

⑴ 忧郁











忧郁 ---- 贯穿剧目的始终。

从他穿着丧服登场,到古堡待父,到破相装疯,到戏中作戏,到后宫劝母,到海上窥奸,到墓场葬礼,到宫庭比武,一直到他最后毁灭,忧郁一直没有离开过他。因而, 没有忧郁,也就没有哈姆雷特。 ⑵犹豫


1. 他知道了双方的情况,正确的估计了敌我力量的对比过于悬殊。整个时代混乱, 而拯救者只有一个人, 那就是"倒霉的我!"给予自己全部的希望,这样,以一个人的力量对抗整个社会,他知道这场斗争的难度,导致他行动的犹豫。

2. 既要为父报仇,又要扭转局面,一身二任。

这种独扭局面的重任与势单力薄的矛盾,只能产生哀叹: 一个任务尚且力不从心,何况两个?这就带来他行动的双重犹豫。







哈姆雷特的毁灭, 向我们揭示了人文主义的时代悲剧。 客观上,阶级力量对比的悬殊,敌强我弱;







There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes.





"Hamlet" character image analysis

⑴ Depression

A. Depression source ----the ideal of destruction

Hamlet was born a prince, he was noble, elegant, courageous, intelligent, the pursuit of pure love, belong to high society’s ruling class. Hamlet Wittenberg University in Germany, to accept the influence of humanism, his people have a better view of the relationship between people: love, friendship but also have their own views in the hope that sincere equal relationships instead of respectable and humble, hierarchical feudal relations. This time, he is young and optimistic, what is fantasy. Visible, Hamlet should be a happy prince, with position, title, rights and love ...... is a parent's pride and future heir to the throne, placed in front of him is a better future and destiny. However, with the growing encountered in reality changes, his ideal grand completely destroyed. Started by noble prince to mortal transition, taste the ups and downs of life, fall into contradictions and pain.Bad things constantly happen suddenly, breaking him about life, world, love, friendship, the future and other fantasies.

Humans not OK, Claudius once climbed the throne, and many people fawning on him, in order to kingship, and murder his brother.

Love is not faithful, his father died less than two months, his mother remarried Claudius, which was long than this sad some of it?

Friendship is not reliable, a friends for their own interests, they are

willing to monitor Hamlet; Even Ophelia also own doubts and temptations. Not consciously become usurpers tool.

Claudius evil, court corruption, the upper fall and so on. This is a chaotic society! The ideal of destruction so that he cannot afford this overload pressure him into the spiritual crisis, resulting in a depression.

B. deep depression

He used a deep insight, analysis realistic; uncover social evil, so that he becomes more depression. He continues to explore the spiritual world, a more serious social evil, and these new sins and gave him more depression is unthinkable.

C. Depression years

Melancholy ---- throughout repertoire has always been.

He was dressed in mourning from emergence to the castle to be a parent and so on, until he finally destroyed, depression has not left him. Thus, there is no depression, there is no Hamlet.

⑵ Hesitation

A. hesitation reason

One he knew the situation between the two sides, the correct estimation of the struggle between the forces of contrast is too poor. Society as a whole mess, and savior only one person, that is, “I’m bad!” Give all their hopes so that a person's strength against the whole community, he knows the difficulty of the struggle that led to his actions


He should not only give father revenge, but also reverse the situation; this is a win-win method.

This unique situation of the task and the contradiction can only produce sigh: a task powerless, not to mention two? This brings his action more and more hesitation.

B. hesitate performance

He is a philosopher rather than the doer, he was sensitive to the action instead of thinking, he did not necessarily grasp before, only the imagination, to act from his thinking this is a complicated process.

He was determined to act but I do not know how to act, he was not easy to wait for an opportunity to kill Claudius, will be able to avenge his father, however, consider it useless to make him miss this opportunity.

C. hesitate Results

Waiting for an opportunity and opportunity does not come, once arrived , they miss the opportunity ; fantasy action is delayed , it takes determination to serve the country , but not a strategy to save the troubled world , only to end up increasingly melancholy increasingly hesitation. Results, actions hesitation, led to his destruction.

4. Hamlet image meanings:

Hamlet reveals to us the destruction and tragic humanism.

From the two perspectives, one is the objective, the class forces

in the poor, against a stronger enemy;

The other one is subjective; it has not overcome the depression, indecision and other weaknesses.

Hamlet has his own mental weakness, but he also has a side of the guilty of evil, this is a too strong objective reason, this is the tragedy of the times, but also the humanist tragedy. Thus his destruction, not just for their own personal reasons, but he has such an outcome is not beyond that era historical limitations of humanist caused.

Shakespeare said, "one thousand one thousand spectators eyes of Hamlet"


⑴ 忧郁











忧郁 ---- 贯穿剧目的始终。

从他穿着丧服登场,到古堡待父,到破相装疯,到戏中作戏,到后宫劝母,到海上窥奸,到墓场葬礼,到宫庭比武,一直到他最后毁灭,忧郁一直没有离开过他。因而, 没有忧郁,也就没有哈姆雷特。 ⑵犹豫


1. 他知道了双方的情况,正确的估计了敌我力量的对比过于悬殊。整个时代混乱, 而拯救者只有一个人, 那就是"倒霉的我!"给予自己全部的希望,这样,以一个人的力量对抗整个社会,他知道这场斗争的难度,导致他行动的犹豫。

2. 既要为父报仇,又要扭转局面,一身二任。

这种独扭局面的重任与势单力薄的矛盾,只能产生哀叹: 一个任务尚且力不从心,何况两个?这就带来他行动的双重犹豫。







哈姆雷特的毁灭, 向我们揭示了人文主义的时代悲剧。 客观上,阶级力量对比的悬殊,敌强我弱;







There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes.





"Hamlet" character image analysis

⑴ Depression

A. Depression source ----the ideal of destruction

Hamlet was born a prince, he was noble, elegant, courageous, intelligent, the pursuit of pure love, belong to high society’s ruling class. Hamlet Wittenberg University in Germany, to accept the influence of humanism, his people have a better view of the relationship between people: love, friendship but also have their own views in the hope that sincere equal relationships instead of respectable and humble, hierarchical feudal relations. This time, he is young and optimistic, what is fantasy. Visible, Hamlet should be a happy prince, with position, title, rights and love ...... is a parent's pride and future heir to the throne, placed in front of him is a better future and destiny. However, with the growing encountered in reality changes, his ideal grand completely destroyed. Started by noble prince to mortal transition, taste the ups and downs of life, fall into contradictions and pain.Bad things constantly happen suddenly, breaking him about life, world, love, friendship, the future and other fantasies.

Humans not OK, Claudius once climbed the throne, and many people fawning on him, in order to kingship, and murder his brother.

Love is not faithful, his father died less than two months, his mother remarried Claudius, which was long than this sad some of it?

Friendship is not reliable, a friends for their own interests, they are

willing to monitor Hamlet; Even Ophelia also own doubts and temptations. Not consciously become usurpers tool.

Claudius evil, court corruption, the upper fall and so on. This is a chaotic society! The ideal of destruction so that he cannot afford this overload pressure him into the spiritual crisis, resulting in a depression.

B. deep depression

He used a deep insight, analysis realistic; uncover social evil, so that he becomes more depression. He continues to explore the spiritual world, a more serious social evil, and these new sins and gave him more depression is unthinkable.

C. Depression years

Melancholy ---- throughout repertoire has always been.

He was dressed in mourning from emergence to the castle to be a parent and so on, until he finally destroyed, depression has not left him. Thus, there is no depression, there is no Hamlet.

⑵ Hesitation

A. hesitation reason

One he knew the situation between the two sides, the correct estimation of the struggle between the forces of contrast is too poor. Society as a whole mess, and savior only one person, that is, “I’m bad!” Give all their hopes so that a person's strength against the whole community, he knows the difficulty of the struggle that led to his actions


He should not only give father revenge, but also reverse the situation; this is a win-win method.

This unique situation of the task and the contradiction can only produce sigh: a task powerless, not to mention two? This brings his action more and more hesitation.

B. hesitate performance

He is a philosopher rather than the doer, he was sensitive to the action instead of thinking, he did not necessarily grasp before, only the imagination, to act from his thinking this is a complicated process.

He was determined to act but I do not know how to act, he was not easy to wait for an opportunity to kill Claudius, will be able to avenge his father, however, consider it useless to make him miss this opportunity.

C. hesitate Results

Waiting for an opportunity and opportunity does not come, once arrived , they miss the opportunity ; fantasy action is delayed , it takes determination to serve the country , but not a strategy to save the troubled world , only to end up increasingly melancholy increasingly hesitation. Results, actions hesitation, led to his destruction.

4. Hamlet image meanings:

Hamlet reveals to us the destruction and tragic humanism.

From the two perspectives, one is the objective, the class forces

in the poor, against a stronger enemy;

The other one is subjective; it has not overcome the depression, indecision and other weaknesses.

Hamlet has his own mental weakness, but he also has a side of the guilty of evil, this is a too strong objective reason, this is the tragedy of the times, but also the humanist tragedy. Thus his destruction, not just for their own personal reasons, but he has such an outcome is not beyond that era historical limitations of humanist caused.

Shakespeare said, "one thousand one thousand spectators eyes of Hamlet"


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