语法填空 (解析)


规则5.1:两个完整个句子之间,要填连词(判断前后句子间的关系,时间、条件、转折) (13广东) So Nick called to his son, “Go to the cillage and buy some salt, but pay a fair price for it : neither too 简 much too little. ” ( 此题为固定搭配 ) 连 单 (12广东) . 句 (11广东the bus arrived. (08广东) He was very tired after doing this for a whole day, he felt very happy. 规则5.2:同位语从句,填连词that (没有实际意思) 连 (10广东) We understand this lesson best . (有的填when ) 从 (08广东) One day, he an . 规则5.3:定语从句。如果是“完整句子1 + + 完整句子2”, 并且“ 完整句子2”是对“完整句子1”里的某句 关 个地点、时间、原因进行限制、修饰,那么就要考虑 “定语从句”关系副词 系 (09广东) Jane paused(暂停) in front of a counter some attractive ties were . 副 (07广东) The head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to a small town some(大约) 20 kilometers 词 away (车库) . 思考:以上两题,填because 行不? 总规则6:名词前面有可能填“不定冠词”、 “定冠词” (每年只出1道题) a 3


the 1 3


代 或

(一) 介

面 简 单 句 从

句 代 (二) 动 词 前 面

(三) 前

代 其

(四) 它

代 3 1 规则6.1:名词前面有可能填“不定冠词a ” (13广东) “, there was only unfairness in the world (09广东) Besides,shopping at this time of the year was not pleasant experience (07广东) The head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to small town some 20 kilometers away where there was a garage(车库) . 规则6.2:名词前面有可能填“不定冠词an ” (11广东) We had amazing conversation. 规则6.3:名词前面有可能填“定冠词the ” (12广东) But she quickly realize d that it wasn’t her, it was probably the fact that she sat in . (10广东) A young man (泉水) of clear water. . (08广东) A man in the Song Dynasty was very anxious to helprice crop(稻谷) grow up quickly 总规则7: (一) 动词、介词后面有空格,则差“宾语”,只能填代词 (代词分3种:人称代词、物主代词、不定代词) (二) 动词前面有空格,则差“主语”,只能填代词 (三) 名词前面有空格,只能填代词 在简单句中,代词每年基本有2道题(12年只1道题) ,但2013年1题都没有(只1道定语从句) ,这与常理不符。 第7.1类:在简单句中,“及物动词+ ”,则差“宾语”,必须填“代词” (人称代词) (12广东) “Do you need those glasses for medical reasons ?” the techer asked . The new boy shook his head . “Then I’d appreciate it if you didn’t wear them in class”. Then he took off , gave a big smile (10广东) He asked his teacher, “Sir, the water was awful. Why did you (09广东) she knew that this was a present which please . (08广东) He was . (动词短语也一样) (07广东) I wanted to reward the old woman for the trouble I had caused 第7.2类:在定语从句中(介+关系代词) (11广东,but after some minutes they walked away. 第7.3类:在宾语从句中(关系代词) (12广东) The new boy looked at the teacher for a few seconds and all the other students wonder ed the boy would do . (what 充当后面句子do 的宾语,后面整个句子再充当wonder 的宾语) 第7.4类:在简单句中,“ +动词”,则差“主语”,必须填“代词” (11广东) Behind him were other people to whom he was trying to talk,but after some minutes (09广东) She remembered how difficult was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father. 第7.5类:在复合句(从句)中,“ +动词”,则差“主语”,必须填“关系代词” (定从) (13广东) Nick’s guests, heard their conversation, asked why they should not buy salt more cheaply if they could. (12广东) Of course whenever they turnd to look at him, they had to look at Mary, made her feel like a star. (which 指代前面整个句子) (10广东) He filled his leather container so that he could bring some back to an elder had been his teacher (宾从) (07广东) I was wondering where I was going to spend the night when I realize d that the villagers who had gathered around me were arguing (关于) should have the honor of receiving me as a guest in their house . (who 充当后面句子should 的主语,后面整个句子再充当as to的宾语) 第7.6类:“ +名词”,填代词 (物主代词、不定代词) (10广东) After the student left, the teacher let student taste the water. (08广东) A short-tempered man in the Song Dynasty was very anxious to helprice crop grow up quickly (07广东) villagers brought me goat's cheese and hone. 第7.7类:其它 (11广东) I’m glad I made a choice. of us feel good.


名词前面有可能填介词。 在10、11、12年中都只出现1道题。 在07、08、09、13年中都同时出现2道题。 at for 第8.1类:at 常见意思:① 以…(价格、速度…) ② 在…上、旁边 ③ (13广东) Nick repli ed, “ The only reason a man would sell salt a lower price would be because he was 2 desperate (渴望) for money. (09广东) When Jane got home,her parents were already table having supper. 第8.2类:for 常见意思: ① 为了\因为… 3 (13广东) And anyone who that situation would be showing (缺乏) respect the sweat (汗水) and struggle of the man who worked very hard to produce it. ” (07广东) I wanted to reward the old woman (reward sb. for sth.) ② 做…事做了多久 (12广东) The new boy looked at the teacher a few seconds. 1






with behind 11 as on after 副词 第8.3类:with 常见意思:① 带着(表示伴随状态) ② ③ (10广东) The young man went homea happy heart. (带着一颗快乐的心) 第8.4类:behind 常见意思:①在…背后 ② ③ (08广东in Chinese people’s daily life. proverbs there are often interesting stories. (在每个习语的背后都隐藏着一个有趣的故事) 第8.5类:as 常见意思:① 作为、当作 ② ③ (07广东关于) who should have the honor of receiving me . 第8.6类:on 用于固定搭配 (11广东) I didn’t want to for talking to him but I didn’t like leaving him either. (09广东) She found some good quality pipes 第8.7类:after 常见意思:①在…之后 ② ③ (08广东) He was very tireddoing this for a whole day, but he felt very happy. (B1U1) (13广东) “I can understand why I shouldn’t pay too much, Father, but if I can pay less, not save money?”

如 何 做 好 语 法 填 空

★★★★★★★★★ 记住以下“规则”,语法填空就像1+1=2那么容易 ★★★★★★★★★

1. 学会分析,_____、_____、_____3大主要成份,

2. 空格只能填4类词:______、_____、_____、_____,_____、_____、_____






动------1. 充当谓语 (3要素:时态、主被动、单复数。如果句子里没有谓语动词,那么括号里所给的动词就充当谓语动词。然


2. 充当非谓语 (3如果句子中已经有谓语动词,那么括号里所给的动词

就是非谓语。然后判断“动词和它前面的名词在逻辑上是什么关系”。就要用to do)

形------ 用在名词前。如果用来修饰______、_____、_____,就要变成副词。

如果“名词1 +名词2. ”,就要把“名词1”变成形容词。

副------ when, where, why, how,必须和完整的句子连用,说明某一动作发生的时间、地点、原因、方式。其用法和连词类似。 介------用在名词前面、不及物动词后面 (talk about \ with \ to, live in…)

如果是“_____ +n.”或“_____ v-ing”形式,那么“_____”就要填介词

代------用在名词前面、及物动词、介词后面。动词前面有空格,缺_____,要填_____. 及物动词后面有空格,缺_____,要填_____ 连------用在完整的句子前面、两个完整的句子的中间。如果一个句子前面是一个空格,那么空格处要填连词,然后再根据前、后

两句的逻辑关系来填一个恰当的连词,比如but, although, however, whether, if, because…. 如果意思不缺,就填that 冠------用在名词前面 (a, an放在首次提到名词前,the 放在重复提到的名词前,或者特指某个东西)


规则5.1:两个完整个句子之间,要填连词(判断前后句子间的关系,时间、条件、转折) (13广东) So Nick called to his son, “Go to the cillage and buy some salt, but pay a fair price for it : neither too 简 much too little. ” ( 此题为固定搭配 ) 连 单 (12广东) . 句 (11广东the bus arrived. (08广东) He was very tired after doing this for a whole day, he felt very happy. 规则5.2:同位语从句,填连词that (没有实际意思) 连 (10广东) We understand this lesson best . (有的填when ) 从 (08广东) One day, he an . 规则5.3:定语从句。如果是“完整句子1 + + 完整句子2”, 并且“ 完整句子2”是对“完整句子1”里的某句 关 个地点、时间、原因进行限制、修饰,那么就要考虑 “定语从句”关系副词 系 (09广东) Jane paused(暂停) in front of a counter some attractive ties were . 副 (07广东) The head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to a small town some(大约) 20 kilometers 词 away (车库) . 思考:以上两题,填because 行不? 总规则6:名词前面有可能填“不定冠词”、 “定冠词” (每年只出1道题) a 3


the 1 3


代 或

(一) 介

面 简 单 句 从

句 代 (二) 动 词 前 面

(三) 前

代 其

(四) 它

代 3 1 规则6.1:名词前面有可能填“不定冠词a ” (13广东) “, there was only unfairness in the world (09广东) Besides,shopping at this time of the year was not pleasant experience (07广东) The head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to small town some 20 kilometers away where there was a garage(车库) . 规则6.2:名词前面有可能填“不定冠词an ” (11广东) We had amazing conversation. 规则6.3:名词前面有可能填“定冠词the ” (12广东) But she quickly realize d that it wasn’t her, it was probably the fact that she sat in . (10广东) A young man (泉水) of clear water. . (08广东) A man in the Song Dynasty was very anxious to helprice crop(稻谷) grow up quickly 总规则7: (一) 动词、介词后面有空格,则差“宾语”,只能填代词 (代词分3种:人称代词、物主代词、不定代词) (二) 动词前面有空格,则差“主语”,只能填代词 (三) 名词前面有空格,只能填代词 在简单句中,代词每年基本有2道题(12年只1道题) ,但2013年1题都没有(只1道定语从句) ,这与常理不符。 第7.1类:在简单句中,“及物动词+ ”,则差“宾语”,必须填“代词” (人称代词) (12广东) “Do you need those glasses for medical reasons ?” the techer asked . The new boy shook his head . “Then I’d appreciate it if you didn’t wear them in class”. Then he took off , gave a big smile (10广东) He asked his teacher, “Sir, the water was awful. Why did you (09广东) she knew that this was a present which please . (08广东) He was . (动词短语也一样) (07广东) I wanted to reward the old woman for the trouble I had caused 第7.2类:在定语从句中(介+关系代词) (11广东,but after some minutes they walked away. 第7.3类:在宾语从句中(关系代词) (12广东) The new boy looked at the teacher for a few seconds and all the other students wonder ed the boy would do . (what 充当后面句子do 的宾语,后面整个句子再充当wonder 的宾语) 第7.4类:在简单句中,“ +动词”,则差“主语”,必须填“代词” (11广东) Behind him were other people to whom he was trying to talk,but after some minutes (09广东) She remembered how difficult was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father. 第7.5类:在复合句(从句)中,“ +动词”,则差“主语”,必须填“关系代词” (定从) (13广东) Nick’s guests, heard their conversation, asked why they should not buy salt more cheaply if they could. (12广东) Of course whenever they turnd to look at him, they had to look at Mary, made her feel like a star. (which 指代前面整个句子) (10广东) He filled his leather container so that he could bring some back to an elder had been his teacher (宾从) (07广东) I was wondering where I was going to spend the night when I realize d that the villagers who had gathered around me were arguing (关于) should have the honor of receiving me as a guest in their house . (who 充当后面句子should 的主语,后面整个句子再充当as to的宾语) 第7.6类:“ +名词”,填代词 (物主代词、不定代词) (10广东) After the student left, the teacher let student taste the water. (08广东) A short-tempered man in the Song Dynasty was very anxious to helprice crop grow up quickly (07广东) villagers brought me goat's cheese and hone. 第7.7类:其它 (11广东) I’m glad I made a choice. of us feel good.


名词前面有可能填介词。 在10、11、12年中都只出现1道题。 在07、08、09、13年中都同时出现2道题。 at for 第8.1类:at 常见意思:① 以…(价格、速度…) ② 在…上、旁边 ③ (13广东) Nick repli ed, “ The only reason a man would sell salt a lower price would be because he was 2 desperate (渴望) for money. (09广东) When Jane got home,her parents were already table having supper. 第8.2类:for 常见意思: ① 为了\因为… 3 (13广东) And anyone who that situation would be showing (缺乏) respect the sweat (汗水) and struggle of the man who worked very hard to produce it. ” (07广东) I wanted to reward the old woman (reward sb. for sth.) ② 做…事做了多久 (12广东) The new boy looked at the teacher a few seconds. 1






with behind 11 as on after 副词 第8.3类:with 常见意思:① 带着(表示伴随状态) ② ③ (10广东) The young man went homea happy heart. (带着一颗快乐的心) 第8.4类:behind 常见意思:①在…背后 ② ③ (08广东in Chinese people’s daily life. proverbs there are often interesting stories. (在每个习语的背后都隐藏着一个有趣的故事) 第8.5类:as 常见意思:① 作为、当作 ② ③ (07广东关于) who should have the honor of receiving me . 第8.6类:on 用于固定搭配 (11广东) I didn’t want to for talking to him but I didn’t like leaving him either. (09广东) She found some good quality pipes 第8.7类:after 常见意思:①在…之后 ② ③ (08广东) He was very tireddoing this for a whole day, but he felt very happy. (B1U1) (13广东) “I can understand why I shouldn’t pay too much, Father, but if I can pay less, not save money?”

如 何 做 好 语 法 填 空

★★★★★★★★★ 记住以下“规则”,语法填空就像1+1=2那么容易 ★★★★★★★★★

1. 学会分析,_____、_____、_____3大主要成份,

2. 空格只能填4类词:______、_____、_____、_____,_____、_____、_____






动------1. 充当谓语 (3要素:时态、主被动、单复数。如果句子里没有谓语动词,那么括号里所给的动词就充当谓语动词。然


2. 充当非谓语 (3如果句子中已经有谓语动词,那么括号里所给的动词

就是非谓语。然后判断“动词和它前面的名词在逻辑上是什么关系”。就要用to do)

形------ 用在名词前。如果用来修饰______、_____、_____,就要变成副词。

如果“名词1 +名词2. ”,就要把“名词1”变成形容词。

副------ when, where, why, how,必须和完整的句子连用,说明某一动作发生的时间、地点、原因、方式。其用法和连词类似。 介------用在名词前面、不及物动词后面 (talk about \ with \ to, live in…)

如果是“_____ +n.”或“_____ v-ing”形式,那么“_____”就要填介词

代------用在名词前面、及物动词、介词后面。动词前面有空格,缺_____,要填_____. 及物动词后面有空格,缺_____,要填_____ 连------用在完整的句子前面、两个完整的句子的中间。如果一个句子前面是一个空格,那么空格处要填连词,然后再根据前、后

两句的逻辑关系来填一个恰当的连词,比如but, although, however, whether, if, because…. 如果意思不缺,就填that 冠------用在名词前面 (a, an放在首次提到名词前,the 放在重复提到的名词前,或者特指某个东西)


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