially established ,through the simulating by Vensim simulation software ,quantitative description of “W-R-F-S ”system stability under different con-trol conditions is achieved.

(6) The above results are applied and validated in the Xutuan 7219working face of Huaibei Coal Mining Group and Sijiazhuang 15104working face of Yangquan Coal Mining Group ,the pressure regulation ,coal wall spalling fea-tures and support-rock interaction relationship of the typical high seam mining stope are measured in in-situ situation.Key words :fully mechanized mining with great cutting height ; key direct overlying layer ; rib spalling ; support stabili-ty ; system dynamics


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